783 research outputs found

    Optimal Content Downloading in Vehicular Networks

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    We consider a system where users aboard communication-enabled vehicles are interested in downloading different contents from Internet-based servers. This scenario captures many of the infotainment services that vehicular communication is envisioned to enable, including news reporting, navigation maps and software updating, or multimedia file downloading. In this paper, we outline the performance limits of such a vehicular content downloading system by modelling the downloading process as an optimization problem, and maximizing the overall system throughput. Our approach allows us to investigate the impact of different factors, such as the roadside infrastructure deployment, the vehicle-to-vehicle relaying, and the penetration rate of the communication technology, even in presence of large instances of the problem. Results highlight the existence of two operational regimes at different penetration rates and the importance of an efficient, yet 2-hop constrained, vehicle-to-vehicle relaying

    Sporadic cloud-based mobile augmentation on the top of a virtualization layer: a case study of collaborative downloads in VANETs

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    Current approaches to Cloud-based Mobile Augmentation (CMA) leverage (cloud-based) resources to meet the requirements of rich mobile applications, so that a terminal (the so-called application node or AppN) can borrow resources lent by a set of collaborator nodes (CNs). In the most sophisticated approaches proposed for vehicular scenarios, the collaborators are nearby vehicles that must remain together near the application node because the augmentation service is interrupted when they move apart. This leads to disruption in the execution of the applications and consequently impoverishes the mobile users’ experience. This paper describes a CMA approach that is able to restore the augmentation service transparently when AppNs and CNs separate. The functioning is illustrated by a NaaS model where the AppNs access web contents that are collaboratively downloaded by a set of CNs, exploiting both roadside units and opportunistic networking. The performance of the resulting approach has been evaluated via simulations, achieving promising results in terms of number of downloads, average download times, and network overheadMinisterio de Educación y Ciencia | Ref. TIN2017-87604-

    Estudo do IPFS como protocolo de distribuição de conteúdos em redes veiculares

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    Over the last few years, vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) have been the focus of great progress due to the interest in autonomous vehicles and in distributing content not only between vehicles, but also to the Cloud. Performing a download/upload to/from a vehicle typically requires the existence of a cellular connection, but the costs associated with mobile data transfers in hundreds or thousands of vehicles quickly become prohibitive. A VANET allows the costs to be several orders of magnitude lower - while keeping the same large volumes of data - because it is strongly based in the communication between vehicles (nodes of the network) and the infrastructure. The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a protocol for storing and distributing content, where information is addressed by its content, instead of its location. It was created in 2014 and it seeks to connect all computing devices with the same system of files, comparable to a BitTorrent swarm exchanging Git objects. It has been tested and deployed in wired networks, but never in an environment where nodes have intermittent connectivity, such as a VANET. This work focuses on understanding IPFS, how/if it can be applied to the vehicular network context, and comparing it with other content distribution protocols. In this dissertation, IPFS has been tested in a small and controlled network to understand its working applicability to VANETs. Issues such as neighbor discoverability times and poor hashing performance have been addressed. To compare IPFS with other protocols (such as Veniam’s proprietary solution or BitTorrent) in a relevant way and in a large scale, an emulation platform was created. The tests in this emulator were performed in different times of the day, with a variable number of files and file sizes. Emulated results show that IPFS is on par with Veniam’s custom V2V protocol built specifically for V2V, and greatly outperforms BitTorrent regarding neighbor discoverability and data transfers. An analysis of IPFS’ performance in a real scenario was also conducted, using a subset of STCP’s vehicular network in Oporto, with the support of Veniam. Results from these tests show that IPFS can be used as a content dissemination protocol, showing it is up to the challenge provided by a constantly changing network topology, and achieving throughputs up to 2.8 MB/s, values similar or in some cases even better than Veniam’s proprietary solution.Nos últimos anos, as redes veiculares (VANETs) têm sido o foco de grandes avanços devido ao interesse em veículos autónomos e em distribuir conteúdos, não só entre veículos mas também para a "nuvem" (Cloud). Tipicamente, fazer um download/upload de/para um veículo exige a utilização de uma ligação celular (SIM), mas os custos associados a fazer transferências com dados móveis em centenas ou milhares de veículos rapidamente se tornam proibitivos. Uma VANET permite que estes custos sejam consideravelmente inferiores - mantendo o mesmo volume de dados - pois é fortemente baseada na comunicação entre veículos (nós da rede) e a infraestrutura. O InterPlanetary File System (IPFS - "sistema de ficheiros interplanetário") é um protocolo de armazenamento e distribuição de conteúdos, onde a informação é endereçada pelo conteúdo, em vez da sua localização. Foi criado em 2014 e tem como objetivo ligar todos os dispositivos de computação num só sistema de ficheiros, comparável a um swarm BitTorrent a trocar objetos Git. Já foi testado e usado em redes com fios, mas nunca num ambiente onde os nós têm conetividade intermitente, tal como numa VANET. Este trabalho tem como foco perceber o IPFS, como/se pode ser aplicado ao contexto de rede veicular e compará-lo a outros protocolos de distribuição de conteúdos. Numa primeira fase o IPFS foi testado numa pequena rede controlada, de forma a perceber a sua aplicabilidade às VANETs, e resolver os seus primeiros problemas como os tempos elevados de descoberta de vizinhos e o fraco desempenho de hashing. De modo a poder comparar o IPFS com outros protocolos (tais como a solução proprietária da Veniam ou o BitTorrent) de forma relevante e em grande escala, foi criada uma plataforma de emulação. Os testes neste emulador foram efetuados usando registos de mobilidade e conetividade veicular de alturas diferentes de um dia, com um número variável de ficheiros e tamanhos de ficheiros. Os resultados destes testes mostram que o IPFS está a par do protocolo V2V da Veniam (desenvolvido especificamente para V2V e VANETs), e que o IPFS é significativamente melhor que o BitTorrent no que toca ao tempo de descoberta de vizinhos e transferência de informação. Uma análise do desempenho do IPFS em cenário real também foi efetuada, usando um pequeno conjunto de nós da rede veicular da STCP no Porto, com o apoio da Veniam. Os resultados destes testes demonstram que o IPFS pode ser usado como protocolo de disseminação de conteúdos numa VANET, mostrando-se adequado a uma topologia constantemente sob alteração, e alcançando débitos até 2.8 MB/s, valores parecidos ou nalguns casos superiores aos do protocolo proprietário da Veniam.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Cooperative Content Dissemination on Vehicle Networks

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    As redes veiculares têm sido alvo de grandes avanços nos últimos anos, sobretudo devido ao crescente interesse por veículos inteligentes e autónomos que motiva investimentos avultados por parte da indústria automóvel. A inexistência de uma forma oportuna e económica de executar atualizações OTA (over-the-air) está a contribuir para o adiar do lançamento de grandes frotas de veículos inteligentes. O custo associado à transmissão de dados através de redes celulares é muito elevado e não se pode garantir que cada veículo tenha acesso a uma estação ou estacionamento com conectividade adequada em tempo útil, onde possa obter os dados esperados. Com base nestas premissas, esta tese apresenta a concepção e implementação de um protocolo cooperativo de disseminação de conteúdos que aproveita as ligações Veículo-a-Veículo (V2V) para assegurar uma distribuição de dados pela rede com custos reduzidos. Além disso, este trabalho é complementado e suportado com uma análise do desempenho do protocolo numa rede de 25 veículos.Vehicular networks have seen great advancements over the last few years, mostly due to the increased eagerness for smart and autonomous vehicles that motivate hefty investments by the automotive industry. The absence of a timely and cost-effective way to perform over-the-air (OTA) updates is contributing to defer the deployment of large fleets of connected vehicles. There is a high cost associated with transmitting data over cellular networks and it cannot be expected that every vehicle has access to a station or depot with adequate connectivity where it can get the awaited data cheaply nor that this solution happens timely enough. With this in mind, this thesis presents the design and implementation of a cooperative content dissemination protocol that takes advantage of Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication links to distribute data across a network with reduced costs. Moreover, this work is complemented with a performance analysis of the protocol on a deployed network of 25 vehicles

    Video Streaming over Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: A Comparative Study and Future Perspectives

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    Vehicular  Ad Hoc Network  (VANET) is emerged as an important research area that provides ubiquitous short-range connectivity among moving vehicles.  This network enables efficient traffic safety and infotainment applications. One of the promising applications is video transmission in vehicle-to-vehicle or vehicle-to-infrastructure environments.  But, video streaming over vehicular environment is a daunting task due to high movement of vehicles. This paper presents a survey on state-of-arts of video streaming over VANET. Furthermore, taxonomy of vehicular video transmission is highlighted in this paper with special focus on significant applications and their requirements with challenges, video content sharing, multi-source video streaming and video broadcast services. The comparative study of the paper compares the video streaming schemes based on type of error resilient technique, objective of study, summary of their study, the utilized simulator and the type of video sharing.  Lastly, we discussed the open issues and research directions related to video communication over VANET

    Content Sharing in Mobile Networks with Infrastructure: Planning and Management

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    This thesis focuses on mobile ad-hoc networks (with pedestrian or vehicular mobility) having infrastructure support. We deal with the problems of design, deployment and management of such networks. A first issue to address concerns infrastructure itself: how pervasive should it be in order for the network to operate at the same time efficiently and in a cost-effective manner? How should the units composing it (e.g., access points) be placed? There are several approaches to such questions in literature, and this thesis studies and compares them. Furthermore, in order to effectively design the infrastructure, we need to understand how and how much it will be used. As an example, what is the relationship between infrastructure-to-node and node-to-node communication? How far away, in time and space, do data travel before its destination is reached? A common assumption made when dealing with such problems is that perfect knowledge about the current and future node mobility is available. In this thesis, we also deal with the problem of assessing the impact that an imperfect, limited knowledge has on network performance. As far as the management of the network is concerned, this thesis presents a variant of the paradigm known as publish-and-subscribe. With respect to the original paradigm, our goal was to ensure a high probability of finding the requested content, even in presence of selfish, uncooperative nodes, or even nodes whose precise goal is harming the system. Each node is allowed to get from the network an amount of content which corresponds to the amount of content provided to other nodes. Nodes with caching capabilities are assisted in using their cache in order to improve the amount of offered conten

    Assessment of attribute-based credentials for privacy-preserving road traffic services in smart cities

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    Smart cities involve the provision of advanced services for road traffic users. Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are a promising communication technology in this regard. Preservation of privacy is crucial in these services to foster their acceptance. Previous approaches have mainly focused on PKI-based or ID-based cryptography. However, these works have not fully addressed the minimum information disclosure principle. Thus, questions such as how to prove that a driver is a neighbour of a given zone, without actually disclosing his identity or real address, remain unaddressed. A set of techniques, referred to as Attribute-Based Credentials (ABCs), have been proposed to address this need in traditional computation scenarios. In this paper, we explore the use of ABCs in the vehicular context. For this purpose, we focus on a set of use cases from European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) Basic Set of Applications, specially appropriate for the early development of smart cities. We assess which ABC techniques are suitable for this scenario, focusing on three representative ones—Idemix, U-Prove and VANET-updated Persiano systems. Our experimental results show that they are feasible in VANETs considering state-of-the-art technologies, and that Idemix is the most promising technique for most of the considered use cases.This work was supported by the MINECO grant TIN2013-46469-R (SPINY: Security and Privacy in the Internet of You); the CAM grant S2013/ICE-3095 (CIBERDINE: Cybersecurity, Data, and Risks) and by the MINECO grant TIN2016-79095-C2-2-R (SMOG-DEV - Security mechanisms for fog computing: advanced security for devices). Jose Maria de Fuentes and Lorena Gonzalez were also supported by the Programa de Ayudas para la Movilidad of Carlos III University of Madrid

    Vehicular Mobile Commerce: Applications, Challenges, and Research Problems

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    With an increasing number of vehicles with significant computing and communication, many applications such as vehicular Internet hot-spots, digital and entertainment content\u27s broadcast, Intelligent Transportation Systems applications, and highway management will become possible. This vehicular mobile commerce will actively involve vehicles and users in both extending the existing mobile commerce applications to the vehicular environment and creating many more new and suitable applications. Before vehicular mobile commerce becomes a practical reality, many technical, structural and user issues must be addressed. In this paper, we identify and discuss several vehicular mobile commerce applications as well as wireless and networking challenges. We present possible solutions for vehicular mobile commerce and define several research problems that should be undertaken