1,048 research outputs found

    Primary visual cortex as a saliency map: parameter-free prediction of behavior from V1 physiology

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    It has been hypothesized that neural activities in the primary visual cortex (V1) represent a saliency map of the visual field to exogenously guide attention. This hypothesis has so far provided only qualitative predictions and their confirmations. We report this hypothesis' first quantitative prediction, derived without free parameters, and its confirmation by human behavioral data. The hypothesis provides a direct link between V1 neural responses to a visual location and the saliency of that location to guide attention exogenously. In a visual input containing many bars, one of them saliently different from all the other bars which are identical to each other, saliency at the singleton's location can be measured by the shortness of the reaction time in a visual search task to find the singleton. The hypothesis predicts quantitatively the whole distribution of the reaction times to find a singleton unique in color, orientation, and motion direction from the reaction times to find other types of singletons. The predicted distribution matches the experimentally observed distribution in all six human observers. A requirement for this successful prediction is a data-motivated assumption that V1 lacks neurons tuned simultaneously to color, orientation, and motion direction of visual inputs. Since evidence suggests that extrastriate cortices do have such neurons, we discuss the possibility that the extrastriate cortices play no role in guiding exogenous attention so that they can be devoted to other functional roles like visual decoding or endogenous attention.Comment: 11 figures, 66 page

    Neural correlates of attentional capture in visual search

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    Much behavioral research has shown that the presence of a unique singleton distractor during a task of visual search will typically capture attention and thus disrupt search. Here we examined the neural correlates of such attentional capture using functional magnetic resonance imaging in human divisions during performance of a visual search task. The presence (vs. absence) of a salient yet irrelevant color singleton distractor was associated with activity in the superior parietal cortex and frontal cortex. These findings imply that the singleton distractor induced spatial shifts of attention despite its irrelevance, as predicted from an AC account. Moreover, behavioral interference by singleton distractors was strongly and negatively correlated with frontal activity. These findings provode direct evidence that the frontal cortex is involved in control of interference from irrelevant but attention-capturing distractors

    Distribution of Attention Modulates Salience Signals in Early Visual Cortex

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    Previous research has shown that the extent to which people spread attention across the visual field plays a crucial role in visual selection and the occurrence of bottom-up driven attentional capture. Consistent with previous findings, we show that when attention was diffusely distributed across the visual field while searching for a shape singleton, an irrelevant salient color singleton captured attention. However, while using the very same displays and task, no capture was observed when observers initially focused their attention at the center of the display. Using event-related fMRI, we examined the modulation of retinotopic activity related to attentional capture in early visual areas. Because the sensory display characteristics were identical in both conditions, we were able to isolate the brain activity associated with exogenous attentional capture. The results show that spreading of attention leads to increased bottom-up exogenous capture and increased activity in visual area V3 but not in V2 and V1

    Distractibility in daily life is reflected in the structure and function of human parietal cortex

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    We all appreciate that some of our friends and colleagues are more distractible than others. This variability can be captured by pencil and paper questionnaires in which individuals report such cognitive failures in their everyday life. Surprisingly, these self-report measures have high heritability, leading to the hypothesis that distractibility might have a basis in brain structure. In a large sample of healthy adults, we demonstrated that a simple self-report measure of everyday distractibility accurately predicted gray matter volume in a remarkably focal region of left superior parietal cortex. This region must play a causal role in reducing distractibility, because we found that disrupting its function with transcranial magnetic stimulation increased susceptibility to distraction. Finally, we showed that the self-report measure of distractibility reliably predicted our laboratory-based measure of attentional capture. Our findings distinguish a critical mechanism in the human brain causally involved in avoiding distractibility, which, importantly, bridges self-report judgments of cognitive failures in everyday life and a commonly used laboratory measure of distractibility to the structure of the human brai

    Feature processing during visual search in normal aging: Electrophysiological evidence

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    Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded from healthy young and older subjects during the execution of a visual search task in which they were required to detect the presence of a target stimulus that differed from distractors in a salient feature (orientation). Apart from the orientation target, a task-irrelevant singleton defined by a different feature (color) was also presented without instruction. The effects of normal aging on the N2pc component, an electrophysiological correlate of the allocation of visuospatial attention, were evaluated for the first time. Behavioral results showed an increase in the mean reaction time (RT) and a reduction in the hit rates with age. Electrophysiological results showed a consistent N2pc for orientation target pop-outs but not for irrelevant color pop outs in both age groups, suggesting that the irrelevant color singleton did not induce attentional capture. Furthermore, the N2pc component observed for orientation targets was significantly delayed and attenuated in older subjects compared to young subjects, suggesting a specific impairment of the allocation of visuospatial attention with advancing age.This study was supported by grants from the Spanish MEC (SEJ2004-01377) and Xunta de Galicia (PGIDT05PXIC21101PN)S

    Temporal dynamics of target selection and distractor suppression mechanisms in the right Frontal Eye Field

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    The ability of the human brain to selectively attend to relevant information while ignoring irrelevant distraction is essential for the successful completion of everyday tasks. The present PhD project aimed to unravel the temporal dynamics of target selection and distractor suppression in the Frontal Eye Field (FEF), a key node in the dorsolateral attention network. Previous research (Lega et al., 2019) had assessed the contribution of both IPS and FEF to the deployment of visuo- spatial attention by means of 10 Hz TMS during a visual search task. The stimulation was delivered in a post-stimulus epoch from 100 to 300 ms, considered crucial for attentional computations in visual search. This study found that the TMS protocol improved distractor suppression mechanisms, reducing the cost engendered by salient but task-irrelevant distractors. To further clarify the temporal contribution of right FEF to distractor suppression, two experiments were carried out. Experiment 1 applied single-pulse TMS over right FEF at three different time points, 50, 200 or 350 ms after search array onset. Experiment 2 aimed to exert a stronger TMS effect over right FEF while maintaining a temporal-punctate approach. It applied trains of triple-pulse TMS at 20 Hz over right FEF in three different time windows: from -50 to 50 ms (T1), from 100 to 200 ms (T2) and from 250 to 350 ms (T3) after the search array onset. While Experiment 1 showed only a general, time-unspecific and quasi- significant effect of stimulation over response times, Experiment 2 revealed that stimulation at T2 (100-200 ms) was associated with an increase of the distractor cost, specifically for distractors located contralaterally to the stimulation site. These findings support the role of right FEF in suppressing distractions from salient but irrelevant stimuli and suggest that TMS may activate/inhibit the neural network that regulates and limits interference from such distractions. Further research is needed to precisely assess the physiological effects of different TMS protocols of the right FEF and its influence on attentional computation

    Biasing Allocations of Attention via Selective Weighting of Saliency Signals: Behavioral and Neuroimaging Evidence for the Dimension-Weighting Account

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    Objects that stand out from the environment tend to be of behavioral relevance, and the visual system is tuned to preferably process these salient objects by allocating focused attention. However, attention is not just passively (bottom-up) driven by stimulus features, but previous experiences and task goals exert strong biases toward attending or actively ignoring salient objects. The core and eponymous assumption of the dimension-weighting account (DWA) is that these top-down biases are not as flexible as one would like them to be; rather, they are subject to dimensional constraints. In particular, DWA assumes that people can often not search for objects that have a particular feature but only for objects that stand out from the environment (i.e., that are salient) in a particular feature dimension. We review behavioral and neuroimaging evidence for such dimensional constraints in three areas: search history, voluntary target enhancement, and distractor handling. The first two have been the focus of research on DWA since its inception and the latter the subject of our more recent research. Additionally, we discuss various challenges to the DWA and its relation to other prominent theories on top-down influences in visual search

    Reward changes salience in human vision via the anterior cingulate

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    Reward-related mesolimbic dopamine steers animal behavior, creating automatic approach toward reward-associated objects and avoidance of objects unlikely to be beneficial. Theories of dopamine suggest that this reflects underlying biases in perception and attention, with reward enhancing the representation of reward-associated stimuli such that attention is more likely to be deployed to the location of these objects. Using measures of behavior and brain electricity in male and female humans, we demonstrate this to be the case. Sensory and perceptual processing of reward-associated visual features is facilitated such that attention is deployed to objects characterized by these features in subsequent experimental trials. This is the case even when participantsknowthat a strategic decision to attend to reward-associated features will be counterproductive and result in suboptimal performance. Other results show that the magnitude of visual bias created by reward is predicted by the response to reward feedback in anterior cingulate cortex, an area with strong connections to dopaminergic structures in the midbrain. These results demonstrate that reward has an impact on vision that is independent of its role in the strategic establishment of endogenous attention. We suggest that reward acts to change visual salience and thus plays an important and undervalued role in attentional control. Copyright © 2010 the authors
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