22 research outputs found

    An LTL Semantics of Business Workflows with Recovery

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    We describe a business workflow case study with abnormal behavior management (i.e. recovery) and demonstrate how temporal logics and model checking can provide a methodology to iteratively revise the design and obtain a correct-by construction system. To do so we define a formal semantics by giving a compilation of generic workflow patterns into LTL and we use the bound model checker Zot to prove specific properties and requirements validity. The working assumption is that such a lightweight approach would easily fit into processes that are already in place without the need for a radical change of procedures, tools and people's attitudes. The complexity of formalisms and invasiveness of methods have been demonstrated to be one of the major drawback and obstacle for deployment of formal engineering techniques into mundane projects

    Trace checking of Metric Temporal Logic with Aggregating Modalities using MapReduce

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    Modern complex software systems produce a large amount of execution data, often stored in logs. These logs can be analyzed using trace checking techniques to check whether the system complies with its requirements specifications. Often these specifications express quantitative properties of the system, which include timing constraints as well as higher-level constraints on the occurrences of significant events, expressed using aggregate operators. In this paper we present an algorithm that exploits the MapReduce programming model to check specifications expressed in a metric temporal logic with aggregating modalities, over large execution traces. The algorithm exploits the structure of the formula to parallelize the evaluation, with a significant gain in time. We report on the assessment of the implementation - based on the Hadoop framework - of the proposed algorithm and comment on its scalability.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, Extended version of the SEFM 2014 pape

    Deciding the Satisfiability of MITL Specifications

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    In this paper we present a satisfiability-preserving reduction from MITL interpreted over finitely-variable continuous behaviors to Constraint LTL over clocks, a variant of CLTL that is decidable, and for which an SMT-based bounded satisfiability checker is available. The result is a new complete and effective decision procedure for MITL. Although decision procedures for MITL already exist, the automata-based techniques they employ appear to be very difficult to realize in practice, and, to the best of our knowledge, no implementation currently exists for them. A prototype tool for MITL based on the encoding presented here has, instead, been implemented and is publicly available.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2013, arXiv:1307.416

    SAFER-HRC: Safety analysis through formal vERification in human-robot collaboration

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    Whereas in classic robotic applications there is a clear segregation between robots and operators, novel robotic and cyber-physical systems have evolved in size and functionality to include the collaboration with human operators within common workspaces. This new application field, often referred to as Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC), raises new challenges to guarantee system safety, due to the presence of operators. We present an innovative methodology, called SAFER-HRC, centered around our logic language TRIO and the companion bounded satisfiability checker Zot, to assess the safety risks in an HRC application. The methodology starts from a generic modular model and customizes it for the target system; it then analyses hazards according to known standards, to study the safety of the collaborative environment

    How bit-vector logic can help improve the verification of LTL specifications over infinite domains

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    Propositional Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) is well-suited for describing properties of timed systems in which data belong to finite domains. However, when one needs to capture infinite domains, as is typically the case in software systems, extensions of LTL are better suited to be used as specification languages. Constraint LTL (CLTL) and its variant CLTL-over-clocks (CLTLoc) are examples of such extensions; both logics are decidable, and so-called bounded decision procedures based on Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solving techniques have been implemented for them. In this paper we adapt a previously-introduced bounded decision procedure for LTL based on Bit-Vector Logic to deal with the infinite domains that are typical of CLTL and CLTLoc. We report on a thorough experimental comparison, which was carried out between the existing tool and the new, Bit-Vector Logic-based one, and we show how the latter outperforms the former in the vast majority of cases

    Verifying big data topologies by-design: a semi-automated approach

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    Big data architectures have been gaining momentum in recent years. For instance, Twitter uses stream processing frameworks like Apache Storm to analyse billions of tweets per minute and learn the trending topics. However, architectures that process big data involve many different components interconnected via semantically different connectors. Such complex architectures make possible refactoring of the applications a difficult task for software architects, as applications might be very different with respect to the initial designs. As an aid to designers and developers, we developed OSTIA (Ordinary Static Topology Inference Analysis) that allows detecting the occurrence of common anti-patterns across big data architectures and exploiting software verification techniques on the elicited architectural models. This paper illustrates OSTIA and evaluates its uses and benefits on three industrial-scale case-studies

    Satisfiability Checking for Mission-Time LTL

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    Mission-time LTL (MLTL) is a bounded variant of MTL over naturals designed to generically specify requirements for mission-based system operation common to aircraft, spacecraft, vehicles, and robots. Despite the utility of MLTL as a specification logic, major gaps remain in analyzing MLTL, e.g., for specification debugging or model checking, centering on the absence of any complete MLTL satisfiability checker. We prove that the MLTL satisfiability checking problem is NEXPTIME-complete and that satisfiability checking MLTL0 , the variant of MLTL where all intervals start at 0, is PSPACE-complete. We introduce translations for MLTL-to-LTL, MLTL-to-LTLf , MLTL-to-SMV, and MLTL-to-SMT, creating four options for MLTL satisfiability checking. Our extensive experimental evaluation shows that the MLTL-to-SMT transition with the Z3 SMT solver offers the most scalable performance