57 research outputs found

    Software Batch Testing to Reduce Build Test Executions

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    Testing is expensive and batching tests have the potential to reduce test costs. The continuous integration strategy of testing each commit or change individually helps to quickly identify faults but leads to a maximum number of test executions. Large companies that have a large number of commits, e.g. Google and Facebook, or have expensive test infrastructure, e.g. Ericsson, must batch changes together to reduce the number of total test runs. For example, if eight builds are batched together and there is no failure, then we have tested eight builds with one execution saving seven executions. However, when a failure occurs it is not immediately clear which build is the cause of the failure. A bisection is run to isolate the failing build, i.e. the culprit build. In our eight builds example, a failure will require an additional 6 executions, resulting in a saving of one execution. The goal of this work is to improve the efficiency of the batch testing. We evaluate six approaches. The first is the baseline approach that tests each build individually. The second, is the existing bisection approach. The third uses a batch size of four, which we show mathematically reduces the number of execution without requiring bisection. The fourth combines the two prior techniques introducing a stopping condition to the bisection. The final two approaches use models of build change risk to isolate risky changes and test them in smaller batches. We evaluate the approaches on nine open source projects that use Travis CI. Compared to the TestAll baseline, on average, the approaches reduce the number of build test executions across projects by 46%, 48%, 50%, 44%, and 49% for BatchBisect, Batch4, BatchStop4, RiskTopN, and RiskBatch, respectively. The greatest reduction is BatchStop4 at 50%. However, the simple approach of Batch4 does not require bisection and achieves a reduction of 48%. We recommend that all CI pipelines use a batch size of at least four. We release our scripts and data for replication. Regardless of the approach, on average, we save around half the build test executions compared to testing each change individually. We release the BatchBuilder tool that automatically batches submitted changes on GitHub for testing on Travis CI. Since the tool reports individual results for each pull-request or pushed commit, the batching happens in the background and the development process is unchanged

    On Test Selection, Prioritization, Bisection, and Guiding Bisection with Risk Models

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    The cost of software testing has become a burden for software companies in the era of rapid release and continuous integration. In the first part of our work, we evaluate the results of adopting multiple test selection and prioritization approaches for improving test effectiveness in of the test stages of our industrial partner Ericsson Inc. We confirm the existence of valuable information in the test execution history. In particular, the association between test failures provide the most value to the test selection and prioritization processes. More importantly, during this exercise, we encountered various challenges that are unseen or undiscussed in prior research. We document the challenges, our solutions and the lessons learned as an experience report. In the second part of our work, we explore batch testing in test execution environments and how it can help to reduce the test execution costs. One approach to reducing the test execution costs is to group changes into batches and test them at once. In this work, we study the impact of batch testing in reducing the number of test executions to deliver changes and find culprit commits. We factor test flakiness into our simulations and its impact on the optimal batch size. Moreover, we address another problem with batch testing, how to find a culprit commit when a batch fails. We introduce a novel technique where we guide bisection based on two risk models: a bug model and a test execution history model. We isolate the risky commits by testing them individually, while the less risky commits are tested in a single large batch. Our results show that batch testing can be improved by adopting our culprit prediction models. The results we present here have convinced Ericsson developers to implement our culprit risk predictions in the CulPred tool that will make their continuous integration pipeline more efficient

    The Impact of Parallel and Batch Testing in Continuous Integration Environments

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    Testing is a costly, time-consuming, and challenging part of modern software development. During continuous integration, after submitting each change, it is tested automatically to ensure that it does not break the system’s functionality. A common approach to reducing the number of test case executions is to batch changes together for testing. For example, given four changes to test, if we group them in a batch and they pass we use one execution to test all four changes. However, if they fail, additional executions are required to find the culprit change that is responsible for the failure. In this study we first investigate the impact of batch testing in the level of the builds. We evaluate five batch culprit finding approaches: Dorfman, double pool testing, BatchBisect, BatchStop4, and our novel BatchDivide4. All prior works on batching use a constant batch size. In this work, we propose a dynamic batch size technique based on the weighted historical failure rate of the project. We simulate each of the batching strategies across 12 large projects on Travis with varying failures rate. We find that dynamic batching coupled with BatchDivide4 outperforms the other approaches. Compared to TestAll, this approach decreases the number of executions by 47.49% on average across the Travis projects. It outperforms the current state-of-the-art constant batch size approach, i.e. Batch4 by 5.17 percentage points. Our historical weighting approach leads us to a metric that describes the number of consecutive build failures. We find that the correlation between batch savings and FailureSpread is r = −0.97 with a p ≪ 0.0001. This metric easily allows developers to determine the potential of batching on their project. However, we then show that in the case of failure of a batch, re-running all the test cases is inefficient. Also, for companies with notable resource constraints, e.g., Ericsson, running all the tests in a single machine is not possible and realistic. To address this issues we extend our work to an industrial application at Ericsson. We first evaluate the effect of parallel testing for a project at Ericsson. We find that the re- lationship between the number of available machines for parallelization and the FeedbackTime is nonlinear. For example, we can increase the number of machines by 25% and reduce the Feedback- Time by 53%. We then examine three batching strategies in the test level: ConstantBatching, TestDynamic- Batching, and TestCaseBatching. We evaluate their performance by varying the number of parallel machines. For ConstantBatching, we experiment with batch sizes from 2 to 32. The majority of the saving is achieved using batch sizes smaller than 8. However, ConstantBatching increases the feedback time if there are more than 6 parallel machines available. To solve this problem, we pro- pose TestDynamicBatching which batches all of the queued changes whenever there are resources available. Compared to TestAll TestDynamicBatching reduces the AvgFeedback time and AvgCPU time between 15.78% and 80.38%, and 3.13% and 48.78% depending on the number of machines. Batching all the changes in the queue can increase the test scope. To address this issue we propose TestCaseBatching which performs batching at the test level instead of the change level. Using Test- CaseBatching will reduce the AvgFeedback time and AvgCPU time between 19.84% and 84.20%, and 5.65% and 50.92% respectively, depending on the number of available machines for parallel testing. TestCaseBatching is highly effective and we hope other companies will adopt it

    Assessing the Efficacy of Test Selection, Prioritization, and Batching Strategies in the Presence of Flaky Tests and Parallel Execution at Scale

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    Effective software testing is essential for successful software releases, and numerous test optimization techniques have been proposed to enhance this process. However, existing research primarily concentrates on small datasets, resulting in impractical solutions for large-scale projects. Flaky tests, which significantly affect test optimization results, are often overlooked, and unrealistic approaches are employed to identify them. Furthermore, there is limited research on the impact of parallelization on test optimization techniques, particularly batching, and a lack of comprehensive comparisons among different techniques, including batching, which is an effective but often neglected approach. To address research gaps, we analyzed the Chrome release process and collected a dataset of 276 million test results. In addition to evaluating established test optimization algorithms, we introduced two new algorithms. We also examined the impact of parallelism by varying the number of machines used. Our assessment covered various metrics, including feedback time, failing test detection speed, test execution time, and machine utilization. Our investigation reveals that a significant portion of failures in testing is attributed to flaky tests, resulting in an inflated performance of test prioritization algorithms. Additionally, we observed that test parallelization has a non-linear impact on feedback time, as delays accumulate throughout the entire test queue. When it comes to optimizing feedback time, batching algorithms with adaptive batch sizes prove to be more effective compared to those with constant batch sizes, achieving execution reductions of up to 91%. Furthermore, our findings indicate that the batching technique is on par with the test selection algorithm in terms of effectiveness, while maintaining the advantage of not missing any failures. Practitioners are encouraged to adopt adaptive batching techniques to minimize the number of machines required for testing and reduce feedback time, while effectively managing flaky tests. Analyzing historical data is crucial for determining the threshold at which adding more machines has minimal impact on feedback time, enabling optimization of testing efficiency and resource utilization

    FlaKat: A Machine Learning-Based Categorization Framework for Flaky Tests

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    Flaky tests can pass or fail non-deterministically, without alterations to a software system. Such tests are frequently encountered by developers and hinder the credibility of test suites. Thus, flaky tests have caught the attention of researchers in recent years. Numerous approaches have been published on defining, locating, and categorizing flaky tests, along with auto-repairing strategies for specific types of flakiness. Practitioners have developed several techniques to detect flaky tests automatically. The most traditional approaches adopt repeated execution of test suites accompanied by techniques such as shuffled execution order, and random distortion of environment. State-of-the-art research also incorporates machine learning solutions into flaky test detection and achieves reasonably good accuracy. Moreover, strategies for repairing flaky tests have also been published for specific flaky test categories and the process has been automated as well. However, there is a research gap between flaky test detection and category-specific flakiness repair. To address the aforementioned gap, this thesis proposes a novel categorization framework, called FlaKat, which uses machine-learning classifiers for fast and accurate categorization of a given flaky test case. FlaKat first parses and converts raw flaky tests into vector embeddings. The dimensionality of embeddings is reduced and then used for training machine learning classifiers. Sampling techniques are applied to address the imbalance between flaky test categories in the dataset. The evaluation of FlaKat was conducted to determine its performance with different combinations of configurations using known flaky tests from 108 open-source Java projects. Notably, Implementation-Dependent and Order-Dependent flaky tests, which represent almost 75% of the total dataset, achieved F1 scores (harmonic mean of precision and recall) of 0.94 and 0.90 respectively while the overall macro average (no weight difference between categories) is at 0.67. This research work also proposes a new evaluation metric, called Flakiness Detection Capacity (FDC), for measuring the accuracy of classifiers from the perspective of information theory and provides proof for its effectiveness. The final obtained results for FDC also aligns with F1 score regarding which classifier yields the best flakiness classification

    Teaching Time Savers: Some Advice on Giving Advice

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    There are always a lot of questions that need to be answered at the beginning of a course. When are office hours? What are the grading policies? How many exams will there be? Will late homework be accepted? We have all seen the answers to these sorts of questions form the bulk of a standard course syllabus, and most of us feel an obligation (and rightly so) to provide such information

    Understanding and Mitigating Flaky Software Test Cases

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    A flaky test is a test case that can pass or fail without changes to the test case code or the code under test. They are a wide-spread problem with serious consequences for developers and researchers alike. For developers, flaky tests lead to time wasted debugging spurious failures, tempting them to ignore future failures. While unreliable, flaky tests can still indicate genuine issues in the code under test, so ignoring them can lead to bugs being missed. The non-deterministic behaviour of flaky tests is also a major snag to continuous integration, where a single flaky test can fail an entire build. For researchers, flaky tests challenge the assumption that a test failure implies a bug, an assumption that many fundamental techniques in software engineering research rely upon, including test acceleration, mutation testing, and fault localisation. Despite increasing research interest in the topic, open problems remain. In particular, there has been relatively little attention paid to the views and experiences of developers, despite a considerable body of empirical work. This is essential to guide the focus of research into areas that are most likely to be beneficial to the software engineering industry. Furthermore, previous automated techniques for detecting flaky tests are typically either based on exhaustively rerunning test cases or machine learning classifiers. The prohibitive runtime of the rerunning approach and the demonstrably poor inter-project generalisability of classifiers leaves practitioners with a stark choice when it comes to automatically detecting flaky tests. In response to these challenges, I set two high-level goals for this thesis: (1) to enhance the understanding of the manifestation, causes, and impacts of flaky tests; and (2) to develop and empirically evaluate efficient automated techniques for mitigating flaky tests. In pursuit of these goals, this thesis makes five contributions: (1) a comprehensive systematic literature review of 76 published papers; (2) a literature-guided survey of 170 professional software developers; (3) a new feature set for encoding test cases in machine learning-based flaky test detection; (4) a novel approach for reducing the time cost of rerunning-based techniques for detecting flaky tests by combining them with machine learning classifiers; and (5) an automated technique that detects and classifies existing flaky tests in a project and produces reusable project-specific machine learning classifiers able to provide fast and accurate predictions for future test cases in that project

    Social Disorganization and Sex Offenders in Minneapolis, MN: A Socio-Spatial Analysis

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    Using a combination of techniques stemming from the spatial analysis approach of Geography, structural-functionalist theory in Sociology, and an ecological perspective of Criminology, this thesis addresses where sex offenders reside and why. Analyses were performed using the twin cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota as a typical urban setting. The study fuses multiple disciplines work on the complex social problem of released risk level III sex offender management in a spatially-conscious, micro-scale analysis attempting to understand the distribution of released offenders and the relevance of social disorganization theory in explaining their distribution. Socio-economic status and family disruption are tested and found to be important components of a generalized or fuzzy correlation between calculated social disorganization and offender settlement. In concert with other recent research in the U.S., residential stability is a variable of limited determinate capability. In an attempt to understand the fuzzy correlation, this fused analysis develops urban design considerations for mitigation of offender concentrations as well as other insights for policy and management. Inclusive in this analysis is the revelation that offenders often settle in physically and socially disrupted `wedge,\u27 or isolated neighborhoods. It suggests the merit of complimentary quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques in urban socio-spatial analysis

    Automated Validation of State-Based Client-Centric Isolation with TLA <sup>+</sup>

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    Clear consistency guarantees on data are paramount for the design and implementation of distributed systems. When implementing distributed applications, developers require approaches to verify the data consistency guarantees of an implementation choice. Crooks et al. define a state-based and client-centric model of database isolation. This paper formalizes this state-based model in, reproduces their examples and shows how to model check runtime traces and algorithms with this formalization. The formalized model in enables semi-automatic model checking for different implementation alternatives for transactional operations and allows checking of conformance to isolation levels. We reproduce examples of the original paper and confirm the isolation guarantees of the combination of the well-known 2-phase locking and 2-phase commit algorithms. Using model checking this formalization can also help finding bugs in incorrect specifications. This improves feasibility of automated checking of isolation guarantees in synthesized synchronization implementations and it provides an environment for experimenting with new designs.</p
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