1,156 research outputs found

    A VOS analysis of LSTM Learners Classification for Recommendation System

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    In response to the growing popularity of social web apps, much research has gone into analyzing and developing an AI-based responsive suggestion system. Machine learning and neural networks come in many forms that help online students choose the best texts for their studies. However, when training recommendation models to deal with massive amounts of data, traditional machine learning approaches require additional training models. As a result, they are deemed inappropriate for the personalized recommender generation of learning systems. In this paper, we examine LSTM-based strategies in order to make useful recommendations for future research

    Modeling user information needs on mobile devices: from recommendation to conversation

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    Recent advances in the development of mobile devices, equipped with multiple sensors, together with the availability of millions of applications have made these devices more pervasive in our lives than ever. The availability of the diverse set of sensors, as well as high computational power, enable information retrieval (IR) systems to sense a user’s context and personalize their results accordingly. Relevant studies show that people use their mobile devices to access information in a wide range of topics in various contextual situations, highlighting the fact that modeling user information need on mobile devices involves studying several means of information access. In this thesis, we study three major aspects of information access on mobile devices. First, we focus on proactive approaches to modeling users for venue suggestion. We investigate three methods of user modeling, namely, content-based, collaborative, and hybrid, focusing on personalization and context-awareness. We propose a two-phase collaborative ranking algorithm for leveraging users’ implicit feedback while incorporating temporal and geographical information into the model. We then extend our collaborative model to include multiple cross-venue similarity scores and combine it with our content-based approach to produce a hybrid recommendation. Second, we introduce and investigate a new task on mobile search, that is, unified mobile search. We take the first step in defining, studying, and modeling this task by collecting two datasets and conducting experiments on one of the main components of unified mobile search frameworks, that is target apps selection. To this end, we propose two neural approaches. Finally, we address the conversational aspect of mobile search where we propose an offline evaluation protocol and build a dataset for asking clarifying questions for conversational search. Also, we propose a retrieval framework consisting of three main components: question retrieval, question selection, and document retrieval. The experiments and analyses indicate that asking clarifying questions should be an essential part of a conversational system, resulting in high performance gain

    Estimating attention flow in online video networks

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    © 2019 Association for Computing Machinery. Online videos have shown tremendous increase in Internet traffic. Most video hosting sites implement recommender systems, which connect the videos into a directed network and conceptually act as a source of pathways for users to navigate. At present, little is known about how human attention is allocated over such large-scale networks, and about the impacts of the recommender systems. In this paper, we first construct the Vevo network — a YouTube video network with 60,740 music videos interconnected by the recommendation links, and we collect their associated viewing dynamics. This results in a total of 310 million views every day over a period of 9 weeks. Next, we present large-scale measurements that connect the structure of the recommendation network and the video attention dynamics. We use the bow-tie structure to characterize the Vevo network and we find that its core component (23.1% of the videos), which occupies most of the attention (82.6% of the views), is made out of videos that are mainly recommended among themselves. This is indicative of the links between video recommendation and the inequality of attention allocation. Finally, we address the task of estimating the attention flow in the video recommendation network. We propose a model that accounts for the network effects for predicting video popularity, and we show it consistently outperforms the baselines. This model also identifies a group of artists gaining attention because of the recommendation network. Altogether, our observations and our models provide a new set of tools to better understand the impacts of recommender systems on collective social attention


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    YouTuber is one of the jobs that millennials are increasingly interested in. Although the income generated is not still like an employee, but there are some YouTubers who are able to gain income up to  billion as well. A lot of income, becomes a study for the rules of zakat profession, where there are rights that must be excluded from the income obtained. Zakat on profession is part of zakat  mal and becomes a contemporary of fiqh, so a lot of controversion in there. The controversion is part of the prudence of the scholars in establishing the sharia law of zakat on profession, one of which is used  qiyas. This research aims to find out the sharia law of zakat on profession for youtuber by using qiyas of  zakat on gold. This research used a qualitative descriptive approach that focused on the study of literature. The results of the analysis showed that by qiyas of zakat on gold, Muslim YouTubers are obliged to issue zakat on proffesion if the net income obtained if it reaches the nisab of gold, which is 85 grams of gold with a level of 2.5% and reaches haul

    Sistema de Sugestões Sensível ao Contexto

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    Over the last few years, pervasive systems have experienced some interesting development. Nevertheless, human-human interaction can also take advantage of those systems by using their ability to perceive the surrounding environment. In this dissertation, we have developed a pervasive system - named ConversationaL Aware Suggestion SYstem (CLASSY) - which is aware of the conversational context and suggests the users potentially useful documents or that, somehow, save time executing a specific task. We have also proposed two different approaches - the Neighborhood one, that uses semantic similarity, based on proximity data in order to classify the relationship between tokens; and the Reinforcement Learning one, that uses implicit feedback associated with each suggestion as a source of knowledge that can be used to improve the system's performance over time. The conducted tests showed that these two approaches not only enhanced the pervasive behavior of the system, but also increased its global performance. A case study regarding the importance of feedback on context-limited environments was also carried out, whose results showed that it is still a useful source of knowledge regardless the conversational environment's characteristics.Ao longo dos últimos anos, os sistemas pervasivos têm sido fonte de um grande desenvolvimento. Contudo, as interações humano-humano também podem tirar vantagem deste tipo de sistemas recorrendo à sua capacidade para entender o ambiente que o rodeia. Nesta dissertação, foi desenvolvido um sistema pervasivo - chamado Sistema de Sugestões Sensível ao Contexto (CLASSY) - que está consciente dos vários contextos conversacionais e que sugere documentos considerados potencialmente úteis para os utilizadores ou que, de alguma forma, poupam tempo na execução de uma tarefa específica. Foram também propostas duas aproximações diferentes - a de vizinhança, que usa similaridade semântica, baseando-se em proximidades de forma a classificar relações entre palavras; e a de Aprendizagem por Reforço, que usa feedback implícito dos utilizadores associado a cada sugestão, como fonte de conhecimento que pode ser utilizado para melhorar a performance do sistema ao longo do tempo. Os testes realizados mostraram que as aproximações acima referidas melhoraram não só o comportamento pervasivo do sistema, mas também a sua performance global. Foi, ainda, analisado um caso de estudo referente à importância de feedback em ambientes com contexto limitado, onde os resultados mostraram que o mesmo continua a ser uma importante fonte de conhecimento, independentemente das características do ambiente conversacional.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Mining, analyzing and exploiting community feedback on the web

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    Challenging Social Media Threats using Collective Well-being Aware Recommendation Algorithms and an Educational Virtual Companion

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    Social media (SM) have become an integral part of our lives, expanding our inter-linking capabilities to new levels. There is plenty to be said about their positive effects. On the other hand however, some serious negative implications of SM have repeatedly been highlighted in recent years, pointing at various SM threats for society, and its teenagers in particular: from common issues (e.g. digital addiction and polarization) and manipulative influences of algorithms to teenager-specific issues (e.g. body stereotyping). The full impact of current SM platform design -- both at an individual and societal level -- asks for a comprehensive evaluation and conceptual improvement. We extend measures of Collective Well-Being (CWB) to SM communities. As users' relationships and interactions are a central component of CWB, education is crucial to improve CWB. We thus propose a framework based on an adaptive "social media virtual companion" for educating and supporting the entire students' community to interact with SM. The virtual companion will be powered by a Recommender System (CWB-RS) that will optimize a CWB metric instead of engagement or platform profit, which currently largely drives recommender systems thereby disregarding any societal collateral effect. CWB-RS will optimize CWB both in the short term, by balancing the level of SM threat the students are exposed to, as well as in the long term, by adopting an Intelligent Tutor System role and enabling adaptive and personalized sequencing of playful learning activities. This framework offers an initial step on understanding how to design SM systems and embedded educational interventions that favor a more healthy and positive society

    On cross-domain social semantic learning

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    Approximately 2.4 billion people are now connected to the Internet, generating massive amounts of data through laptops, mobile phones, sensors and other electronic devices or gadgets. Not surprisingly then, ninety percent of the world's digital data was created in the last two years. This massive explosion of data provides tremendous opportunity to study, model and improve conceptual and physical systems from which the data is produced. It also permits scientists to test pre-existing hypotheses in various fields with large scale experimental evidence. Thus, developing computational algorithms that automatically explores this data is the holy grail of the current generation of computer scientists. Making sense of this data algorithmically can be a complex process, specifically due to two reasons. Firstly, the data is generated by different devices, capturing different aspects of information and resides in different web resources/ platforms on the Internet. Therefore, even if two pieces of data bear singular conceptual similarity, their generation, format and domain of existence on the web can make them seem considerably dissimilar. Secondly, since humans are social creatures, the data often possesses inherent but murky correlations, primarily caused by the causal nature of direct or indirect social interactions. This drastically alters what algorithms must now achieve, necessitating intelligent comprehension of the underlying social nature and semantic contexts within the disparate domain data and a quantifiable way of transferring knowledge gained from one domain to another. Finally, the data is often encountered as a stream and not as static pages on the Internet. Therefore, we must learn, and re-learn as the stream propagates. The main objective of this dissertation is to develop learning algorithms that can identify specific patterns in one domain of data which can consequently augment predictive performance in another domain. The research explores existence of specific data domains which can function in synergy with another and more importantly, proposes models to quantify the synergetic information transfer among such domains. We include large-scale data from various domains in our study: social media data from Twitter, multimedia video data from YouTube, video search query data from Bing Videos, Natural Language search queries from the web, Internet resources in form of web logs (blogs) and spatio-temporal social trends from Twitter. Our work presents a series of solutions to address the key challenges in cross-domain learning, particularly in the field of social and semantic data. We propose the concept of bridging media from disparate sources by building a common latent topic space, which represents one of the first attempts toward answering sociological problems using cross-domain (social) media. This allows information transfer between social and non-social domains, fostering real-time socially relevant applications. We also engineer a concept network from the semantic web, called semNet, that can assist in identifying concept relations and modeling information granularity for robust natural language search. Further, by studying spatio-temporal patterns in this data, we can discover categorical concepts that stimulate collective attention within user groups.Includes bibliographical references (pages 210-214)

    Target Apps Selection: Towards a Unified Search Framework for Mobile Devices

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    With the recent growth of conversational systems and intelligent assistants such as Apple Siri and Google Assistant, mobile devices are becoming even more pervasive in our lives. As a consequence, users are getting engaged with the mobile apps and frequently search for an information need in their apps. However, users cannot search within their apps through their intelligent assistants. This requires a unified mobile search framework that identifies the target app(s) for the user's query, submits the query to the app(s), and presents the results to the user. In this paper, we take the first step forward towards developing unified mobile search. In more detail, we introduce and study the task of target apps selection, which has various potential real-world applications. To this aim, we analyze attributes of search queries as well as user behaviors, while searching with different mobile apps. The analyses are done based on thousands of queries that we collected through crowdsourcing. We finally study the performance of state-of-the-art retrieval models for this task and propose two simple yet effective neural models that significantly outperform the baselines. Our neural approaches are based on learning high-dimensional representations for mobile apps. Our analyses and experiments suggest specific future directions in this research area.Comment: To appear at SIGIR 201
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