214 research outputs found

    Watermarking security part II: practice

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    This second part focuses on estimation of secret parameters of some practical watermarking techniques. The first part reveals some theoretical bounds of information leakage about secret keys from observations. However, as usual in information theory, nothing has been said about practical algorithms which pirates use in real life application. Whereas Part One deals with the necessary number of observations to disclose secret keys (see definitions of security levels), this part focuses on the complexity or the computing power of practical estimators. Again, we are inspired here by the work of Shannon as in his famous article [15], he has already made a clear cut between the unicity distance and the work of opponents' algorithm. Our experimental work also illustrates how Blind Source Separation (especially Independent Component Analysis) algorithms help the opponent exploiting this information leakage to disclose the secret carriers in the spread spectrum case. Simulations assess the security levels theoretically derived in Part One

    Towards joint decoding of binary Tardos fingerprinting codes

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    The class of joint decoder of probabilistic fingerprinting codes is of utmost importance in theoretical papers to establish the concept of fingerprint capacity. However, no implementation supporting a large user base is known to date. This article presents an iterative decoder which is, as far as we are aware of, the first practical attempt towards joint decoding. The discriminative feature of the scores benefits on one hand from the side-information of previously accused users, and on the other hand, from recently introduced universal linear decoders for compound channels. Neither the code construction nor the decoder make precise assumptions about the collusion (size or strategy). The extension to incorporate soft outputs from the watermarking layer is straightforward. An extensive experimental work benchmarks the very good performance and offers a clear comparison with previous state-of-the-art decoders.Comment: submitted to IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security. - typos corrected, one new plot, references added about ECC based fingerprinting code

    Security of Lattice-Based Data Hiding Against the Watermarked-Only Attack

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    Recent Advances in Signal Processing

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    The signal processing task is a very critical issue in the majority of new technological inventions and challenges in a variety of applications in both science and engineering fields. Classical signal processing techniques have largely worked with mathematical models that are linear, local, stationary, and Gaussian. They have always favored closed-form tractability over real-world accuracy. These constraints were imposed by the lack of powerful computing tools. During the last few decades, signal processing theories, developments, and applications have matured rapidly and now include tools from many areas of mathematics, computer science, physics, and engineering. This book is targeted primarily toward both students and researchers who want to be exposed to a wide variety of signal processing techniques and algorithms. It includes 27 chapters that can be categorized into five different areas depending on the application at hand. These five categories are ordered to address image processing, speech processing, communication systems, time-series analysis, and educational packages respectively. The book has the advantage of providing a collection of applications that are completely independent and self-contained; thus, the interested reader can choose any chapter and skip to another without losing continuity

    Statistical Tools for Digital Image Forensics

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    A digitally altered image, often leaving no visual clues of having been tampered with, can be indistinguishable from an authentic image. The tampering, however, may disturb some underlying statistical properties of the image. Under this assumption, we propose five techniques that quantify and detect statistical perturbations found in different forms of tampered images: (1) re-sampled images (e.g., scaled or rotated); (2) manipulated color filter array interpolated images; (3) double JPEG compressed images; (4) images with duplicated regions; and (5) images with inconsistent noise patterns. These techniques work in the absence of any embedded watermarks or signatures. For each technique we develop the theoretical foundation, show its effectiveness on credible forgeries, and analyze its sensitivity and robustness to simple counter-attacks

    Application and Theory of Multimedia Signal Processing Using Machine Learning or Advanced Methods

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    This Special Issue is a book composed by collecting documents published through peer review on the research of various advanced technologies related to applications and theories of signal processing for multimedia systems using ML or advanced methods. Multimedia signals include image, video, audio, character recognition and optimization of communication channels for networks. The specific contents included in this book are data hiding, encryption, object detection, image classification, and character recognition. Academics and colleagues who are interested in these topics will find it interesting to read

    Zero-padding Network Coding and Compressed Sensing for Optimized Packets Transmission

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    Ubiquitous Internet of Things (IoT) is destined to connect everybody and everything on a never-before-seen scale. Such networks, however, have to tackle the inherent issues created by the presence of very heterogeneous data transmissions over the same shared network. This very diverse communication, in turn, produces network packets of various sizes ranging from very small sensory readings to comparatively humongous video frames. Such a massive amount of data itself, as in the case of sensory networks, is also continuously captured at varying rates and contributes to increasing the load on the network itself, which could hinder transmission efficiency. However, they also open up possibilities to exploit various correlations in the transmitted data due to their sheer number. Reductions based on this also enable the networks to keep up with the new wave of big data-driven communications by simply investing in the promotion of select techniques that efficiently utilize the resources of the communication systems. One of the solutions to tackle the erroneous transmission of data employs linear coding techniques, which are ill-equipped to handle the processing of packets with differing sizes. Random Linear Network Coding (RLNC), for instance, generates unreasonable amounts of padding overhead to compensate for the different message lengths, thereby suppressing the pervasive benefits of the coding itself. We propose a set of approaches that overcome such issues, while also reducing the decoding delays at the same time. Specifically, we introduce and elaborate on the concept of macro-symbols and the design of different coding schemes. Due to the heterogeneity of the packet sizes, our progressive shortening scheme is the first RLNC-based approach that generates and recodes unequal-sized coded packets. Another of our solutions is deterministic shifting that reduces the overall number of transmitted packets. Moreover, the RaSOR scheme employs coding using XORing operations on shifted packets, without the need for coding coefficients, thus favoring linear encoding and decoding complexities. Another facet of IoT applications can be found in sensory data known to be highly correlated, where compressed sensing is a potential approach to reduce the overall transmissions. In such scenarios, network coding can also help. Our proposed joint compressed sensing and real network coding design fully exploit the correlations in cluster-based wireless sensor networks, such as the ones advocated by Industry 4.0. This design focused on performing one-step decoding to reduce the computational complexities and delays of the reconstruction process at the receiver and investigates the effectiveness of combined compressed sensing and network coding

    Entropy in Image Analysis II

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    Image analysis is a fundamental task for any application where extracting information from images is required. The analysis requires highly sophisticated numerical and analytical methods, particularly for those applications in medicine, security, and other fields where the results of the processing consist of data of vital importance. This fact is evident from all the articles composing the Special Issue "Entropy in Image Analysis II", in which the authors used widely tested methods to verify their results. In the process of reading the present volume, the reader will appreciate the richness of their methods and applications, in particular for medical imaging and image security, and a remarkable cross-fertilization among the proposed research areas
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