29 research outputs found

    Enabling Web-scale data integration in biomedicine through Linked Open Data

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    The biomedical data landscape is fragmented with several isolated, heterogeneous data and knowledge sources, which use varying formats, syntaxes, schemas, and entity notations, existing on the Web. Biomedical researchers face severe logistical and technical challenges to query, integrate, analyze, and visualize data from multiple diverse sources in the context of available biomedical knowledge. Semantic Web technologies and Linked Data principles may aid toward Web-scale semantic processing and data integration in biomedicine. The biomedical research community has been one of the earliest adopters of these technologies and principles to publish data and knowledge on the Web as linked graphs and ontologies, hence creating the Life Sciences Linked Open Data (LSLOD) cloud. In this paper, we provide our perspective on some opportunities proffered by the use of LSLOD to integrate biomedical data and knowledge in three domains: (1) pharmacology, (2) cancer research, and (3) infectious diseases. We will discuss some of the major challenges that hinder the wide-spread use and consumption of LSLOD by the biomedical research community. Finally, we provide a few technical solutions and insights that can address these challenges. Eventually, LSLOD can enable the development of scalable, intelligent infrastructures that support artificial intelligence methods for augmenting human intelligence to achieve better clinical outcomes for patients, to enhance the quality of biomedical research, and to improve our understanding of living systems

    Adventures in Semantic Publishing: Exemplar Semantic Enhancements of a Research Article

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    Scientific innovation depends on finding, integrating, and re-using the products of previous research. Here we explore how recent developments in Web technology, particularly those related to the publication of data and metadata, might assist that process by providing semantic enhancements to journal articles within the mainstream process of scholarly journal publishing. We exemplify this by describing semantic enhancements we have made to a recent biomedical research article taken from PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, providing enrichment to its content and increased access to datasets within it. These semantic enhancements include provision of live DOIs and hyperlinks; semantic markup of textual terms, with links to relevant third-party information resources; interactive figures; a re-orderable reference list; a document summary containing a study summary, a tag cloud, and a citation analysis; and two novel types of semantic enrichment: the first, a Supporting Claims Tooltip to permit “Citations in Context”, and the second, Tag Trees that bring together semantically related terms. In addition, we have published downloadable spreadsheets containing data from within tables and figures, have enriched these with provenance information, and have demonstrated various types of data fusion (mashups) with results from other research articles and with Google Maps. We have also published machine-readable RDF metadata both about the article and about the references it cites, for which we developed a Citation Typing Ontology, CiTO (http://purl.org/net/cito/). The enhanced article, which is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0000228.x001, presents a compelling existence proof of the possibilities of semantic publication. We hope the showcase of examples and ideas it contains, described in this paper, will excite the imaginations of researchers and publishers, stimulating them to explore the possibilities of semantic publishing for their own research articles, and thereby break down present barriers to the discovery and re-use of information within traditional modes of scholarly communication

    Linking the Resource Description Framework to cheminformatics and proteochemometrics

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Semantic web technologies are finding their way into the life sciences. Ontologies and semantic markup have already been used for more than a decade in molecular sciences, but have not found widespread use yet. The semantic web technology Resource Description Framework (RDF) and related methods show to be sufficiently versatile to change that situation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The work presented here focuses on linking RDF approaches to existing molecular chemometrics fields, including cheminformatics, QSAR modeling and proteochemometrics. Applications are presented that link RDF technologies to methods from statistics and cheminformatics, including data aggregation, visualization, chemical identification, and property prediction. They demonstrate how this can be done using various existing RDF standards and cheminformatics libraries. For example, we show how IC<sub>50</sub> and K<it><sub>i</sub></it> values are modeled for a number of biological targets using data from the ChEMBL database.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We have shown that existing RDF standards can suitably be integrated into existing molecular chemometrics methods. Platforms that unite these technologies, like Bioclipse, makes this even simpler and more transparent. Being able to create and share workflows that integrate data aggregation and analysis (visual and statistical) is beneficial to interoperability and reproducibility. The current work shows that RDF approaches are sufficiently powerful to support molecular chemometrics workflows.</p

    Finding Complex Biological Relationships in Recent PubMed Articles Using Bio-LDA

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    The overwhelming amount of available scholarly literature in the life sciences poses significant challenges to scientists wishing to keep up with important developments related to their research, but also provides a useful resource for the discovery of recent information concerning genes, diseases, compounds and the interactions between them. In this paper, we describe an algorithm called Bio-LDA that uses extracted biological terminology to automatically identify latent topics, and provides a variety of measures to uncover putative relations among topics and bio-terms. Relationships identified using those approaches are combined with existing data in life science datasets to provide additional insight. Three case studies demonstrate the utility of the Bio-LDA model, including association predication, association search and connectivity map generation. This combined approach offers new opportunities for knowledge discovery in many areas of biology including target identification, lead hopping and drug repurposing.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 10 table

    RegenBase: a knowledge base of spinal cord injury biology for translational research.

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    Spinal cord injury (SCI) research is a data-rich field that aims to identify the biological mechanisms resulting in loss of function and mobility after SCI, as well as develop therapies that promote recovery after injury. SCI experimental methods, data and domain knowledge are locked in the largely unstructured text of scientific publications, making large scale integration with existing bioinformatics resources and subsequent analysis infeasible. The lack of standard reporting for experiment variables and results also makes experiment replicability a significant challenge. To address these challenges, we have developed RegenBase, a knowledge base of SCI biology. RegenBase integrates curated literature-sourced facts and experimental details, raw assay data profiling the effect of compounds on enzyme activity and cell growth, and structured SCI domain knowledge in the form of the first ontology for SCI, using Semantic Web representation languages and frameworks. RegenBase uses consistent identifier schemes and data representations that enable automated linking among RegenBase statements and also to other biological databases and electronic resources. By querying RegenBase, we have identified novel biological hypotheses linking the effects of perturbagens to observed behavioral outcomes after SCI. RegenBase is publicly available for browsing, querying and download.Database URL:http://regenbase.org

    Gode -- Integrating Biochemical Knowledge Graph into Pre-training Molecule Graph Neural Network

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    The precise prediction of molecular properties holds paramount importance in facilitating the development of innovative treatments and comprehending the intricate interplay between chemicals and biological systems. In this study, we propose a novel approach that integrates graph representations of individual molecular structures with multi-domain information from biomedical knowledge graphs (KGs). Integrating information from both levels, we can pre-train a more extensive and robust representation for both molecule-level and KG-level prediction tasks with our novel self-supervision strategy. For performance evaluation, we fine-tune our pre-trained model on 11 challenging chemical property prediction tasks. Results from our framework demonstrate our fine-tuned models outperform existing state-of-the-art models.Comment: It's an ongoing work. We're exploring the ability of Gode on other task

    Distributed Conversion of RDF Data to the Relational Model

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    Ve formátu RDF je ukládán rostoucí objem hodnotných informací. Relační databáze však stále přinášejí výhody z hlediska výkonu a množství podporovaných nástrojů. Představujeme RDF2X, nástroj pro automatický distribuovaný převod RDF dat do relačního modelu. Poskytujeme srovnání souvisejících přístupů, analyzujeme měření převodu 8.4 miliard RDF trojic a ilustrujeme přínos našeho nástroje na dvou případových studiích.The Resource Description Framework (RDF) stores a growing volume of valuable information. However, relational databases still provide advantages in terms of performance, familiarity and the number of supported tools. We present RDF2X, a tool for automatic distributed conversion of RDF datasets to the relational model. We provide a comparison of related approaches, report on the conversion of 8.4 billion RDF triples and demonstrate the contribution of our tool on case studies from two different domains

    OPPL-Galaxy, a Galaxy tool for enhancing ontology exploitation as part of bioinformatics workflows

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    Biomedical ontologies are key elements for building up the Life Sciences Semantic Web. Reusing and building biomedical ontologies requires flexible and versatile tools to manipulate them efficiently, in particular for enriching their axiomatic content. The Ontology Pre Processor Language (OPPL) is an OWL-based language for automating the changes to be performed in an ontology. OPPL augments the ontologists’ toolbox by providing a more efficient, and less error-prone, mechanism for enriching a biomedical ontology than that obtained by a manual treatment. Results We present OPPL-Galaxy, a wrapper for using OPPL within Galaxy. The functionality delivered by OPPL (i.e. automated ontology manipulation) can be combined with the tools and workflows devised within the Galaxy framework, resulting in an enhancement of OPPL. Use cases are provided in order to demonstrate OPPL-Galaxy’s capability for enriching, modifying and querying biomedical ontologies. Conclusions Coupling OPPL-Galaxy with other bioinformatics tools of the Galaxy framework results in a system that is more than the sum of its parts. OPPL-Galaxy opens a new dimension of analyses and exploitation of biomedical ontologies, including automated reasoning, paving the way towards advanced biological data analyses