22 research outputs found

    MU-Massive MIMO for UWA Communication

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    Enabling Technology in Optical Fiber Communications: From Device, System to Networking

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    This book explores the enabling technology in optical fiber communications. It focuses on the state-of-the-art advances from fundamental theories, devices, and subsystems to networking applications as well as future perspectives of optical fiber communications. The topics cover include integrated photonics, fiber optics, fiber and free-space optical communications, and optical networking

    Estudo de formas de onda e conceção de algoritmos para operação conjunta de sistemas de comunicação e radar

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    The focus of this thesis is the processing of signals and design of algorithms that can be used to enable radar functions in communications systems. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a popular multicarrier modulation waveform in communication systems. As a wideband signal, OFDM improves resolution and enables spectral efficiency in radar systems, while also improving detection performance thanks to its inherent frequency diversity. This thesis aims to use multicarrier waveforms for radar systems, to enable the simultaneous operation of radar and communication functions on the same device. The thesis is divided in two parts. The first part, studies the adaptation and application of other multicarrier waveforms to radar functions. At the present time many studies have been carried out to jointly use the OFDM signal for communication and radar functions, but other waveforms have shown to be possible candidates for communication applications. Therefore, studies on the evaluation of the application of these same signals to radar functions are necessary. In this thesis, to demonstrate that other multicarrier waveforms can overcome the OFDM waveform in radar/communication (RadCom) systems, we propose the adaptation of the filter bank multicarrier (FBMC), generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM) and universal filtering multicarrier (UFMC) waveforms for radar functions. These alternative waveforms were compared performance-wise regarding achievable target parameter estimation performance, amount of residual background noise in the radar image, impact of intersystem interference and flexibility of parameterization. In the second part of the thesis, signal processing techniques are explored to solve some of the limitations of the use of multicarrier waveforms for RadCom systems. Radar systems based on OFDM are promising candidates for future intelligent transport networks. Exploring the dual functionality enabled by OFDM, we presents cooperative methods for high-resolution delay-Doppler and direction-of-arrival estimation. High-resolution parameter estimation is an important requirement for automotive radar systems, especially in multi-target scenarios that require reliable target separation performance. By exploring the cooperation between vehicles, the studies presented in this thesis also enable the distributed tracking of targets. The result is a highly accurate multi-target tracking across the entire cooperative vehicle network, leading to improvements in transport reliability and safety.O foco desta tese é o processamento de sinais e desenvolvimento de algoritmos que podem ser utilizados para a habilitar a função de radar nos sistemas de comunicação. OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) é uma forma de onda com modulação multi-portadora, popular em sistemas de comunicação. Para sistemas de radar, O OFDM melhora a resolução e fornece eficiência espectral, além disso sua diversidade de frequências melhora o desempenho na detecção do radar. Essa tese tem como objetivo utilizar formas de onda multi-portadoras para sistemas de radar, possibilitando a operação simultânea de funções de radar e de comunicação num mesmo dispositivo. A tese esta dividida em duas partes. Na primeira parte da tese são realizados estudos da adaptabilidade de outras formas de onda multi-portadora para funções de radar. Nos dias atuais, muitos estudos sobre o uso do sinal OFDM para funções de comunicação e radar vêm sendo realizados, no entanto, outras formas de onda mostram-se possíveis candidatas a aplicações em sistemas de comunicação, e assim, avaliações para funções de sistema de radar se tornam necessárias. Nesta tese, com a intenção de demonstrar que formas de onda multi-portadoras alternativas podem superar o OFDM nos sistemas de Radar/comunicação (RadCom), propomos a adaptação das seguintes formas de onda: FBMC (Filter Bank Multicarrier); GFDM (Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing); e UFMC (Universal Filtering Multicarrier) para funções de radar. Também produzimos uma análise de desempenho dessas formas de onda sobre o aspecto da estimativa de parâmetros-alvo, ruído de fundo, interferência entre sistemas e parametrização do sistema. Na segunda parte da tese serão explorados técnicas de processamento de sinal de forma a solucionar algumas das limitações do uso de formas de ondas multi-portadora para sistemas RadCom. Os sistemas de radar baseados no OFDM são candidatos promissores para futuras redes de transporte inteligentes, porque combinam funções de estimativa de alvo com funções de rede de comunicação em um único sistema. Explorando a funcionalidade dupla habilitada pelo OFDM, nesta tese, apresentamos métodos cooperativos de alta resolução para estimar o posição, velocidade e direção dos alvos. A estimativa de parâmetros de alta resolução é um requisito importante para sistemas de radar automotivo, especialmente em cenários de múltiplos alvos que exigem melhor desempenho de separação de alvos. Ao explorar a cooperação entre veículos, os estudos apresentados nesta tese também permitem o rastreamento distribuído de alvos. O resultado é um rastreamento multi-alvo altamente preciso em toda a rede de veículos cooperativos, levando a melhorias na confiabilidade e segurança do transporte.Programa Doutoral em Telecomunicaçõe

    Advanced receiver structures for mobile MIMO multicarrier communication systems

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    Beyond third generation (3G) and fourth generation (4G) wireless communication systems are targeting far higher data rates, spectral efficiency and mobility requirements than existing 3G networks. By using multiple antennas at the transmitter and the receiver, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology allows improving both the spectral efficiency (bits/s/Hz), the coverage, and link reliability of the system. Multicarrier modulation such as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a powerful technique to handle impairments specific to the wireless radio channel. The combination of multicarrier modulation together with MIMO signaling provides a feasible physical layer technology for future beyond 3G and fourth generation communication systems. The theoretical benefits of MIMO and multicarrier modulation may not be fully achieved because the wireless transmission channels are time and frequency selective. Also, high data rates call for a large bandwidth and high carrier frequencies. As a result, an important Doppler spread is likely to be experienced, leading to variations of the channel over very short period of time. At the same time, transceiver front-end imperfections, mobility and rich scattering environments cause frequency synchronization errors. Unlike their single-carrier counterparts, multi-carrier transmissions are extremely sensitive to carrier frequency offsets (CFO). Therefore, reliable channel estimation and frequency synchronization are necessary to obtain the benefits of MIMO OFDM in mobile systems. These two topics are the main research problems in this thesis. An algorithm for the joint estimation and tracking of channel and CFO parameters in MIMO OFDM is developed in this thesis. A specific state-space model is introduced for MIMO OFDM systems impaired by multiple carrier frequency offsets under time-frequency selective fading. In MIMO systems, multiple frequency offsets are justified by mobility, rich scattering environment and large angle spread, as well as potentially separate radio frequency - intermediate frequency chains. An extended Kalman filter stage tracks channel and CFO parameters. Tracking takes place in time domain, which ensures reduced computational complexity, robustness to estimation errors as well as low estimation variance in comparison to frequency domain processing. The thesis also addresses the problem of blind carrier frequency synchronization in OFDM. Blind techniques exploit statistical or structural properties of the OFDM modulation. Two novel approaches are proposed for blind fine CFO estimation. The first one aims at restoring the orthogonality of the OFDM transmission by exploiting the properties of the received signal covariance matrix. The second approach is a subspace algorithm exploiting the correlation of the channel frequency response among the subcarriers. Both methods achieve reliable estimation of the CFO regardless of multipath fading. The subspace algorithm needs extremely small sample support, which is a key feature in the face of time-selective channels. Finally, the Cramér-Rao (CRB) bound is established for the problem in order to assess the large sample performance of the proposed algorithms.reviewe

    Massive MIMO without CSI: When Non-Coherent Communication Meets Many Antennas

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    Under high-mobility scenarios, the traditional coherent demodulation schemes (CDS) have limited performance, because reference signals cannot effectively track the channel variations with an affordable overhead. As an alternative solution, non-coherent demodulation schemes (NCDS) based on differential modulation have been proposed. Even in the absence of reference signals, they are capable of outperforming the CDS with a reduced complexity. The literature on NCDS laid the theoretical foundations for simplified channel and signal models, often single-carrier and spatially uncorrelated flat-fading channels. This chapter explains the most recent results assuming orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signaling and realistic channel models

    Multiplexage par division modale pour les applications à courte distance

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    Le multiplexage par division de mode (MDM) a reçu une attention considérable de la part des chercheurs au cours des dernières années. La principale motivation derrière l'utilisation de différents modes de fibre optique est d'augmenter la capacité des réseaux de transport. Les expériences initiales ont montré une grande complexité dans le traitement de signal (DSP) du récepteur. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions la viabilité et les défis de la transmission de données sur des fibres à quelques modes (FMF) pour des systèmes MDM à complexité de DSP réduite. Nos études comprennent à la fois une transmission de données cohérente et non cohérente. Dans notre première contribution, nous démontrons, pour la première fois, la transmission de données sur 4 canaux dans une nouvelle fibre OAM sans démultiplexage de polarisation optique. Nous utilisons une complexité de DSP réduite: deux jeux d'égaliseurs MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) 2 × 2 au lieu d'un bloc égaliseur MIMO 4 × 4 complet. Nous proposons un nouveau démultiplexeur de mode permettant de recevoir simultanément deux polarisations d'un mode et de réaliser électriquement un démultiplexage de polarisation dans le récepteur DSP. Nous étudions également la pénalité OSNR due aux imperfections dans le démultiplexeur de mode et nous examinons la vitesse de transmission maximum accessible pour notre système. Dans notre deuxième contribution, nous étudions les dégradations modales dans les systèmes OAM-MDM, en nous concentrant sur leur effet sur la performance et la complexité du récepteur. Dans notre étude expérimentale, nous discutons pour la première fois de l'impact de deux modes non porteurs de données sur les canaux de données véhiculés par les modes OAM. Deux types différents de fibres OAM sont étudiés. Nous caractérisons notre liaison MDM en utilisant les techniques de mesure du temps de vol et de réponse impulsionnelle. Nous discutons des conclusions des résultats de caractérisation en étudiant l'impact des interactions modales sur la complexité de l'égaliseur du récepteur pour différents scénarios de transmission de données. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous étudions un nouveau FMF à maintien de polarisation et conduisons deux séries d'expériences de transmission de données cohérentes et de radio sur fibre (RoF). Nous démontrons pour la première fois, la transmission de données sans MIMO sur six et quatre canaux dans les systèmes cohérents et RoF, respectivement. Nous démontrons également, pour la première fois, la transmission de données RoF sur deux polarisations d'un mode dans une FMF. Nous discutons de la dégradation des performances due à la diaphonie dans de tels systèmes. Nous étudions également l'impact de la courbure sur cette fibre dans un contexte de RoF. La propriété de maintien de polarisation de cette fibre sous courbure est étudiée à la fois par des expériences de caractérisation et de transmission de données.Mode division multiplexing (MDM) has received extensive attention by researchers in the last few years. The main motivation behind using different modes of optical fiber is to increase the capacity of transport networks. Initial experiments showed high complexity in DSP of the receiver. In this thesis, we investigate the viability and challenges for data transmission over specially designed few mode fibers (FMF) for MDM systems with reduced DSP. Our studies include both coherent and non-coherent data transmission. In our first contribution, we demonstrate, for the first time, data transmission over 4 channels in a novel OAM fiber without optical polarization demultiplexing. We use reduced DSP complexity: two sets of 2×2 multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) equalizers instead of a full 4×4 MIMO equalizer block. We propose a novel mode demultiplexer enabling us to receive two polarizations of a mode simultaneously and conducting polarization demultiplexing electrically in receiver DSP. We also investigate the OSNR penalty due to imperfections in the mode demultiplexer and we examine the maximum reachable baud rate for our system. In our second contribution, we study the modal impairments in OAM-MDM systems, focusing on their effect on receiver performance and complexity. In our experimental study, for the first time, we discuss the impact of two non-data carrying modes on data channels carried by OAM modes. Two different types of OAM fibers are studied. We characterize our MDM link using time-of-flight and impulse response measurement techniques. We discuss conclusions from characterization results with studies of the impact of modal interactions on receiver equalizer complexity for different data transmission scenarios . In the third contribution, we study a novel polarization-maintaining FMF and conduct two sets of coherent data transmission and non-coherent radio over fiber (RoF) experiments. We demonstrate for the first time, MIMO –Free data transmission over six and four channels in coherent and RoF systems, respectively. We also demonstrate, for the first time, RoF data transmission over two polarizations of a mode in a FMF. We discuss the performance degradation due to crosstalk in such systems. We also study the impact of bending on this fiber in RoF context. The polarization maintaining property of this fiber under bending is studied both via characterization and data transmission experiments

    Superimposed training for single carrier transmission in future mobile communications

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    The amount of wireless devices and wireless traffic has been increasing exponentially for the last ten years. It is forecasted that the exponential growth will continue without saturation till 2020 and probably further. So far, network vendors and operators have tackled the problem by introducing new evolutions of cellular macro networks, where each evolution has increased the physical layer spectral efficiency. Unfortunately, the spectral efficiency of the physical layer is achieving the Shannon-Hartley limit and does not provide much room for improvement anymore. However, considering the overhead due to synchronization and channel estimation reference symbols in the context of physical layer spectral efficiency, we believe that there is room for improvement. In this thesis, we will study the potentiality of superimposed training methods, especially data-dependent superimposed training, to boost the spectral efficiency of wideband single carrier communications even further. The main idea is that with superimposed training we can transmit more data symbols in the same time duration as compared to traditional time domain multiplexed training. In theory, more data symbols means more data bits which indicates higher throughput for the end user. In practice, nothing is free. With superimposed training we encounter self-interference between the training signal and the data signal. Therefore, we have to look for iterative receiver structures to separate these two or to estimate both, the desired data signal and the interfering component. In this thesis, we initiate the studies to find out if we truly can improve the existing systems by introducing the superimposed training scheme. We show that in certain scenarios we can achieve higher spectral efficiency, which maps directly to higher user throughput, but with the cost of higher signal processing burden in the receiver. In addition, we provide analytical tools for estimating the symbol or bit error ratio in the receiver with a given parametrization. The discussion leads us to the conclusion that there still remains several open topics for further study when looking for new ways of optimizing the overhead of reference symbols in wireless communications. Superimposed training with data-dependent components may prove to provide extra throughput gain. Furthermore, the superimposed component may be used for, e.g., improved synchronization, low bit-rate signaling or continuous tracking of neighbor cells. We believe that the current systems could be improved by using the superimposed training collectively with time domain multiplexed training