11 research outputs found

    A new anisotropic diffusion method, application to partial volume effect reduction

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    The partial volume effect is a significant limitation in medical imaging that results in blurring when the boundary between two structures of interest falls in the middle of a voxel. A new anisotropic diffusion method allows one to create interpolated 3D images corrected for partial volume, without enhancement of noise. After a zero-order interpolation, we apply a modified version of the anisotropic diffusion approach, wherein the diffusion coefficient becomes negative for high gradient values. As a result, the new scheme restores edges between regions that have been blurred by partial voluming, but it acts as normal anisotropic diffusion in flat regions, where it reduces noise. We add constraints to stabilize the method and model partial volume; i.e., the sum of neighboring voxels must equal the signal in the original low resolution voxel and the signal in a voxel is kept within its neighbor's limits. The method performed well on a variety of synthetic images and MRI scans. No noticeable artifact was induced by interpolation with partial volume correction, and noise was much reduced in homogeneous regions. We validated the method using the BrainWeb project database. Partial volume effect was simulated and restored brain volumes compared to the original ones. Errors due to partial volume effect were reduced by 28% and 35% for the 5% and 0% noise cases, respectively. The method was applied to in vivo "thick" MRI carotid artery images for atherosclerosis detection. There was a remarkable increase in the delineation of the lumen of the carotid artery

    Fuzzy knowledge-based recognition of internal structures of the head

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    Nous proposons une méthode basée sur la connaissance a priori pour la segmentation et la reconnaissance des formes des structures internes du cerveau en IRM. Les connaissances sur les formes des structures et les distances entre elles, provenant de l'atlas de Talairach, sont modélisées par un champ flou en utilisant une analogie avec la distribution du potentiel d'électrostatique. Une sur-segmentation est d'abord effectuée sur le cerveau pour obtenir des régions homogènes. La reconnaissance des structures est ensuite obtenue par la classification des régions utilisant un algorithme génétique, suivie par un affinement au niveau du pixel. Les connaissances floues modélisées sont utilisées dans ces deux étapes. La performance de la méthode proposée est validée par référence aux résultats manuels en utilisant 4 indices de quantification

    Ligation of the Jugular Veins Does Not Result in Brain Inflammation or Demyelination in Mice

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    An alternative hypothesis has been proposed implicating chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI) as a potential cause of multiple sclerosis (MS). We aimed to evaluate the validity of this hypothesis in a controlled animal model. Animal experiments were approved by the institutional animal care committee. The jugular veins in SJL mice were ligated bilaterally (n = 20), and the mice were observed for up to six months after ligation. Sham-operated mice (n = 15) and mice induced with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (n = 8) were used as negative and positive controls, respectively. The animals were evaluated using CT venography and 99mTc-exametazime to assess for structural and hemodynamic changes. Imaging was performed to evaluate for signs of blood-brain barrier (BBB) breakdown and neuroinflammation. Flow cytometry and histopathology were performed to assess inflammatory cell populations and demyelination. There were both structural changes (stenosis, collaterals) in the jugular venous drainage and hemodynamic disturbances in the brain on Tc99m-exametazime scintigraphy (p = 0.024). In the JVL mice, gadolinium MRI and immunofluorescence imaging for barrier molecules did not reveal evidence of BBB breakdown (p = 0.58). Myeloperoxidase, matrix metalloproteinase, and protease molecular imaging did not reveal signs of increased neuroinflammation (all p>0.05). Flow cytometry and histopathology also did not reveal increase in inflammatory cell infiltration or population shifts. No evidence of demyelination was found, and the mice remained without clinical signs. Despite the structural and hemodynamic changes, we did not identify changes in the BBB permeability, neuroinflammation, demyelination, or clinical signs in the JVL group compared to the sham group. Therefore, our murine model does not support CCSVI as a cause of demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis

    Nonmechanical parfocal and autofocus features based on wave propagation distribution in lensfree holographic microscopy

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    Performing long-term cell observations is a non-trivial task for conventional optical microscopy, since it is usually not compatible with environments of an incubator and its temperature and humidity requirements. Lensless holographic microscopy, being entirely based on semiconductor chips without lenses and without any moving parts, has proven to be a very interesting alternative to conventional microscopy. Here, we report on the integration of a computational parfocal feature, which operates based on wave propagation distribution analysis, to perform a fast autofocusing process. This unique non-mechanical focusing approach was implemented to keep the imaged object staying in-focus during continuous long-term and real-time recordings. A light-emitting diode (LED) combined with pinhole setup was used to realize a point light source, leading to a resolution down to 2.76 ÎĽm. Our approach delivers not only in-focus sharp images of dynamic cells, but also three-dimensional (3D) information on their (x, y, z)-positions. System reliability tests were conducted inside a sealed incubator to monitor cultures of three different biological living cells (i.e., MIN6, neuroblastoma (SH-SY5Y), and Prorocentrum minimum). Altogether, this autofocusing framework enables new opportunities for highly integrated microscopic imaging and dynamic tracking of moving objects in harsh environments with large sample areas

    Segmentation of Brain MRI

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    Validation of Tissue Modelization and Classification Techniques in T1-weighted MR Brain Images

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    We propose a deep study on tissue modelization and classification techniques on T1-weighted MR images. Six approaches have been taken into account to perform this validation study. We consider first the Finite Gaussian Mixture model (A-FGMM) and a Bayes classification. Second method is the same as A-FGMM but introducing a Hidden Markov Random Field (HMRF) model to encode spatial information and classification is then performed by Maximum a Posteriori (MAP). Third, we study a method that models mixture tissues as a linear combination Gaussian pure tissue distributions (C-GPV) and it also performs a Bayes classification. Fourth, method D-GPV-HMRF uses the same image model as method C-GPV but encode spatial information as done in method B-HMRF. Fifth algorithm do not parameterize the intensity distribution but they directly classifies from intensity probabilities (Error Probability, E-EP). Last method it is also non-parametric but uses a HMRF to introduce spatial information (F-NPHMRF). All methods have been tested on a Digital Brain Phantom image considered as the ground truth. Noise and intensity non-uniformities have been added to simulate real image conditions. Results demonstrate that methods relying in both intensity and spatial information are in general more robust to noise and inhomogeneities. We demonstrate also that partial volume (PV) is still not completely well-model even if methods that uses this mixture model perform less errors

    Segmentación automática de tejido cerebral en imagen preclínica

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    En estudios preclínicos neurológicos de imagen de resonancia magnética (MRI) en pequeños animales es común el uso de la segmentación cerebral para su posterior análisis volumétrico y/o registro con otras modalidades de imagen. Este proceso suele realizarse de forma manual, por lo que a menudo se emplea una gran cantidad de tiempo dependiendo del estudio. En este trabajo se propone un nuevo método de segmentación automática basado en registro para facilitar dicho proceso. La propuesta se ha comparado con dos métodos: segmentación manual, que se emplea como referencia, y una segmentación basada en PCNN (Pulse Couple Neural Network) propuesta específicamente para imágenes de rata. El método propuesto consigue buenos resultados en índice de solapamiento y volumen cerebral comparado con el manual, y ofrece además una reducción considerable en el tiempo de ejecución comparado con PCNN.Ingeniería Técnica en Sistemas de Telecomunicació

    Slantlet transform-based segmentation and α -shape theory-based 3D visualization and volume calculation methods for MRI brain tumour

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    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) being the foremost significant component of medical diagnosis which requires careful, efficient, precise and reliable image analyses for brain tumour detection, segmentation, visualisation and volume calculation. The inherently varying nature of tumour shapes, locations and image intensities make brain tumour detection greatly intricate. Certainly, having a perfect result of brain tumour detection and segmentation is advantageous. Despite several available methods, tumour detection and segmentation are far from being resolved. Meanwhile, the progress of 3D visualisation and volume calculation of brain tumour is very limited due to absence of ground truth. Thus, this study proposes four new methods, namely abnormal MRI slice detection, brain tumour segmentation based on Slantlet Transform (SLT), 3D visualization and volume calculation of brain tumour based on Alpha (α) shape theory. In addition, two new datasets along with ground truth are created to validate the shape and volume of the brain tumour. The methodology involves three main phases. In the first phase, it begins with the cerebral tissue extraction, followed by abnormal block detection and its fine-tuning mechanism, and ends with abnormal slice detection based on the detected abnormal blocks. The second phase involves brain tumour segmentation that covers three processes. The abnormal slice is first decomposed using the SLT, then its significant coefficients are selected using Donoho universal threshold. The resultant image is composed using inverse SLT to obtain the tumour region. Finally, in the third phase, four original ideas are proposed to visualise and calculate the volume of the tumour. The first idea involves the determination of an optimal α value using a new formula. The second idea is to merge all tumour points for all abnormal slices using the α value to form a set of tetrahedrons. The third idea is to select the most relevant tetrahedrons using the α value as the threshold. The fourth idea is to calculate the volume of the tumour based on the selected tetrahedrons. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed methods, a series of experiments are conducted using three standard datasets which comprise of 4567 MRI slices of 35 patients. The methods are evaluated using standard practices and benchmarked against the best and up-to-date techniques. Based on the experiments, the proposed methods have produced very encouraging results with an accuracy rate of 96% for the abnormality slice detection along with sensitivity and specificity of 99% for brain tumour segmentation. A perfect result for the 3D visualisation and volume calculation of brain tumour is also attained. The admirable features of the results suggest that the proposed methods may constitute a basis for reliable MRI brain tumour diagnosis and treatments

    Brain Tissue Classification of Magnetic Resonance Images Using Partial Volume Modeling

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    International audienceThis paper presents a fully automatic three-dimensional classification of brain tissues for Magnetic Resonance (MR) images. An MR image volume may be composed of a mixture of several tissue types due to partial volume effects. Therefore, we consider that in a brain dataset there are not only the three main types of brain tissue: gray matter, white matter, and cerebro spinal fluid, called pure classes, but also mixtures, called mixclasses. A statistical model of the mixtures is proposed and studied by means of simulations. It is shown that it can be approximated by a Gaussian function under some conditions. The D'Agostino-Pearson normality test is used to assess the risk alpha of the approximation. In order to classify a brain into three types of brain tissue and deal with the problem of partial volume effects, the proposed algorithm uses two steps: 1) segmentation of the brain into pure and mixclasses using the mixture model; 2) reclassification of the mixclasses into the pure classes using knowledge about the obtained pure classes. Both steps use Markov random field (MRF) models. The multifractal dimension, describing the topology of the brain, is added to the MRFs to improve discrimination of the mixclasses. The algorithm is evaluated using both simulated images and real MR images with different T1-weighted acquisition sequences

    Probabilistic partial volume modelling of biomedical tomographic image data

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