966 research outputs found

    What Are The Overall Benefits of Dance Improvisation, and How Do They Affect Cognition and Creativity?

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    The purpose of this thesis is to define the terms improvisation, cognition, and creativity, and therefore find the direct correlation between all three, and how they can all be involved within dance. The main intention is to determine whether or not improvisational dance can positively influence one’s creative mindset, thus improving the cognitive learning process. Furthermore, it is to discover if the development of a creative mindset can be established through dance improvisation at an early age. In this exploration, the majority of my research will come from the examination of previously conducted experiments, as well as guiding and observing an improvisation class of young adults, gaining insight simply from a dance teacher’s perspective in order to explore the idea of cognition leading to creativity through movement. In addition to the bulk of my research, I will also take a look at a class of younger students when attempting to answer the sub questions proposed, regarding the similarities within the correlation of dance improvisation and cognition, based upon different age ranges. Constructed from gathered sources, as well as my own personal explorations, research has found that there is a direct positive correlation between improvisational dance and the development of creativity, primarily due to the cognitive comprehension, retention and exploration capabilities improvisation provides for the mind. The enhancement of creativity allows for the mind to discover new and unfamiliar information that furthers one’s knowledge. This idea of creativity and the thinking/learning process stems further than just simply within the dance and arts realm. It can be influential within any part of society and can heighten the level of thinking and learning, as we know it

    A teaching identity : the factors which have influenced it

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    Desde una reflexión sobre nuestra propia experiencia personal y académica podemos distinguir los aspectos que han resultado significativos para construir nuestra identidad educativa ya sea siendo alumnos o profesores. Al analizar hasta qué punto esta mezcla de factores y situaciones, de sentimientos y emociones presentes en nuestro propio proceso educativo ha contribuido a construir nuestro particular estilo de comunicar conocimientos, de instruir y relacionarnos, descubriremos que son circunstancias que convergen en nuestra pråctica actual. Desde esta experiencia podremos analizar nuestro presente e intentar mejorar nuestra actuación en el aula.From a close observation on our own personal and academic experience we can clearly tell the aspects which have contributed to building our learning and teaching identity. When analysing to which extent this mixture of factors and situations, of feelings and emotions present in our own learning process has contributed to build into our particular style of communicating knowledge, of instructing and interacting with others, we can conclude that all of them are circumstances that converge in our present practice. From this experience we can analyse our present and try to improve our performance in the classroom

    Student and Parent/Guardian Perceptions of the Effects of Extra-Curricular Drumming Ensemble Participation on Social-Emotional Learning in a Title I Elementary School

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    The purpose of this phenomenological study was to examine the perceptions of students and parents/guardians regarding the effects on social-emotional learning of extra-curricular drumming ensemble participation while attending a Title I school in North Texas. The aim was to understand how participants and their parents/guardians perceived any changes to social and emotional development as a result of participating in a drumming ensemble beyond the traditional school day. The study was conducted at a Title I elementary school campus encompassing grades kindergarten through fifth in a suburban region of North Texas and concentrated on the fifth-grade students enrolled at that campus. Information collected from student self-assessment surveys provided insights into the immediate and cumulative influences of participation in drumming ensembles on the social-emotional development of fifth-grade students while also contributing to the greater body of research concerning the ways in which involvement in music ensembles affects social-emotional learning. The research was conducted by way of interviews with students and parents/guardians. The research engaged a qualitative hermeneutic phenomenological approach which utilized interpretive phenomenological analysis and included semi-structured interviews with fifth-grade drumming ensemble participants and their parents/guardians. Thematic analysis of student and parent/guardian interviews yielded perceptions by both participant groups of improvements in social-emotional development

    An experimental study on the use of music and the performing arts in EFL teaching

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    openQuesta tesi è il risultato di uno studio sperimentale che esamina l'uso della musica e delle arti performative nell'insegnamento dell'Inglese Lingua Straniera, con riferimento all'insegnamento dell'inglese in Paesi non anglofoni. In particolare, il canto e il teatro vengono proposti come strumenti didattici per migliorare l'acquisizione dell'Inglese Lingua Straniera partendo dai dati raccolti durante un esperimento didattico condotto in un liceo linguistico italiano. Nell'ambito della Ricerca Azione, la letteratura esistente sull'argomento viene analizzata criticamente alla luce dei dati raccolti durante l'esperimento didattico in classe, svoltosi presso il liceo linguistico l'IIS P. Scalcerle di Padova con 26 studenti del primo anno. Le teorie che sostengono l'uso glottodidattico di materiali autentici di tipo artistico in attività legate al canto e al teatro sono supportate dai dati raccolti durante l'esperienza pratica in classe, che indicano che le arti performative hanno favorito l’acquisizione dell’Inglese Lingua Straniera durante l'unità. Questa corrispondenza tra teoria e pratica conferma che la didattica dell’inglese basata sul teatro e sul canto può produrre effetti positivi in termini motivazionali, comportamentali e cognitivi. Di conseguenza, questa tesi incoraggia gli insegnanti di Inglese Lingua Straniera a includere la formazione artistica nei loro programmi, sostenendo e migliorando così l'acquisizione linguistica.The present dissertation is the result of an experimental study examin ing the use of music and the performing arts in English Foreign Language teaching , thus referring to English being taught in non English speaking countries . In particular, song and drama are explored as pedagogical tools to enhance EFL acquisition bas ing on a practical teaching exper iment conducted in an Italian high school. Within the framework of Action Research, existing literature on the subject is critically analyzed in light of the data gathered during th e in class teaching experiment, which took place at IIS P. Scalcerle, a high school in Padua, Italy, and was conducted with 26 first year students. The theories arguing for a pedagogical use of art based authentic materials and song and drama related activities in EFL teaching settings are backed up by the data gathered during in class practical experience , which indicate that song and drama enhanced EFL acquisition during the unit . This theory practice congruency confirms that EFL pedagogy based on drama and singing can produce beneficial effects in motivational, behavioral and cognitive terms. As a consequence EFL teachers are encouraged to include art training in their curricula, thus sustaining and enhancing English Foreign Language acquisition

    Musical abilities in middle childhood : intra-personal, social and temporal contexts

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    The aim of this research was to examine relationships between musical abilities and general intelligence, initially using Gardner's (1983) theory of multiple intelligences, which contend that they are separate. The intra-personal and social contexts of musical ability were then investigated to clarify whether immediate contacts operated distinctly from those in wider contexts. Finally, using Dickens and Flynn's (2001) theory of intelligence, the temporal context of musical ability was examined to see if musical abilities can be self-enhancing. The research sites used were nine schools in England and Wales, representative of different social strata and musical specialisation, including state primary, choir and independent schools, from which 433 pupils, aged 7-11 (middle childhood) took part. Measures used were the Bentley (1966a) Measures of Musical Ability, Heim and Simmonds' (1974) Group Tests of General Reasoning, National Foundation for Educational Research Tests in English and Mathematics (1994a, 1994b) and Bellin and Rees' (2004) adaptation of Harter's (1988) self-perception scales for self-concept. A musical experience questionnaire was also devised. It was found that musical ability and general intelligence are not separate intelligences in the way that Gardner's multiple intelligences theory would suggest. The closeness of the relationship between musical ability and general intelligence justified applying notions from Dickens and Flynn's (2001) theory of intelligence to musical ability. Relationships between musical abilities and self- concept concerned the sense of academic competence in non-specialist as well as specialist schools. Historic changes such as music in the curriculum seem to have boosted musical abilities in middle childhood in state, specialist and independent schools. The most powerful influence appeared to be learning to play a musical instrument. However, contrary to assumptions of multiplying effects of social influences, musical abilities do not appear to be self enhancing.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Teacher Retention, Perceptions, and Attitudes Toward Job Satisfaction and Culture at Central Elementary School

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    This study’s purpose was to investigate teacher retention at Central Elementary School by identifying, studying, and considering the reasons connected to teacher perceptions and attitudes as it relates to job (dis)satisfaction since turnover rates can be the deciding factor. The evidence collected in this study may profit educators in the near future by having a clearer understanding of the needs and possible challenges faced by high teacher turnover rates. These results and performance data will help to make recommendations and deliver the appropriate strategies and solutions to prevent teachers from leaving. The participants in this study volunteered to fill out an electronic 10-question survey that was revised and accepted by the Institutional Review Board of Gardner-Webb University. Investigating this specific study looked at teacher perceptions of and attitudes toward workplace and organizational situations that affect the culture of job (dis)satisfaction. The influence of using this tool is that it sampled all the teachers in the building of Central Elementary School delivering a sequence of questions on a 4-point Likert-scale as well as open-ended questions that collected data on administrative and teacher perceptions and attitudes towards organizational communication, school climate, and classroom working conditions. This applied research recovered teacher retention rates, utilizing surveys, assessments, and action plans in relation to student achievement. The results exposed that the kind of change that was presented to Central Elementary School teachers was met with resistance

    From Passenger to Driver: Strengthening Self-Efficacy in Finland\u27s JOPO Class Students

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    This qualitative case study examined how Finland’s JOPO class, designed for 8th and 9th grade students who disengage from or drop out of their traditional class, helps students re-engage in school, discover a sense of belonging and motivation, and strengthen a sense of self-efficacy about successfully completing 9th grade. Called “the class of flexible learning,” the JOPO class combines academic small-group learning with workplace on-the-job learning and learning camps, which take the students out of school for natural environment activities that build teamwork and enhance social and emotional learning. Eight schools in five parts of Finland participated in this study. Teachers, principals, guidance counselors, youth workers and former JOPO students who are now young adults shared their experiences about factors they felt were key to the program’s success. Nearly all JOPO students in these schools not only completed the required 9th grade but continued on to a vocational or academic upper secondary school. Bandura’s concept of self-efficacy, Dweck’s theory of growth mindset, Noddings’ theory of caring education, and Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences formed the framework for the study. JOPO teachers and students cited the emotionally safe learning community that evolved, the early sense of trust and belonging, on-the-job learning, and the teachers’ positive ‘noticing’ and commitment to the students as key in developing academic self-efficacy. Students gained new motivation and strengthened self-efficacy beliefs about being able to complete school. Principals and teachers credited early intervention with students, learning camp experiences, and selection of appropriate students and teachers for the program as success factors. The JOPO class began in 2006 and was adopted nationwide in Finland in 2008. It serves approximately 1,850 students each year in middle schools throughout the nation
