19 research outputs found

    Competition in the German Broadband Access Market

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    This paper gives a survey of the current state of competition in the German Broadband access market. Existing regulations and their impact on the deployment of high-speed Internet access are evaluated. It is argued that facilities-based competition is preferable to open-network regulations. The most prospective candidate as an independent network capable of generating facilities-based competition in Germany is the cable-broadcasting network. The current developments in the cable industry and the expectations for its success in the short to medium term lead to the conclusion that in the short run at least, there is a need for unbundling regulation to foster competition. Improvements to the current open-network regulation-practices in Germany are suggested. --broadband access,local network competition,regulation

    Spatio–temporal rain attenuation model for application to fade mitigation techniques

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    Competition in the German Broadband Access Market

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    This paper gives a survey of the current state of competition in the German Broadband access market. Existing regulations and their impact on the deployment of high-speed Internet access are evaluated. It is argued that facilities-based competition is preferable to open-network regulations. The most prospective candidate as an independent network capable of generating facilities-based competition in Germany is the cable-broadcasting network. The current developments in the cable industry and the expectations for its success in the short to medium term lead to the conclusion that in the short run at least, there is a need for unbundling regulation to foster competition. Improvements to the current opennetwork regulation-practices in Germany are suggested

    Municipal Broadband: Challenges and Perspectives

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    This Article reviews the status and challenges of municipal broadband and provides recommendations for responsible municipal broadband deployment. The Author reviews broadband demand; possible justifications for and the status of municipal broadband deployment; speed, feature, and price considerations; regulatory and technical issues; and relevant laws and legislation. The Author offers specific national policy recommendations and concludes that government/industry partnerships offer perhaps the best solution for municipal broadband deployment where broadband needs aren\u27t met

    Analyzing the Role of the State in the Promotion of the Information Revolution

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    This paper analyzes the relationship between effective state intervention and Information Communications Technology (ICT) dissemination. I theorize that investment in ICT leads to benefits for all firms; without government intervention and incentives, firms will have little reason to invest substantially in this arena. I demonstrate how the collective action problem leads to a lack of private investment as highlighted by the prisoner’s dilemma game. I conduct a multi country regression test to ascertain the factors that influence the dissemination of IT. I then analyze the impact of the United States and South Korean government on ICT by process tracing the role of each government in the dissemination of ICT. My results support my hypothesis. The policy implications for this study are the increase in the level of US government involvement in ICT through encouraging private sector participation, creating new laws, and increasing access to technology in public education

    Preliminary study of cooperation in hybrid ad-hoc networks

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    In this paper, we present a first approach to evolve a cooperative behavior in ad hoc networks. Since wireless nodes are energy constrained, it may not be in the best interest of a node to always accept relay requests. On the other hand, if all nodes decide not to expend energy in relaying, then network throughput will drop dramatically. Both these extreme scenarios are unfavorable to the interests of a user. In this paper we deal with the issue of user cooperation in ad hoc networks by developing the algorithm called Generous Tit-For-Tat. We assume that nodes are rational, i.e., their actions are strictly determined by self-interest, and that each node is associated with a minimum lifetime constraint. Given these lifetime constraints and the assumption of rational behavior, we study the added behavior of the network.En este proyecto mostramos un primer acercamiento a la evolución de las redes Ad-Hoc cooperativas. Puesto que los nodos wireless disponen de energía finita, puede que no estén interesados en aceptar transmitir tráfico de otros nodos. Por otra parte, si ningún nodo decide gastar energía en retransmitir tráfico de otros, entonces la tasa de transferencia en la red cae críticamente. Estos casos extremos son desfavorables para el usuario. En este trabajo tratamos estas cuestiones gracias al desarrollo de un algoritmo llamado "Generous Tit-For Tat". Asumiremos que los nodos son egoístas y tienen energía finita, así que las decisiones se determinarán por propio interés y cada nodo será asociado con un tiempo limitado de energía. Dadas esas limitaciones y la suposición del comportamiento racional estudiaremos el comportamiento agregado de la red.En aquest treball mostrem una primera aproximació a l'evolució de les xarxes Ad-Hoc cooperatives. Donat que els nodes wireless disposen d'energia finita, poden no estar interessats en transmetre tràfic d'altres nodes. Per altra banda, si cap node decideix gastar energia en passar tràfic d'altres, llavors la tassa de transferència a la xarxa cau críticament. Aquests casos extrems son desfavorables per l'usuari. En aquest treball tractem aquestes qüestions gràcies al desenvolupament d'un algoritme anomenat "Generous Tit-For-Tat". Assumirem que els nodes son egoistes y tenen energia finita, així que les decisions es determinaran pel seu propi interès i cada node s'associarà amb un temps limitat d'energia. Donades aquestes limitacions y la suposició del comportament racional, estudiarem el comportament agregat de la xarxa.Nota: Aquest document conté originàriament altre material i/o programari només consultable a la Biblioteca de Ciència i Tecnologia

    Analisa Tekno Ekonomi Implementasi VSAT-IP Sebagai Jaringan Akses Broadband

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    ABSTRAKSI: VSAT-IP merupakan salah satu solusi untuk menyiapkan kapasitas dan kapabilitas jaringan akses broadband melalui satelit dalam rangka meningkatkan value added yang optimal bagi bisnis satelit dan memberikan kontribusi maksimal bagi peningkatan market share dan revenue share di bisnis broadband yang merupakan new revenue driver PT. TELKOM di masa depan. Perkembangan beragam alternatif teknologi akses broadband yang memberikan performansi yang lebih baik, pengembangan jaringan teresterial, dan tingginya tingkat persaingan antar operator VSAT, menjadikan ceruk pasar jaringan akses broadband melalui satelit semakin kecil. Sehingga perlu dilakukan suatu analisa yang objektif dan komprehensif baik dari aspek teknis maupun ekonomi dalam mengimplementasikan VSAT-IP sebagai jaringan akses broadband. Analisa aspek teknis dilakukan dengan melakukan optimasi terhadap beberapa parameter teknologi yang digunakan untuk mendukung layanan yang akan diberikan. Hasil analisa aspek teknis digunakan sebagai acuan dalam melakukan analisa kelayakan secara ekonomi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa skema modulasi yang optimal untuk sisi downstream adalah 8-PSK 5/6 dan sisi upstream QPSK 7/8. Konfigurasi stasiun bumi untuk layanan kurang dari 1024 kbps adalah dengan penggunaan antena 1,8 meter serta power amplifier 2 Watt, sedangkan untuk layanan 1024 kbps menggunakan antena 1,8 meter dengan power amplifier 5 Watt. Secara ekonomi layak diimplementasikan dengan NPV terendah sebesar Rp. 211,643 Milyar, IRR terendah sebesar 52.71% dan PP terbesar selama 4 tahun.Kata Kunci : VSAT-IP, Satelit, BroadbandABSTRACT: VSAT-IP is a solution to prepare network capacity and capability of broadband access via satellite in order to increase the value added for the optimal satellite business and provide the maximum contribution to increase market share and revenue share PT. Telkom in the broadband business as new revenue driver in the future. The development of various alternative broadband access technology that provides better performance, the development of network teresterial, and the high competition among VSAT operator, make the market share of broadband access network over satellite is small. So it needs to be objective and comprehensive analysis of both technical and economic aspects in implementing a VSAT-IP as broadband access network. Analysis of technical aspects do with the optimization of technology parameters that are used to support services that will be given. Technical aspects of the analysis results used as reference in the analysis of economic feasibility. Results of research showed that the optimal modulation scheme for downstream is 8-PSK 5/6 and the upstream is QPSK 7/8. Optimal earth station configuration for service of less than 1024 kbps is using antenna with diameter 1.8 meters and 2 Watt power amplifier, and for 1024 kbps service using the 1.8 meter antenna with a 5 Watt power amplifier. Economically is feasible to implement this with the lowest NPV of Rp. 211.643 billion, the lowest IRR of 52.71% and the Payback period 4 years.Keyword: VSAT-IP, Satellite, Broadban

    The George-Anne

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