38,266 research outputs found

    Business success through process based application of simulation

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    Progressive design practices are increasingly cognisant of the potential of building energy simulation to assist the delivery of energy efficient, sustainable buildings. However, the success of any building performance assessment hinges on the capabilities of the tool; the collective competences of the team formed to apply it; and, crucially, the existence of an in-house framework within which simulation can be applied with confidence (McElroy and Clarke 1999). There is also a need for the professions to set up mechanisms that facilitate dialogue with vendors in order to influence tool capabilities. And on the related issues of building an in-house competency and a framework for application, the two core issues facing the professions are: i) a need for the development of in-house procedures for management of simulation; and ii) quality assurance of the related models and appraisal results

    Harnessing technology review 2009. The role of technology in education and skills.

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    This is the third review of the use and impact of ICT in the education system following the publication of the Government's e-Strategy for education, known as Harnessing technology. The review drew upon Becta's surveys of schools and FE colleges as well as other research to assess the impact of technology within the education system and the progress made in achieving the system outcomes of the policy

    Configuring the caller in ambiguous encounters: volunteer handling of calls to Samaritans emotional support services

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    This paper discusses volunteer strategies for handling and assessing calls to Samaritans emotional support services for the suicidal and despairing. It presents findings from the qualitative components of a two year mixed methods study based on an online caller survey, branch observations and interviews with volunteers and callers throughout the UK. A thematic analysis of the qualitative data analysis was undertaken using the principle of constant comparison. Many calls fell beyond the primary remit of a crisis service, and called for rapid attribution and assessment. Uncertainty about identifying ‘good’ calls and recognizing those which were not caused difficulty, frustration and negative attribution towards some callers. This paper presents our analysis of volunteers’ accounts of how they configure the caller in intrinsically uncertain and ambiguous encounters, and how such strategies relate to the formal principles of unconditional support and non-judgemental active listening espoused by the organization

    Test system requirements for modelling future power systems

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    This paper discusses the need for new test system models to be developed and made available to researchers. A number of features of such test systems are proposed. These include sufficient size and scope to allow control interactions to be studied but not so much that phenomena associated with new technologies cannot be understood. It is recalled that the performance of new technologies and their controls should be verified on a full system model that is as faithful to the real system and its parameters as possible and that this requires access to data often owned by generating companies to which system operators have access but do not feel able to disclose. Finally, arguments are presented as to why such data should be disclosed and it is recommended that regulatory authorities take steps to achieve it

    Parental opinion survey 2009

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    Career Handbook

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    The job search, no matter what step you are on, can be a daunting and intimidating process. We want you to know that you are not alone in this journey. Since the day you arrived on campus, you have been surrounded by the support of family, friends, professors, staff, and peers. As you move into the next stage of your professional journey, we want you to know that you have the support of Career Services, the Alumni Association, and all of the employers who are part of the Hire a Rebel family to mentor, guide, and walk with you through the jobbing process. We are invested in the community of Las Vegas, the network of UNLV, and in each of you to help you to grow and transition from student to professional. The road to career success is not as easy as we might hope for. You may encounter setbacks and struggles throughout the next few years, but keep in mind that each situation you encounter and every decision you make is shaping you into a Rebel professional. By taking advantage of the resources that come along with being a UNLV Rebel, you will network with amazing and successful professionals already thriving in the field, build your own career toolkit, and navigate through the professional world with the skill set that you learned while you were a student at UNLV. Whether you are working in an office, stage, gallery, restaurant, school, or even your own home, you are equipped with the knowledge, drive, and determination to find success. You have the spirit of a Rebel within you. When roadblocks get in your way, use your network and your talents to navigate around, over, or through them. When you are met with overwhelming success, share those victories with your Rebel family. Remember that you are now and will always be connected through UNLV. We all have your back and are all excited for you on this journey. You are a Rebel today and you will be a Rebel forever. Welcome to the Hire a Rebel family!https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/career_handbook/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Fourteen years of R/qtl: Just barely sustainable

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    R/qtl is an R package for mapping quantitative trait loci (genetic loci that contribute to variation in quantitative traits) in experimental crosses. Its development began in 2000. There have been 38 software releases since 2001. The latest release contains 35k lines of R code and 24k lines of C code, plus 15k lines of code for the documentation. Challenges in the development and maintenance of the software are discussed. A key to the success of R/qtl is that it remains a central tool for the chief developer's own research work, and so its maintenance is of selfish importance.Comment: Previously submission to First Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE), http://wssspe.researchcomputing.org.uk; revised for submission to the Journal of Open Research Software, http://openresearchsoftware.metajnl.com

    Social media: a guide for researchers

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    This guide has been produced by the International Centre for Guidance Studies, and aims to provide the information needed to make an informed decision about using social media and select from the vast range of tools that are available. One of the most important things that researchers do is to nd, use and disseminate information, and social media offers a range of tools which can facilitate this. The guide discusses the use of social media for research and academic purposes and will not be examining the many other uses that social media is put to across society. Social media can change the way in which you undertake research, and can also open up new forms of communication and dissemination. It has the power to enable researchers to engage in a wide range of dissemination in a highly efcient way.Research Information Networ

    Relevance, benefits, and problems of software modelling and model driven techniques—A survey in the Italian industry

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    Context Claimed benefits of software modelling and model driven techniques are improvements in productivity, portability, maintainability and interoperability. However, little effort has been devoted at collecting evidence to evaluate their actual relevance, benefits and usage complications. Goal The main goals of this paper are: (1) assess the diffusion and relevance of software modelling and MD techniques in the Italian industry, (2) understand the expected and achieved benefits, and (3) identify which problems limit/prevent their diffusion. Method We conducted an exploratory personal opinion survey with a sample of 155 Italian software professionals by means of a Web-based questionnaire on-line from February to April 2011. Results Software modelling and MD techniques are very relevant in the Italian industry. The adoption of simple modelling brings common benefits (better design support, documentation improvement, better maintenance, and higher software quality), while MD techniques make it easier to achieve: improved standardization, higher productivity, and platform independence. We identified problems, some hindering adoption (too much effort required and limited usefulness) others preventing it (lack of competencies and supporting tools). Conclusions The relevance represents an important objective motivation for researchers in this area. The relationship between techniques and attainable benefits represents an instrument for practitioners planning the adoption of such techniques. In addition the findings may provide hints for companies and universitie
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