9 research outputs found

    Estudio bibliométrico de la producción científica sobre identidad auto-soberana

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    Context: Self-sovereign identity (SSI) enables the creation of user-centric, privacy-by-design, secure, and decentralized identity-management systems. The aim of this paper is to carry out a bibliometric analysis of the scientific production on SSI during the period 2017-2022.Method: A complete bibliometric analysis of all publications on SSI indexed in Scopus and Web of Science was carried out. A corpus of 143 articles was examined by processing their bibliographic metadata on a bibliometric tool. In order to do this, the Bibliometrix packageand the R programming language were used.Results: A bibliometric characterization of the publications on SSI was obtained for the 2017 − 2022 period. The most important keywords used in these publications were identified, as well as their use tendencies throughout this period. Moreover, the most influential authors in the area and the most relevant publication sources were also identified.Conclusions: The results of the bibliometric analysis show that Lotka’s and Bradford’s laws apply for academic publications on SSI, which means that the most relevant publications in this area are concentrated in a relatively small group of authors and journals. Paul Jenkins, Nitin Naik, Yang Liu and Aijun An were the most impactful authors, and Lecture notes in computer science, Frontiers in blockchain and IEEE were the most influential journals. Finally, the keyword analysis showed that Blockchain, Authentication, Identity management, Electronic document identification systems, and Digital identity are currently the most relevant concepts for SSI.Contexto: La identidad auto-soberana (SSI, por sus siglas en inglés) permite la creación de sistemas de gestión de identidad centrados en el usuario, con privacidad desde el diseño, seguros y descentralizados. El objetivo de este artículo es realizar un análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica sobre SSI durante el período 2017 − 2022.Método: Se realizó una análisis bibliométrico completo de las publicaciones sobre SSI indexadas en Scopus y Web of Science. Se examinó un corpus de 143 artículos mediante el procesamiento de sus metadatos bibliográficos en una herramienta de análisis bibliométrico. Para ello, el paquete Bibliometrix y el lenguaje de programación R fueron usados.Resultados: Se obtuvo una caracterización bibliométrica de las publicaciones sobre SSI durante el período 2017 − 2022. Se identificaron las palabras clave más importantes, así como las tendencias de uso de las mismas en este periodo. Además, se determinaron los autores de mayor influencia en el área y las fuentes de publicación más relevantes.Conclusiones: Los resultados del análisis bibliométrico completo muestran que la ley de Lotka y la ley de Bradford se cumplen en las publicaciones sobre SSI. Esto quiere decir que las publicaciones de mayor alcance e impacto están concentradas en unos pocos autores y revistas. Paul Jenkins, Nitin Naik , Yang Liu y Aijun An resultaron ser los autores más representativos, y Lecture notes in computer science, IEEE Access y Frontiers in blockchain resultaron ser las revistas más influyentes. Finalmente, el análisis de las palabras clave mostró que Blockchain, Authentication, Identity management, Electronic document identification systems y Digital identity son actualmente los conceptos más importantes para la investigación sobre SSI

    Distributed Ledger Technology: Applications and its Convergence in Industrial Revolution 4.0

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    Distributed ledger technology (DLT) has garnered a tremendous amount of attention in recent years due to the popularity of blockchain-related cryptocurrencies. However, layperson will have difficulty cutting through the hype and being objective enough to evaluate the benefits and shortcomings of this technology. This study attempts to provide answer to the following questions: 1) what is DLT, and the difference of its two popular specializations: blockchain and directed acyclic graph (DAG)? 2) how far have the society achieved through DLT applications in the field of healthcare, identity management as well as copyright and intellectual property? 3) how does the general public view the convergence of DLT applications in Industrial Revolution 4.0? Through rightly education and understanding of DLT, the society will value the technology better of its application in different sectors

    Implementing Blockchain in Public Sectors in MENA Countries: Opportunities and Challenges

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    Governments all around the world are expanding their study and use of Blockchain technology Blockchains have the potential to improve many aspects of the public sector.  This research discusses opportunities and challenges in using blockchain in the public sectors of MENA countries.  Their public sectors may use it to safeguard sensitive documents and streamline interactions with residents and solve record-keeping challenges and improve the capabilities of the present public systems.  Instability and corruption have weakened public and market trust in MENA countries. Moreover, public data in the region is housed in a disjointed bureau and division. The process of acquiring and transferring assets, whether physical goods or financial instruments, often entails multiple transactions and a long paper trail. We argued that as blockchain needs a minimal digital trace, integrity, and immutability, it is particularly fit for the public sectors in the MENA region. A blockchain would keep detailed records of the exchanged assets as well as every step of the transaction.  All important information about each person or corporation would be maintained in a separate ledger inside an encrypted blockchain. However, the lack of expertise and experience among the government employees, and the lack of real use cases around the world are the main barriers to implementing blockchain technology in the public sector of MENA countries

    Blockchain based Access Control for Enterprise Blockchain Applications

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    Access control is one of the fundamental security mechanisms of IT systems. Most existing access control schemes rely on a centralized party to manage and enforce access control policies. As blockchain technologies, especially permissioned networks, find more applicability beyond cryptocurrencies in enterprise solutions, it is expected that the security requirements will increase. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an access control system that works in a decentralized environment without compromising the unique features of a blockchain. A straightforward method to support access control is to deploy a firewall in front of the enterprise blockchain application. However, this approach does not take advantage of the desirable features of blockchain. In order to address these concerns, we propose a novel blockchain‐based access control scheme, which keeps the decentralization feature for access control–related operations. The newly proposed system also provides the capability to protect user\u27s privacy by leveraging ring signature. We implement a prototype of the scheme using Hyperledger Fabric and assess its performance to show that it is practical for real‐world applications

    Biometrics for internet‐of‐things security: A review

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    The large number of Internet‐of‐Things (IoT) devices that need interaction between smart devices and consumers makes security critical to an IoT environment. Biometrics offers an interesting window of opportunity to improve the usability and security of IoT and can play a significant role in securing a wide range of emerging IoT devices to address security challenges. The purpose of this review is to provide a comprehensive survey on the current biometrics research in IoT security, especially focusing on two important aspects, authentication and encryption. Regarding authentication, contemporary biometric‐based authentication systems for IoT are discussed and classified based on different biometric traits and the number of biometric traits employed in the system. As for encryption, biometric‐cryptographic systems, which integrate biometrics with cryptography and take advantage of both to provide enhanced security for IoT, are thoroughly reviewed and discussed. Moreover, challenges arising from applying biometrics to IoT and potential solutions are identified and analyzed. With an insight into the state‐of‐the‐art research in biometrics for IoT security, this review paper helps advance the study in the field and assists researchers in gaining a good understanding of forward‐looking issues and future research directions

    Blockchain Oracles

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    Plokiahelatehnoloogia on osutunud paljude tööstusharude potentsiaalseks lammutajaks ning on saanud eraldiseisvate üksuste jaoks turvalise ja detsentraliseeritud toimimise võimaldajaks. Sellest hoolimata ei ole plokiahelatehnoloogia iseenesest väliste andmeallikatega otseselt seotud. Vajalikke väliseid andmeid vahendatakse oraaklite abil. Selle magistritöö eesmärk on uurida seoseid plokiahela võrkude ja oraaklite vahel ning töötada välja raamistik, mis aitab plokiahela arendajaid ja otsuste langetajaid nende plokiahela projektides millestki juhinduda. Mõnedes olemasolevates oraakliprojektides on kirjeldatud sarnaseid püüdluseid, kuid seni pole nende autorid süstemaatiliste ülevaadeteni jõudnud. Lõputöös esitatud raamistik on välja töötatud olemasolevate oraaklitega seotud plokiahela projektide süstemaatilise kirjanduse ülevaate põhjal. See hõlmab selliseid komponente nagu oraaklite poolt kogutud informatsiooni tüübid, plokiahelavõrgud, millega nad suhtlevad, ning ka oraaklite ja andmeallika vahelise suhtluse krüptimine. Lisaks mängib plokiahela oraakli projektides olulist rolli ka oraaklite otsuste tegemine, mis kajastab teabe edastamist oraaklile, nende andmete kontrollimist ja meetodeid, kuidas oraakleid integreeritakse plokiahela võrkudega. Läbivaatamise tulemused näitavad, et plokiahela oraaklid on keerulised lahendused, mis hõlmavad paljusid komponente ja aspekte. Need võivad olla immateriaalsed või materiaalsed ning edastada andmeid vastavalt veebist või anduriseadmetest. Oraakleid saab kasutada igat tüüpi plokiahela võrkudes ja integreerida erinevates formaatides, sealhulgas nutikates lepinguliidestes, või otse teiste plokiahela-sõlmedega. Neid saab otsustusprotsessides tsentraliseerida või detsentraliseerida ja nad suudavad kasutada andmete õigsuse üle otsustamiseks mitmesuguseid olemasolevaid nõuandemehhanisme või usaldada lihtsalt välist andmepakkujat. Need uurimise tulemused aitavad plokiahela arendajatel demüstifitseerida oraaklite potentsiaalset kasutamist või rakendamist oma plokiahela projektides ning aitavad ületada lõhet plokiahela virtuaalse maailma ja väliste keskkondade vahel.Blockchain technology has emerged as a potential disruptor of multiple industries and became an enabler for separate entities to trans-act in a secure and decentralized manner. Nevertheless, the blockchain technology in itself does not directly interact with the external data sources. External data, that is needed, is transferred by means of oracles. The research goal of this thesis is to explore the relationship between blockchain networks and oracles and develop a framework to help guide blockchain developers and decision makers in their blockchain projects. Few of the existing oracle projects have described similar efforts in their papers, but no systematic review has been made by authors. The framework, presented in the thesis, is developed based on Systematic Literature Review of existing blockchain projects involving oracles. It includes components such as type of information oracles collect, blockchain networks with which they interact as well as encryption of communication between the oracles and the data source. Additionally, oracle decision making, which captures how the information is passed to the oracle, along with the verification of that data and methods of integration of oracles with blockchain networks, play an important role in blockchain oracle projects. The results of the review demonstrate that blockchain oracles are complex solutions involving multiple components and aspects. They can be intangible or tangible and transport data from web or sensor devices respectively. Oracles can be used in all types of blockchain networks and integrated in different formats including custom smart contract interfaces or directly with blockchain nodes. They can be centralized or decentralized in terms of decision making and utilize various existing consensus mechanisms to decide on correctness of the data or simply trust the external data provider. These findings will help the blockchain developers demystify the potential usage or implementation of oracles in their blockchain projects and help bridge the gap between the virtual world of blockchain and the external environments

    A systematic review of blockchain in healthcare : frameworks, prototypes, and implementations

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    Blockchain, a form of distributed ledger technology has attracted the interests of stakeholders across several sectors including healthcare. Its' potential in the multi-stakeholder operated sector like health has been responsible for several investments, studies, and implementations. Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems traditionally used for the exchange of health information amongst healthcare stakeholders have been criticised for centralising power, failures and attack-points with exchange data custodians. EHRs have struggled in the face of multi-stakeholder and system requirements while adhering to security, privacy, ethical and other regulatory constraints. Blockchain is promising amongst others to address the many EHR challenges, primarily trustless and secure exchange of health information amongst stakeholders. Many blockchain-in-healthcare frameworks have been proposed; some prototyped and/or implemented. This study leveraged the PRISMA framework to systematically search and evaluate the different models proposed; prototyped and/or implemented. The bibliometric and functional distribution of all 143 articles from this study were presented. This study evaluated 61 articles that discussed either prototypes or pilot or implementations. The technical and architectural analysis of these 61 articles for privacy, security, cost, and performance were detailed. Blockchain was found to solve the trust, security and privacy constraints of traditional EHRs often at significant performance, storage and cost trade-offs.peer-reviewe

    BlockNet Report: Exploring the Blockchain Skills Concept and Best Practice Use Cases

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    In order to explore the practical potential and needs of interdisciplinary knowledge and competence requirements of Blockchain technology, the project activity "Development of Interdisciplinary Blockchain Skills Concept" starts with the literature review identifying the state of the art of Blockchain in Supply Chain Management and Logistics, Business and Finance, as well as Computer Science and IT-Security. The project activity further explores the academic and industry landscape of existing initiatives in education which offer Blockchain courses. Moreover, job descriptions and adverts are analyzed in order to specify today's competence requirements from enterprises. To discuss and define the future required competence, expert workshops are organized to validate the findings by academic experts. Based on the research outcome and validation, an interdisciplinary approach for Blockchain competence is developed. A second part focuses on the development of the Blockchain Best Practices activity while conducting qualitative empirical research based on case studies with industry representatives. Therefore, company interviews, based on the theoretical basis of Output 1, explore existing Blockchain use cases in different sectors. Due to the interdisciplinary importance of Blockchain technology, these skills will be defined by different perspectives of Blockchain from across multiple mentioned disciplines. The use cases and companies for the interviews will be selected based on various sampling criteria to gain results valid for a broad scale. The analysis of the various use cases will be conducted and defined in a standardized format to identify the key drivers and competence requirements for Blockchain technology applications and their adoption. On the one hand, this approach ensures comparability, on the other hand, it facilitates the development of a structured and systematic framework.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2102.0322