13,412 research outputs found

    Convergence rates of general regularization methods for statistical inverse problems and applications

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    During the past the convergence analysis for linear statistical inverse problems has mainly focused on spectral cut-off and Tikhonov type estimators. Spectral cut-off estimators achieve minimax rates for a broad range of smoothness classes and operators, but their practical usefulness is limited by the fact that they require a complete spectral decomposition of the operator. Tikhonov estimators are simpler to compute, but still involve the inversion of an operator and achieve minimax rates only in restricted smoothness classes. In this paper we introduce a unifying technique to study the mean square error of a large class of regularization methods (spectral methods) including the aforementioned estimators as well as many iterative methods, such as í-methods and the Landweber iteration. The latter estimators converge at the same rate as spectral cut-off, but only require matrixvector products. Our results are applied to various problems, in particular we obtain precise convergence rates for satellite gradiometry, L2-boosting, and errors in variable problems. --Statistical inverse problems,iterative regularization methods,Tikhonov regularization,nonparametric regression,minimax convergence rates,satellite gradiometry,Hilbert scales,boosting,errors in variable

    Choosing the Right Spatial Weighting Matrix in a Quantile Regression Model

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    This paper proposes computationally tractable methods for selecting the appropriate spatial weighting matrix in the context of a spatial quantile regression model. This selection is a notoriously difficult problem even in linear spatial models and is even more difficult in a quantile regression setup. The proposal is illustrated by an empirical example and manages to produce tractable models. One important feature of the proposed methodology is that by allowing different degrees and forms of spatial dependence across quantiles it further relaxes the usual quantile restriction attributable to the linear quantile regression. In this way we can obtain a more robust, with regard to potential functional misspecification, model, but nevertheless preserve the parametric rate of convergence and the established inferential apparatus associated with the linear quantile regression approach

    On boosting kernel regression

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    In this paper we propose a simple multistep regression smoother which is constructed in an iterative manner, by learning the Nadaraya-Watson estimator with L-2 boosting. We find, in both theoretical analysis and simulation experiments, that the bias converges exponentially fast. and the variance diverges exponentially slow. The first boosting step is analysed in more detail, giving asymptotic expressions as functions of the smoothing parameter, and relationships with previous work are explored. Practical performance is illustrated by both simulated and real data

    CLEAR: Covariant LEAst-square Re-fitting with applications to image restoration

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    In this paper, we propose a new framework to remove parts of the systematic errors affecting popular restoration algorithms, with a special focus for image processing tasks. Generalizing ideas that emerged for 1\ell_1 regularization, we develop an approach re-fitting the results of standard methods towards the input data. Total variation regularizations and non-local means are special cases of interest. We identify important covariant information that should be preserved by the re-fitting method, and emphasize the importance of preserving the Jacobian (w.r.t. the observed signal) of the original estimator. Then, we provide an approach that has a "twicing" flavor and allows re-fitting the restored signal by adding back a local affine transformation of the residual term. We illustrate the benefits of our method on numerical simulations for image restoration tasks

    Identifying Risk Factors for Severe Childhood Malnutrition by Boosting Additive Quantile Regression

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    Ordinary linear and generalized linear regression models relate the mean of a response variable to a linear combination of covariate effects and, as a consequence, focus on average properties of the response. Analyzing childhood malnutrition in developing or transition countries based on such a regression model implies that the estimated effects describe the average nutritional status. However, it is of even larger interest to analyze quantiles of the response distribution such as the 5% or 10% quantile that relate to the risk of children for extreme malnutrition. In this paper, we analyze data on childhood malnutrition collected in the 2005/2006 India Demographic and Health Survey based on a semiparametric extension of quantile regression models where nonlinear effects are included in the model equation, leading to additive quantile regression. The variable selection and model choice problems associated with estimating an additive quantile regression model are addressed by a novel boosting approach. Based on this rather general class of statistical learning procedures for empirical risk minimization, we develop, evaluate and apply a boosting algorithm for quantile regression. Our proposal allows for data-driven determination of the amount of smoothness required for the nonlinear effects and combines model selection with an automatic variable selection property. The results of our empirical evaluation suggest that boosting is an appropriate tool for estimation in linear and additive quantile regression models and helps to identify yet unknown risk factors for childhood malnutrition