35 research outputs found

    A New Chaotic System with a Pear-shaped Equilibrium and its Circuit Simulation

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    This paper reports the finding a new chaotic system with a pear-shaped equilibrium curve and makes a valuable addition to existing chaotic systems with infinite equilibrium points in the literature. The new chaotic system has a total of five nonlinearities. Lyapunov exponents of the new chaotic system are studied for verifying chaos properties and phase portraits of the new system are unveiled. An electronic circuit simulation of the new chaotic system with pear-shaped equilibrium curve is shown using Multisim to check the model feasibility

    Symmetry in Chaotic Systems and Circuits

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    Symmetry can play an important role in the field of nonlinear systems and especially in the design of nonlinear circuits that produce chaos. Therefore, this Special Issue, titled “Symmetry in Chaotic Systems and Circuits”, presents the latest scientific advances in nonlinear chaotic systems and circuits that introduce various kinds of symmetries. Applications of chaotic systems and circuits with symmetries, or with a deliberate lack of symmetry, are also presented in this Special Issue. The volume contains 14 published papers from authors around the world. This reflects the high impact of this Special Issue

    Economic-Based Synchronization and Control of New Fractional-Order Chaotic System Based on Lyapunov Theorem

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    The chaotic systems play a critical role in a wide range of communication systems, form both economical and technical. Recently, a new fractional-order chaotic system was proposed and dynamical analysis was investigated. Here, we focus on synchronization of the drive and response systems, which can have significant impact on the economic side of the problem. Furthermore, stability of mentioned system is discussed based on Lyapunov theorem. It is shown that Lyapunov theorem can be extended to the systems which have terms with orders higher than 2. Numerical simulations prove our claims from the objective evaluation

    Fourth SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems

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    Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Dynamical System Analysis

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    From Preface: This is the fourteenth time when the conference “Dynamical Systems: Theory and Applications” gathers a numerous group of outstanding scientists and engineers, who deal with widely understood problems of theoretical and applied dynamics. Organization of the conference would not have been possible without a great effort of the staff of the Department of Automation, Biomechanics and Mechatronics. The patronage over the conference has been taken by the Committee of Mechanics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland. It is a great pleasure that our invitation has been accepted by recording in the history of our conference number of people, including good colleagues and friends as well as a large group of researchers and scientists, who decided to participate in the conference for the first time. With proud and satisfaction we welcomed over 180 persons from 31 countries all over the world. They decided to share the results of their research and many years experiences in a discipline of dynamical systems by submitting many very interesting papers. This year, the DSTA Conference Proceedings were split into three volumes entitled “Dynamical Systems” with respective subtitles: Vibration, Control and Stability of Dynamical Systems; Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Dynamical System Analysis and Engineering Dynamics and Life Sciences. Additionally, there will be also published two volumes of Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics entitled “Dynamical Systems in Theoretical Perspective” and “Dynamical Systems in Applications”

    Synchrony and bifurcations in coupled dynamical systems and effects of time delay

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    Dynamik auf Netzwerken ist ein mathematisches Feld, das in den letzten Jahrzehnten schnell gewachsen ist und Anwendungen in zahlreichen Disziplinen wie z.B. Physik, Biologie und Soziologie findet. Die Funktion vieler Netzwerke hĂ€ngt von der FĂ€higkeit ab, die Elemente des Netzwerkes zu synchronisieren. Mit anderen Worten, die Existenz und die transversale StabilitĂ€t der synchronen Mannigfaltigkeit sind zentrale Eigenschaften. Erst seit einigen Jahren wird versucht, den verwickelten Zusammenhang zwischen der Kopplungsstruktur und den StabilitĂ€tseigenschaften synchroner ZustĂ€nde zu verstehen. Genau das ist das zentrale Thema dieser Arbeit. ZunĂ€chst prĂ€sentiere ich erste Ergebnisse zur Klassifizierung der Kanten eines gerichteten Netzwerks bezĂŒglich ihrer Bedeutung fĂŒr die StabilitĂ€t des synchronen Zustands. Folgend untersuche ich ein komplexes Verzweigungsszenario in einem gerichteten Ring von Stuart-Landau Oszillatoren und zeige, dass das Szenario persistent ist, wenn dem Netzwerk eine schwach gewichtete Kante hinzugefĂŒgt wird. Daraufhin untersuche ich synchrone ZustĂ€nde in Ringen von Phasenoszillatoren die mit Zeitverzögerung gekoppelt sind. Ich bespreche die Koexistenz synchroner Lösungen und analysiere deren StabilitĂ€t und Verzweigungen. Weiter zeige ich, dass eine Zeitverschiebung genutzt werden kann, um Muster im Ring zu speichern und wiederzuerkennen. Diese Zeitverschiebung untersuche ich daraufhin fĂŒr beliebige Kopplungsstrukturen. Ich zeige, dass invariante Mannigfaltigkeiten des Flusses sowie ihre StabilitĂ€t unter der Zeitverschiebung erhalten bleiben. DarĂŒber hinaus bestimme ich die minimale Anzahl von Zeitverzögerungen, die gebraucht werden, um das System Ă€quivalent zu beschreiben. Schließlich untersuche ich das auffĂ€llige PhĂ€nomen eines nichtstetigen Übergangs zu SynchronizitĂ€t in Klassen großer Zufallsnetzwerke indem ich einen kĂŒrzlich eingefĂŒhrten Zugang zur Beschreibung großer Zufallsnetzwerke auf den Fall zeitverzögerter Kopplungen verallgemeinere.Since a couple of decades, dynamics on networks is a rapidly growing branch of mathematics with applications in various disciplines such as physics, biology or sociology. The functioning of many networks heavily relies on the ability to synchronize the network’s nodes. More precisely, the existence and the transverse stability of the synchronous manifold are essential properties. It was only in the last few years that people tried to understand the entangled relation between the coupling structure of a network, given by a (di-)graph, and the stability properties of synchronous states. This is the central theme of this dissertation. I first present results towards a classification of the links in a directed, diffusive network according to their impact on the stability of synchronization. Then I investigate a complex bifurcation scenario observed in a directed ring of Stuart-Landau oscillators. I show that under the addition of a single weak link, this scenario is persistent. Subsequently, I investigate synchronous patterns in a directed ring of phase oscillators coupled with time delay. I discuss the coexistence of multiple of synchronous solutions and investigate their stability and bifurcations. I apply these results by showing that a certain time-shift transformation can be used in order to employ the ring as a pattern recognition device. Next, I investigate the same time-shift transformation for arbitrary coupling structures in a very general setting. I show that invariant manifolds of the flow together with their stability properties are conserved under the time-shift transformation. Furthermore, I determine the minimal number of delays needed to equivalently describe the system’s dynamics. Finally, I investigate a peculiar phenomenon of non-continuous transition to synchrony observed in certain classes of large random networks, generalizing a recently introduced approach for the description of large random networks to the case of delayed couplings

    Advances in Optimization and Nonlinear Analysis

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    The present book focuses on that part of calculus of variations, optimization, nonlinear analysis and related applications which combines tools and methods from partial differential equations with geometrical techniques. More precisely, this work is devoted to nonlinear problems coming from different areas, with particular reference to those introducing new techniques capable of solving a wide range of problems. The book is a valuable guide for researchers, engineers and students in the field of mathematics, operations research, optimal control science, artificial intelligence, management science and economics

    5th EUROMECH nonlinear dynamics conference, August 7-12, 2005 Eindhoven : book of abstracts

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    5th EUROMECH nonlinear dynamics conference, August 7-12, 2005 Eindhoven : book of abstracts

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