7 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Proses Bisnis Beras menggunakan Metode BPI

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    Rice production has declined in the last 5 years, causing UD. Produce engaged in the rice business is feeling the impact. There are ongoing constraints regarding the estimated processing time of more than 400 minutes and complaints of the right strategy addressing this issue. The purpose of the study is to determine the rice business process strategy using Business Process Improvement. Research methods using quantitative and qualitative design of diagnostics. The instrument used is non-participant observation. Data used by stakeholder roles, process names, business task projects. Conducted 4-why evaluation, streamling, recommendations. The results of the study that supplier partnerships, Sp2 uses standardization for the code Up1 and Up2 uses streamling, Sp1.  The strategy carried out related to labor training, database creation using microsoft office, with Ms. Asses's product, In this contract bond it is necessary to convey about the expected quality subcriteria, the expected price subcriteria and the expected delivery subcriteria. Rules related to standard operating procedures need to be designed at each work site. Research contributions related to facilities, databases, and suppliers. Produksi padi yang menurun dalam waktu 5 tahun terakhir, menyebabkan UD. Hasil Bumi yang bergerak di bidang bisnis beras merasakan dampaknya. Terdapat kendala yang sedang terjadi mengenai estimasi waktu prosesnya lebih dari 400 menit dan keluhan strategi yang tepat mengatasi masalah ini. Tujuan penelitian untuk menentukan strategi proses bisnis beras menggunakan Business Process Improvement. Metode penelitian menggunakan desain kuantitatif dan kualitatif diagnostik. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah observasi non- partisipant. Data yang dipakai peran stakeholder, nama proses, task proceess business. Dilakukan evaluasi 4-why, streamling, rekomendasi. Hasil penelitian bahwa supplier partnerships, Sp2 menggunakan standardization untuk kode Up1 dan Up2 menggunakan streamling, Sp1.  Strategi yang dilakukan terkait training tenaga kerja, Pembuatan database menggunakan microsoft office, dengan produk Ms. Asses, Didalam ikatan kontrak ini perlu disampaikan mengenai subkriteria mutu yang diharapkan, subkriteria harga yang diharapkan dan subkriteria pengiriman yang diharapkan. Aturan – aturan terkait standar operasional prosedur perlu di rancang disetiap lokasi kerja. Kontribusi penelitian terkait fasilitas, database, dan penyuplai

    Laboratory Performance Modeling using Petri Nets in National Standardization Agency in Indonesia

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    Service providers perform their service to seek customer loyalty, not excluding the product testing laboratory (PTL) as it provides the testing service under National Standardization Agency (NSA) in Indonesia. Early business process observation in one PTL found that the level of work-in-progress (WIP) in some testing job shops performed significantly higher than the others which requires a further operational study. Using workflow data from the PTL, this study modeled the first-come-first-serve (FCFS) as the current scheduling algorithm, proposed an alternative scheduling algorithm, and comparatively analyze the WIP performance through simulation using colored Petri nets (CPN) as business process modeling and simulation tools. The result of this study shows that the shortest flow of processing time (SFPT) algorithm as the alternative scheduling strategy can reduce the maximum WIP level in the laboratory. Although the SFPT scheduling strategy has a relatively small impact in the single item station, the alternative strategy decreases more than one-third of the total WIP in the most complex station in the laboratory

    Picking process improvement: The case of a company in the sporting goods retail sector

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    Although, with Covid-19, some sports-related activities were temporarily affected, the pandemic reinforced the importance of physical activity for a healthy life, resulting in a greater practice of sports both formally and informally, which had already been gaining more and more adherence in Portugal. Having said this, companies in the sports-related activity sectors must be prepared for this reality. Markets are increasingly competitive, it is essential to revise and improve processes in a continuous and systematic way. Order picking is one of the processes that most requires this effort, as it is one of the processes that involves more working hours and has a direct impact on the quality and efficiency of the entire supply chain. This is clearly the case at the logistics centre of Company X, particularly in the area of bulky items. In this sense, this study focuses on finding appropriate strategies to improve this process. With this objective in mind, and based on the literature review, a Business Process Improvement (BPI) approach was used. As an integral part of this approach, and also as a consequence of the literature review, it was proposed an improvement solution that involves the replacement of the current pick-by-label method with pick-by-tablet combined with RFID technology as a confirmation method. All the analyses performed lead to the conclusion that this proposal may represent significant improvements in terms of process efficiency and effectiveness, thus meeting the objectives established for the project.Apesar de, com a Covid-19, algumas atividades ligadas ao desporto terem sido temporariamente afetadas, a pandemia veio reforçar a importância da atividade física para uma vida saudável, resultando numa maior prática de desporto tanto a nível formal como informal, que já vinham a ganhar cada vez mais adesão em Portugal. Dito isto, as empresas nos setores de atividades ligadas à prática desportiva devem estar preparadas para esta realidade. Os mercados são cada vez mais competitivos, é fundamental rever e melhorar os processos de uma forma contínua e sistemática. Order picking é um dos processos que mais exige este esforço, pois é um dos processos que implica mais horas de trabalho e tem um impacto direto na qualidade e eficiência de toda a cadeia de abastecimento. Este é claramente o caso no centro logístico da Empresa X, mais concretamente na área dos artigos volumosos. Neste sentido, o presente estudo foca-se em encontrar estratégias apropriadas que permitam melhorar este processo. Tendo em conta este objetivo, e com base na revisão de literatura, foi usada uma abordagem de Business Process Improvement (BPI). Como parte integrante desta abordagem, e também como consequência da revisão de literatura, foi proposta uma solução de melhoria que passa pela substituição do atual método de pick-by-label por pick-by-tablet juntamente com tecnologia RFID como método de confirmação. Todas as análises efetuadas permitem concluir que esta proposta poderá representar melhorias significativas no que diz respeito à eficiência e eficácia do processo, indo assim de encontro aos objetivos estabelecidos para o projeto

    Melhoria da gestão do processo de negócio de um departamento de excelência operacional: uma proposta de reestruturação

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    Os processos de negócio sofrem constantes mutações para acompanhar o crescimento e responder aos desafios que as organizações enfrentam diariamente. Melhorar continuamente os processos confere vantagem competitiva e permite que as organizações incrementem a sua eficiência, eliminando desperdícios e custos desnecessários. A Prio Energy S.A. é uma das empresas que possui uma das maiores quotas no mercado dos combustíveis, sendo também uma das que mais tem crescido e alargado o seu portfólio de negócios. O presente trabalho resulta do projeto realizado no seio do departamento de excelência operacional desta organização. Pretende-se melhorar a gestão do processo de negócio deste departamento, analisando as suas atividades e fluxos de informação. Para realizar a análise crítica do processo recorreu-se à metodologia do Ciclo de Vida BPM e à modelação de processos usando a linguagem BPMN 2.0, bem como a uma ferramenta Lean para identificar as atividades que não acrescentam qualquer valor ao processo. Com consequência desta análise foram desenvolvidas e aplicadas ferramentas de apoio à tomada de decisão e à gestão de conhecimento, nomeadamente a ferramenta Lean do relatório A3, o Microsoft Power BI e o Microsoft Power Apps. O resultado deste projeto reside na melhoria global do desempenho do departamento, tanto ao nível da atuação dos intervenientes no próprio processo como da transformação da informação e preservação do conhecimento. Espera-se que a melhoria do processo de um departamento cujo foco é melhorar rácios, diminuir ineficiências de outros processos de negócio e aproximar as equipas, influencie e beneficie toda a organização.Business processes are constantly changing to keep pacewithgrowth and reactto the challenges that organizations face on a daily basis.Continuously improving processes gives competitive advantage and enablesorganizations to increase their efficiencybyeliminating waste and unnecessary costs.Prio Energy S.A.is one of the companies withthe largest share in the fuelmarket, being also the one that has grown and expanded its business portfolio the most. This work results from the project carried out inthe operational excellence department. The main goal isto improve the management of the department’s business process, analysingits activities and information flows. To carry out the critical analysis of the process, the BPM Life Cycle methodology and process modellingusing the BPMN 2.0 language were used, as well as a Lean tool to identify activities that do not add any value to the process.As a result of theanalysis, tools to support decision making and knowledge management were developed and applied, namely the Lean tool A3 report, Microsoft Power BI and Microsoft Power Apps. The result of this project lies in the overall improvement of the department's performance, both in terms of the performance of the stakeholders in the process itself and in the transformation of information and knowledge preservation. It is expected that improving the process of a department that focuses on improving ratios, reducing inefficiencies in other business processes and bringing teams closer together, will influence and benefit the entire organization.Mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industria

    SNACH a new framework to support business process improvement.

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    Business processes are central to any organisation. They coordinate activities, roles, resources, systems and constraints within and across organisational boundaries to achieve predefined business goals. The demand for dynamic business environments, customer satisfaction, global competition, system integration, operational efficiency, innovation and adaptation to market changes necessitates the need for continuous process improvement. In order to adequately respond to these demands, business processes are designed in two approaches: Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) and Business Process Improvement (BPI). This thesis follows the BPI approach which considers existing infrastructure in an organization to improve operational efficiency and achieve organisational goals. Many methodologies have been developed for conducting BPI projects, but they provide little support for the actual act of systematically improving a business process. We adopted case study as the research strategy to examine a collaborative business process, specifically the UK Higher Education Institutions (HEI) admission process. The design science research methodology was used to answer the research questions and satisfy the research objectives. The Map technique was employed to construct the new BPI artefact based on the Mandatory Elements of Method (MEM) from Method Engineering. The new BPI framework comprises of a number of elements to support analysts and practitioners in process improvement activities. We present a novel approach to BPI, the SNACH (Simulation Network Analysis Control flow complexity and Heuristics) framework that supports the actual act of process improvement using a combination of process analysis techniques with integrated quantitative measurable concepts to measure and visualize improvement in four dimensions: cost, cycle time, flexibility and complexity. A simulation technique was employed to analyse the process models in terms of time and cost; and Control Flow Complexity was used to calculate the logical complexity of the process model. A complex network analysis approach was used to provide information about the structural relationship and information exchange between process activities. Using a complex network analysis approach to reduce a process model to a network of nodes and links so that its structural properties are analysed to provide information about the structural complexity and flexibility of the network. To achieve this higher level of abstraction, an algorithm was defined and validated using four disparate process models. The complex network analysis technique is integrated into the SNACH framework and its significance lies in the study of the nature of the individual nodes and the pattern of connections in the network. These characteristics are assessed using network metrics to quantitatively analyse the structure of the network, thereby providing insight into the interaction and behavioural structure of the business process activities. To conclude the design science research process phases, the artefact was evaluated in terms of its effectiveness and efficiency to systematically improve a business process by conducting an experiment using another use case