20 research outputs found

    Descripción de ley de movimiento de cascarilla plegable no expansible en campo de fuerzas de gravedad

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    Aquí se usan las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes para describir un método analítico de calcular la velocidad del movimiento de una cascarilla plegable no expansible que cae en tierra de una altura predeterminada y calcular la duración de la caída. La cascarilla plegable en cuestión es un objeto de tejido de configuración aerodinámica o una prenda de vestir, un elemento de un vehículo aéreo, etc. Se presentan las relaciones analíticas para calcular la velocidad con que la cascarilla cae en el aire. Se tienen en cuenta en las fórmulas la resistencia del aire y la duración de la caída. Se resuelve el problema de límites para la cascarilla que cae verticalmente en el air

    Descripción de ley de movimiento de cascarilla plegable no expansible en campo de fuerzas de gravedad

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    This work makes use of Navier-Stokes equations to describe an analytical method of finding the motion speed of a flexible inextensional shell falling down to the ground from a preset height and determines the duration of this fall. The soft shell in question is a fabric body of aerodynamic shape or an item of clothes, an airborne vehicle element, etc. Analytical relations are presented for the speed at which the shell moves in the air, taking account of the air resistance and the shell fall duration. The boundary problem of the soft shell vertically falling in the air is solved.Aquí se usan las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes para describir un método analítico de calcular la velocidad del movimiento de una cascarilla plegable no expansible que cae en tierra de una altura predeterminada y calcular la duración de la caída. La cascarilla plegable en cuestión es un objeto  de tejido de configuración aerodinámica o una prenda de vestir, un elemento de un vehículo aéreo, etc. Se presentan las relaciones analíticas para calcular la velocidad con que la cascarilla cae en el aire. Se tienen en cuenta en las fórmulas la resistencia del aire y la duración de la caída. Se resuelve el problema de límites para la cascarilla que cae verticalmente en el aire

    Bio-Inspired Robotics

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    Modern robotic technologies have enabled robots to operate in a variety of unstructured and dynamically-changing environments, in addition to traditional structured environments. Robots have, thus, become an important element in our everyday lives. One key approach to develop such intelligent and autonomous robots is to draw inspiration from biological systems. Biological structure, mechanisms, and underlying principles have the potential to provide new ideas to support the improvement of conventional robotic designs and control. Such biological principles usually originate from animal or even plant models, for robots, which can sense, think, walk, swim, crawl, jump or even fly. Thus, it is believed that these bio-inspired methods are becoming increasingly important in the face of complex applications. Bio-inspired robotics is leading to the study of innovative structures and computing with sensory–motor coordination and learning to achieve intelligence, flexibility, stability, and adaptation for emergent robotic applications, such as manipulation, learning, and control. This Special Issue invites original papers of innovative ideas and concepts, new discoveries and improvements, and novel applications and business models relevant to the selected topics of ``Bio-Inspired Robotics''. Bio-Inspired Robotics is a broad topic and an ongoing expanding field. This Special Issue collates 30 papers that address some of the important challenges and opportunities in this broad and expanding field

    Wearable exoskeleton systems based-on pneumatic soft actuators and controlled by parallel processing

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    Human assistance innovation is essential in an increasingly aging society and one technology that may be applicable is exoskeletons. However, traditional rigid exoskeletons have many drawbacks. This research includes the design and implementation of upper-limb power assist and rehabilitation exoskeletons based on pneumatic soft actuators. A novel extensor-contractor pneumatic muscle has been designed and constructed. This new actuator has bidirectional action, allowing it to both extend and contract, as well as create force in both directions. A mathematical model has been developed for the new novel actuator which depicts the output force of the actuator. Another new design has been used to create a novel bending pneumatic muscle, based on an extending McKibben muscle and modelled mathematically according to its geometric parameters. This novel bending muscle design has been used to create two versions of power augmentation gloves. These exoskeletons are controlled by adaptive controllers using human intention. For finger rehabilitation a glove has been developed to bend the fingers (full bending) by using our novel bending muscles. Inspired by the zero position (straight fingers) problem for post-stroke patients, a new controllable stiffness bending actuator has been developed with a novel prototype. To control this new rehabilitation exoskeleton, online and offline controller systems have been designed for the hand exoskeleton and the results have been assessed experimentally. Another new design of variable stiffness actuator, which controls the bending segment, has been developed to create a new version of hand exoskeletons in order to achieve more rehabilitation movements in the same single glove. For Forearm rehabilitation, a rehabilitation exoskeleton has been developed for pronation and supination movements by using the novel extensor-contractor pneumatic muscle. For the Elbow rehabilitation an elbow rehabilitation exoskeleton was designed which relies on novel two-directional bending actuators with online and offline feedback controllers. Lastly for upper-limb joint is the wrist, we designed a novel all-directional bending actuator by using the moulding bladder to develop the wrist rehabilitation exoskeleton by a single all-directional bending muscle. Finally, a totally portable, power assistive and rehabilitative prototype has been developed using a parallel processing intelligent control chip

    Design and tele-impedance control of a variable stiffness transradial hand prosthesis

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    According to theWorld Health Organization, only about the half of upper extremity amputees receive prosthetic limbs and only the half of this group consistently use their prosthetic limbs. The prominent reasons that hinder widespread adaptation of prosthetic devices are their high cost, non-intuitive control interface and insufficient dexterity for performing activities of daily living. This dissertation aims to address these challenges and presents the design, implementation, experimental characterization and human subject studies of a low cost, customizable, variable stiffness transradial hand prosthesis controlled through a natural human-machine interface. The transradial hand prosthesis features a low cost, robust, adaptive and lightweight design, thanks to its tendon-driven, under-actuated, compliant fingers and variable stiffness actuation. In particular, the underactuated compliant ngers feature high dexterity by naturally adapting to different object geometries and provide impact resistance. Antagonistically arranged Bowden-cable based variable stiffness actuation enables independent modulation of the impedance and position of the main tendon of prosthesis. Moreover, Bowden-cable based transmission allows for the actuator/ reduction/power module to be opportunistically placed remotely, away from the transradial hand prosthesis, helping significantly decrease the weight of the device. Furthermore, the transradial hand prosthesis, including the compliant fingers, can be implemented through simple and low-cost manufacturing processes, such as 3D printing, and each prosthesis can be customized to ensure an ideal fit to match the needs of the transradial amputee

    Concept of an exoskeleton for industrial applications with modulated impedance based on Electromyographic signal recorded from the operator

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    The introduction of an active exoskeleton that enhances the operator power in the manufacturing field was demonstrated in literature to lead to beneficial effects in terms of reducing fatiguing and the occurrence of musculo-skeletal diseases. However, a large number of manufacturing operations would not benefit from power increases because it rather requires the modulation of the operator stiffness. However, in literature, considerably less attention was given to those robotic devices that regulate their stiffness based on the operator stiffness, even if their introduction in the line would aid the operator during different manipulations respect with the exoskeletons with variable power. In this thesis the description of the command logic of an exoskeleton for manufacturing applications, whose stiffness is modulated based on the operator stiffness, is described. Since the operator stiffness cannot be mechanically measured without deflecting the limb, an estimation based on the superficial Electromyographic signal is required. A model composed of 1 joint and 2 antagonist muscles was developed to approximate the elbow and the wrist joints. Each muscle was approximated as the Hill model and the analysis of the joint stiffness, at different joint angle and muscle activations, was performed. The same Hill muscle model was then implemented in a 2 joint and 6 muscles (2J6M) model which approximated the elbow-shoulder system. Since the estimation of the exerted stiffness with a 2J6M model would be quite onerous in terms of processing time, the estimation of the operator end-point stiffness in realtime would therefore be questionable. Then, a linear relation between the end-point stiffness and the component of muscle activation that does not generate any end-point force, is proposed. Once the stiffness the operator exerts was estimated, three command logics that identifies the stiffness the exoskeleton is required to exert are proposed. These proposed command logics are: Proportional, Integral 1 s, and Integral 2 s. The stiffening exerted by a device in which a Proportional logic is implemented is proportional, sample by sample, to the estimated stiffness exerted by the operator. The stiffening exerted by the exoskeleton in which an Integral logic is implemented is proportional to the stiffness exerted by the operator, averaged along the previous 1 second (Integral 1 s) or 2 seconds (Integral 2 s). The most effective command logic, among the proposed ones, was identified with empirical tests conducted on subjects using a wrist haptic device (the Hi5, developed by the Bioengineering group of the Imperial College of London). The experimental protocol consisted in a wrist flexion/extension tracking task with an external perturbation, alternated with isometric force exertion for the estimation of the occurrence of the fatigue. The fatigue perceived by the subject, the tracking error, defined as the RMS of the difference between wrist and target angles, and the energy consumption, defined as the sum of the squared signals recorded from two antagonist muscles, indicated the Integral 1 s logic to be the most effective for controlling the exoskeleton. A logistic relation between the stiffness exerted by the subject and the stiffness exerted by the robotic devices was selected, because it assured a smooth transition between the maximum and the minimum stiffness the device is required to exert. However, the logistic relation parameters are subject-specific, therefore an experimental estimation is required. An example was provided. Finally, the literature about variable stiffness actuators was analyzed to identify the most suitable device for exoskeleton stiffness modulation. This actuator is intended to be integrated on an existing exoskeleton that already enhances the operator power based on the operator Electromyographic signal. The identified variable stiffness actuator is the DLR FSJ, which controls its stiffness modulating the preload of a single spring

    Fast Sensing and Adaptive Actuation for Robust Legged Locomotion

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    Robust legged locomotion in complex terrain demands fast perturbation detection and reaction. In animals, due to the neural transmission delays, the high-level control loop involving the brain is absent from mitigating the initial disturbance. Instead, the low-level compliant behavior embedded in mechanics and the mid-level controllers in the spinal cord are believed to provide quick response during fast locomotion. Still, it remains unclear how these low- and mid-level components facilitate robust locomotion. This thesis aims to identify and characterize the underlining elements responsible for fast sensing and actuation. To test individual elements and their interplay, several robotic systems were implemented. The implementations include active and passive mechanisms as a combination of elasticities and dampers in multi-segment robot legs, central pattern generators inspired by intraspinal controllers, and a synthetic robotic version of an intraspinal sensor. The first contribution establishes the notion of effective damping. Effective damping is defined as the total energy dissipation during one step, which allows quantifying how much ground perturbation is mitigated. Using this framework, the optimal damper is identified as viscous and tunable. This study paves the way for integrating effective dampers to legged designs for robust locomotion. The second contribution introduces a novel series elastic actuation system. The proposed system tackles the issue of power transmission over multiple joints, while featuring intrinsic series elasticity. The design is tested on a hopper with two more elastic elements, demonstrating energy recuperation and enhanced dynamic performance. The third contribution proposes a novel tunable damper and reveals its influence on legged hopping. A bio-inspired slack tendon mechanism is implemented in parallel with a spring. The tunable damping is rigorously quantified on a central-pattern-generator-driven hopping robot, which reveals the trade-off between locomotion robustness and efficiency. The last contribution explores the intraspinal sensing hypothesis of birds. We speculate that the observed intraspinal structure functions as an accelerometer. This accelerometer could provide fast state feedback directly to the adjacent central pattern generator circuits, contributing to birds’ running robustness. A biophysical simulation framework is established, which provides new perspectives on the sensing mechanics of the system, including the influence of morphologies and material properties. Giving an overview of the hierarchical control architecture, this thesis investigates the fast sensing and actuation mechanisms in several control layers, including the low-level mechanical response and the mid-level intraspinal controllers. The contributions of this work provide new insight into animal loco-motion robustness and lays the foundation for future legged robot design

    Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2015

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    This volume contains the full papers accepted for presentation at the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2015 held in the Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, on June 29 - July 2, 2015. The ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics is an international meeting held once every two years in a European country. Continuing the very successful series of past conferences that have been organized in Lisbon (2003), Madrid (2005), Milan (2007), Warsaw (2009), Brussels (2011) and Zagreb (2013); this edition will once again serve as a meeting point for the international researchers, scientists and experts from academia, research laboratories and industry working in the area of multibody dynamics. Applications are related to many fields of contemporary engineering, such as vehicle and railway systems, aeronautical and space vehicles, robotic manipulators, mechatronic and autonomous systems, smart structures, biomechanical systems and nanotechnologies. The topics of the conference include, but are not restricted to: ● Formulations and Numerical Methods ● Efficient Methods and Real-Time Applications ● Flexible Multibody Dynamics ● Contact Dynamics and Constraints ● Multiphysics and Coupled Problems ● Control and Optimization ● Software Development and Computer Technology ● Aerospace and Maritime Applications ● Biomechanics ● Railroad Vehicle Dynamics ● Road Vehicle Dynamics ● Robotics ● Benchmark ProblemsPostprint (published version