8,923 research outputs found

    Building behavior scoring model using genetic algorithm and support vector machines

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    In the increasingly competitive credit industry, one of the most interesting and challenging problems is how to manage existing customers. Behavior scoring models have been widely used by financial institutions to forecast customer's future credit performance. In this paper, a hybrid GA+SVM model, which uses genetic algorithm (GA) to search the promising subsets of features and multi-class support vector machines (SVM) to make behavior scoring prediction, is presented. A real life credit data set in a major Chinese commercial bank is selected as the experimental data to compare the classification accuracy rate with other traditional behavior scoring models. The experimental results show that GA+SVM can obtain better performance than other models

    Modeling Financial Time Series with Artificial Neural Networks

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    Financial time series convey the decisions and actions of a population of human actors over time. Econometric and regressive models have been developed in the past decades for analyzing these time series. More recently, biologically inspired artificial neural network models have been shown to overcome some of the main challenges of traditional techniques by better exploiting the non-linear, non-stationary, and oscillatory nature of noisy, chaotic human interactions. This review paper explores the options, benefits, and weaknesses of the various forms of artificial neural networks as compared with regression techniques in the field of financial time series analysis.CELEST, a National Science Foundation Science of Learning Center (SBE-0354378); SyNAPSE program of the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (HR001109-03-0001

    A literature review on the application of evolutionary computing to credit scoring

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    The last years have seen the development of many credit scoring models for assessing the creditworthiness of loan applicants. Traditional credit scoring methodology has involved the use of statistical and mathematical programming techniques such as discriminant analysis, linear and logistic regression, linear and quadratic programming, or decision trees. However, the importance of credit grant decisions for financial institutions has caused growing interest in using a variety of computational intelligence techniques. This paper concentrates on evolutionary computing, which is viewed as one of the most promising paradigms of computational intelligence. Taking into account the synergistic relationship between the communities of Economics and Computer Science, the aim of this paper is to summarize the most recent developments in the application of evolutionary algorithms to credit scoring by means of a thorough review of scientific articles published during the period 2000–2012.This work has partially been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science under grant TIN2009-14205 and the Generalitat Valenciana under grant PROMETEO/2010/028

    Modeling, forecasting and trading the EUR exchange rates with hybrid rolling genetic algorithms: support vector regression forecast combinations

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    The motivation of this paper is to introduce a hybrid Rolling Genetic Algorithm-Support Vector Regression (RG-SVR) model for optimal parameter selection and feature subset combination. The algorithm is applied to the task of forecasting and trading the EUR/USD, EUR/GBP and EUR/JPY exchange rates. The proposed methodology genetically searches over a feature space (pool of individual forecasts) and then combines the optimal feature subsets (SVR forecast combinations) for each exchange rate. This is achieved by applying a fitness function specialized for financial purposes and adopting a sliding window approach. The individual forecasts are derived from several linear and non-linear models. RG-SVR is benchmarked against genetically and non-genetically optimized SVRs and SVMs models that are dominating the relevant literature, along with the robust ARBF-PSO neural network. The statistical and trading performance of all models is investigated during the period of 1999–2012. As it turns out, RG-SVR presents the best performance in terms of statistical accuracy and trading efficiency for all the exchange rates under study. This superiority confirms the success of the implemented fitness function and training procedure, while it validates the benefits of the proposed algorithm

    Ants constructing rule-based classifiers.

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    Classifiers; Data; Data mining; Studies;

    Design and Implementation of a Student Attendance System Using Iris Biometric Recognition

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    Attendance taking is a standard practice in every educational system. The methods used to take class attendance are quite numerous but emphasis keeps shifting towards automating the process. The use of biometrics in taking class attendance is fast gaining ground and the traditional way of taking attendance is fast losing ground especially when the class is very large and time is of great essence. The iris was used as the biometric in this paper. After enrolling all attendees by storing their particulars along with their unique iris template, the designed system automatically took class attendance by capturing the eye image of each attendee, recognizing their iris, and searching for a match in the created database. The designed prototype is also web based. This paper proposes an alternative and accurate method of taking attendance that is both spoofproof and relatively cheap to implement

    An improved Bank Credit Scoring Model A Naïve Bayesian Approach

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    Credit scoring is a decision tool used by organizations to grant or reject credit requests from their customers. Series of artificial intelligent and traditional approaches have been used to building credit scoring model and credit risk evaluation. Despite being ranked amongst the top 10 algorithm in Data mining, Naïve Bayesian algorithm has not been extensively used in building credit score cards. Using demographic and material indicators as input variables, this paper investigate the ability of Bayesian classifier towards building credit scoring model in banking sector