341,556 research outputs found

    Optical generation of IR-UWB pulse based on weighted sum of modified doublets

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    We propose a relatively simple optical generation concept for impulse radio ultra wideband (IR-UWB) pulse over fiber transmission using a weighted sum of a modified doublet with its inverted and delayed version. The generated pulses not only fi4ly comply with the FCC spectral mask but also are highly power efficient in the available spectrum. We verified our approach using both simulation and experimental demonstration. The concept has a potential to be integrated with other optical functions on a compact optical chip, making it very suitable for wide UWB deployment for highspeed wireless access at low costfor in-building network applications

    Turning Optical Complex Media into Universal Reconfigurable Linear Operators by Wavefront Shaping

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    Performing linear operations using optical devices is a crucial building block in many fields ranging from telecommunication to optical analogue computation and machine learning. For many of these applications, key requirements are robustness to fabrication inaccuracies and reconfigurability. Current designs of custom-tailored photonic devices or coherent photonic circuits only partially satisfy these needs. Here, we propose a way to perform linear operations by using complex optical media such as multimode fibers or thin scattering layers as a computational platform driven by wavefront shaping. Given a large random transmission matrix (TM) representing light propagation in such a medium, we can extract a desired smaller linear operator by finding suitable input and output projectors. We discuss fundamental upper bounds on the size of the linear transformations our approach can achieve and provide an experimental demonstration. For the latter, first we retrieve the complex medium's TM with a non-interferometric phase retrieval method. Then, we take advantage of the large number of degrees of freedom to find input wavefronts using a Spatial Light Modulator (SLM) that cause the system, composed of the SLM and the complex medium, to act as a desired complex-valued linear operator on the optical field. We experimentally build several 16×1616\times16 complex-valued operators, and are able to switch from one to another at will. Our technique offers the prospect of reconfigurable, robust and easy-to-fabricate linear optical analogue computation units

    Models of higher-order, type-safe, distributed computation over autonomous persistent object stores

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    A remote procedure call (RPC) mechanism permits the calling of procedures in another address space. RPC is a simple but highly effective mechanism for interprocess communication and enjoys nowadays a great popularity as a tool for building distributed applications. This popularity is partly a result of their overall simplicity but also partly a consequence of more than 20 years of research in transpaxent distribution that have failed to deliver systems that meet the expectations of real-world application programmers. During the same 20 years, persistent systems have proved their suitability for building complex database applications by seamlessly integrating features traditionally found in database management systems into the programming language itself. Some research. effort has been invested on distributed persistent systems, but the outcomes commonly suffer from the same problems found with transparent distribution. In this thesis I claim that a higher-order persistent RPC is useful for building distributed persistent applications. The proposed mechanism is: realistic in the sense that it uses current technology and tolerates partial failures; understandable by application programmers; and general to support the development of many classes of distributed persistent applications. In order to demonstrate the validity of these claims, I propose and have implemented three models for distributed higher-order computation over autonomous persistent stores. Each model has successively exposed new problems which have then been overcome by the next model. Together, the three models provide a general yet simple higher-order persistent RPC that is able to operate in realistic environments with partial failures. The real strength of this thesis is the demonstration of realism and simplicity. A higherorder persistent RPC was not only implemented but also used by programmers without experience of programming distributed applications. Furthermore, a distributed persistent application has been built using these models which would not have been feasible with a traditional (non-persistent) programming language

    Opportunities for Dutch Biorefineries

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    Deze Roadmap Bioraffinage beschrijft een aantal mogelijke routes naar de ontwikkeling en implementatie van een bioraffinage-gerelateerde Bio-based Economy in Nederland. De Roadmap combineert korte- en middellange termijn mogelijkheden (commerciële implementatie, demonstratie plants, pilot plants en gerelateerd toegepast onderzoek) met strategisch onderzoek voor de langere termijn. Tevens zijn vier z.g. Moonshots uitgewerkt, als voorziene bioraffinagestrategieën met een grote potentie voor de Nederlandse economi

    Evaluation of Disability Employment Policy Demonstration Programs

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    [Excerpt] Having characterized the intermediary approach from published literature, as well as impressions of those who are using this approach in their demonstration projects, and reviewed ODEP’s requirements regarding implementation of the intermediary approach, Westat determined that the intermediary approaches required in the SGAs for the State Intermediary and Faith-based Mentoring demonstration programs have much in common with other ODEP demonstration programs. Other ODEP programs require demonstration projects to partner and collaborate with businesses and business organizations, government, transportation systems, and health and other service providers. They also have goals for ensuring quality and impact and promoting policies to sustain effective practices. The difference, however, is that the State Intermediary and Faith-based mentoring SGAs specifically identified the intermediary approach as the strategy to use. The State Intermediary SGA went even further by delineating specific steps as part of the intermediary process (resource mapping and development of a state plan). Our literature review uncovered a wide variety of examples in which the intermediary approach has achieved useful outcomes on behalf of youth with disabilities. However, all literature we found was descriptive and did not address questions on effectiveness or the most appropriate strategies. Therefore, it is not known whether the intermediary approach is the most fruitful approach for achieving systems change, whether there are some intermediary approaches that are better than others, or whether those approaches would be repeatable and adaptable to other environments. Nevertheless, at our three site visits, we were able to uncover a variety of examples of activities that are consistent with intermediary strategic and operational functions identified in the literature and appear to bode well for success in achieving systems change. Further review of Quarterly Reports and findings from site visits also revealed some systems change already taking place in the systems change focus areas of capacity-building, coordination, consumer choice and employer support, and evaluation of new practices. Subsequent site visits in Phase IV of the independent evaluation are likely to uncover additional examples of intermediary processes, outputs, and outcomes, as well as those practices that appear to be most successful in achieving systems change

    Deceiving Google's Cloud Video Intelligence API Built for Summarizing Videos

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    Despite the rapid progress of the techniques for image classification, video annotation has remained a challenging task. Automated video annotation would be a breakthrough technology, enabling users to search within the videos. Recently, Google introduced the Cloud Video Intelligence API for video analysis. As per the website, the system can be used to "separate signal from noise, by retrieving relevant information at the video, shot or per frame" level. A demonstration website has been also launched, which allows anyone to select a video for annotation. The API then detects the video labels (objects within the video) as well as shot labels (description of the video events over time). In this paper, we examine the usability of the Google's Cloud Video Intelligence API in adversarial environments. In particular, we investigate whether an adversary can subtly manipulate a video in such a way that the API will return only the adversary-desired labels. For this, we select an image, which is different from the video content, and insert it, periodically and at a very low rate, into the video. We found that if we insert one image every two seconds, the API is deceived into annotating the video as if it only contained the inserted image. Note that the modification to the video is hardly noticeable as, for instance, for a typical frame rate of 25, we insert only one image per 50 video frames. We also found that, by inserting one image per second, all the shot labels returned by the API are related to the inserted image. We perform the experiments on the sample videos provided by the API demonstration website and show that our attack is successful with different videos and images

    Early Conclusions from The Mixed-Income Demonstration Program: Reaching Extremely Low-Income Families in Mixed-Income Settings

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    This report contains the results of a special Congressionally-appropriated grant program to develop affordable multi-family housing that serves extremely low income households. The grants included capital grant "gap" funding for NeighborWorks organizations operating and preserving affordable multi-family housing

    Role of Intermediaries in ODEP Youth Demonstration Programs

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    [Excerpt] All Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) demonstration programs use aspects of an intermediary approach to connect organizations and agencies at all levels in meeting educational and employment goals on behalf of people with disabilities. As part of Phase III of the independent evaluation of ODEP demonstration programs, ODEP asked Westat to conduct an in-depth analysis of the role of intermediaries in building sustained capacity and integration of services of the workforce development system to better serve youth with disabilities. The overriding question in the context of this issue analysis is whether, to what extent, and how the intermediary approach is being used in youth demonstration programs and whether it is effective in creating systems change to better serve youth with disabilities. The following questions were addressed: - What characterizes the intermediary approach? - What are ODEP’s requirements with regard to the use of an intermediary approach by demonstration programs? - What are demonstration project sites’ experiences in using an intermediary approach? &#; What can be said to date on the effectiveness of using an intermediary approach, particularly with regard to systems change
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