46 research outputs found

    Automatic Analysis of Facial Expressions Based on Deep Covariance Trajectories

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    In this paper, we propose a new approach for facial expression recognition using deep covariance descriptors. The solution is based on the idea of encoding local and global Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) features extracted from still images, in compact local and global covariance descriptors. The space geometry of the covariance matrices is that of Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) matrices. By conducting the classification of static facial expressions using Support Vector Machine (SVM) with a valid Gaussian kernel on the SPD manifold, we show that deep covariance descriptors are more effective than the standard classification with fully connected layers and softmax. Besides, we propose a completely new and original solution to model the temporal dynamic of facial expressions as deep trajectories on the SPD manifold. As an extension of the classification pipeline of covariance descriptors, we apply SVM with valid positive definite kernels derived from global alignment for deep covariance trajectories classification. By performing extensive experiments on the Oulu-CASIA, CK+, and SFEW datasets, we show that both the proposed static and dynamic approaches achieve state-of-the-art performance for facial expression recognition outperforming many recent approaches.Comment: A preliminary version of this work appeared in "Otberdout N, Kacem A, Daoudi M, Ballihi L, Berretti S. Deep Covariance Descriptors for Facial Expression Recognition, in British Machine Vision Conference 2018, BMVC 2018, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK, September 3-6, 2018. ; 2018 :159." arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1805.0386

    Initial Classifier Weights Replay for Memoryless Class Incremental Learning

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    Incremental Learning (IL) is useful when artificial systems need to deal with streams of data and do not have access to all data at all times. The most challenging setting requires a constant complexity of the deep model and an incremental model update without access to a bounded memory of past data. Then, the representations of past classes are strongly affected by catastrophic forgetting. To mitigate its negative effect, an adapted fine tuning which includes knowledge distillation is usually deployed. We propose a different approach based on a vanilla fine tuning backbone. It leverages initial classifier weights which provide a strong representation of past classes because they are trained with all class data. However, the magnitude of classifiers learned in different states varies and normalization is needed for a fair handling of all classes. Normalization is performed by standardizing the initial classifier weights, which are assumed to be normally distributed. In addition, a calibration of prediction scores is done by using state level statistics to further improve classification fairness. We conduct a thorough evaluation with four public datasets in a memoryless incremental learning setting. Results show that our method outperforms existing techniques by a large margin for large-scale datasets.Comment: Accepted in BMVC202

    Emergence of Object Segmentation in Perturbed Generative Models

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    We introduce a novel framework to build a model that can learn how to segment objects from a collection of images without any human annotation. Our method builds on the observation that the location of object segments can be perturbed locally relative to a given background without affecting the realism of a scene. Our approach is to first train a generative model of a layered scene. The layered representation consists of a background image, a foreground image and the mask of the foreground. A composite image is then obtained by overlaying the masked foreground image onto the background. The generative model is trained in an adversarial fashion against a discriminator, which forces the generative model to produce realistic composite images. To force the generator to learn a representation where the foreground layer corresponds to an object, we perturb the output of the generative model by introducing a random shift of both the foreground image and mask relative to the background. Because the generator is unaware of the shift before computing its output, it must produce layered representations that are realistic for any such random perturbation. Finally, we learn to segment an image by defining an autoencoder consisting of an encoder, which we train, and the pre-trained generator as the decoder, which we freeze. The encoder maps an image to a feature vector, which is fed as input to the generator to give a composite image matching the original input image. Because the generator outputs an explicit layered representation of the scene, the encoder learns to detect and segment objects. We demonstrate this framework on real images of several object categories.Comment: 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019), Spotlight presentatio

    Balanced Sparsity for Efficient DNN Inference on GPU

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    In trained deep neural networks, unstructured pruning can reduce redundant weights to lower storage cost. However, it requires the customization of hardwares to speed up practical inference. Another trend accelerates sparse model inference on general-purpose hardwares by adopting coarse-grained sparsity to prune or regularize consecutive weights for efficient computation. But this method often sacrifices model accuracy. In this paper, we propose a novel fine-grained sparsity approach, balanced sparsity, to achieve high model accuracy with commercial hardwares efficiently. Our approach adapts to high parallelism property of GPU, showing incredible potential for sparsity in the widely deployment of deep learning services. Experiment results show that balanced sparsity achieves up to 3.1x practical speedup for model inference on GPU, while retains the same high model accuracy as fine-grained sparsity

    Gram Matrices Formulation of Body Shape Motion: An Application for Depression Severity Assessment

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    International audienceWe propose an automatic method to measure depression severity from body movement dynamics in participants undergoing treatment for depression. Participants were recorded in clinical interviews (Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, HRSD) at seven-week intervals over a period of 21 weeks. Gram matrices formulation was used for body shape and trajectories representation from each video interview. Kinematic features were then extracted and encoded for video based representation using Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) and Fisher vector encoding. A multi-class SVM was finally used to classify the encoded body movement dynamics into three levels of depression severity scores: moderate to severely depressed, mildly depressed, and remitted. Accuracy was higher for moderate to severe depression (68%) followed by mild depression (56%), and then remitted (37.93%). The obtained results suggest that automatic detection of depression severity from body movement is feasible