4 research outputs found

    Model-based Bayesian Reinforcement Learning for Dialogue Management

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    Reinforcement learning methods are increasingly used to optimise dialogue policies from experience. Most current techniques are model-free: they directly estimate the utility of various actions, without explicit model of the interaction dynamics. In this paper, we investigate an alternative strategy grounded in model-based Bayesian reinforcement learning. Bayesian inference is used to maintain a posterior distribution over the model parameters, reflecting the model uncertainty. This parameter distribution is gradually refined as more data is collected and simultaneously used to plan the agent's actions. Within this learning framework, we carried out experiments with two alternative formalisations of the transition model, one encoded with standard multinomial distributions, and one structured with probabilistic rules. We demonstrate the potential of our approach with empirical results on a user simulator constructed from Wizard-of-Oz data in a human-robot interaction scenario. The results illustrate in particular the benefits of capturing prior domain knowledge with high-level rules

    Evaluation of a hierarchical reinforcement learning spoken dialogue system

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    We describe an evaluation of spoken dialogue strategies designed using hierarchical reinforcement learning agents. The dialogue strategies were learnt in a simulated environment and tested in a laboratory setting with 32 users. These dialogues were used to evaluate three types of machine dialogue behaviour: hand-coded, fully-learnt and semi-learnt. These experiments also served to evaluate the realism of simulated dialogues using two proposed metrics contrasted with ‘Precision-Recall’. The learnt dialogue behaviours used the Semi-Markov Decision Process (SMDP) model, and we report the first evaluation of this model in a realistic conversational environment. Experimental results in the travel planning domain provide evidence to support the following claims: (a) hierarchical semi-learnt dialogue agents are a better alternative (with higher overall performance) than deterministic or fully-learnt behaviour; (b) spoken dialogue strategies learnt with highly coherent user behaviour and conservative recognition error rates (keyword error rate of 20%) can outperform a reasonable hand-coded strategy; and (c) hierarchical reinforcement learning dialogue agents are feasible and promising for the (semi) automatic design of optimized dialogue behaviours in larger-scale systems

    Crowdsourcing Ecologically-Valid Dialogue Data for German

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    Despite their increasing success, user interactions with smart speech assistants (SAs) are still very limited compared to human-human dialogue. One way to make SA interactions more natural is to train the underlying natural language processing modules on data which reflects how humans would talk to a SA if it was capable of understanding and producing natural dialogue given a specific task. Such data can be collected applying a Wizard-of-Oz approach (WOz), where user and system side are played by humans. WOz allows researchers to simulate human-machine interaction while benefitting from the fact that all participants are human and thus dialogue-competent. More recent approaches have leveraged simple templates specifying a dialogue scenario for crowdsourcing large-scale datasets. Template-based collection efforts, however, come at the cost of data diversity and naturalness. We present a method to crowdsource dialogue data for the SA domain in the WOz framework, which aims at limiting researcher-induced bias in the data while still allowing for a low-resource, scalable data collection. Our method can also be applied to languages other than English (in our case German), for which fewer crowd-workers may be available. We collected data asynchronously, relying only on existing functionalities of Amazon Mechanical Turk, by formulating the task as a dialogue continuation task. Coherence in dialogues is ensured, as crowd-workers always read the dialogue history, and as a unifying scenario is provided for each dialogue. In order to limit bias in the data, rather than using template-based scenarios, we handcrafted situated scenarios which aimed at not pre-script-ing the task into every single detail and not priming the participants’ lexical choices. Our scenarios cued people’s knowledge of common situations and entities relevant for our task, without directly mentioning them, but relying on vague language and circumlocutions. We compare our data (which we publish as the CROWDSS corpus; n = 113 dialogues) with data from MultiWOZ, showing that our scenario approach led to considerably less scripting and priming and thus more ecologically-valid dialogue data. This suggests that small investments in the collection setup can go a long way in improving data quality, even in a low-resource setup

    Bootstrapping Reinforcement Learning-Based Dialogue Strategies from Wizard-of-Oz Data

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