449,932 research outputs found

    Advancing Disaster Resistant University Planning Beyond the Basic Requirements

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    This presentation provides an overview of the activities involved in the development of the LSU System Disaster Resistant University plan with a particular focus on non-traditional efforts. Developing an effective plan for a college campus is challenging: a campus’ footprint is fairly limited, which presents obstacles in regard to data availability and vulnerability modeling; student populations are often unfamiliar with local hazard conditions; hazardous research and materials are frequently present on campus; and so forth. Thus, generating meaningful and realistic hazard, vulnerability and risk assessments for a university by means of traditional input data and modeling approaches is difficult. New and creative ways of leveraging the institution’s strengths are needed to overcome these obstacles. In an attempt to develop a comprehensive and effective planning tool, the LSU System Plan went beyond the basic DRU requirements. Unique to this Plan are: (a) an extensive building assessment and the integration of the assessment data into HAZUS-MH, (b) the use of a user-generated population and building inventory for more realistic impact modeling in HAZUS-MH, (c) the utilization of day-time population estimates instead of census data, (d) the implementation of a user-defined analysis level at the building level – instead of census blocks, (e) comprehensive archival work to supplement generic hazards information, (f) incorporation of a hazardous material inventory, (g) direct involvement of students through service learning courses, and (h) the utilization of social media, web-based mapping and feedback tools

    Advancing Disaster Resistant University Planning Beyond the Basic Requirements

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    This presentation provides an overview of the activities involved in the development of the LSU System Disaster Resistant University plan with a particular focus on non-traditional efforts. Developing an effective plan for a college campus is challenging: a campus’ footprint is fairly limited, which presents obstacles in regard to data availability and vulnerability modeling; student populations are often unfamiliar with local hazard conditions; hazardous research and materials are frequently present on campus; and so forth. Thus, generating meaningful and realistic hazard, vulnerability and risk assessments for a university by means of traditional input data and modeling approaches is difficult. New and creative ways of leveraging the institution’s strengths are needed to overcome these obstacles. In an attempt to develop a comprehensive and effective planning tool, the LSU System Plan went beyond the basic DRU requirements. Unique to this Plan are: (a) an extensive building assessment and the integration of the assessment data into HAZUS-MH, (b) the use of a user-generated population and building inventory for more realistic impact modeling in HAZUS-MH, (c) the utilization of day-time population estimates instead of census data, (d) the implementation of a user-defined analysis level at the building level – instead of census blocks, (e) comprehensive archival work to supplement generic hazards information, (f) incorporation of a hazardous material inventory, (g) direct involvement of students through service learning courses, and (h) the utilization of social media, web-based mapping and feedback tools

    A Tentative Approach To the Evaluation Model of Web-based Distance Education For the Deaf

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    ABSTRACT: Building an effective evaluation model has been one of the important subjects for distance education workers. Based on the features and requirements of web-education, the authors design an instructional evaluation model for web-based distance education for the deaf. This paper is aimed to introduce the model. Key words: the deaf; evaluation of Web-based instruction; evaluation factors; evaluation model FORWORD The evaluation of Web-based instruction is the subcategory of education evaluation. It has three significations(value judgment, development estimation, reference criterion).Web-based instruction has its own bright feature, campareing with traditional instruction, such as separating teaching from learning, independent learning course(The learner must be self control, adult learner is as usual),and so on. Thus the evaluation of Web-based instruction also has its own bright feature. FEATURES OF THE EVALUATION OF WEB-BASED INSTRUCTION The evaluation of Web-based instruction emphasizes process assessment, that is, it focuses on the real-time monitoring of the instruction process. It includes assessing the effect of intelligent instruction and such teaching methods as search, discover, compete, co-operate and role-play, and evaluating students' initiative, self-controlling and leaning effect. The evaluation objects include not only the four factors of the traditional instructional system-the student, the teacher, the instruction content and the medium (i.e. the supporting platform o

    Development, implementation and pilot evaluation of a Web-based Virtual Patient Case Simulation environment – Web-SP

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    BACKGROUND: The Web-based Simulation of Patients (Web-SP) project was initiated in order to facilitate the use of realistic and interactive virtual patients (VP) in medicine and healthcare education. Web-SP focuses on moving beyond the technology savvy teachers, when integrating simulation-based education into health sciences curricula, by making the creation and use of virtual patients easier. The project strives to provide a common generic platform for design/creation, management, evaluation and sharing of web-based virtual patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate if it was possible to develop a web-based virtual patient case simulation environment where the entire case authoring process might be handled by teachers and which would be flexible enough to be used in different healthcare disciplines. RESULTS: The Web-SP system was constructed to support easy authoring, management and presentation of virtual patient cases. The case authoring environment was found to facilitate for teachers to create full-fledged patient cases without the assistance of computer specialists. Web-SP was successfully implemented at several universities by taking into account key factors such as cost, access, security, scalability and flexibility. Pilot evaluations in medical, dentistry and pharmacy courses shows that students regarded Web-SP as easy to use, engaging and to be of educational value. Cases adapted for all three disciplines were judged to be of significant educational value by the course leaders. CONCLUSION: The Web-SP system seems to fulfil the aim of providing a common generic platform for creation, management and evaluation of web-based virtual patient cases. The responses regarding the authoring environment indicated that the system might be user-friendly enough to appeal to a majority of the academic staff. In terms of implementation strengths, Web-SP seems to fulfil most needs from course directors and teachers from various educational institutions and disciplines. The system is currently in use or under implementation in several healthcare disciplines at more than ten universities worldwide. Future aims include structuring the exchange of cases between teachers and academic institutions by building a VP library function. We intend to follow up the positive results presented in this paper with other studies looking at the learning outcomes, critical thinking and patient management. Studying the potential of Web-SP as an assessment tool will also be performed. More information about Web-SP


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    Abstrak: Pandemic COVID-19 menjadi momentum untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru pada pengelolaan Learning Management System. Setelah New Normal maka pembelajaran daring tetap menjadi partner pembelajaran luring. Pengelolaan pembelajaran dan publikasi informasi mitra belum berjalan secara serentak dan terpadu. Sistem pembelajaran menerapkan Google Classroom, akan tetapi publikasi informasi sekolah dikomunikasikan hanya melalui media sosial seperti Facebook, Instagram dan WhatsApp. Legitimasinya tentu kurang dari segi konten dan legalitas secara publikasi TIK. Di lain pihak, para guru pun memiliki keterbatasan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam mengelola semuanya. Tujuan pelatihan ini yaitu untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan sehingga mitra mampu membuat dan mengelola web personal maupun web sekolah secara professional menggunakan Google Site. Metode yang dilakukan yaitu persiapan, tindakan, evaluasi, publikasi dan keberlanjutan kegiatan. Hasil evaluasi post-test menunjukkan adanya peningkatan yang signifikan dari kondisi penjajakan awal. Peningkatan pengetahuan peserta mencapai 90,6% dan keterampilan peserta mencapai 87,5% . Kegiatan ini berkontribusi membangun jembatan distribusi kerjasama peningkatan profesionalisme pendidik di tengah masyarakat khususnya Kota Makassar.Abstract : The COVID-19 pandemic is a momentum to improve teacher competence in the Learning Management System. After the New Normal, online learning remains an offline learning partner. The LMS and publication of SIT Mutiara information has not run simultaneously and in an integrated manner. The learning system applies Classroom, but the publication of school information is communicated only through social media such as Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. Its legitimacy is certainly lacking in terms of content and legality in terms of ICT publications. On the other hand, teachers also have limited soft-skills and hard-skills in managing everything. The purpose of the training in this community service activity is to increase knowledge and skills so that they can create and manage personal and school websites professionally using the Google Site. The methods are preparation, action, evaluation, publication, and continuation of activities. The results of the post-test showed a significant improvement from the initial assessment conditions. Increased knowledge participants reached 90.6% and skills of participants reached 87.5%. This activity contributes to building a distribution bridge to improve the professionalism of educators in the Makassar City

    Community Development Evaluation Storymap and Legend

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    Community based organizations, funders, and intermediary organizations working in the community development field have a shared interest in building stronger organizations and stronger communities. Through evaluation these organizations can learn how their programs and activities contribute to the achievement of these goals, and how to improve their effectiveness and the well-being of their communities. Yet, evaluation is rarely seen as part of a non-judgemental organizational learning process. Instead, the term "evaluation" has often generated anxiety and confusion. The Community Development Storymap project is a response to those concerns.Illustrations found in this document were produced by Grove Consultants

    A collective intelligence approach for building student's trustworthiness profile in online learning

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    (c) 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.Information and communication technologies have been widely adopted in most of educational institutions to support e-Learning through different learning methodologies such as computer supported collaborative learning, which has become one of the most influencing learning paradigms. In this context, e-Learning stakeholders, are increasingly demanding new requirements, among them, information security is considered as a critical factor involved in on-line collaborative processes. Information security determines the accurate development of learning activities, especially when a group of students carries out on-line assessment, which conducts to grades or certificates, in these cases, IS is an essential issue that has to be considered. To date, even most advances security technological solutions have drawbacks that impede the development of overall security e-Learning frameworks. For this reason, this paper suggests enhancing technological security models with functional approaches, namely, we propose a functional security model based on trustworthiness and collective intelligence. Both of these topics are closely related to on-line collaborative learning and on-line assessment models. Therefore, the main goal of this paper is to discover how security can be enhanced with trustworthiness in an on-line collaborative learning scenario through the study of the collective intelligence processes that occur on on-line assessment activities. To this end, a peer-to-peer public student's profile model, based on trustworthiness is proposed, and the main collective intelligence processes involved in the collaborative on-line assessments activities, are presented.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Harnessing Technology: preliminary identification of trends affecting the use of technology for learning

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    ALT-C 2010 Programme Guide

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