15 research outputs found

    Metamorphosing Indian Blockchain ecosystem

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    A blockchain is a decentralised database that is shared across computer network nodes. A blockchain acts as a database, storing information in a digital format. The study primarily aims to explore how in the future, block chain technology will alter several areas of the Indian economy. The current study aims to obtain a deeper understanding of blockchain technology's idea and implementation in India, as well as the technology's potential as a disruptive financial technological innovation. Secondary sources such as reports, journals, papers, and websites were used to compile all the data. Current and relevant information were utilised to help understand the research goals. All the information is rationally organised to fulfil the objectives. The current research focuses on recommendations for enhancing India's Blockchain ecosystem so that it may become one of the best in the world at utilising this new technology

    Revolutionizing Thailand鈥檚 Agricultural Sector: The Transformative Potential of Blockchain Technology in Digital Economy Supportive Policy

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    聽 Blockchain technology is a data storage system that involves a distributed database, which is a modern technology that has garnered widespread interest and study both locally and internationally. Currently, blockchain technology has revolutionized the world of business, finance, and banking, as well as government agencies in different countries, which have elevated their management to become digital governments that align with the digital economy. This can help to facilitate and improve the lives of citizens by making services more convenient, trustworthy, transparent, and verifiable, as well as reducing the steps involved in coordinating government activities. The purpose of this article is to study the principles of blockchain technology and smart contracts, as well as to propose recommendations for their application to solve the problems of government management in the agricultural sector in Thailand, to ensure smooth and efficient operations. Blockchain technology is a new technology that has garnered interest and study both locally and internationally, and has been revolutionary in the business sector, particularly in finance and banking. Many countries have upgraded their government management systems in response to the digital technology that is expanding in all sectors of the economy, which is crucial to the running of government operations and management. In addition, it can support and assist in providing convenience for citizens to access government services quickly, efficiently, transparently, and verifiably. This study has four main points: 1) top-down decision-making, 2) income stability, 3) unintended outcomes, and 4) the motivation of politicians and government officials. The results of this study show that supporting Thailand's digital economy in the agricultural sector can be achieved through the use of blockchain technology in data management, smart contracts to influence production factors, supporting and providing various benefits to farmers, and even implementing e-voting and allocating benefits to community-related activities. This can help to collect data from these activities to use for policy development and review

    Model Sistem Verifikasi Dokumen Ijazah Digital Berbasis Teknologi Blockchain

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    Blockchain is an information recording system and cannot be modified, hacked, or cheated. Along with the development of new technologies, researchers hope blockchain technology will have the same impact on the world of education, especially in universities in Indonesia. From the results of this study, there will be a model of a diploma verification system based on blockchain technology. From the problems above, it is necessary to make a prototype that can see or detect the authenticity of a document, especially for diplomas at tertiary institutions in Indonesia. Namely by implementing blockchain technology as the latest innovation for the future of the Digital Diploma Document Verification System in Indonesia and the World. Specific research objectives include; 1) Designing computer vision-based tools to determine the identification of the authenticity of diploma documents, 2) Developing prototypes and testing functional programming to determine the level of suitability with field conditions, 3) Implementing blockchain and similar technologies for diploma identification in order to accelerate diploma identification. The research flow begins by inputting the main image of the STMIK Indonesia Banda Aceh certificate. Then it is described in the Blockchain format of five chains, where each chain tests using the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) method, and the highest value is an identical image. This study's results indicate identical images founds using the Block Chain format and the PSNR method.Blockchain adalah sistem pencatatan informasi serta tidak dapat untuk mengubah, meretas, atau menipu. Seiring dengan perkembangan tentang teknologi baru, peneliti mengharapkan teknologi blockchain memiliki dampak yang sama pada dunia pendidikan khususnya di Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia. Diharapkan dari hasil penelitian ini, adanya suatu model sistem verifikasi ijazah berbasis teknologi blockchain. Dari permasalahan di atas, maka diperlukan membuat suatu prototipe yang dapat melihat atau mendeteksi keaslian suatu dokumen khususnya ijazah pada perguruan tinggi di Indonesia. yaitu dengan menerapkan teknologi blockchain sebagai inovasi terbaru bagi masa depan Sistem Verifikasi Dokumen Ijazah Digital di Indonesia dan Dunia. Tujuan khusus penelitian antara lain untuk; 1) Merancang piranti berbasis visi komputer untuk menentukan identifikasi keaslian dokumen Ijazah, 2) Mengembangkan prototipe dan menguji fungsional pemrograman untuk mengetahui tingkat kesesuaian dengan kondisi lapangan, 3) Menerapkan teknologi blockchain dan sejenis untuk identifikasi Ijazah agar dapat mempercepat identifikasian ijazah. Alur penelitian dimulai menginput citra utama ijazah STMIK Indonesia Banda Aceh, kemudian diuraikan dalam format BlokChain sebanyak lima rantai, dimana setiap rantai diuji menggunakan metode Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) dan nilai tertinggi merupakan citra yang identik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa menggunakan format Block Chain dan metode PSNR adalah ditemukan citra yang identik

    Cryptocurrency and its digital panorama in the Colombian Government

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    A lo largo de los 煤ltimos a帽os, as铆 como en el uso de los factores de criptomoneda que han sido influenciados por tecnolog铆as como Blockchain. Este art铆culo investiga la situaci贸n actual de las llamadas criptomonedas en la escena internacional, as铆 como la posici贸n de aceptaci贸n, rechazo o indiferencia de distintas naciones. Posteriormente, se eval煤a la situaci贸n actual de Colombia y su posici贸n con respecto a las Criptomonedas. A continuaci贸n, se emite una reuni贸n con un panel de expertos para aportar una serie de propuestas que ellos evaluaran y, en base a estas, se emite una colecci贸n de aportes relacionados con el concepto de criptomoneda que se re define. Por ello, se procede a caracterizar a los actores involucrados en las transacciones realizadas con este medio. Finalmente, se da una breve recomendaci贸n para preservar la integridad de los usuarios colombianos y una sugerencia para formar un grupo interdisciplinario bajo el concepto de e-government que tiene como objetivo investigar y observar el uso potencial de las aplicaciones de la tecnolog铆a que rodea las criptomonedas y su relaci贸n con el e-government.Throughout recent years as well as in the use of cryptocurrencies factors that have been influenced by technologies such as Blockchain. This article investigates the current situation of the so-called cryptocurrencies in the international scene, as well as the acceptance, rejection or indifference position of different nations. Afterwards, the current situation of Colombia and its position with respect to the Cryptocurrencies is evaluated. Followed by this, a meet with a panel of experts is issued in order to provide a series of proposals that they evaluate and based on these a series of contributions regarding the concept of the cryptocurrency that is re-defined. Therefore, proceeding to characterize the actors involved in the transactions carried out with this medium. Finally, a brief recommendation is given to preserve the integrity of the Colombian users and a suggestion to form an interdisciplinary group under the concept of e-government that aims to investigate and observe the potential use of the applications of the technology that surrounds cryptocurrencies and their relationship with e-government

    A novel e-government framework using blockchain

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    The e-Government system leverages Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to transform the relationship between government bodies and citizens, businesses and other government ministries, departments, and agencies. The primary aim is to make government services more seamless, efficient and timely for every citizen and organisation. However, eGovernment systems are now faced with security threats and cyber attacks, and these challenges have raised concerns about users' privacy as well as the confidentiality and integrity of user data. Therefore, this paper assesses the degree of risk and vulnerability associated with websites used for e-Government function. This paper considers one such website, the Saudi's e-government website Yesser, by using three penetration test tools namely Zap, Rapid7, and Nessus. The results show that the Yesser website does not have critical vulnerabilities; however, it has severe and medium-level vulnerabilities. The paper proposes a new framework which can integrate blockchain based scheme into the Saudi eGovernment system. The framework represents a hierarchical model and involves the use of blockchain between the De Militarized Zone (DMZ) and the Secured Intranet zone

    New Research Trends in Designing E-Government Architecture Based on Blockchain Technology

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    Blockchain has garnered the most attention as the most important new technology that supports recent digital transactions via e-government. The most critical challenge for public e-government systems is reducing bureaucracy and increasing the efficiency and performance of administrative processes in these systems since blockchain technology can play a role in a decentralized environment and execute a high level of security transactions and transparency. So, the main objectives of this work are to survey different proposed models for e-government system architecture based on blockchain technology implementation and how these models are validated.聽 This work studies and analyzes some research trends focused on blockchain and the future of e-governance for connecting citizens and smart cities, such as Using Blockchain in the Notarial Office (NO), using blockchain technology in the management of police complaints, exploring blockchain-enabled end-to-end security e-voting, using blockchain and smart contract technology for trusted and safe property registration and record management, and using a blockchain-enabled Vehicle Certification (BVC) framework. Finally, this work has proven that the issue of transforming governments from the traditional system to electronic governments based on blockchain technology has become an inevitable matter of time

    Understanding the challenges of blockchain technology adoption:Evidence from China鈥檚 developing carbon markets

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    PurposeBlockchain is a disruptive technology that has matured to deliver robust, global, IT systems, yet adoption lags predictions. The authors explore barriers to adoption in the context of a global challenge with multiple stakeholders: integration of carbon markets. Going beyond the dominant economic-rationalistic paradigm of information system (IS) innovation adoption, the authors reduce pro-innovation bias and broaden inter-organizational scope by using technological frames theory to capture the cognitive framing of the challenges perceived within the world鈥檚 largest carbon emitter: China.Design/methodology/approachSemi-structured interviews with 15 key experts representing three communities in China鈥檚 carbon markets: IT experts in carbon markets; carbon market experts with conceptual knowledge of blockchain and carbon market experts with practical blockchain experience.FindingsPerceived technical challenges were found to be the least significant in explaining adoption. Significant challenges in five areas: social, political legal and policy (PLP), data, organizational and managerial (OM) and economic, with PLP and OM given most weight. Mapping to frames developed to encompass these challenges: nature of technology, strategic use of technology and technology readiness resolved frame incongruence that, in the case explored, did not lead to rejection of blockchain, but a decision to defer investment, increase the scope of analysis and delay the adoption decision.Originality/valueIncreases scope and resolution of IS adoption research. Technological frames theory moves from predominant economic-rational models to a social cognitive perspective. Broadens understanding of blockchain adoption in a context combining the world鈥檚 most carbon emissions with ownership of most blockchain patents, detailing socio-technical challenges and delivering practical guidance for policymakers and practitioners