81,809 research outputs found

    Applications for E-commerce Sales by Handphone Online on Using Joomla Sukma Cellular and Xampp

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    E-commerce is the process of buying and selling services or products between bothparties through the Internet. E-commerce is also a kind of mechanism electronicbusiness with a focus on individual-based business transactions with use the Internetas a medium of exchange of goods or services, both among agencies or individualswith institutions.In this globalization era, the sale and purchase of many conduct transactions on theInternet. There are putting stuff in the blog, as well as sites like Friendster andFacebook had become an arena for selling.In designing e-commerce for the online mobile phone sales will discuss how to createan online store that is open 24 hours will facilitate sales and purchases without havingto come directly into store

    A Novel Identity Based Blind Signature Scheme using DLP for E-Commerce

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    Abstract— Blind signatures are used in the most of the application where confidentiality and authenticity are the main issue. Blind signature scheme deals with concept where requester sends the request that the signer should sign on a blind message without looking at the content. Many ID based blind signature are proposed using bilinear pairings and elliptic curve. But the relative computation cost of the pairing in bilinear pairings and ID map into an elliptic curve are huge. In order to save the running time and the size of the signature, this paper proposed a scheme having the property of both concepts identity based blind signature that is based on Discrete Logarithm Problem, so as we know that DLP is a computational hard problem and hence the proposed scheme achieves all essential and secondary security prematurity. With the help of the proposed scheme, this paper implemented an E-commerce system in a secure way. E-commerce is one of the most concern applications of ID based blind signature scheme. E-commerce consisting selling and buying of products or services over the internet and open network. ID based blind signature scheme basically has been used enormously as a part of today’s focussed business. Our proposed scheme can be also be used in E-business, E-voting and E-cashing anywhere without any restriction DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15060

    E-Commerce Pandemic Covid-19 Home Industries and SMEs

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    This study aims to identify and analyze the impact of the Covid-19 on the home industry and SMEs sector. The research method used was a literature study. Literature study is method research conducted by examining ten previous studies on strategies to survive the SMEs during the pandemic. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are on the edge of a cliff. The Covid-19 pandemic caused the economic downturn. The lockdown stopped economic activity, reduced demand, and reduced interactions with others. At the beginning of the lockdown, SMEs one by one suffered losses and went bankrupt. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the home industry and SMEs sector is certainly influential because it has made a significant contribution to the economy in this field. The results showed that the use of information technology had been applied quite widely in various areas. Quite a lot of offline shops have also tried to open shops online, e-commerce sites, and even web e-commerce, apart from being accessed via the web, are also widely available. From the use of computers and the internet in managing their business. The conclusion that millennial customers' online buying interest during the Covid-19 outbreak was not influenced by product prices but influenced by millennial customer trust


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    Kemajuan teknologi khususnya internet pada abad 21 memunculkan tantangan yang unik dan kompleks, salah satunya adalah kemajuan di dunia digital yang telah membawa transformasi signifikan pada sistem ekonomi. Salah satu peluang dari kemajuan tersebut adalah munculnya transaksi jual beli online atau transaksi bisnis digital yang mengandalkan pemberdayaan internet yang dikenal dengan e-commerce. E-commerce telah menjadi peluang penting bagi perkembangan ekonomi kewarganegaraan di berbagai negara termasuk di Indonesia. Alasan kuat mengapa penelitian ini menjadi penting adalah karena perubahan paradigma dalam dunia bisnis. E-commerce telah mengubah cara tradisional bisnis dilakukan dengan membuka akses yang lebih luas untuk berbagai jenis produk dan layanan. Namun, untuk dapat mengambil manfaat sepenuhnya dari peluang e-commerce tersebut individu terutama mahasiswa sebagai calon pengusaha masa depan, harus memiliki pemahaman yang mendalam tentang bagaimana memanfaatkan platform ini secara efektif. Dalam konteks ini, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) memiliki peran penting untuk mempersiapkan mahasiswanya dalam menghadapi tantangan dan peluang dalam era digital. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keterampilan kewarganegaraan digital mahasiswa Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia khususnya dalam memanfaatkan e-commerce sebagai sebuah peluang dalam berwirausaha. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus untuk mengeksplorasi secara mendalam keterampilan kewarganegaraan digital mahasiswa UPI dalam memanfaatkan e- commerce dalam konteks bisnis dan kewirausahaan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara, observasi, analisis dokumen dan catatan lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterampilan kewarganegaraan digital mahasiswa UPI dalam memanfaatkan e-commerce masih belum mencapai tingkat optimal. Peran UPI, khususnya melalui Direktorat Inovasi dan Pusat Unggulan Universitas (DIPUU) sangatlah penting dalam memberikan dukungan kepada mahasiswa dalam mengembangkan keterampilan kewarganegaraan digital. Program-program yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman mereka tentang aspek-aspek penting seperti kesadaran digital, etika digital, keamanan cyber, dan partisipasi aktif dalam ruang maya dapat memberikan landasan yang kokoh bagi mahasiswa dalam memanfaatkan e-commerce dengan lebih efektif. Pemanfaatan e-commerce oleh mahasiswa UPI terutama terlihat dalam dua konteks utama, yaitu sebagai konsumen dan sebagai wirausaha. Namun, masih ada hambatan dalam mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan e-commerce sebagai wirausaha. Hal ini disebabkan oleh orientasi dan mindset yang masih perlu ditingkatkan untuk mendorong mahasiswa menjadi lebih proaktif dalam berwirausaha melalui platform digital. Dalam konteks universitas, terdapat beberapa langkah yang dapat diambil untuk memanfaatkan e-commerce sebagai peluang bisnis yang lebih efektif. Mahasiswa dapat didorong untuk membuka toko online, menjual produk kreatif yang unik, dan menyediakan layanan online yang memenuhi kebutuhan pasar. Kata Kunci: Kewarganegaraan Digital, E-Commerce, Ekonomi Kewarganegaraan Advances in technology, especially the internet in the 21st century, raises unique and complex challenges, one of which is progress in the digital world which has brought significant transformations to the economic system. One of the opportunities for this progress is the emergence of online buying and selling transactions or digital business transactions that rely on internet empowerment, known as e-commerce. E-commerce has become an important opportunity for the development of the citizenship economy in various countries, including in Indonesia. The strong reason why this research is important is because of the paradigm shift in the business world. E-commerce has changed the traditional way of doing business by opening wider access to various types of products and services. However, to be able to take full advantage of these e-commerce opportunities individuals, especially students as future entrepreneurs, must have a deep understanding of how to utilize this platform effectively. In this context, the Indonesian University of Education (UPI) has an important role to play in preparing its students to face challenges and opportunities in the digital era. This study aims to analyze the digital citizenship skills of Indonesian University of Education students, especially in utilizing e-commerce as an opportunity for entrepreneurship. This study uses a qualitative approach with the case study method to explore in depth the digital citizenship skills of UPI students in utilizing e-commerce in a business and entrepreneurial context. Data collection was carried out by means of interviews, observation, document analysis and field notes. The results of the study show that UPI students' digital citizenship skills in utilizing e-commerce have not yet reached an optimal level. The role of UPI, especially through the Direktorat Inovasi dan Pusat Unggulan Universitas (DIPUU) is very important in providing support to students in developing digital citizenship skills. Programs that aim to increase their understanding of important aspects such as digital awareness, digital ethics, cybersecurity, and active participation in cyberspace can provide a solid foundation for students to use e-commerce more effectively. The use of e-commerce by UPI students is mainly seen in two main contexts, namely as consumers and as entrepreneurs. However, there are still obstacles in optimizing the use of e-commerce as entrepreneurs. This is due to the orientation and mindset that still needs to be improved to encourage students to be more proactive in entrepreneurship through digital platforms. In the university context, there are several steps that can be taken to utilize e-commerce as a business opportunity more effectively. Students can be encouraged to open online shops, sell unique creative products, and provide online services that meet market needs. Keywords: Digital Citizenship, E-Commerce, Citizenship Econom

    Fairs for e-commerce: the benefits of aggregating buyers and sellers

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    In recent years, many new and interesting models of successful online business have been developed. Many of these are based on the competition between users, such as online auctions, where the product price is not fixed and tends to rise. Other models, including group-buying, are based on cooperation between users, characterized by a dynamic price of the product that tends to go down. There is not yet a business model in which both sellers and buyers are grouped in order to negotiate on a specific product or service. The present study investigates a new extension of the group-buying model, called fair, which allows aggregation of demand and supply for price optimization, in a cooperative manner. Additionally, our system also aggregates products and destinations for shipping optimization. We introduced the following new relevant input parameters in order to implement a double-side aggregation: (a) price-quantity curves provided by the seller; (b) waiting time, that is, the longer buyers wait, the greater discount they get; (c) payment time, which determines if the buyer pays before, during or after receiving the product; (d) the distance between the place where products are available and the place of shipment, provided in advance by the buyer or dynamically suggested by the system. To analyze the proposed model we implemented a system prototype and a simulator that allow to study effects of changing some input parameters. We analyzed the dynamic price model in fairs having one single seller and a combination of selected sellers. The results are very encouraging and motivate further investigation on this topic

    E-Business Models In The Travel Industry

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    Drawing on recently published data, this report examines some of the trends in travel e-commerce. Using a case study approach, the author examines in detail some of the e-business models impacting on the travel industry both in the Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) markets. Although B2C leisure transactions currently account for just 1% of the value of global travel, there is real potential for future growth. However to be successful both new entrants and existing players will need to ensure their e-business model adds value for the customer, otherwise their position in the value chain will be threatened. The most immediate potential for growth and profitability lies in the B2B market, particularly in the development of vertical portals or community extranets. These are virtual spaces enabling travel buyers and suppliers to trade online. The integration of legacy systems with Internet Protocol (IP) technology is taking place across a range of travel sectors and will provide the platform on which a wide range of e-business applications can be developed. This development will lead to the ultimate catalyst for travel e-business -- the convergence of data (internet), voice (telephone) and video (television)


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    We report results of a survey of 608 Ohio agribusinesses in 1999 and show them to be divided in their attitudes and acceptance of e-commerce. Half of the respondents report that their business has a web site, although many had taken a negative stance toward such a move. Nearly all say that the internet will significantly change their sector, and the majority of managers report that e-commerce has significantly affected the way they view their business.Marketing,

    Building trustworthy e-Commerce wesite

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    The process of building consumer trust in E-Commerce is based on the presence of trust features or trust attributes in the websites. Consumer may examine e-Commerce websites for the existence of trust attributes. However, to date, which trust attributes contribute to the website’s trustworthiness and which trust attributes give more value to consumer has not been adequately explored. Therefore, the purpose of the paper is to look for the relevant trust attributes for e-Commerce websites and to identify the importance ranking of trust attributes that contribute significantly to the trustworthiness of e-Commerce website. Various journal papers and articles related to e-Commerce field have been referred in order to identify the trust attributes. An online survey that received 1230 respondents was carried out to investigate the importance ranking of ten trust attributes. The paper contributes to the discussion on how to build trust in e-Commerc
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