103,499 research outputs found

    Broadband access technologies

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    Broadband technologies have view great growth over the past decade. But, the main part of this development and growth has been in the core networks, and the capacity of the access network to delivery broadband services remains as a challenge ("last mile problem"). The access network remains a bottleneck in terms of the bandwidth and service quality it affords the end user. By other side, the access network is much more spread geographically and covers larger areas. Then, this part of the network is usually the most expensive component in terms of capital investment and OAM cost. Some studies reefer that this networks required 70% of the total investment. Several access technologies can be used in this part of the network, which can be used to resolve the bandwidth bottleneck and the investment problem: xDSL, HFC, FTTx, FWA, WiMAX, PLC, Satellite, etc. This paper presents a methodology and a tool that compare and evaluate broadband access technologies. The paper presents a techno-economic analysis of eight broadband technologies for access networks: digital subscriber line (DSL), hybrid fiber coax (HFC), power line communications (PLC), fiber to the home (FTTH), fiber to the curb (FTTC), fiber to the cabinet (FTTCab), and wireless alternatives such as WiMAX and satellite. Several actors (such operators, service providers, …) could use this tool to compare different technological solutions, forecast deployment costs, compare different scenarios, etc

    Philanthropy's Role in Creating a Connected America

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    Outlines how foundations can support capacity building and expanding broadband access to underserved communities by leveraging the federal Broadband Infrastructure and Broadband Technologies Opportunity Programs through matching grants and partnerships

    An Overview of Broadband communication over Power Lines

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    Broadband over power lines are Systems for carrying data on conductors used for electric power transmission. Power line communication technologies can be used for different applications ranging from home automation to internet access. With the spread of broadband technologies in the last few years, there are yet significant areas in the world that do not have access to high speed internet, as compared with the few internet service providers in existence, the additive expenditures of laying cables and building necessary infrastructure to provide DSL in many areas most especially rural areas is too great. But if broadband is served through power lines considering the fact that it exist all over the country, there will be no need to build new infrastructure. Therefore, anywhere there is electricity, there could also be broadband. Broadband over Power line is designed to offer an alternative means to provide high speed internet access, voice over Internet protocol (VOIP) and other broadband services, using medium and low voltage lines to reach customers and businesses by combining the principle of wireless networking, modems and Radio. Researchers and developers have created ways to transmit data over power lines into homes at speeds between 500kilobits and 3 megabits per second which is equivalent to the cable DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) and this is achieved by modifying the present power grids with specialized equipments. With this knowledge, the broadband power line developers could partner with power companies and Internet service providers to bring broadband to everyone with access to electricity

    Rural Community Participation, Social Networks, and Broadband Use: Examples from Localized and National Survey Data

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    Although attention has been given to how broadband access is related to economic development in rural areas, scant consideration has been given to how it may be associated with voluntary participation. This issue is important in that numerous studies have shown how much more vital community participation is in rural areas as compared to suburban and urban places. Drawing on three diverse data sets, we examine the influence of broadband access on community participation. In addition, we explore whether broadband access exerts its influence through, in conjunction with, or independent of social networks. The results suggest that broadband access and social network size have independent effects on volunteering in rural places.rural sociology, social networks, broadband, digital inequality, volunteerism, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Government Transparency: Six Strategies for More Open and Participatory Government

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    Offers strategies for realizing Knight's 2009 call for e-government and openness using Web 2.0 and 3.0 technologies, including public-private partnerships to develop applications, flexible procurement procedures, and better community broadband access

    Broadband Access Technologies

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    Na početku razvoja telekomunikacija pristup telekomunikacijskoj mreži i uslugama omogućavao je krajnjim korisnicima prvenstveno prijenos govornih usluga. Dolaskom novih pristupnih tehnologija i nadogradnjom postojeće telekomunikacijske mreže, krajnjim korisnicima omogućilo je korištenje nekoliko usluga istovremeno, poput istovremenog pristupa Internetu, govornoj komunikaciji, pristup podacima, video uslugama itd. Stoga, glavni cilj ovoga rada je analizirati žične i bežične širokopojasne pristupne tehnologije te pripadajuće prijenosne medije. Budući da je telekom operatorima pomoću bežične lokalne petlje jednostavnije i ekonomičnije ostvariti pristup mreži krajnjim korisnicima koji se nalaze u ruralnim sredinama, evidentan je ubrzani razvoj bežičnih širokopojasnih pristupnih mreža poput 3G i 4G tehnologija. Ipak, u urbanim gradskim područjima dominiraju žične pristupne tehnologije, a najviše se ističe širokopojasni pristup putem optičkih vlakana koji omogućuje vrlo visoke brzine prijenosa podataka na velikim udaljenostima. Mogućnost korištenja širokopojasnih usluga u pokretu i spajanje motornih vozila na mobilnu mrežu pomoću 4G routera nešto je što uvelike konkurira žičnim pristupnim tehnologijama i očito je kako će se razvojem i poboljšanjem mobilnih tehnologija mnogi korisnici u budućnosti odlučiti za korištenje bežičnih pristupnih mreža.At the beginning of development of telecommunications the access to telecommunication network and services enabled the end users primarily the transfer of voice services. Arrival of new access technologies and upgrade of the existing telecommunication network enabled the end users to simultaneously use several services, such as simultaneously use of Internet access, voice services, data access, video services etc. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis is to analyse wired and wireless broadband access technologies and transmission media. Due to the fact that telecom operators find it easier and more cost efficient to use a wireless local loop in order to establish access to network to their end users located in the rural areas, quick development of wireless broadband access networks like 3G and 4G technologies is more than evident. However, urban city areas are dominated by wired access technologies, primarily broadband access through optic fibres which enable very high speed of data transfer at long distances. Possibility to use broadband services in motion and connection of motor vehicles to mobile network by means of 4G router to a great extent competes with wired access technologies and it is obvious that development and improvement of mobile technologies will encourage numerous users to use wireless access networks

    Broadband Access Technologies

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    Na početku razvoja telekomunikacija pristup telekomunikacijskoj mreži i uslugama omogućavao je krajnjim korisnicima prvenstveno prijenos govornih usluga. Dolaskom novih pristupnih tehnologija i nadogradnjom postojeće telekomunikacijske mreže, krajnjim korisnicima omogućilo je korištenje nekoliko usluga istovremeno, poput istovremenog pristupa Internetu, govornoj komunikaciji, pristup podacima, video uslugama itd. Stoga, glavni cilj ovoga rada je analizirati žične i bežične širokopojasne pristupne tehnologije te pripadajuće prijenosne medije. Budući da je telekom operatorima pomoću bežične lokalne petlje jednostavnije i ekonomičnije ostvariti pristup mreži krajnjim korisnicima koji se nalaze u ruralnim sredinama, evidentan je ubrzani razvoj bežičnih širokopojasnih pristupnih mreža poput 3G i 4G tehnologija. Ipak, u urbanim gradskim područjima dominiraju žične pristupne tehnologije, a najviše se ističe širokopojasni pristup putem optičkih vlakana koji omogućuje vrlo visoke brzine prijenosa podataka na velikim udaljenostima. Mogućnost korištenja širokopojasnih usluga u pokretu i spajanje motornih vozila na mobilnu mrežu pomoću 4G routera nešto je što uvelike konkurira žičnim pristupnim tehnologijama i očito je kako će se razvojem i poboljšanjem mobilnih tehnologija mnogi korisnici u budućnosti odlučiti za korištenje bežičnih pristupnih mreža.At the beginning of development of telecommunications the access to telecommunication network and services enabled the end users primarily the transfer of voice services. Arrival of new access technologies and upgrade of the existing telecommunication network enabled the end users to simultaneously use several services, such as simultaneously use of Internet access, voice services, data access, video services etc. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis is to analyse wired and wireless broadband access technologies and transmission media. Due to the fact that telecom operators find it easier and more cost efficient to use a wireless local loop in order to establish access to network to their end users located in the rural areas, quick development of wireless broadband access networks like 3G and 4G technologies is more than evident. However, urban city areas are dominated by wired access technologies, primarily broadband access through optic fibres which enable very high speed of data transfer at long distances. Possibility to use broadband services in motion and connection of motor vehicles to mobile network by means of 4G router to a great extent competes with wired access technologies and it is obvious that development and improvement of mobile technologies will encourage numerous users to use wireless access networks

    Rural Broadband Internet Access Supply and Demand

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    Internet use has grown rapidly over the last 15 years and so has its integration into the rural economy. Connecting to the Internet via high-speed technology such as DSL lines, cable, satellite, and wireless networks increases bandwidth and makes the Internet much more useful to businesses, households, and governments. Rural households are almost as likely as urban households to use the Internet. Broadband Internet access in rural areas has been less prevalent than in much more densely populated areas of the country. Evidence suggests that the difference may lie in the higher cost or less availability of broadband Internet access in rural areas. The paucity of national geographically-specific data, however, presents a challenge in trying to analyze questions of broadband take-up. Data from the June Agricultural Surveys, however, address this. The other difficulty has been obtaining local price in demand analysis. We use ARMS and industry data to develop local broadband service price indices. We use descriptive statistics and binomial logit models in our analysis. The data shows sharp differences in conversion rates across the country, and when also considering the changes over time giving some credence to the common hypothesis that people do choose to use broadband if given the option. Farms were unlikely to make the direct jump from no Internet use to Internet use with broadband access; farms that already had Internet access were more likely to convert to broadband Internet access. Some of the farms that did not convert already had broadband Internet access by 2005, roughly 24 percent of all farms using the Internet in 2005. The preponderance of DSL service for farms indicates both the mostly rural location of most farms as well as Internet users finding satellite a less desirable option. While broadband Internet access availability is necessary for take-up of broadband Internet access, there are other factors that are also limiting broadband Internet use such as price of access, age of user, household income, and educational attainment.broadband Internet access, rural communities, farm communities, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, O33, R0,