906 research outputs found

    Understanding critical factors in gender recognition

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    Gender classification is a task of paramount importance in face recognition research, and it is potentially useful in a large set of applications. In this paper we investigate the gender classification problem by an extended empirical analysis on the Face Recognition Grand Challenge version 2.0 dataset (FRGC2.0). We propose challenging experimental protocols over the dimensions of FRGC2.0 – i.e., subject, face expression, race, controlled or uncontrolled environment. We evaluate our protocols with respect to several classification algorithms, and processing different types of features, like Gabor and LBP. Our results show that gender classification is independent from factors like the race of the subject, face expressions, and variations of controlled illumination conditions. We also report that Gabor features seem to be more robust than LBPs in the case of uncontrolled environment

    Facial Expression Recognition

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    Gender Classification from Facial Images

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    Gender classification based on facial images has received increased attention in the computer vision community. In this work, a comprehensive evaluation of state-of-the-art gender classification methods is carried out on publicly available databases and extended to reallife face images, where face detection and face normalization are essential for the success of the system. Next, the possibility of predicting gender from face images acquired in the near-infrared spectrum (NIR) is explored. In this regard, the following two questions are addressed: (a) Can gender be predicted from NIR face images; and (b) Can a gender predictor learned using visible (VIS) images operate successfully on NIR images and vice-versa? The experimental results suggest that NIR face images do have some discriminatory information pertaining to gender, although the degree of discrimination is noticeably lower than that of VIS images. Further, the use of an illumination normalization routine may be essential for facilitating cross-spectral gender prediction. By formulating the problem of gender classification in the framework of both visible and near-infrared images, the guidelines for performing gender classification in a real-world scenario is provided, along with the strengths and weaknesses of each methodology. Finally, the general problem of attribute classification is addressed, where features such as expression, age and ethnicity are derived from a face image

    Comparative Study of Human Age Estimation with or without Preclassification of Gender and Facial Expression

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    Age estimation has many useful applications, such as age-based face classification, finding lost children, surveillance monitoring, and face recognition invariant to age progression. Among many factors affecting age estimation accuracy, gender and facial expression can have negative effects. In our research, the effects of gender and facial expression on age estimation using support vector regression (SVR) method are investigated. Our research is novel in the following four ways. First, the accuracies of age estimation using a single-level local binary pattern (LBP) and a multilevel LBP (MLBP) are compared, and MLBP shows better performance as an extractor of texture features globally. Second, we compare the accuracies of age estimation using global features extracted by MLBP, local features extracted by Gabor filtering, and the combination of the two methods. Results show that the third approach is the most accurate. Third, the accuracies of age estimation with and without preclassification of facial expression are compared and analyzed. Fourth, those with and without preclassification of gender are compared and analyzed. The experimental results show the effectiveness of gender preclassification in age estimation
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