5 research outputs found

    Note on the smallest root of the independence polynomial

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    One can define the independence polynomial of a graph G as follows. Let i(k)(G) denote the number of independent sets of size k of G, where i(0)(G) = 1. Then the independence polynomial of G is I(G,x) = Sigma(n)(k=0)(-1)(k)i(k)(G)x(k). In this paper we give a new proof of the fact that the root of I(G,x) having the smallest modulus is unique and is real

    On a conjecture of Wilf

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    Let n and k be natural numbers and let S(n,k) denote the Stirling numbers of the second kind. It is a conjecture of Wilf that the alternating sum \sum_{j=0}^{n} (-1)^{j} S(n,j) is nonzero for all n>2. We prove this conjecture for all n not congruent to 2 and not congruent to 2944838 modulo 3145728 and discuss applications of this result to graph theory, multiplicative partition functions, and the irrationality of p-adic series.Comment: 18 pages, final version, accepted for publication in the Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series

    Generalizations of the Matching Polynomial to the Multivariate Independence Polynomial

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    We generalize two main theorems of matching polynomials of undirected simple graphs, namely, real-rootedness and the Heilmann-Lieb root bound. Viewing the matching polynomial of a graph GG as the independence polynomial of the line graph of GG, we determine conditions for the extension of these theorems to the independence polynomial of any graph. In particular, we show that a stability-like property of the multivariate independence polynomial characterizes claw-freeness. Finally, we give and extend multivariate versions of Godsil's theorems on the divisibility of matching polynomials of trees related to GG.Comment: This research was supported by NSF Grant CCF-155375, 20 page