7,681 research outputs found

    Two-tier Intrusion Detection System for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Nowadays, a commonly used wireless network (i.e. Wi-Fi) operates with the aid of a fixed infrastructure (i.e. an access point) to facilitate communication between nodes when they roam from one location to another. The need for such a fixed supporting infrastructure limits the adaptability of the wireless network, especially in situations where the deployment of such an infrastructure is impractical. In addition, Wi-Fi limits nodes' communication as it only provides facility for mobile nodes to send and receive information, but not reroute the information across the network. Recent advancements in computer network introduced a new wireless network, known as a Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET), to overcome these limitations. MANET has a set of unique characteristics that make it different from other kind of wireless networks. Often referred as a peer to peer network, such a network does not have any fixed topology, thus nodes are free to roam anywhere, and could join or leave the network anytime they desire. Its ability to be setup without the need of any infrastructure is very useful, especially in geographically constrained environments such as in a military battlefield or a disaster relief operation. In addition, through its multi hop routing facility, each node could function as a router, thus communication between nodes could be made available without the need of a supporting fixed router or an access point. However, these handy facilities come with big challenges, especially in dealing with the security issues. This research aims to address MANET security issues by proposing a novel intrusion detection system that could be used to complement existing prevention mechanisms that have been proposed to secure such a network. A comprehensive analysis of attacks and the existing security measures proved that there is a need for an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) to protect MANETs against security threats. The analysis also suggested that the existing IDS proposed for MANET are not immune against a colluding blackmail attack due to the nature of such a network that comprises autonomous and anonymous nodes. The IDS architecture as proposed in this study utilises trust relationships between nodes to overcome this nodes' anonymity issue. Through a friendship mechanism, the problems of false accusations and false alarms caused by blackmail attackers in global detection and response mechanisms could be eliminated. The applicability of the friendship concept as well as other proposed mechanisms to solve MANET IDS related issues have been validated through a set of simulation experiments. Several MANET settings, which differ from each other based on the network's density level, the number of initial trusted friends owned by each node, and the duration of the simulation times, have been used to study the effects of such factors towards the overall performance of the proposed IDS framework. The results obtained from the experiments proved that the proposed concepts are capable to at least minimise i f not fully eliminate the problem currently faced in MANET IDS

    Security and Privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Trust aware system for social networks: A comprehensive survey

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    Social networks are the platform for the users to get connected with other social network users based on their interest and life styles. Existing social networks have millions of users and the data generated by them are huge and it is difficult to differentiate the real users and the fake users. Hence a trust worthy system is recommended for differentiating the real and fake users. Social networking enables users to send friend requests, upload photos and tag their friends and even suggest them the web links based on the interest of the users. The friends recommended, the photos tagged and web links suggested may be a malware or an untrusted activity. Users on social networks are authorised by providing the personal data. This personal raw data is available to all other users online and there is no protection or methods to secure this data from unknown users. Hence to provide a trustworthy system and to enable real users activities a review on different methods to achieve trustworthy social networking systems are examined in this paper

    Efficient location privacy-aware forwarding in opportunistic mobile networks

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    This paper proposes a novel fully distributed and collaborative k-anonymity protocol (LPAF) to protect users’ location information and ensure better privacy while forwarding queries/replies to/from untrusted location-based service (LBS) over opportunistic mobile networks (OppMNets. We utilize a lightweight multihop Markov-based stochastic model for location prediction to guide queries toward the LBS’s location and to reduce required resources in terms of retransmission overheads. We develop a formal analytical model and present theoretical analysis and simulation of the proposed protocol performance. We further validate our results by performing extensive simulation experiments over a pseudo realistic city map using map-based mobility models and using real-world data trace to compare LPAF to existing location privacy and benchmark protocols. We show that LPAF manages to keep higher privacy levels in terms of k-anonymity and quality of service in terms of success ratio and delay, as compared with other protocols, while maintaining lower overheads. Simulation results show that LPAF achieves up to an 11% improvement in success ratio for pseudorealistic scenarios, whereas real-world data trace experiments show up to a 24% improvement with a slight increase in the average delay

    A trust framework for peer-to-peer interaction in ad hoc networks

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    PhDAs a wider public is increasingly adopting mobile devices with diverse applications, the idea of who to trust while on the move becomes a crucial one. The need to find dependable partners to interact is further exacerbated in situations where one finds oneself out of the range of backbone structures such as wireless base stations or cellular networks. One solution is to generate self-started networks, a variant of which is the ad hoc network that promotes peer-to-peer networking. The work in this thesis is aimed at defining a framework for such an ad hoc network that provides ways for participants to distinguish and collaborate with their most trustworthy neighbours. In this framework, entities create the ability to generate trust information by directly observing the behaviour of their peers. Such trust information is also shared in order to assist those entities in situations where prior interactions with their target peers may not have existed. The key novelty points of the framework focus on aggregating the trust evaluation process around the most trustworthy nodes thereby creating a hierarchy of nodes that are distinguished by the class, defined by cluster heads, to which they belong. Furthermore, the impact of such a framework in generating additional overheads for the network is minimised through the use of clusters. By design, the framework also houses a rule-based mechanism to thwart misbehaving behaviour or non-cooperation. Key performance indicators are also defined within this work that allow a framework to be quickly analysed through snapshot data, a concept analogous to those used within financial circles when assessing companies. This is also a novel point that may provide the basis for directly comparing models with different underlying technologies. The end result is a trust framework that fully meets the basic requirements for a sustainable model of trust that can be developed onto an ad hoc network and that provides enhancements in efficiency (using clustering) and trust performance
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