865 research outputs found

    Liberalising Deployment of Internet of Things Devices and Services in Large Scale Environments

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    Liberalising Deployment of Internet of Things Devices and Services in Large Scale Environments

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    There is an ongoing enormous expansion of Internet of Things devices andservices in everyday life, notably in novel large scale urban environments called Smart Cities. There, availability and uses of Internet of Things by end users and businesses is mainly palpable subject to prior knowledge of the relevant providers and use of dedicated applications that are associated with them. This current reality can be largely ascribed to the property of ‘‘verticality’’ of autonomous Internet of Things eco-systems in Smart Cities, where Internet of Things devices (e.g. sensor nodes) are connected over a communicationinfrastructure to service-cloud platforms that deliver and process data that isthen presented at the applications level. This paper explains possibilities for revolutionary changes needed towards liberalising deployment and visibility of IoT services and data associated with them. It advocates a conceptual approach termed ‘‘horizontal networking for Internet of Things’’ facilitating a more open and generic presence of Internet of Things through the proposed Internet of Things identification meta-data. The vision is built on needed novel practical features in the current communication setups. The features comprise combinations of the opportunistic and near-match search and discovery model, Internet of Things identification meta-data also reflecting the physical and network-based dimensions of devices’ locations, novel routing and data flow models emerging via Information-Centric Networking and changes required in the elements of the current telecommunicationinfrastructure and the Internet

    Novel Attacks and Defenses for Enterprise Internet-of-Things (E-IoT) Systems

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    This doctoral dissertation expands upon the field of Enterprise Internet-of-Things (E-IoT) systems, one of the most ubiquitous and under-researched fields of smart systems. E-IoT systems are specialty smart systems designed for sophisticated automation applications (e.g., multimedia control, security, lighting control). E-IoT systems are often closed source, costly, require certified installers, and are more robust for their specific applications. This dissertation begins with an analysis of the current E-IoT threat landscape and introduces three novel attacks and defenses under-studied software and protocols heavily linked to E-IoT systems. For each layer, we review the literature for the threats, attacks, and countermeasures. Based on the systematic knowledge we obtain from the literature review, we propose three novel attacks and countermeasures to protect E-IoT systems. In the first attack, we present PoisonIvy, several attacks developed to show that malicious E-IoT drivers can be used to compromise E-IoT. In response to PoisonIvy threats, we describe Ivycide, a machine-learning network-based solution designed to defend E-IoT systems against E-IoT driver threats. As multimedia control is a significant application of E-IoT, we introduce is HDMI-Walk, a novel attack vector designed to demonstrate that HDMI\u27s Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) protocol can be used to compromise multiple devices through a single connection. To defend devices from this threat, we introduce HDMI-Watch, a standalone intrusion detection system (IDS) designed to defend HDMI-enabled devices from HDMI-Walk-style attacks. Finally, this dissertation evaluates the security of E-IoT proprietary protocols with LightingStrike, a series of attacks used to demonstrate that popular E-IoT proprietary communication protocols are insecure. To address LightningStrike threats, we introduce LGuard, a complete defense framework designed to defend E-IoT systems from LightingStrike-style attacks using computer vision, traffic obfuscation, and traffic analysis techniques. For each contribution, all of the defense mechanisms proposed are implemented without any modification to the underlying hardware or software. All attacks and defenses in this dissertation were performed with implementations on widely-used E-IoT devices and systems. We believe that the research presented in this dissertation has notable implications on the security of E-IoT systems by exposing novel threat vectors, raising awareness, and motivating future E-IoT system security research

    Digitising the Industry Internet of Things Connecting the Physical, Digital and VirtualWorlds

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    This book provides an overview of the current Internet of Things (IoT) landscape, ranging from the research, innovation and development priorities to enabling technologies in a global context. A successful deployment of IoT technologies requires integration on all layers, be it cognitive and semantic aspects, middleware components, services, edge devices/machines and infrastructures. It is intended to be a standalone book in a series that covers the Internet of Things activities of the IERC - Internet of Things European Research Cluster from research to technological innovation, validation and deployment. The book builds on the ideas put forward by the European Research Cluster and the IoT European Platform Initiative (IoT-EPI) and presents global views and state of the art results on the challenges facing the research, innovation, development and deployment of IoT in the next years. The IoT is bridging the physical world with virtual world and requires sound information processing capabilities for the "digital shadows" of these real things. The research and innovation in nanoelectronics, semiconductor, sensors/actuators, communication, analytics technologies, cyber-physical systems, software, swarm intelligent and deep learning systems are essential for the successful deployment of IoT applications. The emergence of IoT platforms with multiple functionalities enables rapid development and lower costs by offering standardised components that can be shared across multiple solutions in many industry verticals. The IoT applications will gradually move from vertical, single purpose solutions to multi-purpose and collaborative applications interacting across industry verticals, organisations and people, being one of the essential paradigms of the digital economy. Many of those applications still have to be identified and involvement of end-users including the creative sector in this innovation is crucial. The IoT applications and deployments as integrated building blocks of the new digital economy are part of the accompanying IoT policy framework to address issues of horizontal nature and common interest (i.e. privacy, end-to-end security, user acceptance, societal, ethical aspects and legal issues) for providing trusted IoT solutions in a coordinated and consolidated manner across the IoT activities and pilots. In this, context IoT ecosystems offer solutions beyond a platform and solve important technical challenges in the different verticals and across verticals. These IoT technology ecosystems are instrumental for the deployment of large pilots and can easily be connected to or build upon the core IoT solutions for different applications in order to expand the system of use and allow new and even unanticipated IoT end uses. Technical topics discussed in the book include: • Introduction• Digitising industry and IoT as key enabler in the new era of Digital Economy• IoT Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda• IoT in the digital industrial context: Digital Single Market• Integration of heterogeneous systems and bridging the virtual, digital and physical worlds• Federated IoT platforms and interoperability• Evolution from intelligent devices to connected systems of systems by adding new layers of cognitive behaviour, artificial intelligence and user interfaces.• Innovation through IoT ecosystems• Trust-based IoT end-to-end security, privacy framework• User acceptance, societal, ethical aspects and legal issues• Internet of Things Application

    The role of interactive marketing in IoT-based smart city ecosystems

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    This thesis focuses on IoT-based smart city ecosystems and interactive marketing. The objective of this study is to find out what is the role of interactive marketing in IoT ecosystems around smart cities, by first finding out what is the role of IoT in smart cities and who are the players in IoT-based smart city ecosystems. In this qualitative case study, the empirical data is gathered by interviewing eight IoT professionals, both from the private and public sector. The researched subject of this thesis is the smart city ecosystem of Tampere based software company Wirepas Oy. In smart cities, devices are monitored, controlled and managed remotely. The focus in IoT-based smart cities is in gathering real-time data and utilizing the data to plan preventive maintenance activities, optimizing cities’ resources, saving cost, energy, gas, and water and to make citizens happier and ease their lives in urban areas. To be able to deliver these smart solutions to cities, IoT business ecosystem needs to be in place. The IoT business ecosystem is a complex value chain where all the actors of the network are needed to deliver superior value for the end user, cities and citizens. In order to build and grow these ecosystems, efficient marketing tactics need to be utilized. In this thesis, interactive marketing as a modern form of direct marketing is researched. The key feature of interactive marketing is a two-way conversation between the company and its targeted customers, and it is based on participatory activities of customers. This thesis focuses on commonly used marketing techniques in one IoT business ecosystem and evaluates the techniques based on their importance and level of interactivity. This thesis shows that the concept of smart cities can be defined as a citizen-centered approach where IoT technologies are enablers of new, smart solutions. The thesis presents interactive marketing as an important marketing tool in building IoT ecosystems which are the enablers of smart cities. The thesis shows, that without these IoT ecosystems consisting of companies, each bringing their own value to the ecosystem, smart city solutions cannot be developed

    Challenges in Blockchain as a Solution for IoT Ecosystem Threats and Access Control: A Survey

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is increasingly influencing and transforming various aspects of our daily lives. Contrary to popular belief, it raises security and privacy issues as it is used to collect data from consumers or automated systems. Numerous articles are published that discuss issues like centralised control systems and potential alternatives like integration with blockchain. Although a few recent surveys focused on the challenges and solutions facing the IoT ecosystem, most of them did not concentrate on the threats, difficulties, or blockchain-based solutions. Additionally, none of them focused on blockchain and IoT integration challenges and attacks. In the context of the IoT ecosystem, overall security measures are very important to understand the overall challenges. This article summarises difficulties that have been outlined in numerous recent articles and articulates various attacks and security challenges in a variety of approaches, including blockchain-based solutions and so on. More clearly, this contribution consolidates threats, access control issues, and remedies in brief. In addition, this research has listed some attacks on public blockchain protocols with some real-life examples that can guide researchers in taking preventive measures for IoT use cases. Finally, a future research direction concludes the research gaps by analysing contemporary research contributions
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