7 research outputs found

    Integration of a Chemical Sensor and a Particle Detector in a Single Portable System

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    abstract: This work demonstrates the integration of a wearable particulate detector and a wireless chemical sensor into a single portable system. The detection philosophy of the chemical sensor is based on highly selective and sensitive microfabricated quartz tuning fork arrays and the particle detector detects the particulate level in real-time using a nephelometric (light scattering) approach. The device integration is realized by carefully evaluating the needs of flow rate, power and data collection. Validation test has been carried out in both laboratory and in field trials such as parking structures and highway exits with high and low traffic emissions. The integrated single portable detection system is capable of reducing the burden for a child to carry multiple devices, simplifying the task of researchers to synchronize and analyze data from different sensors, and minimizing the overall weight, size, and cost of the sensor. It also has a cell phone for data analysis, storage, and transmission as a user-friendly interface. As the chemical and particulate levels present important exposure risks that are of high interests to epidemiologists, the integrated device will provide an easier, wearable and cost effective way to monitor it.Dissertation/ThesisM.S. Electrical Engineering 201

    Smart Collaborative Mobile System for Taking Care of Disabled and Elderly People

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    Official statistics data show that in many countries the population is aging. In addition, there are several illnesses and disabilities that also affect a small sector of the population. In recent years, researchers and medical foundations are working in order to develop systems based on new technologies and enhance the quality of life of them. One of the cheapest ways is to take advantage of the features provided by the smartphones. Nowadays, the development of reduced size smartphones, but with high processing capacity, has increased dramatically. We can take profit of the sensors placed in smartphones in order to monitor disabled and elderly people. In this paper, we propose a smart collaborative system based on the sensors embedded in mobile devices, which permit us to monitor the status of a person based on what is happening in the environment, but comparing and taking decisions based on what is happening to its neighbors. The proposed protocol for the mobile ad hoc network and the smart system algorithm are described in detail. We provide some measurements showing the decisions taken for several common cases and we also show the performance of our proposal when there is a medium size group of disabled or elderly people. Our proposal can also be applied to take care of children in several situations.This work has been partially supported by the Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, Next Generation Networks and Applications Group (NetGNA), Portugal, and by National Funding from the FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia through the PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2011 Project.Sendra Compte, S.; Granell Romero, E.; Lloret, J.; Rodrigues, JJPC. (2014). Smart Collaborative Mobile System for Taking Care of Disabled and Elderly People. Mobile Networks and Applications. 19(3):287-302. doi:10.1007/s11036-013-0445-zS287302193Cisco Systems Inc. “Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2010–2015.” White Paper, February 1, 2011Pereira O, Caldeira J, Rodrigues J (2011) Body sensor network mobile solutions for biofeedback monitoring. J Mob Netw Appl 16(6):713–732Google. Galaxy nexus (2012). Available: http://www.google.com/nexus/E. Commission. “Demography report 2010.” Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Union, 2010. At http://ec.europa.eu/social/BlobServlet?docId=6824&langId=enThomas KE, Stevens JA, Sarmiento K, Wald MM (2008) Fall-related traumatic brain injury deaths and hospitalizations among older adults—United States, 2005. J Saf Res 39(3):269–272Fortino G, Giannantonio R, Gravina R, Kuryloski P, Jafari R, (2013) Enabling effective programming and flexible management of efficient body sensor network applications. IEEE Trans Hum Mach Syst 43(1):115–133Bellifemine F, Fortino G, Giannantonio R, Gravina R, Guerrieri A, Sgroi M (2011) SPINE: a domain-specific framework for rapid prototyping of WBSN applications. Softw Pract Exper 41(3):237–265Macias E, Lloret J, Suarez A, Garcia M (2012) Architecture and protocol of a semantic system designed for video tagging with sensor data in mobile devices. Sensors 12(2):2062–2087Sendra S, Granell E, Lloret J, Rodrigues JJPC. Smart Collaborative System Using the Sensors of Mobile Devices for Monitoring Disabled and Elderly People, 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Smart Communications in Network Technologies, Ottawa, Canada, June 11, 2012Lane N, Miluzzo E, Lu H, Peebles D, Choudhury T, Campbell A (2010) A survey of mobile phone sensing. IEEE Commun Mag 48(9):140–150Muldoon C, OHare G, OGrady M (2006) Collaborative agent tuning: Performance enhancement on mobile devices Engineering Societies in the Agents World VI, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3963/2006, pp 241–258Turner H, White J, Thompson C, Zienkiewicz K, Campbell S, Schmidt DC (2009) Building Mobile Sensor Networks Using Smartphones and Web Services: Ramifications and Development Challenges, Handbook of Research on Mobility and Computing, Hershey, PA. Available: http://lsrg.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/PDF/new-ww-mobile-computing.pdfKansal A, Goraczko M, Zhao F. Building a sensor network of mobile phones, 6th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, April 24–27, 2007 pp 547–548Plaza I, Martín L, Martin S, Medrano C (2011) Mobile applications in an aging society: status and trends. J Syst Softw 84(11):1977–1988Camarinha-Matos L, Afsarmanesh H. Telecare: Collaborative virtual elderly support communities, 1st Workshop on Tele-Care and Collaborative Virtual Communities in Elderly Care, Porto, Portugal, 13 April, 2004Chen B, Pompili D (2011) Transmission of patient vital signs using wireless body area networks. J Mob Netw Appl 16(6):663–682Dai J, Bai X, Yang Z, Shen Z, Xuan D (2010) Mobile phone-based pervasive fall detection. Pers Ubiquit Comput 14(7):633–643Martin P, Sánchez MA, Álvarez L, Alonso V, Bajo J. Multiagent system for detecting elderly people falls through mobile devices, International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence (ISAmI’11), Salamanca (Spain) 6–8 April 2011Fahmi PN, Viet V, Deok-Jai C. “Semi-supervised fall detection algorithm using fall indicators in smartphone.” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, 2012, pp 122Sánchez M, Martín P, Álvarez L, Alonso V, Zato C, Pedrero A, Bajo J (2011) A New Adaptive Algorithm for Detecting Falls through Mobile Devices, Trends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems, pp 17–24Fahim M, Fatima I, Lee S, Lee YK. Daily Life Activity Tracking Application for Smart Homes using Android Smartphone, 14th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, Yongin, South Korea, 19–22 February 2012, pp 241–245Kaluža B, Mirchevska V, Dovgan E, Luštrek M, Gams M (2010) An agent-based approach to care in independent living, Ambient Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6439, pp 177–186Costa A, Barbosa G, Melo T, Novais P (2011) Using mobile systems to monitor an ambulatory patient. In: International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vol. 91, pp 337–344Olfati-Saber R, Fax J, Murray R (2007) Consensus and cooperation in networked multi-agent systems. Proc IEEE 95(1):215–233Arcelus A, Jones MH, Goubran R, Knoefel F (2007) Integration of smart home technologies in a health monitoring system for the elderly, 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, vol. 2, pp 820–825Kahmen H, Faig W (1988) Surveying. Walter de Gruyter & Co, New YorkSol LM870 mobile phone features. Available at: http://es.made-in-china.com/co_runrise/product_Dual-SIM-Card-Dual-Standby-GPS-Temperature-UV-Sensor-Pedometer-Sunrise-LM870-Mobile-Phone_hesighyiy.htmlSTLM20 temperature sensor features. Datashhet available at: http://www.st.com/internet/com/TECHNICAL_RESOURCES/TECHNICAL_LITERATURE/DATASHEET/CD00119601.pdfSendra S, Lloret J, Garcia M, Toledo JF (2011) Power saving and energy optimization techniques for wireless sensor networks. J Commun 6(6):439–459Matlab Website. Available at: www.mathworks.com/products/matlabPal A (2010) Localization algorithms in wireless sensor networks: current approaches and future challenges. Netw Protocol Algorithm 2(1):45–74Garcia M, Boronat F, Tomás J, Lloret J (2009) The development of two systems for indoor wireless sensors self-location. Ad Hoc Sensor Wirel Netw 8(3–4):235–258Lloret J, Tomás J, Garcia M, Cánovas A (2009) A hybrid stochastic approach for self-location of wireless sensors in indoor environments. Sensors 9(5):3695–3712Garcia M, Sendra S, Turro C, Lloret J (2011) User’s macro and micro-mobility study using WLANs in a university campus. Int J Adv Internet Technol 4(1&2):37–46Lloret J, Tomas J, Canovas A, Bellver I. GeoWiFi: A Geopositioning System Based on WiFi Networks, The Seventh International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS 2011), Venice (Italy), May 6–10, 2011Yu W, Su X, Hansen J (2012) A smartphone design approach to user communication interface for administering storage system network. Netw Protoc Algorithm 4(4):126–15

    Development of the prototype of a telematic system for the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases applied to obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes in Colombia

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    La introducción de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (TIC) en el sector de la salud da lugar a la generación de nuevos enfoques que abarcan actividades relacionadas con la prevención, atención, administración y educación en salud, ofreciendo alternativas para afrontar problemáticas tradicionales. En este trabajo se plantea la implementación de una herramienta de e-Salud que permita gestionar y supervisar parámetros fisiológicos relacionados con la prevención de enfermedades a través de un seguimiento personalizado y un acompañamiento virtual. La herramienta permite la captura, análisis y procesamiento de datos biométricos (glucosa, presión arterial, temperatura, nivel de saturación de oxígeno en la sangre, pulsaciones) que podrán ser accedidos desde un dispositivo computacional. El sistema sugiere rutinas de ejercicios y planes de alimentación saludable de acuerdo con cada caso. El sistema cuenta con una aplicación móvil y una aplicación web, para el paciente y el médico respectivamente, con el objeto de hacer seguimiento y acompañamiento virtual. El propósito final del sistema es fomentar en el usuario la cultura de autocuidado y los hábitos de vida saludable dado que la obesidad, la hipertensión arterial y diabetes son enfermedades que presentan factores comunes de riesgo, los cuales se pueden controlar mediante la alimentación y el ejercicio físico.CONTENIDO INTRODUCCIÓN 15 1. OBJETIVOS 22 1.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 22 1.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS 22 2. MARCO REFERENCIAL 23 2.1 MARCO CONCEPTUAL 23 2.1.1 Prototipo 23 2.1.2 Sistema Telemático 24 2.1.3 Medicina Preventiva y Curativa 26 2.1.4 Enfermedades Crónicas no Transmisibles 27 2.1.5 Obesidad 27 2.1.6 Hipertensión arterial 28 2.1.7 Diabetes 29 2.1.8 Servicios y Requerimientos de un sistema telemático 30 2.1.9 Telemedicina y e-salud 31 2.2 MARCO TEÓRICO 33 2.2.1 Prevención de las Enfermedades Crónicas no Transmisibles - ECNT 33 2.2.2 Telemedicina, Telesalud o E-salud 36 2.2.3 Telesalud para la prevención de Enfermedades Crónicas no Transmisibles 37 2.3 MARCO LEGAL Y POLITICO 39 2.3.1 Internacional 39 2.3.2 Nacional 41 2.4 ESTADO DEL ARTE 44 2.4.1 Soluciones telemáticas para la prevención de la obesidad, hipertensión arterial y diabetes: nivel mundial. 45 2.4.2 Soluciones telemáticas para la prevención de la obesidad, hipertensión arterial y diabetes: Colombia 52 3. DESCRIPCIÓN DEL PROCESO INVESTIGATIVO 58 3.1 REVISIÓN DEL CONTEXTO DE LAS SOLUCIONES TELEMÁTICAS CON ENFOQUE PREVENTIVO EN COLOMBIA. 61 3.1.1 Revisión sistemática de la literatura. 62 3.1.2 Determinación de las instituciones estatales y las organizaciones internacionales referentes del proyecto. 65 3.1.3. Realización de un diagrama del contexto. 65 3.2. SELECCIÓN DE LOS SERVICIOS Y REQUERIMIENTOS DEL SISTEMA TELEMÁTICO PARA LA ATENCIÓN PREVENTIVA DE LA OBESIDAD, HIPERTENSIÓN ARTERIAL Y DIABETES. 65 3.2.1 Identificación de los sistemas telemáticos en salud con enfoque preventivo que funcionan actualmente en el país. 66 3.2.2 Enumeración de los servicios que ofrecen los sistemas encontrados. 69 3.2.3 Enumeración de los servicios necesarios para la prevención de la obesidad, hipertensión arterial y diabetes con base en criterios profesionales (médico, nutricionista y entrenador físico). 71 3.2.4 Selección de los servicios que ofrecerá el sistema del proyecto para la atención preventiva de la obesidad, hipertensión arterial y diabetes. 79 3.3 ELABORACIÓN DE UN BOSQUEJO GENERAL SOBRE EL DESARROLLO DEL PROYECTO. 81 3.3.1 Identificación de los diferentes actores que van a intervenir en el funcionamiento del sistema. 82 3.3.2 Elección y adquisición de los dispositivos electrónicos necesarios para la implementación del prototipo. 82 3.3.3 Revisión de los estándares y protocolos para la comunicación entre los elementos del sistema. 85 3.3.4 Elaboración de los algoritmos necesarios para el funcionamiento de los dispositivos electrónicos. 88 3.3.5 Definición de los lenguajes de programación basados en los requerimientos y servicios del sistema para el desarrollo del software. 92 3.4 REALIZACIÓN DEL PROTOTIPO PARA LA ATENCIÓN PREVENTIVA DE LA OBESIDAD, HIPERTENSIÓN ARTERIAL Y DIABETES EN COLOMBIA. 94 3.4.1 Implementación de los algoritmos desarrollados en los dispositivos electrónicos. 95 3.4.2 Creación de la aplicación para Smartphone y la aplicación web que permitan la operatividad de la herramienta. 96 3.4.3 Comunicación entre los diferentes componentes del sistema. 96 3.4.4 Ejecución de pruebas sobre el funcionamiento del sistema. 98 4. RESULTADOS 101 4.1 CONTEXTO DE LAS SOLUCIONES TELEMÁTICAS EN COLOMBIA PARA LA ATENCIÓN PREVENTIVA DE ENFERMEDADES CRÓNICAS NO TRANSMISIBLES – ECNT 101 4.2 SERVICIOS Y REQUERIMIENTOS DEL SISTEMA PARA LA ATENCIÓN PREVENTIVA DE LA OBESIDAD, HIPERTENSIÓN ARTERIAL Y DIABETES EN COLOMBIA 104 4.3 DISEÑO DEL SISTEMA TELEMÁTICO PARA LA ATENCIÓN PREVENTIVA DE LA OBESIDAD, HIPERTENSIÓN ARTERIAL Y DIABETES. 107 4.4 PROTOTIPO DEL SISTEMA TELEMÁTICO PARA LA ATENCIÓN PREVENTIVA DE LA OBESIDAD, HIPERTENSIÓN ARTERIAL Y DIABETES. 110 5. CONCLUSIONES 120 6. RECOMENDACIONES 122 REFERENCIAS 124 ANEXOS 131MaestríaThe introduction of information and communications technology (ICT) in the health sector leads to the generation of new approaches that encompass related activities to the prevention, attention, administration and health education, offering alternatives to address traditional problems. In this paper work the implementation of an e-health tool that allows to manage and monitor physiological parameters related to disease prevention through personalized monitoring and virtual accompaniment. The tool allows the capture, analysis and processing of biometric data (glucose, blood pressure, temperature, oxygen saturation level in the blood, heart rate) that can be accessed from a computer device. The system suggests exercise routines and healthy eating plans according to each case. The system has a mobile application and a web application for patient and doctor respectively, in order to monitor and virtual accompaniment. The ultimate purpose of the system is to encourage the user culture of self-care and healthy lifestyles as obesity, hypertension and diabetes are diseases that have common risk factors, which can be controlled through diet and exercise physical

    Performance assessment of mobility solutions for IPv6-based healthcare wireless sensor networks

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    This thesis focuses on the study of mobile wireless sensor networks applied to healthcare scenarios. The promotion of better quality-of-life for hospitalized patients is addressed in this research work with a solution that can help these patients to keep their mobility (if possible). The solution proposed allows remote monitoring and control of patients’ health in real-time and without interruptions. Small sensor nodes able to collect and send wirelessly the health parameters allow for the control of the patients' health condition. A network infrastructure, composed by several access points, allows the connection of the sensor nodes (carried by the patients) to remote healthcare providers. To ensure continuous access to sensor nodes special attention should be dedicated to manage the transition of these sensor nodes between different access points’ coverage areas. The process of changing an access point attachment of a sensor node is called handover. In that context, this thesis proposes a new handover mechanism that can ensure continuous connection to mobile sensor nodes in a healthcare wireless sensor network. Due to the limitations of sensor nodes’ resources, namely available energy (these sensor nodes are typically powered by small batteries), the proposed mechanism pays a special attention in the optimization of energy consumption. To achieve this optimization, part of this work is dedicated to the construction of a small sensor node. The handover mechanism proposed in this work is called Hand4MAC (handover mechanism for MAC layer). This mechanism is compared with other mechanisms commonly used in handover management. The Hand4MAC mechanism is deployed and validated through by simulation and in a real testbed. The scenarios used for the validation reproduces a hospital ward. The performance evaluation is focused in the percentage of time that senor nodes are accessible to the network while traveling across several access points’ coverage areas and the energy expenditures in handover processes. The experiments performed take into account various parameters that are the following: number of sent messages, number of received messages, multicast message usage, energy consumption, number of sensor nodes present in the scenario, velocity of sensor nodes, and time-to-live value. In both simulation and real testbed, the Hand4MAC mechanism is shown to perform better than all the other handover mechanisms tested. In this comparison it was only considered the most promising handover mechanisms proposed in the literature.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Propuesta de un sistema para el monitoreo de adultos mayores con depresión: uso de biomarcadores y patrones de conducta

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    226 páginas. Doctorado en Diseño.Este documento presenta la investigación realizada para optar por el grado de Doctor en Diseño. El propósito es del desarrollo de un sistema para el monitoreo de adultos mayores en estado de depresión mediante el uso de biomarcadores como lo es el ritmo cardiaco, la temperatura y la actividad del día a día de las personas. Este trabajo está compuesto por una investigación teórica para la formación de estado del arte, seguido de una investigación empírica conducida por tres casos de estudio: el primero, para lograr una aproximación tecnológica; el segundo, para identificar el funcionamiento del sistema general y el tercero por la aplicación del sistema en pacientes para medir la experiencia de usuario

    Body sensor network mobile solutions for biofeedback monitoring

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    Body sensor networks (BSN) appeared as an application of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) to medicine and biofeedback. Such networks feature smart sensors (biosensors) that capture bio-physiological parameters from people and can offer an easy way for data collection. BSNs also need suitable interfaces for data processing, presentation, and storage for latter retrieval. As a result, Bluetooth technology can be used to communicate with several more powerful and graphical user interface (GUI)-enabled devices such as mobile phones or regular computers. Taking into account that people currently use mobile and smart phones, it offers a good opportunity to propose a suitable mobile system for BSN networks. This paper presents a BSN mobile solution for biofeedback monitoring using the four major smart phone platforms: Symbian, Windows Mobile, Android, and iPhone. As case study, a sensing health with intelligence modularity, mobility and experimental reusability (SHIMMER) platform with a core-body temperature sensor enabled to construct the BSN was used. The four mobile applications were evaluated and validated, and are ready for use