804 research outputs found

    Brain Functional and Structural Networks Underpinning Musical Creativity

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    Musical improvisation is one of the most complex forms of creative behavior, which offers a realistic task paradigm for the investigation of real-time creativity. Despite previous studies on the topics of musical improvisation, brain activations, and creativity, the main questions about the neural mechanisms for musical improvisation in efforts to unlocking the mystery of human creativity remain unanswered. What are the brain regions that are activated during the improvised performances of music? How do these brain areas coordinate activity among themselves and others during such performances? Whether and how does the brain connectivity structure encapsulate such creative skills? In attempts to contribute to answering these questions, this dissertation examines the brain activity dynamics during musical improvisation, explores white matter fiber architecture in advanced jazz improvisers using functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques. A group of advanced jazz musicians underwent functional and structural magnetic resonance brain imaging. While the functional MRI (fMRI) of their brains were collected, these expert improvisers performed vocalization and imagery improvisation and pre-learned melody tasks. The activation and connectivity analysis of the fMRI data showed that musical improvisation is characterized by higher brain activity with less functional connectivity compared to pre-learned melody in the brain network consisting of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC), supplementary motor area (SMA), lateral premotor cortex (lPMC), Cerebellum (Cb) and Broca’s Area (BCA). SMA received a dominant causal information flow from dlPFC during improvisation and prelearned melody tasks. The deterministic fiber tractography analysis also revealed that the underlying white matter structure and fiber pathways in advanced jazz improvisers were enhanced in advanced jazz improvisers compared to the control group of nonmusicians, specifically the dlPFC - SMA network. These results point to the notion that an expert\u27s performance under real-time constraints is an internally directed behavior controlled primarily by a specific brain network, that has enhanced task-supportive structural connectivity. Overall, these findings suggest that a creative act of an expert is functionally controlled by a specific cortical network as in any internally directed attention and is encapsulated by the long-timescale brain structural network changes in support of the related cognitive underpinnings

    Mozart, music and medicine

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    Neural correlates of flow, boredom, and anxiety in gaming: An electroencephalogram study

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    Games are engaging and captivating from a human-computer interaction (HCI) perspective as they can facilitate a highly immersive experience. This research examines the neural correlates of flow, boredom, and anxiety during video gaming. A within-subject experimental study (N = 44) was carried out with the use of electroencephalogram (EEG) to assess the brain activity associated with three states of user experience - flow, boredom, and anxiety - in a controlled gaming environment. A video game, Tetris, was used to induce flow, boredom, and anxiety. A 64 channel EEG headset was used to track changes in activation patterns in the frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes of the players\u27 brains during the experiment. EEG signals were pre-processed and Fast Fourier Transformation values were extracted and analyzed. The results suggest that the EEG potential in the left frontal lobe is lower in the flow state than in the resting and boredom states. The occipital alpha is lower in the flow state than in the resting state. Similarly, the EEG theta in the left parietal lobe is lower during the flow state than the resting state. However, the EEG theta in the frontal-temporal region of the brain is higher in the flow state than in the anxiety state. The flow state is associated with low cognitive load, presence of attention levels, and loss of self-consciousness when compared to resting and boredom states --Abstract, page iii

    Detecting Flow Experiences in Cognitive Tasks - A Neurophysiological Approach

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    Das Flow-Erlebnis beschreibt einen Zustand vollständiger Aufgabenvertiefung und mühelosen Handelns, der mit Höchstleistungen, persönlichem Wachstum, sowie allgemeinem Wohlbefinden verbunden ist. Für Unternehmen stellen häufigere Flow-Erlebnisse der ArbeitnehmerInnen daher auch eine produktivitäts- und zufriedenheitsfördernde Basis dar. Vor allem da sich aktuell globale Phänomene wie die steigende Nachfrage nach Wissensarbeit und das niedrige Arbeitsengagement zuspitzen, können Unternehmen von einer Förderung von Flow profitieren. Die Unterstützung von Flow stellt allerdings aufgrund der Vielfalt von Arbeitnehmerfertigkeiten, -aufgaben, und -arbeitsplätzen eine komplexe Herausforderung dar. WissensarbeiterInnen stehen dynamischen Aufgaben gegenüber, die diverse Kompetenzen und die Kooperation mit anderen erfordern. Arbeitsplätze werden vielseitiger, indem die Grenzen zwischen ko-präsenten und virtuellen Interaktionen verschwinden. Diese Vielfalt bedeutet, dass eine solide Flow-Förderung nur durch personen-, aufgaben- und situationsunabhängige Ansätze erfolgen kann. Aus diesem Grund werden zunehmend die neurophysiologischen Grundlagen des Flow-Erlebens untersucht. Auf deren Basis könnten adaptive Neuro-Informationssysteme entwickelt werden, die mittels tragbarer Sensorik Flow kontinuierlich erkennen und fördern können. Diese Wissensbasis ist bislang jedoch nur spärlich und in stark fragmentierter Form vorhanden. Für das Individuum existieren lediglich konkurrierende Vorschläge, die noch nicht durch situations- und sensorübergreifende Studien konsolidiert wurden. Für Gruppen existiert noch fast keine Forschung zu neurophysiologischen Flow-Korrelaten, insbesondere keine im Kontext digital-mediierter Interaktionen. In dieser Dissertation werden genau diese Forschungslücken durch die situationsübergreifende Beobachtung von Flow mit tragbaren EKG und EEG Sensoren adressiert. Dabei werden zentrale Grenzen der experimentellen Flow-Forschung berücksichtigt, vor allem die Defizite etablierter Paradigmen zum kontrollierten Hervorrufen von Flow. Indem Erlebnisse in zwei kognitiven Aufgaben und mehreren Manipulationen (von Schwierigkeit, Natürlichkeit, Autonomie und sozialer Interaktion) variiert werden, wird untersucht, wie Flow intensiver hervorgerufen und wie das Erlebnis stabiler über Situationen hinweg beobachtet werden kann. Die Studienergebnisse deuten dabei insgesamt auf ein Flow-Muster von moderater physiologischer Aktivierung und mentaler Arbeitslast, von erhöhter, aufgabenorientierter Aufmerksamkeit und von affektiver Neutralität hin. Vor allem die EEG Daten zeigen ein diagnostisches Potenzial, schwächere von stärkeren Flow-Zuständen unterscheiden zu können, indem optimale und nicht-optimale Aufgabenschwierigkeiten (für Individuen und Gruppen) erkannt werden. Um das Flow-Erleben weiter zu fördern, werden geeignete Wege für zukünftige Forschung abschließend diskutiert

    Annotated Bibliography: Anticipation

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    Meditation as a Potential Therapy for Autism: A Review

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    Approaches to Quantifying EEG Features for Design Protocol Analysis

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    Recently, physiological signals such as eye-tracking and gesture analysis, galvanic skin response (GSR), electrocardiograms (ECG) and electroencephalograms (EEG) have been used by design researchers to extract significant information to describe the conceptual design process. We study a set of video-based design protocols recorded on subjects performing design tasks on a sketchpad while having their EEG monitored. The conceptual design process is rich with information on how designer’s do design. Many methods exist to analyze the conceptual design process, the most popular one being concurrent verbal protocols. A recurring problem in design protocol analysis is to segment and code protocol data into logical and semantic units. This is usually a manual step and little work has been done on fully automated segmentation techniques. Also, verbal protocols are known to fail in some circumstances such as when dealing with creativity, insight (e.g. Aha! experience, gestalt), concurrent, nonverbalizable (e.g. facial recognition) and nonconscious processes. We propose different approaches to study the conceptual design process using electroencephalograms (EEG). More specifically, we use spatio-temporal and frequency domain features. Our research is based on machine learning techniques used on EEG signals (functional microstate analysis), source localization (LORETA) and on a novel method of segmentation for design protocols based on EEG features. Using these techniques, we measure mental effort, fatigue and concentration in the conceptual design process, in addition to creativity and insight/nonverbalizable processing. We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of such approaches

    Acute Exercise and Creativity: Embodied Cognition Approaches

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    This dissertation manuscript is the culmination of three years of research examining several unique, exercise-induced mechanisms underlying creativity. This collection of work addresses historical and current empirical concepts of creativity in a narrative review, providing recommendations for future research. Several reviews follow this introduction, highlighting the proposed effects of exercise on creativity, putative mechanisms for creativity, and the effects of exercise and embodied manipulations on creative behavior. Multiple experiments utilizing moderate-intensity exercise as a theoretical stimulus for higher-order cognitions were conducted to investigate associations between exercise and creativity, which lead to the final dissertation experiment. The dissertation experiment was the first to provide statistically significant evidence for acute, moderate-intensity treadmill exercise coupled with anagram problem-solving to prime subsequent RAT completion compared to a non-exercise, priming only condition. We emphasize that the additive effects of exercise plus priming may be a viable strategy for enhancing verbal convergent creativity. Future research is warranted to explore a variety of priming effects on the relationship between exercise, embodied interventions, and creativityThis dissertation manuscript is the culmination of three years of research examining several unique, exercise-induced mechanisms underlying creativity. This collection of work addresses historical and current empirical concepts of creativity in a narrative review, providing recommendations for future research. Several reviews follow this introduction, highlighting the proposed effects of exercise on creativity, putative mechanisms for creativity, and the effects of exercise and embodied manipulations on creative behavior. Multiple experiments utilizing moderate-intensity exercise as a theoretical stimulus for higher-order cognitions were conducted to investigate associations between exercise and creativity, which lead to the final dissertation experiment. The dissertation experiment was the first to provide statistically significant evidence for acute, moderate-intensity treadmill exercise coupled with anagram problem-solving to prime subsequent RAT completion compared to a non-exercise, priming only condition. We emphasize that the additive effects of exercise plus priming may be a viable strategy for enhancing verbal convergent creativity. Future research is warranted to explore a variety of priming effects on the relationship between exercise, embodied interventions, and creativit

    A critical analysis of the present neuropsychological and neuroanatomical theories and knowledge of art perception and artistic production taking creativity into account

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    The present paper analyses the neuroanatomical and neuropsychological backgrounds of art reception and art creation in modern visual art and creative processes. It critically presents two models of aesthetic experience to provide a comprehensive theoretical basis for the discussion. The research purpose is to show that with increasing experience and expertise the referential frame of the aesthetic judgment is changing and that neural processes involved in object recognition provide a starting point for visual aesthetics. Thus, the investigation focuses on constructing and testing neuropsychological theories that fall in the domain called 'neuroaesthetics'. These theories, in turn, serve as a starting point to formulate neural laws of art and aesthetics and aesthetic experience. Some artistic styles, such as expressionism, reflect specific neural processes. Various studies indicate correlations between hemispheric specialisation and art or creativity and show the right hemisphere plays a particular role in it. However, studies exploring the neural correlates of aesthetic preference have yielded mixed results. Furthermore, neuroimaging studies have proved that different categories of modern artworks are processed in different areas of the brain. These diverging results will be discussed in a critical assessment of the two models of aesthetic experience. Besides, the question of identifying exclusive neural correlates of aesthetic preference will be raised. Comparing amateurs and experts has revealed the more reduced the cortical activation, the more efficiently it works. Biological and neuropsychological factors of creativity point out the meaning of the activation level, cognitive inhibition and prefrontal cortex. Divergent thinking differs from convergent thinking in terms of the neural level. Neurodegenerative processes and brain injuries sometimes influence the artistic output surprisingly or even launch it. Lesion studies contributing to understanding art experience will be explained.PsychologyM.A. (Psychology
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