62 research outputs found

    Representation and coding of 3D video data

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    Livrable D4.1 du projet ANR PERSEECe rapport a été réalisé dans le cadre du projet ANR PERSEE (n° ANR-09-BLAN-0170). Exactement il correspond au livrable D4.1 du projet

    Video Stream Adaptation In Computer Vision Systems

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    Computer Vision (CV) has been deployed recently in a wide range of applications, including surveillance and automotive industries. According to a recent report, the market for CV technologies will grow to $33.3 billion by 2019. Surveillance and automotive industries share over 20% of this market. This dissertation considers the design of real-time CV systems with live video streaming, especially those over wireless and mobile networks. Such systems include video cameras/sensors and monitoring stations. The cameras should adapt their captured videos based on the events and/or available resources and time requirement. The monitoring station receives video streams from all cameras and run CV algorithms for decisions, warnings, control, and/or other actions. Real-time CV systems have constraints in power, computational, and communicational resources. Most video adaptation techniques considered the video distortion as the primary metric. In CV systems, however, the main objective is enhancing the event/object detection/recognition/tracking accuracy. The accuracy can essentially be thought of as the quality perceived by machines, as opposed to the human perceptual quality. High-Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) is a recent encoding standard that seeks to address the limited communication bandwidth problem as a result of the popularity of High Definition (HD) videos. Unfortunately, HEVC adopts algorithms that greatly slow down the encoding process, and thus results in complications in real-time systems. This dissertation presents a method for adapting live video streams to limited and varying network bandwidth and energy resources. It analyzes and compares the rate-accuracy and rate-energy characteristics of various video streams adaptation techniques in CV systems. We model the video capturing, encoding, and transmission aspects and then provide an overall model of the power consumed by the video cameras and/or sensors. In addition to modeling the power consumption, we model the achieved bitrate of video encoding. We validate and analyze the power consumption models of each phase as well as the aggregate power consumption model through extensive experiments. The analysis includes examining individual parameters separately and examining the impacts of changing more than one parameter at a time. For HEVC, we develop an algorithm that predicts the size of the block without iterating through the exhaustive Rate Distortion Optimization (RDO) method. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in comparison with existing algorithms. The proposed algorithm achieves approximately 5 times the encoding speed of the RDO algorithm and 1.42 times the encoding speed of the fastest analyzed algorithm

    Improved Side Information Generation for Distributed Video Coding by Exploiting Spatial and Temporal Correlations

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    Distributed Video Coding (DVC) is a new paradigm in video coding, which is receiving a lot of interests nowadays. Side Information (SI) generation is a key function in the DVC decoder, and plays a key-role in determining the performance of the codec. This paper proposes an improved motion compensated frame interpolation for SI generation in DVC, which exploits both spatial and temporal correlations in the sequences. Partially decoded Wyner-Ziv (WZ) frames, based on initial SI by motion compensated temporal interpolation, are exploited to improve the performance of the whole SI generation. More specifically, an enhanced temporal frame interpolation is proposed, including motion vector refinement and smoothing, optimal compensation mode selection, and a new matching criterion for motion estimation. The improved SI technique is also applied to a new hybrid spatial and temporal error concealment scheme to conceal errors in WZ frames, where the error-concealed results from spatial concealment are used to improve the performance of temporal concealment. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can achieve up to 1.0 dB improvement in rate distortion performance in WZ frames for video with high motion, when compared to state-of-the-art DVC. In addition, both the objective and perceptual quality of the corrupted sequences are significantly improved by the proposed hybrid error concealment scheme, outperforming both spatial and temporal concealments alone

    Efficient Motion Estimation and Mode Decision Algorithms for Advanced Video Coding

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    H.264/AVC video compression standard achieved significant improvements in coding efficiency, but the computational complexity of the H.264/AVC encoder is drastically high. The main complexity of encoder comes from variable block size motion estimation (ME) and rate-distortion optimized (RDO) mode decision methods. This dissertation proposes three different methods to reduce computation of motion estimation. Firstly, the computation of each distortion measure is reduced by proposing a novel two step edge based partial distortion search (TS-EPDS) algorithm. In this algorithm, the entire macroblock is divided into different sub-blocks and the calculation order of partial distortion is determined based on the edge strength of the sub-blocks. Secondly, we have developed an early termination algorithm that features an adaptive threshold based on the statistical characteristics of rate-distortion (RD) cost regarding current block and previously processed blocks and modes. Thirdly, this dissertation presents a novel adaptive search area selection method by utilizing the information of the previously computed motion vector differences (MVDs). In H.264/AVC intra coding, DC mode is used to predict regions with no unified direction and the predicted pixel values are same and thus smooth varying regions are not well de-correlated. This dissertation proposes an improved DC prediction (IDCP) mode based on the distance between the predicted and reference pixels. On the other hand, using the nine prediction modes in intra 4x4 and 8x8 block units needs a lot of overhead bits. In order to reduce the number of overhead bits, an intra mode bit rate reduction method is suggested. This dissertation also proposes an enhanced algorithm to estimate the most probable mode (MPM) of each block. The MPM is derived from the prediction mode direction of neighboring blocks which have different weights according to their positions. This dissertation also suggests a fast enhanced cost function for mode decision of intra encoder. The enhanced cost function uses sum of absolute Hadamard-transformed differences (SATD) and mean absolute deviation of the residual block to estimate distortion part of the cost function. A threshold based large coefficients count is also used for estimating the bit-rate part

    Cooperative and individualistic functions of the microRNAs in the miR-23a~27a~24-2 cluster and its implication in human diseases

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    The small RNA molecules of about 19-22 nucleotides in length, aptly called microRNAs, perform the task of gene regulation in the cell. Interestingly, till the early nineties very little was known about them but eventually, the microRNAs have become forefront in the area of research. The huge number of microRNAs plus each one of them targeting a vast number of related as well as unrelated genes makes them very interesting molecules to study. To add to the mystery of miRNAs is the fact that the same miRNA can have antagonizing role in two different cell types i.e. in one cell type; the miRNA promotes proliferation whereas in another cell type the same miRNA inhibits proliferation. Another remarkable aspect of the microRNAs is that many of them exist in clusters. In humans alone, out of 721 microRNAs known, 247 of them occur in 64 clusters at an inter-miRNA distance of less than 5000bp. The reason for this clustering of miRNAs is not fully understood but since the miRNA clusters are evolutionary conserved, their significance cannot be ruled out. The objective of this review is to summarize the recent progress on the functional characterization of miR-23a~27a~24-2 cluster in humans in relation to various health and diseased conditions and to highlight the cooperative effects of the miRNAs of this cluster

    Variability in the Firing of Nerve Impulses in Eccentric Cells of the Limulus Eye

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    Thesis is concerned with the source and characteristics of variability in the discharge of impulses by neurons. The neuron in which variability was studied is the eccentric cell in the compound eye of the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus. In Part I a theory is presented which accounts for the variability in the response of an eccentric cell to light. The main idea of this theory is that the source of randomness in the impulse rate is noise in the generator potential. Another essential aspect of the theory is the view that the process which codes the generator potential into the impulse rate may be treated as a linear filter. These ideas lead directly to Fourier analysis of the fluctuations of the generator potential and fluctuations of the impulse rate. Experimental verification of theoretical predictions was obtained by measurement of the fluctuations and calculation of their variance spectrum. The variance spectrum (or power spectrum) of the impulse rate is shown to be the filtered variance spectrum of the generator potential. Another verification of the theory is the finding that in many cells the signal-to-noise ratio is constant for responses to sinusoidally modulated light, at all modulation frequencies. Inhibition from neighboring eccentric cells will have an effect on the variability of firing of a given eccentric cell. The effects of inhibition are discussed in Part II. The reduction in the average impulse rate which is caused by inhibition decreases the variance of the impulse rate. However, this reduction of the average impulse rate increases the coefficient of variation of the impulse rate. Inhibitory synaptic noise adds to the low frequency portion of the variance spectrum of the impulse rate. This occurs because of the Ill slow time course of the inhibitory synaptic potentials. As a consequence, inhibition decreases the signal-to-noise ratio for low frequency modulated stimuli. The net effect of inhibition is to increase the coefficient of variation of the impulse rate. This effect is predicted by the linear model of the eccentric cell. The same qualitative effect is predicted by other theories of neuronal variability, although its importance is stressed here for the first time

    Image Synthesis under Limited Data: A Survey and Taxonomy

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    Deep generative models, which target reproducing the given data distribution to produce novel samples, have made unprecedented advancements in recent years. Their technical breakthroughs have enabled unparalleled quality in the synthesis of visual content. However, one critical prerequisite for their tremendous success is the availability of a sufficient number of training samples, which requires massive computation resources. When trained on limited data, generative models tend to suffer from severe performance deterioration due to overfitting and memorization. Accordingly, researchers have devoted considerable attention to develop novel models that are capable of generating plausible and diverse images from limited training data recently. Despite numerous efforts to enhance training stability and synthesis quality in the limited data scenarios, there is a lack of a systematic survey that provides 1) a clear problem definition, critical challenges, and taxonomy of various tasks; 2) an in-depth analysis on the pros, cons, and remain limitations of existing literature; as well as 3) a thorough discussion on the potential applications and future directions in the field of image synthesis under limited data. In order to fill this gap and provide a informative introduction to researchers who are new to this topic, this survey offers a comprehensive review and a novel taxonomy on the development of image synthesis under limited data. In particular, it covers the problem definition, requirements, main solutions, popular benchmarks, and remain challenges in a comprehensive and all-around manner.Comment: 230 references, 25 pages. GitHub: https://github.com/kobeshegu/awesome-few-shot-generatio

    Codage réseau pour des applications multimédias avancées

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    Network coding is a paradigm that allows an efficient use of the capacity of communication networks. It maximizes the throughput in a multi-hop multicast communication and reduces the delay. In this thesis, we focus our attention to the integration of the network coding framework to multimedia applications, and in particular to advanced systems that provide enhanced video services to the users. Our contributions concern several instances of advanced multimedia communications: an efficient framework for transmission of a live stream making joint use of network coding and multiple description coding; a novel transmission strategy for lossy wireless networks that guarantees a trade-off between loss resilience and short delay based on a rate-distortion optimized scheduling of the video frames, that we also extended to the case of interactive multi-view streaming; a distributed social caching system that, using network coding in conjunction with the knowledge of the users' preferences in terms of views, is able to select a replication scheme such that to provide a high video quality by accessing only other members of the social group without incurring the access cost associated with a connection to a central server and without exchanging large tables of metadata to keep track of the replicated parts; and, finally, a study on using blind source separation techniques to reduce the overhead incurred by network coding schemes based on error-detecting techniques such as parity coding and message digest generation. All our contributions are aimed at using network coding to enhance the quality of video transmission in terms of distortion and delay perceivedLe codage réseau est un paradigme qui permet une utilisation efficace du réseau. Il maximise le débit dans un réseau multi-saut en multicast et réduit le retard. Dans cette thèse, nous concentrons notre attention sur l’intégration du codage réseau aux applications multimédias, et en particulier aux systèmes avancès qui fournissent un service vidéo amélioré pour les utilisateurs. Nos contributions concernent plusieurs scénarios : un cadre de fonctions efficace pour la transmission de flux en directe qui utilise à la fois le codage réseau et le codage par description multiple, une nouvelle stratégie de transmission pour les réseaux sans fil avec perte qui garantit un compromis entre la résilience vis-à-vis des perte et la reduction du retard sur la base d’une optimisation débit-distorsion de l'ordonnancement des images vidéo, que nous avons également étendu au cas du streaming multi-vue interactive, un système replication sociale distribuée qui, en utilisant le réseau codage en relation et la connaissance des préférences des utilisateurs en termes de vue, est en mesure de sélectionner un schéma de réplication capable de fournir une vidéo de haute qualité en accédant seulement aux autres membres du groupe social, sans encourir le coût d’accès associé à une connexion à un serveur central et sans échanger des larges tables de métadonnées pour tenir trace des éléments répliqués, et, finalement, une étude sur l’utilisation de techniques de séparation aveugle de source -pour réduire l’overhead encouru par les schémas de codage réseau- basé sur des techniques de détection d’erreur telles que le codage de parité et la génération de message digest

    Visualization of modular structures in biological networks

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