
Validation of Tissue Modelization and Classification Techniques in T1-weighted MR Brain Images


We propose a deep study on tissue modelization and classification techniques on T1-weighted MR images. Six approaches have been taken into account to perform this validation study. We consider first the Finite Gaussian Mixture model (A-FGMM) and a Bayes classification. Second method is the same as A-FGMM but introducing a Hidden Markov Random Field (HMRF) model to encode spatial information and classification is then performed by Maximum a Posteriori (MAP). Third, we study a method that models mixture tissues as a linear combination Gaussian pure tissue distributions (C-GPV) and it also performs a Bayes classification. Fourth, method D-GPV-HMRF uses the same image model as method C-GPV but encode spatial information as done in method B-HMRF. Fifth algorithm do not parameterize the intensity distribution but they directly classifies from intensity probabilities (Error Probability, E-EP). Last method it is also non-parametric but uses a HMRF to introduce spatial information (F-NPHMRF). All methods have been tested on a Digital Brain Phantom image considered as the ground truth. Noise and intensity non-uniformities have been added to simulate real image conditions. Results demonstrate that methods relying in both intensity and spatial information are in general more robust to noise and inhomogeneities. We demonstrate also that partial volume (PV) is still not completely well-model even if methods that uses this mixture model perform less errors

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