5,184 research outputs found

    Bounded LTL Model Checking with Stable Models

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    In this paper bounded model checking of asynchronous concurrent systems is introduced as a promising application area for answer set programming. As the model of asynchronous systems a generalisation of communicating automata, 1-safe Petri nets, are used. It is shown how a 1-safe Petri net and a requirement on the behaviour of the net can be translated into a logic program such that the bounded model checking problem for the net can be solved by computing stable models of the corresponding program. The use of the stable model semantics leads to compact encodings of bounded reachability and deadlock detection tasks as well as the more general problem of bounded model checking of linear temporal logic. Correctness proofs of the devised translations are given, and some experimental results using the translation and the Smodels system are presented.Comment: 32 pages, to appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programmin

    Bounded Model Checking for Probabilistic Programs

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    In this paper we investigate the applicability of standard model checking approaches to verifying properties in probabilistic programming. As the operational model for a standard probabilistic program is a potentially infinite parametric Markov decision process, no direct adaption of existing techniques is possible. Therefore, we propose an on-the-fly approach where the operational model is successively created and verified via a step-wise execution of the program. This approach enables to take key features of many probabilistic programs into account: nondeterminism and conditioning. We discuss the restrictions and demonstrate the scalability on several benchmarks

    Reachability under Contextual Locking

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    The pairwise reachability problem for a multi-threaded program asks, given control locations in two threads, whether they can be simultaneously reached in an execution of the program. The problem is important for static analysis and is used to detect statements that are concurrently enabled. This problem is in general undecidable even when data is abstracted and when the threads (with recursion) synchronize only using a finite set of locks. Popular programming paradigms that limit the lock usage patterns have been identified under which the pairwise reachability problem becomes decidable. In this paper, we consider a new natural programming paradigm, called contextual locking, which ties the lock usage to calling patterns in each thread: we assume that locks are released in the same context that they were acquired and that every lock acquired by a thread in a procedure call is released before the procedure returns. Our main result is that the pairwise reachability problem is polynomial-time decidable for this new programming paradigm as well. The problem becomes undecidable if the locks are reentrant; reentrant locking is a \emph{recursive locking} mechanism which allows a thread in a multi-threaded program to acquire the reentrant lock multiple times.Comment: A preliminary version appears in TACAS 201

    Petri nets for systems and synthetic biology

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    We give a description of a Petri net-based framework for modelling and analysing biochemical pathways, which uni¯es the qualita- tive, stochastic and continuous paradigms. Each perspective adds its con- tribution to the understanding of the system, thus the three approaches do not compete, but complement each other. We illustrate our approach by applying it to an extended model of the three stage cascade, which forms the core of the ERK signal transduction pathway. Consequently our focus is on transient behaviour analysis. We demonstrate how quali- tative descriptions are abstractions over stochastic or continuous descrip- tions, and show that the stochastic and continuous models approximate each other. Although our framework is based on Petri nets, it can be applied more widely to other formalisms which are used to model and analyse biochemical networks

    Algorithmic Verification of Asynchronous Programs

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    Asynchronous programming is a ubiquitous systems programming idiom to manage concurrent interactions with the environment. In this style, instead of waiting for time-consuming operations to complete, the programmer makes a non-blocking call to the operation and posts a callback task to a task buffer that is executed later when the time-consuming operation completes. A co-operative scheduler mediates the interaction by picking and executing callback tasks from the task buffer to completion (and these callbacks can post further callbacks to be executed later). Writing correct asynchronous programs is hard because the use of callbacks, while efficient, obscures program control flow. We provide a formal model underlying asynchronous programs and study verification problems for this model. We show that the safety verification problem for finite-data asynchronous programs is expspace-complete. We show that liveness verification for finite-data asynchronous programs is decidable and polynomial-time equivalent to Petri Net reachability. Decidability is not obvious, since even if the data is finite-state, asynchronous programs constitute infinite-state transition systems: both the program stack and the task buffer of pending asynchronous calls can be potentially unbounded. Our main technical construction is a polynomial-time semantics-preserving reduction from asynchronous programs to Petri Nets and conversely. The reduction allows the use of algorithmic techniques on Petri Nets to the verification of asynchronous programs. We also study several extensions to the basic models of asynchronous programs that are inspired by additional capabilities provided by implementations of asynchronous libraries, and classify the decidability and undecidability of verification questions on these extensions.Comment: 46 pages, 9 figure

    Parameterized Verification of Safety Properties in Ad Hoc Network Protocols

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    We summarize the main results proved in recent work on the parameterized verification of safety properties for ad hoc network protocols. We consider a model in which the communication topology of a network is represented as a graph. Nodes represent states of individual processes. Adjacent nodes represent single-hop neighbors. Processes are finite state automata that communicate via selective broadcast messages. Reception of a broadcast is restricted to single-hop neighbors. For this model we consider a decision problem that can be expressed as the verification of the existence of an initial topology in which the execution of the protocol can lead to a configuration with at least one node in a certain state. The decision problem is parametric both on the size and on the form of the communication topology of the initial configurations. We draw a complete picture of the decidability and complexity boundaries of this problem according to various assumptions on the possible topologies.Comment: In Proceedings PACO 2011, arXiv:1108.145

    Interacting via the Heap in the Presence of Recursion

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    Almost all modern imperative programming languages include operations for dynamically manipulating the heap, for example by allocating and deallocating objects, and by updating reference fields. In the presence of recursive procedures and local variables the interactions of a program with the heap can become rather complex, as an unbounded number of objects can be allocated either on the call stack using local variables, or, anonymously, on the heap using reference fields. As such a static analysis is, in general, undecidable. In this paper we study the verification of recursive programs with unbounded allocation of objects, in a simple imperative language for heap manipulation. We present an improved semantics for this language, using an abstraction that is precise. For any program with a bounded visible heap, meaning that the number of objects reachable from variables at any point of execution is bounded, this abstraction is a finitary representation of its behaviour, even though an unbounded number of objects can appear in the state. As a consequence, for such programs model checking is decidable. Finally we introduce a specification language for temporal properties of the heap, and discuss model checking these properties against heap-manipulating programs.Comment: In Proceedings ICE 2012, arXiv:1212.345

    On the connections between PCTL and Dynamic Programming

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    Probabilistic Computation Tree Logic (PCTL) is a well-known modal logic which has become a standard for expressing temporal properties of finite-state Markov chains in the context of automated model checking. In this paper, we give a definition of PCTL for noncountable-space Markov chains, and we show that there is a substantial affinity between certain of its operators and problems of Dynamic Programming. After proving some uniqueness properties of the solutions to the latter, we conclude the paper with two examples to show that some recovery strategies in practical applications, which are naturally stated as reach-avoid problems, can be actually viewed as particular cases of PCTL formulas.Comment: Submitte

    MeGARA: Menu-based Game Abstraction and Abstraction Refinement of Markov Automata

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    Markov automata combine continuous time, probabilistic transitions, and nondeterminism in a single model. They represent an important and powerful way to model a wide range of complex real-life systems. However, such models tend to be large and difficult to handle, making abstraction and abstraction refinement necessary. In this paper we present an abstraction and abstraction refinement technique for Markov automata, based on the game-based and menu-based abstraction of probabilistic automata. First experiments show that a significant reduction in size is possible using abstraction.Comment: In Proceedings QAPL 2014, arXiv:1406.156