40 research outputs found

    5Gen-C: Multi-input Functional Encryption and Program Obfuscation for Arithmetic Circuits

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    Program obfuscation is a powerful security primitive with many applications. White-box cryptography studies a particular subset of program obfuscation targeting keyed pseudorandom functions (PRFs), a core component of systems such as mobile payment and digital rights management. Although the white-box obfuscators currently used in practice do not come with security proofs and are thus routinely broken, recent years have seen an explosion of \emph{cryptographic} techniques for obfuscation, with the goal of avoiding this build-and-break cycle. In this work, we explore in detail cryptographic program obfuscation and the related primitive of multi-input functional encryption (MIFE). In particular, we extend the 5Gen framework (CCS 2016) to support circuit-based MIFE and program obfuscation, implementing both existing and new constructions. We then evaluate and compare the efficiency of these constructions in the context of PRF obfuscation. As part of this work we (1) introduce a novel instantiation of MIFE that works directly on functions represented as arithmetic circuits, (2) use a known transformation from MIFE to obfuscation to give us an obfuscator that performs better than all prior constructions, and (3) develop a compiler for generating circuits optimized for our schemes. Finally, we provide detailed experiments, demonstrating, among other things, the ability to obfuscate a PRF with a 64-bit key and 12 bits of input (containing 62k gates) in under 4 hours, with evaluation taking around 1 hour. This is by far the most complex function obfuscated to date

    The Pseudorandom Oracle Model and Ideal Obfuscation

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    We introduce a new idealized model of hash functions, which we refer to as the *pseudorandom oracle* (PrO{\mathrm{Pr}\mathcal{O}}) model. Intuitively, it allows us to model cryptosystems that use the code of an ideal hash function in a non-black-box way. Formally, we model hash functions via a combination of a pseudorandom function (PRF) family and an ideal oracle. A user can initialize the hash function by choosing a PRF key kk and mapping it to a public handle hh using the oracle. Given the handle hh and some input xx, the oracle can also be called to evaluate the PRF at xx with the corresponding key kk. A user who chooses the PRF key kk therefore has a complete description of the hash function and can use its code in non-black-box constructions, while an adversary, who just gets the handle hh, only has black-box access to the hash function via the oracle. As our main result, we show how to construct ideal obfuscation in the PrO{\mathrm{Pr}\mathcal{O}} model, starting from functional encryption (FE), which in turn can be based on well-studied polynomial hardness assumptions. In contrast, we know that ideal obfuscation cannot be instantiated in the basic random oracle model under any assumptions. We believe our result provides heuristic justification for the following: (1) most natural security goals implied by ideal obfuscation can be achieved in the real world; (2) obfuscation can be constructed from FE at polynomial security loss. We also discuss how to interpret our result in the PrO{\mathrm{Pr}\mathcal{O}} model as a construction of ideal obfuscation using simple hardware tokens or as a way to bootstrap ideal obfuscation for PRFs to that for all functions

    Frontiers in Lattice Cryptography and Program Obfuscation

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    In this dissertation, we explore the frontiers of theory of cryptography along two lines. In the first direction, we explore Lattice Cryptography, which is the primary sub-area of post-quantum cryptographic research. Our first contribution is the construction of a deniable attribute-based encryption scheme from lattices. A deniable encryption scheme is secure against not only eavesdropping attacks as required by semantic security, but also stronger coercion attacks performed after the fact. An attribute-based encryption scheme allows ``fine-grained'' access to ciphertexts, allowing for a decryption access policy to be embedded in ciphertexts and keys. We achieve both properties simultaneously for the first time from lattices. Our second contribution is the construction of a digital signature scheme that enjoys both short signatures and a completely tight security reduction from lattices. As a matter of independent interest, we give an improved method of randomized inversion of the G gadget matrix, which reduces the noise growth rate in homomorphic evaluations performed in a large number of lattice-based cryptographic schemes, without incurring the high cost of sampling discrete Gaussians. In the second direction, we explore Cryptographic Program Obfuscation. A program obfuscator is a type of cryptographic software compiler that outputs executable code with the guarantee that ``whatever can be hidden about the internal workings of program code, is hidden.'' Indeed, program obfuscation can be viewed as a ``universal and cryptographically-complete'' tool. Our third contribution is the first, full-scale implementation of secure program obfuscation in software. Our toolchain takes code written in a C-like programming language, specialized for cryptography, and produces secure, obfuscated software. Our fourth contribution is a new cryptanalytic attack against a variety of ``early'' program obfuscation candidates. We provide a general, efficiently-testable property for any two branching programs, called partial inequivalence, which we show is sufficient for launching an ``annihilation attack'' against several obfuscation candidates based on Garg-Gentry-Halevi multilinear maps

    Affine Determinant Programs: A Framework for Obfuscation and Witness Encryption

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    An affine determinant program ADP: {0,1}^n → {0,1} is specified by a tuple (A,B_1,...,B_n) of square matrices over F_q and a function Eval: F_q → {0,1}, and evaluated on x \in {0,1}^n by computing Eval(det(A + sum_{i \in [n]} x_i B_i)). In this work, we suggest ADPs as a new framework for building general-purpose obfuscation and witness encryption. We provide evidence to suggest that constructions following our ADP-based framework may one day yield secure, practically feasible obfuscation. As a proof-of-concept, we give a candidate ADP-based construction of indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) for all circuits along with a simple witness encryption candidate. We provide cryptanalysis demonstrating that our schemes resist several potential attacks, and leave further cryptanalysis to future work. Lastly, we explore practically feasible applications of our witness encryption candidate, such as public-key encryption with near-optimal key generation

    Foundations and applications of program obfuscation

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    Code is said to be obfuscated if it is intentionally difficult for humans to understand. Obfuscating a program conceals its sensitive implementation details and protects it from reverse engineering and hacking. Beyond software protection, obfuscation is also a powerful cryptographic tool, enabling a variety of advanced applications. Ideally, an obfuscated program would hide any information about the original program that cannot be obtained by simply executing it. However, Barak et al. [CRYPTO 01] proved that for some programs, such ideal obfuscation is impossible. Nevertheless, Garg et al. [FOCS 13] recently suggested a candidate general-purpose obfuscator which is conjectured to satisfy a weaker notion of security called indistinguishability obfuscation. In this thesis, we study the feasibility and applicability of secure obfuscation: - What notions of secure obfuscation are possible and under what assumptions? - How useful are weak notions like indistinguishability obfuscation? Our first result shows that the applications of indistinguishability obfuscation go well beyond cryptography. We study the tractability of computing a Nash equilibrium vii of a game { a central problem in algorithmic game theory and complexity theory. Based on indistinguishability obfuscation, we construct explicit games where a Nash equilibrium cannot be found efficiently. We also prove the following results on the feasibility of obfuscation. Our starting point is the Garg at el. obfuscator that is based on a new algebraic encoding scheme known as multilinear maps [Garg et al. EUROCRYPT 13]. 1. Building on the work of Brakerski and Rothblum [TCC 14], we provide the first rigorous security analysis for obfuscation. We give a variant of the Garg at el. obfuscator and reduce its security to that of the multilinear maps. Specifically, modeling the multilinear encodings as ideal boxes with perfect security, we prove ideal security for our obfuscator. Our reduction shows that the obfuscator resists all generic attacks that only use the encodings' permitted interface and do not exploit their algebraic representation. 2. Going beyond generic attacks, we study the notion of virtual-gray-box obfusca- tion [Bitansky et al. CRYPTO 10]. This relaxation of ideal security is stronger than indistinguishability obfuscation and has several important applications such as obfuscating password protected programs. We formulate a security requirement for multilinear maps which is sufficient, as well as necessary for virtual-gray-box obfuscation. 3. Motivated by the question of basing obfuscation on ideal objects that are simpler than multilinear maps, we give a negative result showing that ideal obfuscation is impossible, even in the random oracle model, where the obfuscator is given access to an ideal random function. This is the first negative result for obfuscation in a non-trivial idealized model

    From Selective to Adaptive Security in Functional Encryption

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    In a functional encryption (FE) scheme, the owner of the secret key can generate restricted decryption keys that allow users to learn specific functions of the encrypted messages and nothing else. In many known constructions of FE schemes, security is guaranteed only for messages that are fixed ahead of time (i.e., before the adversary even interacts with the system). This so-called selective security is too restrictive for many realistic applications. Achieving adaptive security (also called full security), where security is guaranteed even for messages that are adaptively chosen at any point in time, seems significantly more challenging. The handful of known adaptively-secure schemes are based on specifically tailored techniques that rely on strong assumptions (such as obfuscation or multilinear maps assumptions). We show that any sufficiently-expressive selectively-secure FE scheme can be transformed into an adaptively-secure one without introducing any additional assumptions. We present a black-box transformation, for both public-key and private-key schemes, making novel use of hybrid encryption, a classical technique that was originally introduced for improving the efficiency of encryption schemes. We adapt the hybrid encryption approach to the setting of functional encryption via a technique for embedding a hidden execution thread\u27\u27 in the decryption keys of the underlying scheme, which will only be activated within the proof of security of the resulting scheme. As an additional application of this technique, we show how to construct functional encryption schemes for arbitrary circuits starting from ones for shallow circuits (NC1 or even TC0)

    Indistinguishability Obfuscation from Constant-Degree Graded Encoding Schemes

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    We construct a general-purpose indistinguishability obfuscation (IO) scheme for all polynomial-size circuits from {\em constant-degree} graded encoding schemes in the plain model, assuming the existence of a subexponentially secure Pseudo-Random Generator (PRG) computable by constant-degree arithmetic circuits (or equivalently in \NC^0), and the subexponential hardness of the Learning With Errors (LWE) problems. In contrast, previous general-purpose IO schemes all rely on polynomial-degree graded encodings. Our general-purpose IO scheme is built upon two key components: \begin{itemize} \item a new bootstrapping theorem that subexponentially secure IO for a subclass of {\em constant-degree arithmetic circuits} implies IO for all polynomial size circuits (assuming PRG and LWE as described above), and \item a new construction of IO scheme for any generic class of circuits in the ideal graded encoding model, in which the degree of the graded encodings is bounded by a variant of the degree, called type degree, of the obfuscated circuits. \end{itemize} In comparison, previous bootstrapping theorems start with IO for \NC^1, and previous constructions of IO schemes require the degree of graded encodings to grow polynomially in the size of the obfuscated circuits

    Indistinguishability Obfuscation from Functional Encryption for Simple Functions

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    We show how to construct indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) for circuits from any non-compact functional encryption (FE) scheme with sub-exponential security against unbounded collusions. We accomplish this by giving a generic transformation from any such FE scheme into a compact FE scheme. By composing this with the transformation from sub-exponentially secure compact FE to iO (Ananth and Jain [CRYPTO\u2715], Bitansky and Vaikuntanathan [FOCS\u2715]), we obtain our main result. Our result provides a new pathway to iO. We use our technique to identify a simple function family for FE that suffices for our general result. We show that the function family F is complete, where every f in F consists of three evaluations of a Weak PRF followed by finite operations. We believe that this may be useful for realizing iO from weaker assumptions in the future