6 research outputs found

    Do Bugs Propagate? An Empirical Analysis of Temporal Correlations Among Software Bugs

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    The occurrences of bugs are not isolated events, rather they may interact, affect each other, and trigger other latent bugs. Identifying and understanding bug correlations could help developers localize bug origins, predict potential bugs, and design better architectures of software artifacts to prevent bug affection. Many studies in the defect prediction and fault localization literature implied the dependence and interactions between multiple bugs, but few of them explicitly investigate the correlations of bugs across time steps and how bugs affect each other. In this paper, we perform social network analysis on the temporal correlations between bugs across time steps on software artifact ties, i.e., software graphs. Adopted from the correlation analysis methodology in social networks, we construct software graphs of three artifact ties such as function calls and type hierarchy and then perform longitudinal logistic regressions of time-lag bug correlations on these graphs. Our experiments on four open-source projects suggest that bugs can propagate as observed on certain artifact tie graphs. Based on our findings, we propose a hybrid artifact tie graph, a synthesis of a few well-known software graphs, that exhibits a higher degree of bug propagation. Our findings shed light on research for better bug prediction and localization models and help developers to perform maintenance actions to prevent consequential bugs

    Studying the lives of software bugs

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    For as long as people have made software, they have made mistakes in that software. Software bugs are widespread, and the maintenance required to fix them has a major impact on the cost of software and how developers' time is spent. Reducing this maintenance time would lower the cost of software and allow for developers to spend more time on new features, improving the software for end-users. Bugs are hugely diverse and have a complex life cycle. This makes them difficult to study, and research is often carried out on synthetic bugs or toy programs. However, a better understanding of the bug life cycle would greatly aid in developing tools to reduce the time spent on maintenance. This thesis will study the life cycle of bugs, and develop such an understanding. Overall, this thesis examines over 3000 real bugs, from real projects, concentrating on three of the most important points in the life cycle: origin, reporting and fix. Firstly, two existing techniques are compared for discovering the origin of a bug. A number of improvements are evaluated, and the most effective approach is found to be combining the techniques. Furthermore, the behaviour of developers is found to have a major impact on the accuracy of the techniques. Secondly, a large number of bugs are analysed to determine what information is provided when users report bugs. For most bugs, much important information is missing, or inaccurate. Most importantly, there appears to be a considerable gap between what users provide and what developers actually want. Finally, an evaluation is carried out on a number of novel alterations to techniques used to determine the location of bug fixes. Compared to existing techniques, these alterations successfully increase the number of bugs which can be usefully localised, aiding developers in removing the bugs.For as long as people have made software, they have made mistakes in that software. Software bugs are widespread, and the maintenance required to fix them has a major impact on the cost of software and how developers' time is spent. Reducing this maintenance time would lower the cost of software and allow for developers to spend more time on new features, improving the software for end-users. Bugs are hugely diverse and have a complex life cycle. This makes them difficult to study, and research is often carried out on synthetic bugs or toy programs. However, a better understanding of the bug life cycle would greatly aid in developing tools to reduce the time spent on maintenance. This thesis will study the life cycle of bugs, and develop such an understanding. Overall, this thesis examines over 3000 real bugs, from real projects, concentrating on three of the most important points in the life cycle: origin, reporting and fix. Firstly, two existing techniques are compared for discovering the origin of a bug. A number of improvements are evaluated, and the most effective approach is found to be combining the techniques. Furthermore, the behaviour of developers is found to have a major impact on the accuracy of the techniques. Secondly, a large number of bugs are analysed to determine what information is provided when users report bugs. For most bugs, much important information is missing, or inaccurate. Most importantly, there appears to be a considerable gap between what users provide and what developers actually want. Finally, an evaluation is carried out on a number of novel alterations to techniques used to determine the location of bug fixes. Compared to existing techniques, these alterations successfully increase the number of bugs which can be usefully localised, aiding developers in removing the bugs

    Combining Fault Localization with Information Retrieval: an Analysis of Accuracy and Performance for Bug Finding

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    Debugging is a key activity in the software development process. It has been used extensively by developers to attempt to localize faults, while enhancing the quality and performance of software in general. There has been a significant amount of study in developing and enhancing fault localization techniques, which are used in assisting developers to locate faults within a body of code. However, identifying fault locations using individual techniques is not always effective; combining different techniques, which represent distinct forms of analysis, might help to overcome this issue. There has been a very limited amount of research that suggests that combining more than one approach to fault localization may have benefits, principally because information from different sources is included in the localization process. In this thesis, I attempt to more precisely address the question of whether combining different fault localization techniques can more effectively and efficiently find faults in code, when contrasted with a single technique. To answer this, I have carried out experiments that combine the use of three fault localization techniques: Information Retrieval (IR), Spectrum Based Fault Localization (SBFL), and Text Based Search. These techniques are representative of both dynamic and static fault localization. My hypothesis is that a combination of dynamic and static fault localization analysis can assist developers in better fault localization. I have evaluated the various combinations of techniques in identifying faults against real-world programs, Defects4j, where 395 faults and bug reports have been analyzed. The experimental results demonstrate that the combination of three techniques (SBFL, Text Search, and IR) is the most accurate, with 86.84% accuracy for 343 faults located from a total of 395. This finding contributes positively towards concretely recommending techniques for assisting developers in locating faults in code. Guidelines are provided on which combination of techniques, with maximal accuracy of result, should be applied especially when there is no prior knowledge about the fault

    Bug localisation through diverse sources of information

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    Many approaches have been proposed to address the problem of bug localisation – taking a bug report and recommending to developers the possible locations of the bug in the project. However, these can often require significant up-front work from developers, and are not widely adopted. Furthermore, those techniques which do not require this up-front investment are often far from accurate, and do not take advantage of all of the information that they could. We propose a technique for combining information from multiple, novel sources of information about a project and a bug, and use this to recommend bug locations to developers. We also identify how this technique could be used to create a low-effort tool for bug localisation, with the aim of increasing developer adoption. We evaluate the technique on 1143 bugs in three open-source projects, and find that it can be used to increase the number of bugs where the first relevant method recommended to developers is the top result from 98 to 132 and in the top-10 from 271 to 322