124,638 research outputs found

    On Engineering Support for Business Process Modelling and Redesign

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    Currently, there is an enormous (research) interest in business process redesign (BPR). Several management-oriented approaches have been proposed showing how to make BPR work. However, detailed descriptions of empirical experience are few. Consistent engineering methodologies to aid and guide a BPR-practitioner are currently emerging. Often, these methodologies are claimed to be developed for business process modelling, but stem directly from information system design cultures. We consider an engineering methodology for BPR to consist of modelling concepts, their representation, computerized tools and methods, and pragmatic skills and guidelines for off-line modelling, communicating, analyzing, (re)designing\ud business processes. The modelling concepts form the architectural basis of such an engineering methodology. Therefore, the choice, understanding and precise definition of these concepts determine the productivity and effectiveness of modelling tasks within a BPR project. The\ud current paper contributes to engineering support for BPR. We work out general issues that play a role in the development of engineering support for BPR. Furthermore, we introduce an architectural framework for business process modelling and redesign. This framework consists of a coherent set of modelling concepts and techniques on how to use them. The framework enables the modelling of both the structural and dynamic characteristics of business processes. We illustrate its applicability by modelling a case from service industry. Moreover, the architectural framework supports abstraction and refinement techniques. The use of these techniques for a BPR trajectory are discussed

    Value-oriented process modeling - towards a financial perspective on business process redesign

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    To date, typical process modeling approaches put a strong emphasis on describing behavioral aspects of business operations. However, they often neglect value-related information. Yet, such information is of key importance to strategic decisionmaking, for instance in the context of process improvement or business engineering. In this paper we propose a valueoriented approach to business process modeling based on key concepts and metrics from operations and financial management. A simple case study suggests that our approach facilitates managerial decision-making in the context of process re-design

    Trade-offs in the performance of workflows - quantifying the impact of best practices

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    Business process redesign is one of the most powerful ways to boost business performance and to improve customer satisfaction [14]. A possible approach to business process redesign is using redesign best practices. A previous study identified a set of 29 different redesign best practices [18]. However, little is known about the exact impact of these redesign best practices on workflow performance. This study proposes an approach that can be used to quantify the impact of a business process redesign project on all dimensions of workflow performance. The approach consists of a large set of performance measures and a simulation toolkit. It supports the quantification of the impact of the implementation of redesign best practices, in order to determine what best practice or combination of best practices leads to the most favorable effect in a specific business process. The approach is developed based on a quantification project for the parallel best practice [8] and is validated with two other quantification projects, namely for the knockout and triage best practices

    An agile business process and practice meta-model

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    Business Process Management (BPM) encompasses the discovery, modelling, monitoring, analysis and improvement of business processes. Limitations of traditional BPM approaches in addressing changes in business requirements have resulted in a number of agile BPM approaches that seek to accelerate the redesign of business process models. Meta-models are a key BPM feature that reduce the ambiguity of business process models. This paper describes a meta-model supporting the agile version of the Business Process and Practice Alignment Methodology (BPPAM) for business process improvement, which captures process information from actual work practices. The ability of the meta-model to achieve business process agility is discussed and compared with other agile meta-models, based on definitions of business process flexibility and agility found in the literature. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V

    Business Process Redesign als nachhaltiger Trend?

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    Business Process Redesign in the Perioperative Process: A Case Perspective for Digital Transformation

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    This case study investigates business process redesign within the perioperative process as a method to achieve digital transformation. Specific perioperative sub-processes are targeted for re-design and digitalization, which yield improvement. Based on a 184-month longitudinal study of a large 1,157 registered-bed academic medical center, the observed effects are viewed through a lens of information technology (IT) impact on core capabilities and core strategy to yield a digital transformation framework that supports patient-centric improvement across perioperative sub-processes. This research identifies existing limitations, potential capabilities, and subsequent contextual understanding to minimize perioperative process complexity, target opportunity for improvement, and ultimately yield improved capabilities. Dynamic technological activities of analysis, evaluation, and synthesis applied to specific perioperative patient-centric data collected within integrated hospital information systems yield the organizational resource for process management and control. Conclusions include theoretical and practical implications as well as study limitations

    Business process redesign in management games

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    Aiming for service excellence: Implementing a plan for customer service quality at a blended service desk

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    This article discusses a public service review and redesign that resulted in a blended service desk combining reference and circulation functions, staffed by nonlibrarians. The redesign implements a number of organizational structures that encourage service excellence, as found in the business literature and in examples of nonlibrary organizations that excel in customer service. The article identifies key organizational structures that have been shown to support or hinder good service and discusses the process of implementing these structures in practice and the results of an assessment process designed around determining success

    Pengembangan Usulan Proses Bisnis Terintegrasi Produk Air Minum Ciryo dengan Konsep Business Process Reengineering Di CV. Titian Mandiri

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    CV. Titian Mandiri is an in-package drinking water manufacturer with brand name “Ciryo” locating in Karanganyar. The presence of problem indication results in inefficiency of proceeding business process, particularly in business process flow of production, warehouse, shipment, marketing, and financial divisions. This makes an analysis and evaluation on business process performance and integrated business process redesign conducted so that the company performance will be optimum. This study began with mapping business process in the form of flow diagram for identifying the company’s business activities. Then performance measurement was conducted based on model developed by Beamon (1999). This model analyzes three measurement variables: resource, process and output for finding out the factors resulting in inefficiency of the business process. Performance improvement was conducted by redesigning the business process procedure based on concept Business Process Reengineering. Basic steps of BPR involves rethink, redesign and retool. Standardization of the resulting business process based on cross-divisional activities interrelationship involves marketing, production, logistic, and financial modules. Based on redesign as a proposal for dealing with performance inhibition, it is used an integrated business process design for each module developed. Keywords : business process reengineering (BPR), integrated business process, performance measuremen

    Using A Positivist Case Research Methodology To Test Three Competing Theories-In-Use Of Business Process Redesign

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    We test three practitioner theories-in-use of business process redesign derived from the business process reengineering (BPR) literature using a positivist case study of a U.S. company that undertook BPR. The evidence refutes the dominant technocentric theory-in-use that gives a determining role to IT in achieving effective business process redesign. The evidence also refutes an alternative sociocentric view--one that gives a determining role to just the social/human aspects in achieving effective business process redesign. Instead, the study provides support for the sociotechnical theory-in-use. For critical researchers and skeptical practitioners, the overarching lesson of our case study is that business process redesign is but the latest arena in which researchers and practitioners are relearning old lessons by repeating the past mistake of adopting a technocentric approach and sociocentric approach to designing and managing organizations. The future direction we suggest for researchers and practitioners interested in areas such as BPR, ERP, and e-commerce implementation, all of which involve business process redesign, is to adopt, from the beginning, an orientation that is not just technocentric or sociocentric, but gives equal consideration to the technical and social dimensions, and the interactions between the social and the technological