14 research outputs found

    Analysis of surface folding patterns of diccols using the GPU-Optimized geodesic field estimate

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    Localization of cortical regions of interests (ROIs) in the human brain via analysis of Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) data plays a pivotal role in basic and clinical neuroscience. In recent studies, 358 common cortical landmarks in the human brain, termed as Dense Indi- vidualized and Common Connectivity-based Cortical Landmarks (DICCCOLs), have been identified. Each of these DICCCOL sites has been observed to possess fiber connection patterns that are consistent across individuals and populations and can be regarded as predictive of brain function. However, the regularity and variability of the cortical surface fold patterns at these DICCCOL sites have, thus far, not been investigated. This paper presents a novel approach, based on intrinsic surface geometry, for quantitative analysis of the regularity and variability of the cortical surface folding patterns with respect to the structural neural connectivity of the human brain. In particular, the Geodesic Field Estimate (GFE) is used to infer the relationship between the structural and connectional DTI features and the complex surface geometry of the human brain. A parallel algorithm, well suited for implementation on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), is also proposed for efficient computation of the shortest geodesic paths between all cortical surface point pairs. Based on experimental results, a mathematical model for the morphological variability and regularity of the cortical folding patterns in the vicinity of the DICCCOL sites is proposed. It is envisioned that this model could be potentially applied in several human brain image registration and brain mapping applications

    A Comparative Study of Theoretical Graph Models for Characterizing Structural Networks of Human Brain

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    Previous studies have investigated both structural and functional brain networks via graph-theoretical methods. However, there is an important issue that has not been adequately discussed before: what is the optimal theoretical graph model for describing the structural networks of human brain? In this paper, we perform a comparative study to address this problem. Firstly, large-scale cortical regions of interest (ROIs) are localized by recently developed and validated brain reference system named Dense Individualized Common Connectivity-based Cortical Landmarks (DICCCOL) to address the limitations in the identification of the brain network ROIs in previous studies. Then, we construct structural brain networks based on diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data. Afterwards, the global and local graph properties of the constructed structural brain networks are measured using the state-of-the-art graph analysis algorithms and tools and are further compared with seven popular theoretical graph models. In addition, we compare the topological properties between two graph models, namely, stickiness-index-based model (STICKY) and scale-free gene duplication model (SF-GD), that have higher similarity with the real structural brain networks in terms of global and local graph properties. Our experimental results suggest that among the seven theoretical graph models compared in this study, STICKY and SF-GD models have better performances in characterizing the structural human brain network

    Segmentation of the brain using direction-averaged signal of DWI images

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    Segmentation of brain tissue in diffusion MRI image space has some unique advantages. A novel segmentation method using the direction-averaged diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) signal is proposed. Two images can be obtained from the fitting of the direction-averaged DWI signal as a function of b-value: one with superior contrast between the gray matter and white matter; one with prominent CSF contrast. A pseudo T1 weighted image can be constructed and standard segmentation tools can be applied. The method was tested on the HCP dataset using SPM12, and showed good agreement with segmentation using the T1 weighted image with the same resolution. The Dice score was all greater than 0.88 for GM or WM with full DWI data and very stable against subsampling of the DWI data in number of diffusion directions, number of shells, and spatial resolution

    Deep convolutional neural networks for multi-modality isointense infant brain image segmentation

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    The segmentation of infant brain tissue images into white matter (WM), gray matter (GM), and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) plays an important role in studying early brain development in health and disease. In the isointense stage (approximately 6–8 months of age), WM and GM exhibit similar levels of intensity in both T1 and T2 MR images, making the tissue segmentation very challenging. Only a small number of existing methods have been designed for tissue segmentation in this isointense stage; however, they only used a single T1 or T2 images, or the combination of T1 and T2 images. In this paper, we propose to use deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for segmenting isointense stage brain tissues using multi-modality MR images. CNNs are a type of deep models in which trainable filters and local neighborhood pooling operations are applied alternatingly on the raw input images, resulting in a hierarchy of increasingly complex features. Specifically, we used multimodality information from T1, T2, and fractional anisotropy (FA) images as inputs and then generated the segmentation maps as outputs. The multiple intermediate layers applied convolution, pooling, normalization, and other operations to capture the highly nonlinear mappings between inputs and outputs. We compared the performance of our approach with that of the commonly used segmentation methods on a set of manually segmented isointense stage brain images. Results showed that our proposed model significantly outperformed prior methods on infant brain tissue segmentation. In addition, our results indicated that integration of multi-modality images led to significant performance improvement

    Predictive models of resting state networks for assessment of altered functional connectivity in mild cognitive impairment

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    Due to the difficulties in establishing correspondences between functional regions across individuals and populations, systematic elucidation of functional connectivity alterations in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in comparison with normal controls (NC) is still a challenging problem. In this paper, we assessed the functional connectivity alterations in MCI via novel, alternative predictive models of resting state networks (RSNs) learned from multimodal resting state fMRI (R-fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data. First, ICA-clustering was used to construct RSNs from R-fMRI data in NC group. Second, since the RSNs in MCI are already altered and can hardly be constructed directly from R-fMRI data, structural landmarks derived from DTI data were employed as the predictive models of RSNs for MCI. Third, given that the landmarks are structurally consistent and correspondent across NC and MCI, functional connectivities in MCI were assessed based on the predicted RSNs and compared with those in NC. Experimental results demonstrated that the predictive models of RSNs based on multimodal R-fMRI and DTI data systematically and comprehensively revealed widespread functional connectivity alterations in MCI in comparison with NC

    DORIS: a diffusion MRI-based 10 tissue class deep learning segmentation algorithm tailored to improve anatomically-constrained tractography

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    International audienceModern tractography algorithms such as anatomically-constrained tractography (ACT) are based on segmentation maps of white matter (WM), gray matter (GM) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). These maps are generally estimated from a T1-weighted (T1w) image and then registered in diffusion weighted images (DWI) space. Registration of T1w to diffusion space and partial volume estimation are challenging and rarely voxel-perfect. Diffusion-based segmentation would thus potentially allow not to have higher quality anatomical priors injected in the tractography process. On the other hand, even if FA-based tractography is possible without T1 registration, the literature shows that this technique suffers from multiple issues such as holes in the tracking mask and a high proportion of generated broken and anatomically implausible streamlines. Therefore, there is an important need for a tissue segmentation algorithm that works directly in native diffusion space. We propose DORIS, a DWI-based deep learning segmentation algorithm. DORIS outputs 10 different tissue classes including WM, GM, CSF, ventricles and 6 other subcortical structures (putamen, pallidum, hippocampus, caudate, amygdala, thalamus). DORIS was trained and validated on a wide range of sujects, including 1000 individuals from 22 to 90 years old from clinical and research DWI acquisitions, from 5 public databases. In the absence of a "true" * Data used in preparation of this article were obtained from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) database (adni.loni.usc.ed

    Anatomy-Guided Dense Individualized and Common Connectivity-Based Cortical Landmarks (A-DICCCOL)

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    Establishment of structural and functional correspondences of human brain that can be quantitatively encoded and reproduced across different subjects and populations is one of the key issues in brain mapping. As an attempt to address this challenge, our recently developed Dense Individualized and Common Connectivity-based Cortical Landmarks (DICCCOL) system reported 358 connectional landmarks, each of which possesses consistent DTI-derived white matter fiber connection pattern that is reproducible in over 240 healthy brains. However, the DICCCOL system can be substantially improved by integrating anatomical and morphological information during landmark initialization and optimization procedures. In this paper, we present a novel anatomy-guided landmark discovery framework that defines and optimizes landmarks via integrating rich anatomical, morphological, and fiber connectional information for landmark initialization, group-wise optimization and prediction, which are formulated and solved as an energy minimization problem. The framework finally determined 555 consistent connectional landmarks. Validation studies demonstrated that the 555 landmarks are reproducible, predictable, and exhibited reasonably accurate anatomical, connectional, and functional correspondences across individuals and populations and thus are named anatomy-guided DICCCOL or A-DICCCOL. This A-DICCCOL system represents common cortical architectures with anatomical, connectional, and functional correspondences across different subjects and would potentially provide opportunities for various applications in brain science

    Fast and robust hybrid framework for infant brain classification from structural MRI : a case study for early diagnosis of autism.

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    The ultimate goal of this work is to develop a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system for early autism diagnosis from infant structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The vital step to achieve this goal is to get accurate segmentation of the different brain structures: whitematter, graymatter, and cerebrospinal fluid, which will be the main focus of this thesis. The proposed brain classification approach consists of two major steps. First, the brain is extracted based on the integration of a stochastic model that serves to learn the visual appearance of the brain texture, and a geometric model that preserves the brain geometry during the extraction process. Secondly, the brain tissues are segmented based on shape priors, built using a subset of co-aligned training images, that is adapted during the segmentation process using first- and second-order visual appearance features of infant MRIs. The accuracy of the presented segmentation approach has been tested on 300 infant subjects and evaluated blindly on 15 adult subjects. The experimental results have been evaluated by the MICCAI MR Brain Image Segmentation (MRBrainS13) challenge organizers using three metrics: Dice coefficient, 95-percentile Hausdorff distance, and absolute volume difference. The proposed method has been ranked the first in terms of performance and speed

    Image processing methods for human brain connectivity analysis from in-vivo diffusion MRI

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    In this PhD Thesis proposal, the principles of diffusion MRI (dMRI) in its application to the human brain mapping of connectivity are reviewed. The background section covers the fundamentals of dMRI, with special focus on those related to the distortions caused by susceptibility inhomogeneity across tissues. Also, a deep survey of available correction methodologies for this common artifact of dMRI is presented. Two methodological approaches to improved correction are introduced. Finally, the PhD proposal describes its objectives, the research plan, and the necessary resources