66 research outputs found

    Spatial dissection of a soundfield using spherical harmonic decomposition

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    A real-world soundfield is often contributed by multiple desired and undesired sound sources. The performance of many acoustic systems such as automatic speech recognition, audio surveillance, and teleconference relies on its ability to extract the desired sound components in such a mixed environment. The existing solutions to the above problem are constrained by various fundamental limitations and require to enforce different priors depending on the acoustic condition such as reverberation and spatial distribution of sound sources. With the growing emphasis and integration of audio applications in diverse technologies such as smart home and virtual reality appliances, it is imperative to advance the source separation technology in order to overcome the limitations of the traditional approaches. To that end, we exploit the harmonic decomposition model to dissect a mixed soundfield into its underlying desired and undesired components based on source and signal characteristics. By analysing the spatial projection of a soundfield, we achieve multiple outcomes such as (i) soundfield separation with respect to distinct source regions, (ii) source separation in a mixed soundfield using modal coherence model, and (iii) direction of arrival (DOA) estimation of multiple overlapping sound sources through pattern recognition of the modal coherence of a soundfield. We first employ an array of higher order microphones for soundfield separation in order to reduce hardware requirement and implementation complexity. Subsequently, we develop novel mathematical models for modal coherence of noisy and reverberant soundfields that facilitate convenient ways for estimating DOA and power spectral densities leading to robust source separation algorithms. The modal domain approach to the soundfield/source separation allows us to circumvent several practical limitations of the existing techniques and enhance the performance and robustness of the system. The proposed methods are presented with several practical applications and performance evaluations using simulated and real-life dataset

    Improving Design of Input Condition Invariant Speech Enhancement

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    Building a single universal speech enhancement (SE) system that can handle arbitrary input is a demanded but underexplored research topic. Towards this ultimate goal, one direction is to build a single model that handles diverse audio duration, sampling frequencies, and microphone variations in noisy and reverberant scenarios, which we define here as "input condition invariant SE". Such a model was recently proposed showing promising performance; however, its multi-channel performance degraded severely in real conditions. In this paper we propose novel architectures to improve the input condition invariant SE model so that performance in simulated conditions remains competitive while real condition degradation is much mitigated. For this purpose, we redesign the key components that comprise such a system. First, we identify that the channel-modeling module's generalization to unseen scenarios can be sub-optimal and redesign this module. We further introduce a two-stage training strategy to enhance training efficiency. Second, we propose two novel dual-path time-frequency blocks, demonstrating superior performance with fewer parameters and computational costs compared to the existing method. All proposals combined, experiments on various public datasets validate the efficacy of the proposed model, with significantly improved performance on real conditions. Recipe with full model details is released at https://github.com/espnet/espnet.Comment: Accepted by ICASSP 2024, 5 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables (corrected the results of no processing on CHiME-4 (Simu) in Table 2

    Using deep learning methods for supervised speech enhancement in noisy and reverberant environments

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    In real world environments, the speech signals received by our ears are usually a combination of different sounds that include not only the target speech, but also acoustic interference like music, background noise, and competing speakers. This interference has negative effect on speech perception and degrades the performance of speech processing applications such as automatic speech recognition (ASR), speaker identification, and hearing aid devices. One way to solve this problem is using source separation algorithms to separate the desired speech from the interfering sounds. Many source separation algorithms have been proposed to improve the performance of ASR systems and hearing aid devices, but it is still challenging for these systems to work efficiently in noisy and reverberant environments. On the other hand, humans have a remarkable ability to separate desired sounds and listen to a specific talker among noise and other talkers. Inspired by the capabilities of human auditory system, a popular method known as auditory scene analysis (ASA) was proposed to separate different sources in a two stage process of segmentation and grouping. The main goal of source separation in ASA is to estimate time frequency masks that optimally match and separate noise signals from a mixture of speech and noise. In this work, multiple algorithms are proposed to improve upon source separation in noisy and reverberant acoustic environment. First, a simple and novel algorithm is proposed to increase the discriminability between two sound sources by scaling (magnifying) the head-related transfer function of the interfering source. Experimental results from applications of this algorithm show a significant increase in the quality of the recovered target speech. Second, a time frequency masking-based source separation algorithm is proposed that can separate a male speaker from a female speaker in reverberant conditions by using the spatial cues of the source signals. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm has the ability to preserve the location of the sources after separation. Three major aims are proposed for supervised speech separation based on deep neural networks to estimate either the time frequency masks or the clean speech spectrum. Firstly, a novel monaural acoustic feature set based on a gammatone filterbank is presented to be used as the input of the deep neural network (DNN) based speech separation model, which shows significant improvement in objective speech intelligibility and speech quality in different testing conditions. Secondly, a complementary binaural feature set is proposed to increase the ability of source separation in adverse environment with non-stationary background noise and high reverberation using 2-channel recordings. Experimental results show that the combination of spatial features with this complementary feature set improves significantly the speech intelligibility and speech quality in noisy and reverberant conditions. Thirdly, a novel dilated convolution neural network is proposed to improve the generalization of the monaural supervised speech enhancement model to different untrained speakers, unseen noises and simulated rooms. This model increases the speech intelligibility and speech quality of the recovered speech significantly, while being computationally more efficient and requiring less memory in comparison to other models. In addition, the proposed model is modified with recurrent layers and dilated causal convolution layers for real-time processing. This model is causal which makes it suitable for implementation in hearing aid devices and ASR system, while having fewer trainable parameters and using only information about previous time frames in output prediction. The main goal of the proposed algorithms are to increase the intelligibility and the quality of the recovered speech from noisy and reverberant environments, which has the potential to improve both speech processing applications and signal processing strategies for hearing aid and cochlear implant technology


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    京都大学0048新制・課程博士博士(情報学)甲第18412号情博第527号新制||情||93(附属図書館)31270京都大学大学院情報学研究科知能情報学専攻(主査)教授 奥乃 博, 教授 河原 達也, 准教授 CUTURI CAMETO Marco, 講師 吉井 和佳学位規則第4条第1項該当Doctor of InformaticsKyoto UniversityDFA


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    Being able to attend and recognize speech or a particular sound in complex listening environments is a feat performed by humans effortlessly. The underlying neural mechanisms, however, remain unclear and cannot yet be emulated by artificial systems. Understanding the internal (cortical) representation of external acoustic world is a key step in deciphering the mechanisms of human auditory processing. Further, understanding neural representation of sound finds numerous applications in clinical research for psychiatric disorders with auditory processing deficits such as schizophrenia. In the first part of this dissertation, cortical activity from normal hearing human subjects is recorded, non-invasively, using magnetoencephalography in two different real-life listening scenarios. First, when natural speech is distorted by reverberation as well as stationary additive noise. Second, when the attended speech is degraded by the presence of multiple additional talkers in the background, simulating a cocktail party. Using natural speech affected by reverberation and noise, it was demonstrated that the auditory cortex maintains both distorted as well as distortion-free representations of speech. Additionally, we show that, while the neural representation of speech remained robust to additive noise in absence of reverberation, noise had detrimental effect in presence of reverberation, suggesting differential mechanisms of speech processing for additive and reverberation distortions. In the cocktail party paradigm, we demonstrated that primary like areas represent the external auditory world in terms of acoustics, whereas higher-order areas maintained an object based representation. Further, it was demonstrated that background speech streams were represented as an unsegregated auditory object. The results suggest that object based representation of auditory scene emerge in higher-order auditory cortices. In the second part of this dissertation, using electroencephalographic recordings from normal human subjects and patients suffering from schizophrenia, it was demonstrated, for the first time, that delta band steady state responses are more affected in schizophrenia patients compared with healthy individuals, contrary to the prevailing dominance of gamma band studies in literature. Further, the results from this study suggest that the inadequate ability to sustain neural responses in this low frequency range may play a vital role in auditory perceptual and cognitive deficit mechanisms in schizophrenia. Overall this dissertation furthers current understanding of cortical representation of speech in complex listening environments and how auditory representation of sounds is affected in psychiatric disorders involving aberrant auditory processing

    Overview and Evaluation of Sound Event Localization and Detection in DCASE 2019

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    Sound event localization and detection is a novel area of research that emerged from the combined interest of analyzing the acoustic scene in terms of the spatial and temporal activity of sounds of interest. This paper presents an overview of the first international evaluation on sound event localization and detection, organized as a task of the DCASE 2019 Challenge. A large-scale realistic dataset of spatialized sound events was generated for the challenge, to be used for training of learning-based approaches, and for evaluation of the submissions in an unlabeled subset. The overview presents in detail how the systems were evaluated and ranked and the characteristics of the best-performing systems. Common strategies in terms of input features, model architectures, training approaches, exploitation of prior knowledge, and data augmentation are discussed. Since ranking in the challenge was based on individually evaluating localization and event classification performance, part of the overview focuses on presenting metrics for the joint measurement of the two, together with a reevaluation of submissions using these new metrics. The new analysis reveals submissions that performed better on the joint task of detecting the correct type of event close to its original location than some of the submissions that were ranked higher in the challenge. Consequently, ranking of submissions which performed strongly when evaluated separately on detection or localization, but not jointly on both, was affected negatively

    Discriminative and adaptive training for robust speech recognition and understanding

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    Robust automatic speech recognition (ASR) and understanding (ASU) under various conditions remains to be a challenging problem even with the advances of deep learning. To achieve robust ASU, two discriminative training objectives are proposed for keyword spotting and topic classification: (1) To accurately recognize the semantically important keywords, the non-uniform error cost minimum classification error training of deep neural network (DNN) and bi-directional long short-term memory (BLSTM) acoustic models is proposed to minimize the recognition errors of only the keywords. (2) To compensate for the mismatched objectives of speech recognition and understanding, minimum semantic error cost training of the BLSTM acoustic model is proposed to generate semantically accurate lattices for topic classification. Further, to expand the application of the ASU system to various conditions, four adaptive training approaches are proposed to improve the robustness of the ASR under different conditions: (1) To suppress the effect of inter-speaker variability on speaker-independent DNN acoustic model, speaker-invariant training is proposed to learn a deep representation in the DNN that is both senone-discriminative and speaker-invariant through adversarial multi-task training (2) To achieve condition-robust unsupervised adaptation with parallel data, adversarial teacher-student learning is proposed to suppress multiple factors of condition variability in the procedure of knowledge transfer from a well-trained source domain LSTM acoustic model to the target domain. (3) To further improve the adversarial learning for unsupervised adaptation with unparallel data, domain separation networks are used to enhance the domain-invariance of the senone-discriminative deep representation by explicitly modeling the private component that is unique to each domain. (4) To achieve robust far-field ASR, an LSTM adaptive beamforming network is proposed to estimate the real-time beamforming filter coefficients to cope with non-stationary environmental noise and dynamic nature of source and microphones positions.Ph.D