14 research outputs found

    Intelligent Wireless Remote Control System Design for a Biped Robot

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    This paper presents the design and implementation of an intelligent wireless remote control system for a biped robot. A recurrent cerebellar model neural network (RCMNN) is introduced, then it is used for the walking control of a biped robot. Furthermore, the remote communication module is designed for the remote control of a robot. Finally, experimental results show that the developed system can achieve satisfactory control performance for the walking control of a high-order nonlinear biped robot

    Conceptual Design of a Single DOF Human-Like Eight-Bar Leg Mechanism

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    Abstract Legs are the most important elements for accomplishing human physical work including transportation or displacement. The article presents a mechanical reproduction of the human walking apparatus. Using design rules, a final mechanism configuration is achieved such that the crank is a binary link connected to a binary ground link. The resulting linkage is a single degree-of-freedom (DOF) eight-bar mechanism. The mechanism exemplifies the shape and movement of a human leg. The mechanism is simulated and tested to verify the proposed synthesis

    Miniature Pneumatic Curling Rubber Actuator Generating Bidirectional Motion with One Air-Supply Tube

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    Soft actuators driven by pneumatic pressure are promising actuators for mechanical systems in medical, biological, agriculture, welfare fields and so on, because they can ensure high safety for fragile objects from their low mechanical impedance. In this study, a new rubber pneumatic actuator made from silicone rubber was developed. Composed of one chamber and one air-supply tube, it can generate curling motion in two directions by using positive and negative pneumatic pressure. The rubber actuator, for generating bidirectional motion, was designed to achieve an efficient shape by nonlinear finite element method analysis, and was fabricated by a molding and rubber bonding process using excimer light. The fabricated actuator was able to generate curling motion in two directions successfully. The displacement and force characteristics of the actuator were measured by using a motion capture system and a load cell. As an example application of the actuator, a robotic soft hand with three actuators was constructed and its effectiveness was confirmed by experiments

    A Case Study on Influence of Utilizing Hill-type Muscles on Mechanical Efficiency of Biped Running Gait

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    The presence of compliant elements in biped running mechanisms generates a smoother motion and decreases impact forces. Biological creatures that have a complicated actuation system with parallel and series elastic elements in their muscles demonstrate very efficient and robust bipedal gaits. The main difficulty of implementing these systems is duplicating their complicated dynamics and control. This paper studies the effects of an actuation system, including Hill-type muscles on the running efficiency of a kneed biped robot model with point feet. In this research, we implement arbitrary trajectories compatible with the initial condition of the robot, and we calculate the necessary muscle forces using an analytical inverse dynamics model. To verify the results, we execute the direct dynamics of the robot with the calculated control inputs to generate the robot’s trajectory. Finally, we calculate the contractile element force of the muscles and its cost of transport, and we investigate the effects of the muscles’ elements on reducing or increasing the cost of transport of the gait and maximum actuating forces.Наявність податливих елементів у механізмах виконання двоногої ходи породжує плавність руху і зменшує сили удару. Біологічні істоти, які мають складну систему спрацьовування з паралельними і серіями еластичних елементів в м'язах, демонструють дуже ефективну і надійну двоногу ходу. Основними труднощами реалізації цих систем є дублювання їх складної динаміки і контролю. Вивчаються наслідки спрацьовування системи, в тому числі м'язів типу Хілла на ефективність роботи коліна у моделі двоногої ходи. У цьому дослідженні введено довільні траєкторії, сумісні з початковим станом робота, і розраховано необхідні сили м'язів за допомогою аналітичної зворотної моделі динаміки. Для перевірки результатів виконано пряму динаміку робота з обчисленням імпульсів управління для генерації траєкторії робота. Розраховано скорочувальну силу елемента м'язів і вартість його передачі для робота, і досліджено вплив елементів м'язів на зменшення або збільшення витрат на ходу і максимальні виконавчі сили

    Fractal mechanism of basin of attraction in passive dynamic walking

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    Passive dynamic walking is a model that walks down a shallow slope without any control or input. This model has been widely used to investigate how humans walk with low energy consumption and provides design principles for energy-efficient biped robots. However, the basin of attraction is very small and thin and has a fractal-like complicated shape, which makes producing stable walking difficult. In our previous study, we used the simplest walking model and investigated the fractal-like basin of attraction based on dynamical systems theory by focusing on the hybrid dynamics of the model composed of the continuous dynamics with saddle hyperbolicity and the discontinuous dynamics caused by the impact upon foot contact. We clarified that the fractal-like basin of attraction is generated through iterative stretching and bending deformations of the domain of the Poincaré map by sequential inverse images. However, whether the fractal-like basin of attraction is actually fractal, i.e., whether infinitely many self-similar patterns are embedded in the basin of attraction, is dependent on the slope angle, and the mechanism remains unclear. In the present study, we improved our previous analysis in order to clarify this mechanism. In particular, we newly focused on the range of the Poincaré map and specified the regions that are stretched and bent by the sequential inverse images of the Poincaré map. Through the analysis of the specified regions, we clarified the conditions and mechanism required for the basin of attraction to be fractal

    Compliant Leg Architectures and a Linear Control Strategy for the Stable Running of Planar Biped Robots

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    This paper investigates two fundamental structures for biped robots and a control strategy to achieve stable biped running. The first biped structure contains straight legs with telescopic springs, and the second one contains knees with compliant elements in parallel with the motors. With both configurations we can use a standard linear discrete-time state-feedback control strategy to achieve an active periodic stable biped running gait, using the Poincare map of one complete step to produce the discrete-time model. In this case, the Poincare map describes an open-loop system with an unstable equilibrium, requiring a closed loop control for tabilization. The discretization contains a stance phase, a flight phase and a touch-down. In the first approach, the control signals remain constant during each phase, while in the second approach both phases are discretized into a number of constant-torque intervals, so that its formulation can be applied easily to stabilize any active biped running gait. Simulation results with both the straight-legged and the kneed biped model demonstrate stable gaits on both horizontal and inclined surfaces

    Development of General Search Based Path Follower in Real Time Environment

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    Mobile robots are being used for various industrial, medical, research and other applications to perform the various tasks accurately and efficiently. Path planning of such mobile robots plays a prominent role in performing these tasks. This paper deals with the path planning of mobile robots in a predefined structured environment. In this case the environment chosen is the roadmap of NIT Rourkela obtained from Google maps as reference. An Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) is developed and programmed so as to move autonomously from an indicated source location to the defined destination in the given map following the most optimal path among the available paths. The source and destination points are the different departments, academic blocks in NIT Rourkela campus map. In this case we use a two wheeled mobile robot consisting of IR sensors is used to verify the validation of the proposed algorithm. A linear search based algorithm is implemented on the autonomous robot to generate shortest paths in the NIT Rourkela campus map generated. The algorithm is similar to that of the right wall follower algorithm, Dijkstra algorithm etc. used in maze solving robots but in this case the paths treaded are not stored in the memory and the vehicle does not check the available paths to choose the shortest one, but chooses them with the aid of the information provided by the sensors. The coordinates of source and goal positions plays a prominent role in deciding the particular path at the branching node. This method saves the time and cost of following all the available paths to check if it is the shortest one. The results are verified with the simulations performed using MATLAB. Moreover experiments were performed on the developed model in the scaled version of NIT Rourkela campus map printed on a banner to compare and verify the result

    Intelligent approaches in locomotion - a review

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