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    A systematic literature review of Total Quality Management (TQM) implementation in the organization

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    [EN] In today’s market situation and complex business environment, organization must be able to deliver the customer’s requirement and the expectations which are critical to the satisfaction such as high product quality, faster delivery and competitive cost. Organization need to apply a comprehensive concept and method on managing those requirements. The concept of Total Quality Management (TQM) is considered as one of a popular concept used to manage the quality of product and services comprehensively. This research is to observe is this concept and method still relevant to be use and effectively improved the business performance as well as customer satisfaction. It is a systematic literature review to the literatures from many industry sectors that were collected and reviewed in detail. The result show that this concept is still being used by many organizations around the world and its successfully help the organization to improve their competitiveness, business growth and the sustainability as well as increase employee’s morale.This article was completed thanks to the financial support from the university of Mercu Buana, Jakarta-Indonesia. It also completed with the purpose and motivation of the authors to have an innovate research thinking as well as the contribution to the future researcher.Permana, A.; Purba, H.; Rizkiyah, N. (2021). A systematic literature review of Total Quality Management (TQM) implementation in the organization. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering. 9(1):25-36. https://doi.org/10.4995/ijpme.2021.13765OJS253691Alanazi, M.H. (2020). The mediating role of primary TQM factors and strategy in the relationship between supportive TQM factors and organisational results: An empirical assessment using the MBNQA model. 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    Knowledge, Promotional Events, and the Contribution of Clustering to Innovation

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    This is an author's accepted manuscript of an article published in: “Journal of Promotion Management"; Volume 21, Issue 4, 2015; copyright Taylor & Francis; available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10496491.2015.1051407This research provides insight on the mechanisms through which knowledge acquired through promotional events and through spatial co-location simultaneously sustains firm s innovation. Applying the concept of temporary clusters to promotional events, we simultaneously test how internal resources mediating effect and promotional events moderating role affect innovation in clusters. Regression analyses with nonparametric bootstrapping and a large sample of Spanish clusters confirm the synergies derived from the combination of internal resources, local relationships, and complementary foreign events. Although extra-cluster linkages increase this effect, synergies creation requires attendance to international exhibitions or conventions. 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International trade fairs as amplifiers of permanent and temporary proximities in clusters. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 22(2), 155-187. doi:10.1080/08985620902815106Rinallo, D., & Golfetto, F. (2011). Exploring the Knowledge Strategies of Temporary Cluster Organizers: A Longitudinal Study of the EU Fabric Industry Trade Shows (1986-2006). Economic Geography, 87(4), 453-476. doi:10.1111/j.1944-8287.2011.01127.xRychen, F., & Zimmermann, J.-B. (2008). Clusters in the Global Knowledge-based Economy: Knowledge Gatekeepers and Temporary Proximity. Regional Studies, 42(6), 767-776. doi:10.1080/00343400802088300Tafesse, W., & Korneliussen, T. (2012). Managing Trade Show Campaigns: Why Managerial Responsibilities Matter? Journal of Promotion Management, 18(2), 236-253. doi:10.1080/10496491.2012.668434Tanner, J. F., & Chonko, L. B. (2002). Using Trade Shows Throughout the Product Life Cycle. Journal of Promotion Management, 8(1), 109-125. doi:10.1300/j057v08n01_10Torre, A. (2008). 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    Performance factors for successful business incubators in Indonesian public universities

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    Measuring the performance of business processes is already a main concern for both faculty and enterprise players, since organizations are motivated to reach the productivity stage. Employing a performance achievement framework for the relationship between business incubator success factors will guarantee connection with commercial schemes, which support a high level of performance indicators in successful business incubator models. This research employs a quantitative approach, with the data analyzed using the IBM SPSS version 23 and Smart PLS version 3 statistical software packages. Employing a sample of 95 incubator managers from 19 universities which geographically located in Indonesia, it is shown that the image of business incubator factors has a positive effect on incubator performance. The study investigates the relationship between incubator performance and business incubator success factors in Indonesia. It was found that IT, as part of the business incubators’ facets/abilities, partially supports their performance; that the entry criteria directly support the performance of the incubators; that mentoring networks also support the performance, with good infrastructure systems as a moderating factor; that funding supports the performance of business incubators, also with good infrastructure systems as a moderating factor; and that university regulations and government support and protection enhance the performance of business incubators, with credits and rewards as a moderating factor. In addition, a variety of indicators from the local context affiliate positively to promote a community that highlighted the incubators’ strategies.N/

    Strategic Marketing Management in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry:a Theoretical Framework

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    The purpose of this paper is to review the literature on strategic marketing management .. This study adopted a expost facto research methodology to examine the strategic marketing management literature in an attempt to attain their desired level of performance. The overall findings suggest that strategic marketing is a driver of organizational positioning in a dynamic environment, and that it helps to enhance the development of new product/service for existing markets. These findings, along with other interesting findings of the study, are discussed. From the empirical and anecdotal managerial evidence as well as from the literature implications are drawn for the efficient and effective strategic marketing practices in the Nigerian oil and gas industry. Based on the findings of the study, the concepts and principles of total quality management within a holistic framework it is recommended that (i) efforts should be made by organizational marketers towards understanding the relevant economic factors that affect both clients’ behaviour and the strategic options that may be adopted to cope with such behaviours; ((ii) in a constantly changing business environment, firms can adopt different strategic marketing practices since the yardstick is the enhancement of business performance

    Toward Strategy Implementation Success: An Empirical Study of the Role of Senior-Level Leaders in the Nevada Gaming Industry

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    The study is an investigation of the relationship between effective leadership behavior and successful strategy implementation in the Nevada casino industry. The study\u27s findings mostly agree with earlier research on the concept of strategy implementation and reaffirm the role that strategic consensus plays in the strategy implementation process. The study also reinforces findings that frequent communication up and down the organization structure enhances strategic consensus through the fostering of shared attitudes and values. In addition, it reaffirms the concept that an organization which ties rewards to the success of the strategy employed is rewarded with higher levels of organizational performance and concludes that strategy implementation plans must be clearly developed, indicating particular tasks for individuals, with clear-cut time frames, and identifying the people responsible for task completion

    A financial analysis of born-global firms: evidence from Spain

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    From the beginning of the 1970s to the present day, significant changes have taken place in the competitive and organizational behavior of small and medium-sized companies (SMEs). Recently, some of these factors have applied more intensively, and this has given rise to growth in the number of new companies that undertake overseas operations almost immediately (known as born globals). The phenomenon of early internationalization is relatively recent, so there are still many aspects that need to be studied. The objective of this study is to contribute to the scarce empirical literature existing in Spain on this topic, by providing evidence on the possible differences in character of the born-global firms compared with the rest of exporting companies. To this end, the focus of the study is on the analysis of variables such as the size and sector of activity of these companies, and their principal economic and financial magnitudes. A sample of 1,324 Spanish SMEs that were exporting in 2007 was surveyed; of this total approximately 12% identified themselves as having adopted early internationalization. The results obtained indicate that the born-global firms are, on average, smaller; they are classified mostly to the services sector; and they are much more leveraged than the rest of Spanish SMEs that export

    Aligning operational and corporate goals: a case study in cultivating a whole-of-business approach using a supply chain simulation game

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    This paper outlines the development and use of an interactive computer-based supply chain game to facilitate the alignment of disconnected operational and corporate goals. A multi-enterprise internal cattle supply chain was simulated targeting the operational property managers and the overall impacts of their decision making on corporate goals A three stage multidisciplinary approach was used. A case study based financial analysis was undertaken across the internal cattle supply chain, a participative action research component (developing the game to simulate the flow of product and associated decisions and financial transactions through the internal supply chain of the company for different operational scenarios using measurable and familiar operational and financial criteria as tracking tools), and a qualitative analysis of organisational learning through player debriefing following playing the game. Evaluation of the managers' learning around the need for a change in general practice to address goal incongruence was positive evidenced by changes in practice and the game regarded by the users as a useful form of organisational training. The game provided property managers with practical insights into the strategic implications of their enterprise level decisions on the internal supply chain and on overall corporate performance. The game is unique and is a tool that can be used to help address an endemic problem across multi-enterprise industries in the agrifood sector in Australia

    IT integration, operations flexibility and performance: an empirical study

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    Purpose: This study examines the relationship between IT implementation and performance with manufacturing flexibility based on a sample drawn from a set of manufacturing firms. Design/methodology/approach: The relationships were analyzed using structural equations modelling (SEM) using EQS 6.2 software. Previously, an explanatory factor analysis confirmed one-dimensionality of the scales, Cronbach’s alpha was calculated to evaluate its internal consistency and a confirmatory factor analysis was run to observe scales’ validity. Findings: This research proves a significant positive and direct effect of IT implementation on operations performance with 4 out of 6 flexibility dimensions (Machine, Labour, Material handling and Volume). Mix and Routing flexibility dimensions show no significant impact on firm performance. Research limitations/implications: It is necessary to be cautious when generalizing this findings these findings, as service firms were not part of the sample even when statistical results prove robustness suggesting that the findings are quite reliable. Some flexibility dimensions show no significant impact in performance (Routing and Mix flexibility). This is consistent with the fact that these flexibility dimensions act as variability absorbers within the manufacturing process. Future research lines: Future studies can focus on determining further internal and environmental factors that affect operations flexibility according to specific sector characteristics. Originality/value: This research proves a significant positive and direct effect of IT implementation on operations performance. Results show not only the links between IT implementation and operations performance, but also the magnitude of every impact. The model considers IT integration as the degree of alignment that existing technology resources in a firm have with the business strategy, in terms of importance and support for this strategyPeer Reviewe