12 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous Collaborative Learning for Personalized Healthcare Analytics via Messenger Distillation

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    In this paper, we propose a Similarity-Quality-based Messenger Distillation (SQMD) framework for heterogeneous asynchronous on-device healthcare analytics. By introducing a preloaded reference dataset, SQMD enables all participant devices to distill knowledge from peers via messengers (i.e., the soft labels of the reference dataset generated by clients) without assuming the same model architecture. Furthermore, the messengers also carry important auxiliary information to calculate the similarity between clients and evaluate the quality of each client model, based on which the central server creates and maintains a dynamic collaboration graph (communication graph) to improve the personalization and reliability of SQMD under asynchronous conditions. Extensive experiments on three real-life datasets show that SQMD achieves superior performance

    Augmented learning for sports using wearable head-worn and wrist-worn devices

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    Novices can learn sports in a variety of ways ranging from guidance from an instructor to watching video tutorials. In each case, subsequent and repeated self-directed practice sessions are an essential step. However, during such self-directed practice, constant guidance and feedback is absent. As a result, the novices do not know if they are making mistake or if there are any areas for improvement. In this position paper, we propose using wearable devices to augment such self-directed practice sessions by providing augmented guidance and feedback. In particular, a head-worn display can provide real-time guidance whilst wrist-worn devices can provide real-time tracking and monitoring of various states. We envision this approach being applied to various sports, and in particular this is suitable for sports that utilize precise hand motion such as snooker, billiards, golf, archery, cricket, tennis and table tennis.Postprin

    Analysis of Video Assistant Referee (VAR) in football

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementTechnology has long been part of sports and recently football has also started to modernize, with the introduction of goal line technology and VAR, International Football Association Board (IFAB) and Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) finally opened the way for technology to help referees make in-game decisions. This paper aims to analyze the impact of VAR in football, the analysis will include VAR’s weaknesses, research regarding if it is the most appropriate technology to correct human error, football’s fans perception of VAR and finally if AI could one day be introduced in order to help referees evaluate subjective in-game controversial situations. For the purpose of this paper to be achieved, surveys regarding football fans’ opinion on the VAR and openness to the introduction of new technologies in football will be performed and statistics and factual data regarding VAR will have to be obtained. Finally, by adding new research concerning a very recent topic, new technologies and opportunities can be proposed in order to make football fairer and future studies regarding this subject will be able to expand on this topi

    XRLoc: Accurate UWB Localization for XR Systems

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    Understanding the location of ultra-wideband (UWB) tag-attached objects and people in the real world is vital to enabling a smooth cyber-physical transition. However, most UWB localization systems today require multiple anchors in the environment, which can be very cumbersome to set up. In this work, we develop XRLoc, providing an accuracy of a few centimeters in many real-world scenarios. This paper will delineate the key ideas which allow us to overcome the fundamental restrictions that plague a single anchor point from localization of a device to within an error of a few centimeters. We deploy a VR chess game using everyday objects as a demo and find that our system achieves 2.42.4 cm median accuracy and 5.35.3 cm 90th90^\mathrm{th} percentile accuracy in dynamic scenarios, performing at least 8×8\times better than state-of-art localization systems. Additionally, we implement a MAC protocol to furnish these locations for over 1010 tags at update rates of 100100 Hz, with a localization latency of ∼1\sim 1 ms

    Wireless sensing: Material identification and localization

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    Wireless signals are everywhere around us, and they have truly revolutionized the world by all standards. When one thinks of this revolution, one envisions the advances in wireless communication—TV broadcasts, FM radios, WiFi, Bluetooth, cellular mobile phones, and even wireless chips inside the human body. What gets less appreciated, however, is that wireless signals can also be a powerful sensor. The fact that wireless signals touch and penetrate all objects in our environment, and bounce back, make them a powerful lens to view our world through. This thesis focuses on using wireless signals as sensors. We will explore how modifications to wireless signal propagation can reveal the physical properties of the materials that these signals have passed through. This enables identification of materials without touching them or performing any chemical analysis on them. We will show the ability to distinguish between closely related liquids, such as Pepsi and Coca-Cola, or distilled water and mineral water, by simply passing wireless signals through the liquids, and analyzing the signals that emerge on the other side. The propagation delay of wireless signals when passing through air can reveal the distance between a transmitter and a receiver. We show how this primitive can be extended for localization with applications to sports, battlefields, and emergency response. Through modifications to the distance measurement mechanisms, we show how localization is possible even when wireless devices are constantly under motion. We end by discussing future directions in which both of these sensing techniques can be extended. Under the right conditions, it might be possible to localize an object to 5mm precision with applications in robotic machines, augmented reality, and virtual reality. We then discuss the possibility of using reflections of wireless signals, for example, to determine soil moisture content in agricultural fields

    Recinto desportivo 2.0: referencial para a utilização de tecnologias IOT na melhoria da experiência dos espectadores em eventos desportivos

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementEsta dissertação apresenta um referencial de utilização de tecnologias Internet Of Things (IoT) com o propósito de melhorar a qualidade da experiência dos espectadores em eventos desportivos. Cada vez existe um maior distanciamento dos adeptos dos clubes desportivos em relação aos seus recintos devido à existência de meios multimédia alternativos que são mais económicos, com melhor qualidade e comodidade. Como tal, os recintos desportivos devem inovar e melhorar a experiência dos espectadores de forma a serem mais competitivos através do uso da tecnologia. O referencial proposto tem como base uma classificação em cinco níveis que permite melhorar a experiência do espectador. Este modelo permite avaliar um recinto com base nas implementações tecnológicas IoT existentes. Além disso, cada nível contém um conjunto de benefícios para a experiência do espectador e um conjunto de recomendações de tecnologias IoT a serem implementadas de forma a ser denominado como um Recinto Desportivo 2.0. Este referencial foi alvo de um questionário realizado a 205 espectadores de eventos desportivos de forma a entender que tipo de experiências num recinto são mais importantes para estes e, de forma a avaliar o mesmo, foi efetuado um conjunto de entrevistas a dois grupos de indivíduos no qual se incluem espectadores de eventos desportivos e agentes desportivos no qual se pode concluir a importância e aplicabilidade do referencial para a melhoria da experiência dos espectadores num recinto.This dissertation presents a framework for the use of Internet of Things technologies in order to improve supporters’ experience in sports events. Currently, there is a bigger distance between sports fans and their club’s stadium due to the existence of alternative ways to watch a game, for example, television broadcasts or streaming, that are more economic and with better comfort. The sport’s stadiums must innovate and improve the sports fans’ experience in order to be more competitive through the use of technology. The proposed framework is based on a five level classification that allows the improvement of the sports fans’ experience. This model allows the evaluation of a certain sports stadium based on existing IoT implementations. In addition, each level contains a set of benefits to the sports fan’s experience and a set of technological recommendations to be implemented in order to a certain venue level up and be called as Stadium 2.0. A questionnaire was done to 205 sports fans in order to assess which experiences are more important in a sports event. In order to evaluate the proposed framework, a set of interviews was carried out with two groups: spectators of sports events and sports events management staff (sports club, national federations), so as to ascertain the importance and applicability of this reference in real context and also to improve the spectators’ experience