189 research outputs found

    Efficient channel equalization algorithms for multicarrier communication systems

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    Blind adaptive algorithm that updates time-domain equalizer (TEQ) coefficients by Adjacent Lag Auto-correlation Minimization (ALAM) is proposed to shorten the channel for multicarrier modulation (MCM) systems. ALAM is an addition to the family of several existing correlation based algorithms that can achieve similar or better performance to existing algorithms with lower complexity. This is achieved by designing a cost function without the sum-square and utilizing symmetrical-TEQ property to reduce the complexity of adaptation of TEQ to half of the existing one. Furthermore, to avoid the limitations of lower unstable bit rate and high complexity, an adaptive TEQ using equal-taps constraints (ETC) is introduced to maximize the bit rate with the lowest complexity. An IP core is developed for the low-complexity ALAM (LALAM) algorithm to be implemented on an FPGA. This implementation is extended to include the implementation of the moving average (MA) estimate for the ALAM algorithm referred as ALAM-MA. Unit-tap constraint (UTC) is used instead of unit-norm constraint (UNC) while updating the adaptive algorithm to avoid all zero solution for the TEQ taps. The IP core is implemented on Xilinx Vertix II Pro XC2VP7-FF672-5 for ADSL receivers and the gate level simulation guaranteed successful operation at a maximum frequency of 27 MHz and 38 MHz for ALAM-MA and LALAM algorithm, respectively. FEQ equalizer is used, after channel shortening using TEQ, to recover distorted QAM signals due to channel effects. A new analytical learning based framework is proposed to jointly solve equalization and symbol detection problems in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems with QAM signals. The framework utilizes extreme learning machine (ELM) to achieve fast training, high performance, and low error rates. The proposed framework performs in real-domain by transforming a complex signal into a single 2–tuple real-valued vector. Such transformation offers equalization in real domain with minimum computational load and high accuracy. Simulation results show that the proposed framework outperforms other learning based equalizers in terms of symbol error rates and training speeds

    Semi-blind adaptive beamforming for high-throughput quadrature amplitude modulation systems

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    A semi-blind adaptive beamforming scheme is proposed for wireless systems that employ high-throughput quadrature amplitude modulation signalling. A minimum number of training symbols, equal to the number of receiver antenna arrays elements, are first utilised to provide a rough initial least squares estimate of the beamformer's weight vector. A concurrent constant modulus algorithm and soft decision-directed scheme is then applied to adapt the beamformer. This semi-blind adaptive beamforming scheme is capable of converging fast to the minimum mean-square-error beamforming solution, as demonstrated in our simulation study

    Hybrid solutions to instantaneous MIMO blind separation and decoding: narrowband, QAM and square cases

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    Future wireless communication systems are desired to support high data rates and high quality transmission when considering the growing multimedia applications. Increasing the channel throughput leads to the multiple input and multiple output and blind equalization techniques in recent years. Thereby blind MIMO equalization has attracted a great interest.Both system performance and computational complexities play important roles in real time communications. Reducing the computational load and providing accurate performances are the main challenges in present systems. In this thesis, a hybrid method which can provide an affordable complexity with good performance for Blind Equalization in large constellation MIMO systems is proposed first. Saving computational cost happens both in the signal sep- aration part and in signal detection part. First, based on Quadrature amplitude modulation signal characteristics, an efficient and simple nonlinear function for the Independent Compo- nent Analysis is introduced. Second, using the idea of the sphere decoding, we choose the soft information of channels in a sphere, and overcome the so- called curse of dimensionality of the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm and enhance the final results simultaneously. Mathematically, we demonstrate in the digital communication cases, the EM algorithm shows Newton -like convergence.Despite the widespread use of forward -error coding (FEC), most multiple input multiple output (MIMO) blind channel estimation techniques ignore its presence, and instead make the sim- plifying assumption that the transmitted symbols are uncoded. However, FEC induces code structure in the transmitted sequence that can be exploited to improve blind MIMO channel estimates. In final part of this work, we exploit the iterative channel estimation and decoding performance for blind MIMO equalization. Experiments show the improvements achievable by exploiting the existence of coding structures and that it can access the performance of a BCJR equalizer with perfect channel information in a reasonable SNR range. All results are confirmed experimentally for the example of blind equalization in block fading MIMO systems

    An Overview on Application of Machine Learning Techniques in Optical Networks

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    Today's telecommunication networks have become sources of enormous amounts of widely heterogeneous data. This information can be retrieved from network traffic traces, network alarms, signal quality indicators, users' behavioral data, etc. Advanced mathematical tools are required to extract meaningful information from these data and take decisions pertaining to the proper functioning of the networks from the network-generated data. Among these mathematical tools, Machine Learning (ML) is regarded as one of the most promising methodological approaches to perform network-data analysis and enable automated network self-configuration and fault management. The adoption of ML techniques in the field of optical communication networks is motivated by the unprecedented growth of network complexity faced by optical networks in the last few years. Such complexity increase is due to the introduction of a huge number of adjustable and interdependent system parameters (e.g., routing configurations, modulation format, symbol rate, coding schemes, etc.) that are enabled by the usage of coherent transmission/reception technologies, advanced digital signal processing and compensation of nonlinear effects in optical fiber propagation. In this paper we provide an overview of the application of ML to optical communications and networking. We classify and survey relevant literature dealing with the topic, and we also provide an introductory tutorial on ML for researchers and practitioners interested in this field. Although a good number of research papers have recently appeared, the application of ML to optical networks is still in its infancy: to stimulate further work in this area, we conclude the paper proposing new possible research directions

    Optics for AI and AI for Optics

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    Artificial intelligence is deeply involved in our daily lives via reinforcing the digital transformation of modern economies and infrastructure. It relies on powerful computing clusters, which face bottlenecks of power consumption for both data transmission and intensive computing. Meanwhile, optics (especially optical communications, which underpin today’s telecommunications) is penetrating short-reach connections down to the chip level, thus meeting with AI technology and creating numerous opportunities. This book is about the marriage of optics and AI and how each part can benefit from the other. Optics facilitates on-chip neural networks based on fast optical computing and energy-efficient interconnects and communications. On the other hand, AI enables efficient tools to address the challenges of today’s optical communication networks, which behave in an increasingly complex manner. The book collects contributions from pioneering researchers from both academy and industry to discuss the challenges and solutions in each of the respective fields

    Machine learning for optical fiber communication systems: An introduction and overview

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    Optical networks generate a vast amount of diagnostic, control and performance monitoring data. When information is extracted from this data, reconfigurable network elements and reconfigurable transceivers allow the network to adapt both to changes in the physical infrastructure but also changing traffic conditions. Machine learning is emerging as a disruptive technology for extracting useful information from this raw data to enable enhanced planning, monitoring and dynamic control. We provide a survey of the recent literature and highlight numerous promising avenues for machine learning applied to optical networks, including explainable machine learning, digital twins and approaches in which we embed our knowledge into the machine learning such as physics-informed machine learning for the physical layer and graph-based machine learning for the networking layer

    Energy and spectrum efficient blind equalization with unknown constellation for air-to-ground multipath UAV communications

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    In unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) communications, frequency-selective fading can severely deteriorate the quality of transmitted signal by generating undesired and disordered constellation diagrams due to scatters in the air-to-ground (ATG) mutipath channels. In this paper, we propose a low-overhead blind equalization method to combat frequency-selective fading in air-ground multipath UAV channels. Specifically, a pre-equalization method is proposed based on a constant modulus algorithm to restore the contour of the constellation diagram. Moreover, the similarity measure function and the difference measure function are derived using template matching to identify the constellation of M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation. Furthermore, we propose a weighted constant cross algorithm (WXA) to reduce the residual mean square error and construct a cross-shaped modulus value, by utilizing the statistical information of the identified normalized standard constellation diagrams and the equalizer output decision symbols’ weighting value. The proposed method requires less information and no training sequences and pilots, therefore, if achieves energy and spectrum efficient ATG multipath UAV communications. Simulation results show that the proposed WXA algorithm can reduce the residual mean square error convergence value between -22dB and -25dB, making it very useful for the equalization of the frequency-selective fading channel in typical UAV communication scenarios
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