171 research outputs found

    The 'physics of diagrams' : revealing the scientific basis of graphical representation design

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    Data is omnipresent in the modern, digital world and a significant number of people need to make sense of data as part of their everyday social and professional life. Therefore, together with the rise of data, the design of graphical representations has gained importance and attention. Yet, although a large body of procedural knowledge about effective visualization exists, the quality of representations is often reported to be poor, proposedly because these guidelines are scattered, unstructured and sometimes perceived as contradictive. Therefore, this paper describes a literature research addressing these problems. The research resulted in the collection and structuring of 81 guidelines and 34 underlying propositions, as well as in the derivation of 7 foundational principles about graphical representation design, called the "Physics of Diagrams", which are illustrated with concrete, practical examples throughout the paper

    Design and Implementation of Online Learning Environments

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    This thesis describes a systematic approach in the design and implementation of online learning environments. This approach incorporates the principles of human learning as well as the best practices in software engineering. This thesis implements a conceptual model for the design, and it describes how software elements can be developed to comply with the model. In the context of this research two online environments are developed and analyzed. The end product of this approach is a robust and reusable software architecture, a framework for design, and an effective and engaging model suited to online learning environments

    Design and Implementation of Online Learning Environments

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    This thesis describes a systematic approach in the design and implementation of online learning environments. This approach incorporates the principles of human learning as well as the best practices in software engineering. This thesis implements a conceptual model for the design, and it describes how software elements can be developed to comply with the model. In the context of this research two online environments are developed and analyzed. The end product of this approach is a robust and reusable software architecture, a framework for design, and an effective and engaging model suited to online learning environments

    A Survey-based Analysis of Principles to Evaluate Visual Notations of Process Modeling Languages

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    Process modeling languages such as BPMN or EPC provide a set of graphical constructs defining their visual notations. The visual notation is one comparison criteria in favor of a process modeling language. Usually, the first choice for the evaluation of visual notations are the principles of the Physics of Notation (PoN) theory. Their vague operationalization, however, gives room for contradictory recommendations how to improve visual notations. Therefore, the intention of this paper is to identify recent empirical studies to visual notations of process modeling languages, which might contribute to a better understanding of PoN principles. A comprehensive literature survey has been conducted showing a confirmation of the PoN principles and identifying refinements for their operationalization. We applied our findings to an evaluation of the visual notation of BPMN from 2012 and showed advancements. Our findings define the current guidelines for evaluating and improving visual notations of process modeling languages

    Design and Implementation of Online Learning Environments

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    This thesis describes a systematic approach in the design and implementation of online learning environments. This approach incorporates the principles of human learning as well as the best practices in software engineering. This thesis implements a conceptual model for the design, and it describes how software elements can be developed to comply with the model. In the context of this research two online environments are developed and analyzed. The end product of this approach is a robust and reusable software architecture, a framework for design, and an effective and engaging model suited to online learning environments

    Interaktiiviset kokoonpano-ohjeet

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    Industrial products are increasingly varying, and the assembly of customized or unique products is slow, expensive, and prone to errors. Conventional static assembly drawings and instructions are suboptimal in supporting complex and dynamic assembly operations. The main objective of the study was to investigate if interactive assembly instructions could substitute the current documents instructing assembly in the case company. Two approaches, 3D instructions and augmented reality (AR) instructions, were developed based on literature review. 3D instructions presented the assembly procedure in steps in which the assembly of the parts is animated. The instructions were based directly on the 3D model of the assembly object. AR instructions utilized the same assembly sequence as 3D instructions. AR instructions were viewed using a head-mounted display, which presented the assembly step animations spatially overlaid on the physical assembly. The developed instructions were evaluated in a user study. The tests were observed by the author, and the participants answered to a post-study questionnaire that concerned subjective efficiency and user acceptance. Both AR instructions and 3D instructions received positive feedback and were evaluated more efficient than the currently used assembly drawings. The features of the interactive assembly drawings address directly the problems of the current assembly documents. Hence, it was concluded that interactive assembly instructions could be used instead of the current assembly drawings and work instructions. However, the complexity of the case company products require that the instructions must be configurable to enable their implementation.Teolliset tuotteet kehittyvät jatkuvasti monipuolisemmin muunneltaviksi, ja samalla niiden kokoonpano muuttuu hankalammaksi ja kalliimmaksi. Perinteiset kuviin ja tekstiin perustuvat kokoonpanokuvat ja työohjeet ovat monin tavoin riittämättömiä ohjeistamaan monimutkaisia ja dynaamisia kokoonpanotehtäviä. Tässä työssä tavoitteena oli tutkia, voisiko interaktiivisilla kokoonpano-ohjeilla korvata kohdeyrityksessä nykyisin käytössä olevat työohjeet ja kokoonpanokuvat. Työssä kehitettiin aikaisempien tutkimusten pohjalta kaksi erilaista interaktiivista ohjeistustapaa. 3D-ohjeet opastavat kokoonpanoa vaihe vaiheelta näyttäen jokaisen osan asennuksen animoidusti. 3D-ohjeet luodaan suoraan kokoonpanon 3D-mallin pohjalta. Toiseksi menetelmäksi valikoitui lisättyä todellisuutta (augmented reality, AR) hyödyntävät ohjeet. AR-ohjeet perustuvat 3D-ohjeita varten luotuihin vaiheistuksiin sekä animaatioihin. AR-ohjeita katsotaan silmikkonäytöllä, joka näyttää ohjeiden virtuaaliset komponentit todellisen kokoonpanon päällä. Ohjeiden toimivuutta testattiin käyttäjäkokeissa. Testeissä havainnoitiin koehenkilöiden toimintaa, ja lisäksi he vastasivat kyselyyn. Kyselyllä selvitettiin, miten tehokkaana koehenkilöt pitivät testattuja ohjeita verrattuna heidän tavallisesti käyttämiin kokoonpanokuviin. Sekä AR- että 3D-ohjeet saivat positiivista palautetta, ja koehenkilöt kokivat niiden toimivan tavallisia kokoonpanokuvia paremmin. Interaktiiviset ohjeet ja niiden tärkeimmät ominaisuudet vastaavat nykyisten kokoonpanokuvien ja työohjeiden ongelmakohtiin. Työn johtopäätöksenä voidaankin todeta, että interaktiiviset kokoonpano-ohjeet sopisivat korvaamaan nykyiset kokoonpanokuvat sekä työohjeet. Tuotteiden monimutkaisuus kuitenkin edellyttää, että ohjeet pitää pystyä konfiguroimaan varianttikohtaisesti

    Matematizando situaciones Bayesianas en la escuela usando múltiples representaciones

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    III Congreso Internacional Virtual de Educación Estadística (CIVEEST), 21-24 febrero de 2019. [www.ugr.es/local/fqm126/civeest.html]Bayesian problem situations are well known as being difficult for people to judge adequately. Teachers in school are confronted with the question what can be done on the long run to support their students in coping with Bayesian situations. In this regard the paper refers to the learning about mathematizing Bayesian situations in school, especially focused on using the unit square in settings of learning with multiple representations. Firstly, the topic of Bayesian reasoning will be analysed from the different perspectives of mathematical, modelling, and mathematizing structure. Afterwards, potentials of theories of learning with multiple representations will be reflected within the topic of Bayesian reasoning. Bringing both together yields in in a 2x2 matrix which allows for categorizing task types about Bayesian situations.Se conocen bien las dificultades de las personas para juzgar adecuadamente las situaciones- problemas Bayesianas. Los profesores se enfrentan en la escuela a la cuestión de qué se puede hacer a largo plazo para apoyar a sus estudiantes en la resolución de situaciones Bayesianas. A este respecto este artículo refiere al aprendizaje de la matematización de situaciones Bayesianas en la escuela, especialmente centrado en el uso del cuadrado unidad en entornos de aprendizaje con múltiples representaciones. En primer lugar, se analizará el tema del razonamiento Bayesiano desde las diferentes perspectivas de matematización y modelización de la estructura matemática. Seguidamente, el potencial de teorías del aprendizaje que tienen en cuenta el uso de múltiples representaciones será reflejado dentro del tópico del razonamiento Bayesiano. Conjuntando ambos campos se elabora una matriz de 2x2 que permite la categorización de tipos de tareas sobre situaciones Bayesianas

    Systemizing Colour for Conceptual Modeling

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    Colour is used in many conceptual models and is discussed intensively since MOODY has published his ‘Physics of Notation’. Yet, choosing the right colour for a construct is difficult but crucial. Using a colour for a certain construct which is not appropriate can lead to visual stress as well as too much or too little emphasis on that construct. The aim of this paper is to give a systematization of colour for conceptual modeling by reviewing theories of colour vision, colour harmony and visual attention. Based on this review we provide colour combinations for different conceptual modeling colour scenarios

    A Tool for Natural Language Oriented Business Process Modeling

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    Abstract Process modeling techniques play an important role to capture information about business procedures. This paper suggests two novel methods for business process modeling. The first method allows generating process models from process descriptions created with controlled natural language. This method is based on a parser for natural language and is supported by sentence templates and an autocomplete function. The second method suggests a collaborative setting, which allows discovering process models through user interactions. Both methods have been implemented in a prototype. The aim of this paper is to show new possibilities for process modeling through the combination of the two methods