11 research outputs found

    Slow Fashion Brand’s Digital Marketing: What impact does digital marketing´s slow fashion brand have on e-commerce implementation?

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Marketing IntelligenceThis project thesis aims to examine the impact of digital marketing on slow fashion brands through the implementation of e-commerce. Slow fashion brands have gained significant attention recently due to their commitment to sustainable and ethical production practices. However, their success in the digital age largely depends on their ability to utilize digital marketing tools to reach their target audience effectively. This thesis explores how implementing e-commerce can impact the overall digital marketing strategy of a specific slow fashion brand, Portuguesa. The research uses an approach of a quantitative analysis of data from slow fashion e-commerce websites and Google analytics. The findings show that e-commerce implementation can significantly improve a slow fashion brand's digital marketing performance, particularly regarding online visibility, customer engagement, and conversion rates. The results highlight the importance of aligning digital marketing efforts with e-commerce implementation for the success of slow fashion brands in the digital age. The study also points out that e-commerce implementation supports slow fashion brands' sustainable and ethical values. Overall, the thesis contributes to understanding how digital marketing and e-commerce can be used to promote sustainable fashion and support the growth of a recent slow fashion brand, Portuguesa

    Marketing fashion through storytelling – success factors and inhibitors

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    An even increasing amount of fashion brands are engaging in market activity called storytelling. The idea behind this act is to attract consumers through compelling content marketing. In this research I will detail both the success factors and the inhibitors of storytelling and their effectiveness in attracting new customers as well as retaining current customer base in fashion market. The findings suggest, that using storytelling can have a positive impact on fashion company’s revenues as well as brand status. In the fashion industry, stories enable companies to engage with their customers through shared values, resolve their paradoxes and provide them pleasure

    Perinteisen liiketoiminnan laajentaminen verkkokauppaan: Muutosprosessi ja toimitusketjujen hallinta

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    Viime vuosikymmenien aikana teknologia ja tiede ovat kehittyneet valtavasti, mikä on ollut tärkeässä roolissa muun muassa yritysten verkkokauppoihin siirtymiseen mahdollistamisessa ja lisäarvon luomisessa yritykselle uusien keinojen avulla. Digitalisaation myötä myös yritysten täytyy reagoida sekä sen tuomiin mahdollisuuksiin että haasteisiin arvioimalla uudelleen omia liiketoimintamallejaan sekä muuttamalla ja kehittämällä niitä. Kaupan alalla tämä tarkoittaa useimmille sitä, että kivijalkakaupat laajentavat tai siirtävät toimintaansa perinteisistä kaupankäynnin kanavista myös verkkokauppoihin. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkittiin yritysten päätöksentekoa laajentaa myyntiä ja asiakaspalvelua perinteisten myyntikanavien lisäksi verkkokauppoihin. Tutkimuksen kohteena oli myös se, miten muutosprosessi toteutetaan tehokkaasti sekä miten verkkokauppaan siirtyminen vaikuttaa toimitusketjuihin ja niiden hallintaan. Tutkielman empiriaosuus tehtiin yhteistyössä Vapo Oy:n kanssa. Vapo Oy on vuoden sisään lanseerannut oman kuluttaja-asiakkaille suunnatun verkkokaupan perinteisten myyntikanavien tueksi. Tutkielman teoriaosuus pohjautui suurimmilta osin ajankohtaisiin artikkeleihin, jotka käsittelevät verkkokauppaa, digitalisaatiota, toimitusketjuja ja niiden hallintaa sekä muutoksenhallintaa. Painetut teokset toimivat tutkielman pohjana, jonka ympärille tutkielma rakentui. Tutkielmassa pyrittiin käyttämään monipuolisesti erilaisia aineistoja lähteinä ja tavoitteena oli tukeutua mahdollisimman ajankohtaisiin teorioihin. Tutkielman empiriaosuuden tutkimusmenetelmäksi valikoitui kvalitatiivinen menetelmä ja aineisto kerättiin kuudella haastattelulla. Tärkeimpinä tutkimustuloksina selvisi, että alasta riippumatta yritysten täytyy olla valmiina reagoimaan ympäristön tuomiin digitalisaation mahdollisuuksiin ja kehittää liiketoimintaansa sen avulla. Liiketoiminnan kehityksen tulee olla jatkuvaa, jotta yritys pärjää kilpailijoilleen ja saavuttaa kilpailuetua. Yritysten muutosprosessin tärkeimpänä tavoitteena on aina alkaa asiakkaan tarpeista ja päättyä asiakkaiden tarpeiden täyttämiseen.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Impacto de los e-commerce en la internacionalización de las pymes del sector textil en la galería Damero en el distrito de La Victoria-2018

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    La presente tesis como título Impacto de los e-commerce en la internacionalización de las pymes del sector textil en la galería Damero. Tuvo como objetivo analizar el impacto de los e-commerce Las teorías consideradas para el estudio e-commerce de los autores Cisneros y Ramos los cuales mencionan que la e-commerce comprende diversos aspectos, los cuales son cuatro etapas: la base legal del comercio electrónico, las transacciones comerciales, los medios de pago electrónico y finalmente los protocolos de seguro que las pymes deben tomara en cuenta. La metodología es descriptiva, la población y muestra está compuesta por 60 pymes de la galería Damero, la técnica utilizada es la encuesta y como instrumento el cuestionario en escala de Likert, fue validado por el juicio de expertos, docentes de la Universidad César Vallejo, paso el proceso de confiabilidad llamada Alfa de Cron Bach, para validar las dimensiones se utilizó el programa estadístico SPSS, Cuyo resultado de acuerdo a los datos estadísticos de fiabilidad de Alfa de Cron Bach aplicado en el programa estadístico SPSS se concluyó existe una muy buena confiabilidad 0,724, para la variable impacto de los e-commerce en la internacionalización de las pymes del sector textil de la galería Damero en el distrito de La Victoria-201

    Supply chain management in the fashion retail industry: a multi-method approach for the optimisation of performances

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    2014 - 2015Fashion and Apparel Supply Chains work in a very fast-changing environment always demanding better quality, higher availability of products, broader assortments and shorter delivery times. Then, an efficient Supply Chain Management can make the difference between success or failure in the market. In this context, this thesis analyses the characteristics of this particular industry at different levels. Starting from the analysis of the whole Supply Chain, aimed at identifying the most critical areas and processes, this work proposes a reference framework for the definition and subsequent optimisation of the physical and informative flows. The model also includes all the cost and revenue items connected to the processes which are characteristic of a Fashion Supply Chain working with a wide network of direct-operated or franchising mono-brand stores. In recent years, the traditional model, only based on a brick & mortar business, has been overcome due to the wide spread of ecommerce. This evolution forced companies to adopt a new integrated strategy, called Omni- Channel Retailing, in order to meet customers requests and offer a wider product selection. With these perspectives, the framework has been revised and extended in order to represent no longer only the physical network but also the mobile purchasing paths and allow us to evaluate how this new integrated strategy may impact on the performances of a traditional Supply Chain. From all these analysis it emerged that the most critical process for a company operating in this sector, is the Replenishment process, i.e. the definition of the delivery times and quantities from the central warehouse to the whole network of stores and clients. An heuristic optimisation method, called the Bees Algorithm, was adopted to solve this problem and, together with the reference framework, represents a useful Decision Support System for fashion companies in the definition of the purchasing quantities and operations plans well ahead of the sales season. [edited by author]XIV n.s

    The development of a strategic omnichannel strategy for fashion retail brands : the case of Tommy Hilfiger

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    The retailing landscape has moved into a new era which can be described with one buzzword: Omnichannel. Omnichannel is seen as a structural change of the whole retailing industry. Special attention in this respect is not only placed upon the ‘if’ but rather the ‘how’ to implement an omnichannel strategy within the company’s organisation. The real challenge for retailers in terms of building an efficient omnichannel management strategy is to connect all distribution channels to accompany all consumers during their buying process. To remain competitive in the digital age, traditional brick-and-mortar retailers face the challenge of reacting to ever-changing consumer behaviours. For retailers this brings along a sustainable change within distribution channels, supply chains and working cultures. Although, omnichannel management is one of the major topics discussed in current literature, studies focus on single facets only but rarely on the big picture. Accordingly, there is hardly any process model that guides organisations in determining an appropriate omnichannel strategy and therefore many organisations struggle to implement an omnichannel-strategy successfully. In addition all existing works in the literature either miss a practical example or do not place sufficient emphasis on the special requirements of the fashion industry. This work entitled ‘The development of a strategic omnichannel management strategy for fashion retail brands: the case of Tommy Hilfiger’ devotes special attention to the research question of ‘what is the best way to build an effective and holistic omnichannel management strategy for fashion retail brands?’ The research’s aim is to build a holistic and effective omnichannel management strategy based upon the case study of Tommy Hilfiger. This research employs an inductive exploratorybased research of a cross-sectional case study approach. Tommy Hilfiger is the subject taken for detailed investigation within this thesis. The outcomes of this thesis are: a) an approach to solutions and an effective and holistic omnichannel management strategy for fashion retail brands; b) the creation and development of a standardised omnichannel process model with integrated channel architecture, thereby aligning marketing activities aimed to creating an omnichannel consumer offer, as well as the set-up of appropriate operational functions; and c) the development of a holistic omnichannel transformation roadmap for fashion retail brands, based on the practical case study of Tommy Hilfiger. Research findings conclude all outcomes within an omnichannel process model. This includes ten steps towards omnichannel implementation, including key focus areas of consumer focus, omnichannel definition, rolling vision statement, role of the channel strategy, IT infrastructure, change management, strategy implementation, organisational set-up, wholesale business, and omnichannel test fiel