718 research outputs found

    Lock-in Problem for Parallel Rotor-router Walks

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    The rotor-router model, also called the Propp machine, was introduced as a deterministic alternative to the random walk. In this model, a group of identical tokens are initially placed at nodes of the graph. Each node maintains a cyclic ordering of the outgoing arcs, and during consecutive turns the tokens are propagated along arcs chosen according to this ordering in round-robin fashion. The behavior of the model is fully deterministic. Yanovski et al.(2003) proved that a single rotor-router walk on any graph with m edges and diameter DD stabilizes to a traversal of an Eulerian circuit on the set of all 2m directed arcs on the edge set of the graph, and that such periodic behaviour of the system is achieved after an initial transient phase of at most 2mD steps. The case of multiple parallel rotor-routers was studied experimentally, leading Yanovski et al. to the conjecture that a system of k \textgreater{} 1 parallel walks also stabilizes with a period of length at most 2m2m steps. In this work we disprove this conjecture, showing that the period of parallel rotor-router walks can in fact, be superpolynomial in the size of graph. On the positive side, we provide a characterization of the periodic behavior of parallel router walks, in terms of a structural property of stable states called a subcycle decomposition. This property provides us the tools to efficiently detect whether a given system configuration corresponds to the transient or to the limit behavior of the system. Moreover, we provide polynomial upper bounds of O(m4D2+mDlog⁥k)O(m^4 D^2 + mD \log k) and O(m5k2)O(m^5 k^2) on the number of steps it takes for the system to stabilize. Thus, we are able to predict any future behavior of the system using an algorithm that takes polynomial time and space. In addition, we show that there exists a separation between the stabilization time of the single-walk and multiple-walk rotor-router systems, and that for some graphs the latter can be asymptotically larger even for the case of k=2k = 2 walks

    Improved Analysis of Deterministic Load-Balancing Schemes

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    We consider the problem of deterministic load balancing of tokens in the discrete model. A set of nn processors is connected into a dd-regular undirected network. In every time step, each processor exchanges some of its tokens with each of its neighbors in the network. The goal is to minimize the discrepancy between the number of tokens on the most-loaded and the least-loaded processor as quickly as possible. Rabani et al. (1998) present a general technique for the analysis of a wide class of discrete load balancing algorithms. Their approach is to characterize the deviation between the actual loads of a discrete balancing algorithm with the distribution generated by a related Markov chain. The Markov chain can also be regarded as the underlying model of a continuous diffusion algorithm. Rabani et al. showed that after time T=O(log⁥(Kn)/ÎŒ)T = O(\log (Kn)/\mu), any algorithm of their class achieves a discrepancy of O(dlog⁥n/ÎŒ)O(d\log n/\mu), where ÎŒ\mu is the spectral gap of the transition matrix of the graph, and KK is the initial load discrepancy in the system. In this work we identify some natural additional conditions on deterministic balancing algorithms, resulting in a class of algorithms reaching a smaller discrepancy. This class contains well-known algorithms, eg., the Rotor-Router. Specifically, we introduce the notion of cumulatively fair load-balancing algorithms where in any interval of consecutive time steps, the total number of tokens sent out over an edge by a node is the same (up to constants) for all adjacent edges. We prove that algorithms which are cumulatively fair and where every node retains a sufficient part of its load in each step, achieve a discrepancy of O(min⁥{dlog⁥n/ÎŒ,dn})O(\min\{d\sqrt{\log n/\mu},d\sqrt{n}\}) in time O(T)O(T). We also show that in general neither of these assumptions may be omitted without increasing discrepancy. We then show by a combinatorial potential reduction argument that any cumulatively fair scheme satisfying some additional assumptions achieves a discrepancy of O(d)O(d) almost as quickly as the continuous diffusion process. This positive result applies to some of the simplest and most natural discrete load balancing schemes.Comment: minor corrections; updated literature overvie

    Random walks which prefer unvisited edges : exploring high girth even degree expanders in linear time.

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    Let G = (V,E) be a connected graph with |V | = n vertices. A simple random walk on the vertex set of G is a process, which at each step moves from its current vertex position to a neighbouring vertex chosen uniformly at random. We consider a modified walk which, whenever possible, chooses an unvisited edge for the next transition; and makes a simple random walk otherwise. We call such a walk an edge-process (or E -process). The rule used to choose among unvisited edges at any step has no effect on our analysis. One possible method is to choose an unvisited edge uniformly at random, but we impose no such restriction. For the class of connected even degree graphs of constant maximum degree, we bound the vertex cover time of the E -process in terms of the edge expansion rate of the graph G, as measured by eigenvalue gap 1 -λmax of the transition matrix of a simple random walk on G. A vertex v is ℓ -good, if any even degree subgraph containing all edges incident with v contains at least ℓ vertices. A graph G is ℓ -good, if every vertex has the ℓ -good property. Let G be an even degree ℓ -good expander of bounded maximum degree. Any E -process on G has vertex cover time equation image This is to be compared with the Ω(nlog n) lower bound on the cover time of any connected graph by a weighted random walk. Our result is independent of the rule used to select the order of the unvisited edges, which could, for example, be chosen on-line by an adversary. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Random Struct. Alg., 00, 000–000, 2013 As no walk based process can cover an n vertex graph in less than n - 1 steps, the cover time of the E -process is of optimal order when ℓ =Θ (log n). With high probability random r -regular graphs, r ≄ 4 even, have ℓ =Ω (log n). Thus the vertex cover time of the E -process on such graphs is Θ(n)

    Fast simulation of large-scale growth models

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    We give an algorithm that computes the final state of certain growth models without computing all intermediate states. Our technique is based on a "least action principle" which characterizes the odometer function of the growth process. Starting from an approximation for the odometer, we successively correct under- and overestimates and provably arrive at the correct final state. Internal diffusion-limited aggregation (IDLA) is one of the models amenable to our technique. The boundary fluctuations in IDLA were recently proved to be at most logarithmic in the size of the growth cluster, but the constant in front of the logarithm is still not known. As an application of our method, we calculate the size of fluctuations over two orders of magnitude beyond previous simulations, and use the results to estimate this constant.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures. To appear in Random Structures & Algorithm

    Robustness of the Rotor-Router Mechanism

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    International audienceThe rotor-router model, also called the Propp machine, was first considered as a deter-ministic alternative to the random walk. The edges adjacent to each node v (or equivalently, the exit ports at v) are arranged in a fixed cyclic order, which does not change during the exploration. Each node v maintains a port pointer π(v) which indicates the exit port to be adopted by an agent on the conclusion of the next visit to this node (the "next exit port"). The rotor-router mechanism guarantees that after each consecutive visit at the same node, the pointer at this node is moved to the next port in the cyclic order. It is known that, in an undirected graph G with m edges, the route adopted by an agent controlled by the rotor-router mechanism forms eventually an Euler tour based on arcs obtained via replacing each edge in G by two arcs with opposite direction. The process of ushering the agent to an Euler tour is referred to as the lock-in problem. In [Yanovski et al., Algorithmica 37(3), 165–186 (2003)], it was proved that, independently of the initial configuration of the rotor-router mechanism in G, the agent locks-in in time bounded by 2mD, where D is the diameter of G. In this paper we examine the dependence of the lock-in time on the initial configuration of the rotor-router mechanism. Our analysis is performed in the form of a game between a player P intending to lock-in the agent in an Euler tour as quickly as possible and its adversary A with the counter objective. We consider all cases of who decides the initial cyclic orders and the initial values π(v). We show, for example, that if A provides its own port numbering after the initial setup of pointers by P, the complexity of the lock-in problem is O(m·min{log m, D}). We also investigate the robustness of the rotor-router graph exploration in presence of faults in the pointers π(v) or dynamic changes in the graph. We show, for example, that after the exploration establishes an Eulerian cycle, if k edges are added to the graph, then a new Eulerian cycle is established within O(km) steps
