34,888 research outputs found

    A comparative study of an aminopeptidase from lactic acid bacteria: a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Biochemistry at Massey University

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    Aminopeptidase enzymes from the proteolytic systems of S.salivarius subsp.thermophilus Lactococcus lactis subsp.cremoris and Lactococcus lactis subsp.lactis have been investigated. An aminopeptidase was purified to near homogeneity from a crude cell free extract of S.thermophilus 5109. The enzyme had a native molecular weight of approximately 96kDa determined by gel-filtration, and a subunit molecular weight of 98kDa, determined by denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, showing the native enzyme to be a monomer. The aminopeptidase activity was optimal at pH 7.0 and 35°C. The enzyme was inactivated by p-chloromercuribenzoic acid, iodoacetic acid,the chelating agents EDTA and 1,10-phenanthroline and the divalent cations Cu2+, Zn2+ and Co2+. The aminopeptidase was not inhibited by the serine protease inhibitor PMSF and only minor inhibition occured with the inhibitor No:-p-tosyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone (TLCK). The aminopeptidase was capable of hydrolysing several amino-acyl amido methyl coumarin (AMC) and p-nitroanilide (pNA) derivatives, particularly those of lysine, arginine and leucine. The enzyme showed greatest activity with lysyl derivatives (and is therefore referred to in this thesis as a lys-aminopeptidase). The enzyme was able to degrade several oligopeptides by progressive cleavage of the peptide bond but did not hydrolyse peptides containing a proline or aspartic acid residue in the second position. The aminopeptidase activity was dependent on the size of the peptide in that generally only peptides with more than three amino acids were degraded. The aminopeptidase had no endopeptidase or dipeptidase activity. Five different amino-acyl p-nitroanilides derivatives and two amido methyl coumarin derivatives were used to determine the kinetic parameters of the aminopeptidase. The Km values obtained for all the substrates tested were similar, with the exception of ala-pNA, for which the Km value was significantly higher. On the basis of the distribution of activity between different cell-fractions the lys­ aminopeptidase appears to be localised intracellularly. An aminopeptidase was also partially purified from cell-free extracts from Lactococcus lactis subsp.cremoris AM2 and Lactococcus lactis subsp.lactis ML3. The aminopeptidase from L.cremoris AM2 was shown to have a molecular weight of 106kDa and was a monomer. It showed optimal activity at a pH of 7.0 and 450c. The aminopeptidase activity was inhibited by metal-chelators, SH group inhibitors and TLCK. The aminopeptidase hydrolysed lysyl-, arginyl- and leucyl-p-nitroanilide derivatives, but had little or no activity with other pNA substrates. The aminopeptidase from L.lactis ML3 had a molecular weight of 100-105kDa and was monomeric. The optimal activity for the aminopeptidase was at pH of 7.0 and 40°C. The enzyme was inactivated by metal-chelators, sulphydryl inhibitors and by TLCK. Like the aminopeptidases from the other two strains the ML3 aminopeptidase was very specific hydrolysing lysyl-, leucyl- and arginyl-pNA but with very little or no activity with other amino-acyl derivatives

    Proteasome Inhibitors: Harnessing Proteostasis to Combat Disease

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    The proteasome is the central component of the main cellular protein degradation pathway. During the past four decades, the critical function of the proteasome in numerous physiological processes has been revealed, and proteasome activity has been linked to various human diseases. The proteasome prevents the accumulation of misfolded proteins, controls the cell cycle, and regulates the immune response, to name a few important roles for this macromolecular “machine.” As a therapeutic target, proteasome inhibitors have been approved for the treatment of multiple myeloma and mantle cell lymphoma. However, inability to sufficiently inhibit proteasome activity at tolerated doses has hampered efforts to expand the scope of proteasome inhibitor-based therapies. With emerging new modalities in myeloma, it might seem challenging to develop additional proteasome-based therapies. However, the constant development of new applications for proteasome inhibitors and deeper insights into the intricacies of protein homeostasis suggest that proteasome inhibitors might have novel therapeutic applications. Herein, we summarize the latest advances in proteasome inhibitor development and discuss the future of proteasome inhibitors and other proteasome-based therapies in combating human diseases

    Mapping specificity, cleavage entropy, allosteric changes and substrates of blood proteases in a high-throughput screen

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    Proteases are among the largest protein families and critical regulators of biochemical processes like apoptosis and blood coagulation. Knowledge of proteases has been expanded by the development of proteomic approaches, however, technology for multiplexed screening of proteases within native environments is currently lacking behind. Here we introduce a simple method to profile protease activity based on isolation of protease products from native lysates using a 96FASP filter, their analysis in a mass spectrometer and a custom data analysis pipeline. The method is significantly faster, cheaper, technically less demanding, easy to multiplex and produces accurate protease fingerprints. Using the blood cascade proteases as a case study, we obtain protease substrate profiles that can be used to map specificity, cleavage entropy and allosteric effects and to design protease probes. The data further show that protease substrate predictions enable the selection of potential physiological substrates for targeted validation in biochemical assays

    Characterization of the Hemagglutinin Cleaving Transmembrane Serine Proteases Matriptase and TMPRSS2

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    Influenza is one of the commonest infectious diseases affecting millions of people every year including 290,000 – 650,000 heavy casualties. Influenza viruses undergo constant genetic changes and every 10 – 50 years new influenza virus strains emerge that potentially cause a severe pandemic. In this modern interconnected world, experts believe the next influenza pandemic will be a “devastating global health event with far-reaching consequences” [1]. Novel effective anti-influenza drugs are in need. One strategy of influenza research is to focus on host-specific proteases that are essential for virus activation and spread. Trypsin-like serine proteases are crucial for influenza activation by mediating the cleavage of the viral surface glycoprotein HA and hence promoting the fusion potential of the virus. Therefore, their inhibition provides a promising therapeutic approach. The present work focused on the characterization of two relevant HA cleaving type-II transmembrane serine proteases matriptase and TMPRSS2. Chapter 3 and chapter 4 of this thesis engaged with the recombinant production of matriptase (chapter 3) in order to obtain a pure functional enzyme of high quality for a SAR study with novel monobasic (hence potentially bioavailable) matriptase inhibitors of the 3-amidinophenylalanine type (chapter 4). Adequate amounts of high-quality matriptase enzymes were isolated using a new expression system and in total 5 matriptase crystals were available at the end of this thesis for structural analysis. The matriptase inhibitor design in this thesis focused on matriptase-affine compounds with a fair selectivity profile against the blood coagulation enzymes thrombin and fXa. In total, 18 new monobasic and potentially bioavailable, as well as four new dibasic compounds of the 3-amidinophenylalanine types were tested. Based on the last published crystal structure of this inhibitor type in complex with matriptase from 2006 (PDB code 2GV6) docking was used as a structure-based virtual screening method for lead optimization of the compounds N-terminus. Selected compounds were suggested to interact with the carbonyl side chain of Gln175 of matriptase to achieve a higher affinity of matriptase compared to fXa. The 4-tert-butylureido-piperidine could be identified as suitable C-terminus in combination with 3-fluoro-4-hydroxymethyl biphenylsulphonyl N-terminally in order to obtain excellent selectivity over thrombin. The binding mode of this compound (compound 55) was crystallographically determined in complex with matriptase as well as trypsin. Trypsin proved as a suitable alternative to matriptase for detailed binding mode analysis of the compounds N-terminus. However, different preferences were detected for the C-terminus. Dibasic compounds showed higher matriptase affinity and selectivity in comparison with the monobasic analogues. However, the tested monobasic compounds were still decent matriptase inhibitors that are additionally suitable for cell culture and animal studies in their benzamidine prodrug forms, which are well established from related inhibitors of thrombin. In addition, selected monobasic as well as dibasic compounds demonstrated strong suppression of the replication of certain H9N2 influenza viruses in a matriptase-expressing MDCK II cell model. These matriptase inhibitors could be potential lead structures for the development of new drugs against H9 strains for influenza. TMPRSS2 is widely discussed for its role in influenza activation. With a TMPRSS2 dependancy of HA-activation of certain subtypes, the characterization of this protease is an important prerequisite for being available as a target for influenza drug design. However, only little is known about the physiological function of TMPRSS2 and no experimental structure data are available at the moment to enable a structure-based drug development. Therefore, chapter 5 of this thesis focused on the characterization of TMPRSS2 in order to develop a strategy for the isolation of proteolytically active TMPRSS2 from cell culture. Even though, no functional TMPRSS2 could be recovered at the end of this work some new structural characteristics of TMPRSS2 were identified as crucial for functionality insight the cell. In general, TMPRSS2 without the cytosolic part, the transmembrane domain and the LDLRA domain is able to undergo autocatalytically activation if an artificial signal peptide was added N-terminal to enable entry into the endoplasmic reticulum. The presence of the cysteine-rich SRCR domain and the presence of the disulfide chain that connects the SPD and the stem region after activation cleavage have been identified as crucial for activity. N-terminal truncation of TMPRSS2 did not result in obvious dislocation within the cell: as the full-length positive control truncated TMPRSS2 was exclusively found in cell compartments surrounding the nucleus in immunofluorescence experiments. However, a reduced proteolytic cleavage activity towards H3-HA in co-expression experiments has been observed and might be a result of dislocation, since truncated TMPRSS2 is not bound to the biomembrane anymore. In addition, TMPRSS2 has been identified as a potential substrate of matriptase in vitro, which suggests possible participation in several zymogen cascades

    Inhibitory antibodies designed for matrix metalloproteinase modulation

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    The family of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) consists of a set of biological targets that are involved in a multitude of severe pathogenic events such as different forms of cancers or arthritis. Modulation of the target class with small molecule drugs has not led to the anticipated success until present, as all clinical trials failed due to unacceptable side effects or a lack of therapeutic outcome. Monoclonal antibodies offer a tremendous therapeutic potential given their high target selectivity and good pharmacokinetic profiles. For the treatment of a variety of diseases there are already antibody therapies available and the number is increasing. Recently, several antibodies were developed for the selective inhibition of single MMPs that showed high potency and were therefore investigated in in vivo studies with promising results. In this review, we highlight the progress that has been achieved toward the design of inhibitory antibodies that successfully modulate MMP-9 and MMP-14

    The Extended Cleavage Specificity of Human Thrombin

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    Thrombin is one of the most extensively studied of all proteases. Its central role in the coagulation cascade as well as several other areas has been thoroughly documented. Despite this, its consensus cleavage site has never been determined in detail. Here we have determined its extended substrate recognition profile using phage-display technology. The consensus recognition sequence was identified as, P2-Pro, P1-Arg, P1′-Ser/Ala/Gly/Thr, P2′-not acidic and P3′-Arg. Our analysis also identifies an important role for a P3′-arginine in thrombin substrates lacking a P2-proline. In order to study kinetics of this cooperative or additive effect we developed a system for insertion of various pre-selected cleavable sequences in a linker region between two thioredoxin molecules. Using this system we show that mutations of P2-Pro and P3′-Arg lead to an approximate 20-fold and 14-fold reduction, respectively in the rate of cleavage. Mutating both Pro and Arg results in a drop in cleavage of 200–400 times, which highlights the importance of these two positions for maximal substrate cleavage. Interestingly, no natural substrates display the obtained consensus sequence but represent sequences that show only 1–30% of the optimal cleavage rate for thrombin. This clearly indicates that maximal cleavage, excluding the help of exosite interactions, is not always desired, which may instead cause problems with dysregulated coagulation. It is likely exosite cooperativity has a central role in determining the specificity and rate of cleavage of many of these in vivo substrates. Major effects on cleavage efficiency were also observed for residues as far away as 4 amino acids from the cleavage site. Insertion of an aspartic acid in position P4 resulted in a drop in cleavage by a factor of almost 20 times

    Polymerization of Peptide Polymers for Biomaterial Applications

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