983 research outputs found

    Reconfigurable-Hardware Accelerated Stream Aggregation

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    High throughput and low latency stream aggregation is essential for many applications that analyze massive volumes of data in real-time. Incoming data need to be stored in a single sliding-window before processing, in cases where incremental aggregations are wasteful or not possible at all. However, storing all incoming values in a single-window puts tremendous pressure on the memory bandwidth and capacity. GPU and CPU memory management is inefficient for this task as it introduces unnecessary data movement that wastes bandwidth. FPGAs can make more efficient use of their memory but existing approaches employ only on-chip memory and therefore, can only support small problem sizes (i.e. small sliding windows and number of keys) due to the limited capacity. This thesis addresses the above limitations of stream processing systems by proposing techniques for accelerating single sliding-window stream aggregation using FPGAs to achieve line-rate processing throughput and ultra low latency. It does so first by building accelerators using FPGAs and second, by alleviating the memory pressure posed by single-window stream aggregation. The initial part of this thesis presents the accelerators for both windowing policies, namely, tuple- and time-\ua0based, using Maxeler\u27s DataFlow Engines\ua0(DFEs) which have a direct feed of incoming data from the network as well as direct access to off-chip DRAM. Compared to state-of-the-art stream processing software system, the DFEs offer 1-2 orders of magnitude higher processing throughput and 4 orders of magnitude lower latency. The later part of this thesis focuses on alleviating the memory pressure due to the various steps in single-window stream aggregation. Updating the window with new incoming values and reading it to feed the aggregation functions are the two primary steps in stream aggregation. The high on-chip SRAM bandwidth enables line-rate processing, but only for small problem sizes due to the limited capacity. The larger off-chip DRAM size supports larger problems, but falls short on performance due to lower bandwidth. In order to bridge this gap, this thesis introduces a specialized memory hierarchy for stream aggregation. It employs Multi-Level Queues (MLQs) spanning across multiple memory levels with different characteristics to offer both high bandwidth and capacity. In doing so, larger stream aggregation problems can be supported at line-rate performance, outperforming existing competing solutions. Compared to designs with only on-chip memory, our approach supports 4 orders of magnitude larger problems. Compared to designs that use only DRAM, our design achieves up to 8x higher throughput. Finally, this thesis aims to alleviate the memory pressure due to the window-aggregation step. Although window-updates can be supported efficiently using MLQs, frequent window-aggregations remain a performance bottleneck. This thesis addresses this problem by introducing StreamZip, a dataflow stream aggregation engine that is able to compress the sliding-windows. StreamZip deals with a number of data and control dependency challenges to integrate a compressor in the stream aggregation pipeline and alleviate the memory pressure posed by frequent aggregations. In doing so, StreamZip offers higher throughput as well as larger effective window capacity to support larger problems. StreamZip supports diverse compression algorithms offering both lossless and lossy compression to fixed- as well as floating- point numbers. Compared to designs using MLQs, StreamZip lossless and lossy designs achieve up to 7.5x and 22x higher throughput, while improving the effective memory capacity by up to 5x and 23x, respectively

    Video Traffic Characteristics of Modern Encoding Standards: H.264/AVC with SVC and MVC Extensions and H.265/HEVC

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    abstract: Video encoding for multimedia services over communication networks has significantly advanced in recent years with the development of the highly efficient and flexible H.264/AVC video coding standard and its SVC extension. The emerging H.265/HEVC video coding standard as well as 3D video coding further advance video coding for multimedia communications. This paper first gives an overview of these new video coding standards and then examines their implications for multimedia communications by studying the traffic characteristics of long videos encoded with the new coding standards. We review video coding advances from MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 Part 2 to H.264/AVC and its SVC and MVC extensions as well as H.265/HEVC. For single-layer (nonscalable) video, we compare H.265/HEVC and H.264/AVC in terms of video traffic and statistical multiplexing characteristics. Our study is the first to examine the H.265/HEVC traffic variability for long videos. We also illustrate the video traffic characteristics and statistical multiplexing of scalable video encoded with the SVC extension of H.264/AVC as well as 3D video encoded with the MVC extension of H.264/AVC.View the article as published at https://www.hindawi.com/journals/tswj/2014/189481

    Analysis domain model for shared virtual environments

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    The field of shared virtual environments, which also encompasses online games and social 3D environments, has a system landscape consisting of multiple solutions that share great functional overlap. However, there is little system interoperability between the different solutions. A shared virtual environment has an associated problem domain that is highly complex raising difficult challenges to the development process, starting with the architectural design of the underlying system. This paper has two main contributions. The first contribution is a broad domain analysis of shared virtual environments, which enables developers to have a better understanding of the whole rather than the part(s). The second contribution is a reference domain model for discussing and describing solutions - the Analysis Domain Model

    FlexiTop: A flexible and scalable network monitoring system for Over-The-Top services

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    Nowadays, the demand of Over-The-Top (OTT) services such as multimedia streaming, web services or social networking is rapidly increasing. Consequently, there is a wide interest in studying the quality of these services so that Internet Service Providers (ISP) can deliver the best experience to their clients. For this purpose, we present FlexiTop, a flexible and scalable system to actively monitor these OTT services, which allows an operator to obtain metrics with a limited resource usage. Due to the continuous evolution of OTT services, this system was designed with different approaches that can be extrapolated to future situations. By looking at the results, the proposal meets all the expectations and requirements and therefore it proves its success. The proposed design was implemented and validated with different alternatives whenever it was possible, both in wired and wireless networks. Moreover, long-time testing was performed to both ensure its stability and analyze the obtained dataThis work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund under the project TRÁFICA (MINECO/FEDER TEC2015-69417-C2-1-R

    Content-Aware Multimedia Communications

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    The demands for fast, economic and reliable dissemination of multimedia information are steadily growing within our society. While people and economy increasingly rely on communication technologies, engineers still struggle with their growing complexity. Complexity in multimedia communication originates from several sources. The most prominent is the unreliability of packet networks like the Internet. Recent advances in scheduling and error control mechanisms for streaming protocols have shown that the quality and robustness of multimedia delivery can be improved significantly when protocols are aware of the content they deliver. However, the proposed mechanisms require close cooperation between transport systems and application layers which increases the overall system complexity. Current approaches also require expensive metrics and focus on special encoding formats only. A general and efficient model is missing so far. This thesis presents efficient and format-independent solutions to support cross-layer coordination in system architectures. In particular, the first contribution of this work is a generic dependency model that enables transport layers to access content-specific properties of media streams, such as dependencies between data units and their importance. The second contribution is the design of a programming model for streaming communication and its implementation as a middleware architecture. The programming model hides the complexity of protocol stacks behind simple programming abstractions, but exposes cross-layer control and monitoring options to application programmers. For example, our interfaces allow programmers to choose appropriate failure semantics at design time while they can refine error protection and visibility of low-level errors at run-time. Based on some examples we show how our middleware simplifies the integration of stream-based communication into large-scale application architectures. An important result of this work is that despite cross-layer cooperation, neither application nor transport protocol designers experience an increase in complexity. Application programmers can even reuse existing streaming protocols which effectively increases system robustness.Der Bedarf unsere Gesellschaft nach kostengĂŒnstiger und zuverlĂ€ssiger Kommunikation wĂ€chst stetig. WĂ€hrend wir uns selbst immer mehr von modernen Kommunikationstechnologien abhĂ€ngig machen, mĂŒssen die Ingenieure dieser Technologien sowohl den Bedarf nach schneller EinfĂŒhrung neuer Produkte befriedigen als auch die wachsende KomplexitĂ€t der Systeme beherrschen. Gerade die Übertragung multimedialer Inhalte wie Video und Audiodaten ist nicht trivial. Einer der prominentesten GrĂŒnde dafĂŒr ist die UnzuverlĂ€ssigkeit heutiger Netzwerke, wie z.B.~dem Internet. Paketverluste und schwankende Laufzeiten können die DarstellungsqualitĂ€t massiv beeintrĂ€chtigen. Wie jĂŒngste Entwicklungen im Bereich der Streaming-Protokolle zeigen, sind jedoch QualitĂ€t und Robustheit der Übertragung effizient kontrollierbar, wenn Streamingprotokolle Informationen ĂŒber den Inhalt der transportierten Daten ausnutzen. Existierende AnsĂ€tze, die den Inhalt von Multimediadatenströmen beschreiben, sind allerdings meist auf einzelne Kompressionsverfahren spezialisiert und verwenden berechnungsintensive Metriken. Das reduziert ihren praktischen Nutzen deutlich. Außerdem erfordert der Informationsaustausch eine enge Kooperation zwischen Applikationen und Transportschichten. Da allerdings die Schnittstellen aktueller Systemarchitekturen nicht darauf vorbereitet sind, mĂŒssen entweder die Schnittstellen erweitert oder alternative Architekturkonzepte geschaffen werden. Die Gefahr beider Varianten ist jedoch, dass sich die KomplexitĂ€t eines Systems dadurch weiter erhöhen kann. Das zentrale Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es deshalb, schichtenĂŒbergreifende Koordination bei gleichzeitiger Reduzierung der KomplexitĂ€t zu erreichen. Hier leistet die Arbeit zwei BetrĂ€ge zum aktuellen Stand der Forschung. Erstens definiert sie ein universelles Modell zur Beschreibung von Inhaltsattributen, wie Wichtigkeiten und AbhĂ€ngigkeitsbeziehungen innerhalb eines Datenstroms. Transportschichten können dieses Wissen zur effizienten Fehlerkontrolle verwenden. Zweitens beschreibt die Arbeit das Noja Programmiermodell fĂŒr multimediale Middleware. Noja definiert Abstraktionen zur Übertragung und Kontrolle multimedialer Ströme, die die Koordination von Streamingprotokollen mit Applikationen ermöglichen. Zum Beispiel können Programmierer geeignete Fehlersemantiken und Kommunikationstopologien auswĂ€hlen und den konkreten Fehlerschutz dann zur Laufzeit verfeinern und kontrolliere

    Analysis and modelling of traffic produced by adaptive HTTP-based video

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    The increase of HTTP-based video popularity causes that broadband and Internet service providers' links transmit mainly multimedia content. Network planning, traffic engineering or congestion control requires an understanding of the statistical properties of network traffic; therefore, it is desirable to investigate the characteristic of traffic traces generated by systems which employ adaptive bit-rate streaming. Our first contribution is an investigation of traffic originating from 120 client-server pairs, situated in an emulated content distribution network, and multiplexed onto a single network link. We show that the structure of the traffic is distinct from the structure generated by the first and second generation of HTTP video systems, and furthermore, not similar to the structure of general Internet traffic. The obtained traffic exhibits negative and positive correlations, anti-persistence, and its distribution function is skewed to the right. Our second contribution is an approximation of the traffic by ARIMA/FARIMA processes blue and artificial neural networks. As we show, the obtained traffic models are able to enhance the performance of an adaptive streaming algorithm. Document type: Articl

    Provision of deterministic services for voice over IP using priority queues

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    This paper discusses an approach for resource allocation and management in IP networks, particularly in the context of IP telephony. We show that it is possible to provide deterministic real time services without substantial changes to the current Internet infrastructure using static priority scheduling. All IP telephony traffic is mapped to (unidirectional) virtual channels that allow simple aggregation schemes and subdivision in two parts. We present a calculus to compute the effective bandwidth needed to serve reviewed by simulations. It is used for access control purposes and has the benefit that is can be applied to each node of a network not depending on the other nodes. The virtual channels can logically be subdivided in two parts. Thus, signaling does not need to run from one end to the other, but from both ends simultaneously to the point of aggregation in between. It is shown that the approach can fulfill the requirements of a network build from campus networks connected via a backbone network
