59 research outputs found

    A simple algorithm for stable order reduction of z-domain Laguerre models

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    International audienceDiscrete-time Laguerre series are a well known and efficient tool in system identification and modeling. This paper presents a simple solution for stable and accurate order reduction of systems described by a Laguerre model

    Space Time MUSIC: Consistent Signal Subspace Estimation for Wide-band Sensor Arrays

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    Wide-band Direction of Arrival (DOA) estimation with sensor arrays is an essential task in sonar, radar, acoustics, biomedical and multimedia applications. Many state of the art wide-band DOA estimators coherently process frequency binned array outputs by approximate Maximum Likelihood, Weighted Subspace Fitting or focusing techniques. This paper shows that bin signals obtained by filter-bank approaches do not obey the finite rank narrow-band array model, because spectral leakage and the change of the array response with frequency within the bin create \emph{ghost sources} dependent on the particular realization of the source process. Therefore, existing DOA estimators based on binning cannot claim consistency even with the perfect knowledge of the array response. In this work, a more realistic array model with a finite length of the sensor impulse responses is assumed, which still has finite rank under a space-time formulation. It is shown that signal subspaces at arbitrary frequencies can be consistently recovered under mild conditions by applying MUSIC-type (ST-MUSIC) estimators to the dominant eigenvectors of the wide-band space-time sensor cross-correlation matrix. A novel Maximum Likelihood based ST-MUSIC subspace estimate is developed in order to recover consistency. The number of sources active at each frequency are estimated by Information Theoretic Criteria. The sample ST-MUSIC subspaces can be fed to any subspace fitting DOA estimator at single or multiple frequencies. Simulations confirm that the new technique clearly outperforms binning approaches at sufficiently high signal to noise ratio, when model mismatches exceed the noise floor.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures. Accepted in a revised form by the IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing on 12 February 1918. @IEEE201

    2009 Index IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters Vol. 8

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    This index covers all technical items - papers, correspondence, reviews, etc. - that appeared in this periodical during the year, and items from previous years that were commented upon or corrected in this year. Departments and other items may also be covered if they have been judged to have archival value. The Author Index contains the primary entry for each item, listed under the first author\u27s name. The primary entry includes the coauthors\u27 names, the title of the paper or other item, and its location, specified by the publication abbreviation, year, month, and inclusive pagination. The Subject Index contains entries describing the item under all appropriate subject headings, plus the first author\u27s name, the publication abbreviation, month, and year, and inclusive pages. Note that the item title is found only under the primary entry in the Author Index

    2008 Index IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Vol. 16

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    This index covers all technical items - papers, correspondence, reviews, etc. - that appeared in this periodical during the year, and items from previous years that were commented upon or corrected in this year. Departments and other items may also be covered if they have been judged to have archival value. The Author Index contains the primary entry for each item, listed under the first author\u27s name. The primary entry includes the coauthors\u27 names, the title of the paper or other item, and its location, specified by the publication abbreviation, year, month, and inclusive pagination. The Subject Index contains entries describing the item under all appropriate subject headings, plus the first author\u27s name, the publication abbreviation, month, and year, and inclusive pages. Note that the item title is found only under the primary entry in the Author Index

    Reliability performance analysis of half-duplex and full-duplex schemes with self-energy recycling

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    Abstract. Radio frequency energy harvesting (EH) has emerged as a promising option for improving the energy efficiency of current and future networks. Self-energy recycling (sER), as a variant of EH, has also appeared as a suitable alternative that allows to reuse part of the transmitted energy via an energy loop. In this work we study the benefits of using sER in terms of reliability improvements and compare the performance of full-duplex (FD) and half-duplex (HD) schemes when using multi-antenna techniques at the base station side. We also assume a model for the hardware energy consumption, making the analysis more realistic since most works only consider the energy spent on transmission. In addition to spectral efficiency enhancements, results show that FD performs better than HD in terms of reliability. We maximize the outage probability of the worst link in the network using a dynamic FD scheme where a small base station (SBS) determines the optimal number of antennas for transmission and reception. This scheme proves to be more efficient than classical HD and FD modes. Results show that the use of sER at the SBS introduces changes on the distribution of antennas for maximum fairness when compared to the setup without sER. Moreover, we determine the minimum number of active radio frequency chains required at the SBS in order to achieve a given reliability target

    Nonlinear Equalization and Digital Pre-Distortion Techniques for Future Radar and Communications Digital Array Systems

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    Modern radar (military, automotive, weather, etc.) and communication systems seek to leverage the spatio-spectral efficiency of phased arrays. Specifically, there is an increasingly large demand for fully-digital arrays, with each antenna element having its own transmitter and receiver. Further, in order to makes these systems realizable, low-cost, low-complexity solutions are required, often sacrificing the system's linearity. Lower linearity paired with the inherent lack of RF spacial filtering can make these highly digital systems vulnerable to high-power interferering signals-- potentially introducing spectral regrowth and/or gain compression, distorting the signal-of-interest. Digital linearization solutions such as Digital Pre-Distiortion (DPD) and Nonlinear Equalization (NLEQ) have been shown to effectively mitigate nonlinearities for transmitters and receivers, respectively. Further, DPD and NLEQ seek to extend the effective dynamic range of digital arrays, helping the systems reach their designed dynamic range improvement of 10log10(N)10\log_{10}(N)~dB, where NN is the number of transmitters/receivers. However, the performance of these solutions is ultimately determined by training model and waveform. Further, the nonlinear characteristics of a system can change with temperature, frequency, power, time, etc., requiring a robust calibration technique to maintain a high-level of nonlinear mitigation. This dissertation reviews the different types of nonlinear models and the current NLEQ and DPD algorithms for digital array systems. Further, a generalized calibration waveform for both NLEQ and DPD is proposed, allowing a system to maximize its dynamic range over power and frequency. Additionally, an \textit{in-situ} calibration method, leveraging the inherent mutual coupling in an array, is proposed as a solution to maintaining a high level of performance in a fielded digital array system over the system's lifetime. The combination of the proposed training waveform and \textit{in-situ} calibration technique prove to be very effective at adaptively creating a generalized solution to extending the dynamic range of future low-cost digital array systems

    Terahertz orbital angular momentum modes with flexible twisted hollow core antiresonant fiber

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    THz radiation is more and more commonplace in research laboratories as well as in everyday life, with applications ranging from body scanners at airport security to short range wireless communications. In the optical domain, waveguides and other devices to manipulate radiation are well established. This is not yet the case in the THz regime because of the strong interaction of THz radiation with matter, leading to absorption, and the millimeter size of the wavelength and therefore of the required waveguides. We propose the use of a new material, polyurethane, for waveguides that allows high flexibility, overcoming the problem that large sizes otherwise result in rigid structures. With this material we realize antiresonant hollow-core waveguides and we use the flexibility of the material to mechanically twist the waveguide in a tunable and reversible manner, with twist periods as short as tens of wavelengths. Twisting the waveguide, we demonstrate the generation of modes carrying orbital angular momentum. We use THz time domain spectroscopy to measure and clearly visualize the vortex nature of the mode, which is difficult in the optical domain. The proposed waveguide is a new platform offering new perspectives for THz guidance and particularly mode manipulation. The demonstrated ability to generate modes with orbital angular momentum within a waveguide, in a controllable manner, will be beneficial to both fundamental, e.g. matter-radiation interaction, and applied, e.g. THz telecommunications, advances of THz research and technology. Moreover, this platform is not limited to the THz domain and could be scaled for other electromagnetic wavelengths.Comment: Figure 6 and 10 are video and are available at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5016283.1 and https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5016283.2 respectively. Supplementary material available at ftp://ftp.aip.org/epaps/apl_photonics/E-APPHD2-3-011891 and data are available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1164309. Note: the title has changed in the latest version compared to the original on

    Optimising Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks Using Interference Alignment and Space-Time Coding

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    In this thesis, the process of optimizing Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio has been investigated in fast-fading environments where simulation results have shown that its performance is limited by the Probability of Reporting Errors. By proposing a transmit diversity scheme using Differential space-time block codes (D-STBC) where channel state information (CSI) is not required and regarding multiple pairs of Cognitive Radios (CR’s) with single antennas as a virtual MIMO antenna arrays in multiple clusters, Differential space-time coding is applied for the purpose of decision reporting over Rayleigh channels. Both Hard and Soft combination schemes were investigated at the fusion center to reveal performance advantages for Hard combination schemes due to their minimal bandwidth requirements and simplistic implementation. The simulations results show that this optimization process achieves full transmit diversity, albeit with slight performance degradation in terms of power with improvements in performance when compared to conventional Cooperative Spectrum Sensing over non-ideal reporting channels. Further research carried out in this thesis shows performance deficits of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing due to interference on sensing channels of Cognitive Radio. Interference Alignment (IA) being a revolutionary wireless transmission strategy that reduces the impact of interference seems well suited as a strategy that can be used to optimize the performance of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing. The idea of IA is to coordinate multiple transmitters so that their mutual interference aligns at their receivers, facilitating simple interference cancellation techniques. Since its inception, research efforts have primarily been focused on verifying IA’s ability to achieve the maximum degrees of freedom (an approximation of sum capacity), developing algorithms for determining alignment solutions and designing transmission strategies that relax the need for perfect alignment but yield better performance. With the increased deployment of wireless services, CR’s ability to opportunistically sense and access the unused licensed frequency spectrum, without causing harmful interference to the licensed users becomes increasingly diminished, making the concept of introducing IA in CR a very attractive proposition. For a multiuser multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) overlay CR network, a space-time opportunistic IA (ST-OIA) technique has been proposed that allows spectrum sharing between a single primary user (PU) and multiple secondary users (SU) while ensuring zero interference to the PUs. With local CSI available at both the transmitters and receivers of SUs, the PU employs a space-time WF (STWF) algorithm to optimize its transmission and in the process, frees up unused eigenmodes that can be exploited by the SU. STWF achieves higher performance than other WF algorithms at low to moderate signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regimes, which makes it ideal for implementation in CR networks. The SUs align their transmitted signals in such a way their interference impairs only the PU’s unused eigenmodes. For the multiple SUs to further exploit the benefits of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing, it was shown in this thesis that IA would only work when a set of conditions were met. The first condition ensures that the SUs satisfy a zero interference constraint at the PU’s receiver by designing their post-processing matrices such that they are orthogonal to the received signal from the PU link. The second condition ensures a zero interference constraint at both the PU and SUs receivers i.e. the constraint ensures that no interference from the SU transmitters is present at the output of the post-processing matrices of its unintended receivers. The third condition caters for the multiple SUs scenario to ensure interference from multiple SUs are aligned along unused eigenmodes. The SU system is assumed to employ a time division multiple access (TDMA) system such that the Principle of Reciprocity is employed towards optimizing the SUs transmission rates. Since aligning multiple SU transmissions at the PU is always limited by availability of spatial dimensions as well as typical user loads, the third condition proposes a user selection algorithm by the fusion centre (FC), where the SUs are grouped into clusters based on their numbers (i.e. two SUs per cluster) and their proximity to the FC, so that they can be aligned at each PU-Rx. This converts the cognitive IA problem into an unconstrained standard IA problem for a general cognitive system. Given the fact that the optimal power allocation algorithms used to optimize the SUs transmission rates turns out to be an optimal beamformer with multiple eigenbeams, this work initially proposes combining the diversity gain property of STBC, the zero-forcing function of IA and beamforming to optimize the SUs transmission rates. However, this solution requires availability of CSI, and to eliminate the need for this, this work then combines the D-STBC scheme with optimal IA precoders (consisting of beamforming and zero-forcing) to maximize the SUs data rates

    High-Performance On-Chip Microwave Photonic Signal Processing Using Linear and Nonlinear Optics

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    Manipulating and processing radio-frequency (RF) signals using integrated photonic devices has recently emerged as a paradigm-shifting technology for future microwave applications. This emerging technique is referred to as integrated microwave photonics (IMWP) which enables the high-frequency processing and unprecedentedly wideband tunability in compact photonic circuits, with significantly enhanced stability and robustness. However, to find widespread applications, the performance of IMWP devices must meet or exceed the achievable performance of conventional electronic counterparts. The work presented in this thesis investigates high-performance IMWP signal processing from two aspects: the optimized IMWP processing schemes and the photonic integration. Firstly, we explore novel schemes to improve the performance of chip-based microwave photonic subsystems, such as RF delay lines and RF filters which are basic building blocks of RF systems. A phase amplification technique is demonstrated to achieve a Si3N4 chip-based RF time delay with a delay tuning speed at gigahertz level. A new scheme to achieve an all-optimized RF photonic notch filter is demonstrated, producing a record-high RF link performance and complete functionalities. To unlock the potential of RF signal processing, we investigate a new filter concept of pairing linear and nonlinear optics for a high-performance RF photonic filter. To reduce the footprint of the novel IMWP filter, the photonic integration of both the ring resonators and Brillouin-active circuits on the same photonic chip is achieved. To eliminate the use of integrated optical circulators for on-chip SBS, on-chip backward inter-modal stimulated Brillouin scattering is predicted and experimentally demonstrated in a Si-Chalcogenide hybrid integrated photonic platform. The study and demonstrations presented in this thesis make the first viable step towards high-performance IMWP signal processing for real-world RF applications