9 research outputs found

    Sistema de acceso a servicios web mediante plataforma BioAPI C#

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    A lo largo de esta memoria se va a presentar un Trabajo Fin de Grado en el cuál se desarrolla una aplicación cliente-servidor que tiene como objetivo controlar el acceso de individuos a diversas aplicaciones. En este caso se ha simulado una cuenta bancaria. El acceso a la aplicación se controlará a partir de un reconocimiento de huella dactilar. El procedimiento para diferenciar una huella dactilar de otra se basa en un conjunto de líneas genéricas denominadas crestas. Estas son las partes de la piel donde esta se eleva sobre las zonas más bajas denominadas valles y cuya anchura oscila entre las 2 y 5 décimas de milímetro. El funcionamiento de la aplicación se basa en el estándar de BIAS, concretamente en el nivel 4, a través del cual se ha conseguido establecer un intercambio de información seguro entre el cliente y el servidor, de manera que los datos tanto biométricos como biográficos recogidos puedan ser enviados y almacenados en el servidor para posteriores comprobaciones. La funcionalidad principal consistía en conseguir implementar las funciones de registro, verificación e identificación. No obstante se ha implementado el diseño de una cuenta bancaria, simulando los ingresos y extracciones de dinero que puede realizar el cliente, así como las peticiones o cambios de información en la cuenta que el cliente pueda solicitar. Según el estándar de BIAS, este tipo de aplicaciones pueden desarrollarse para dos ámbitos distintos. En este caso, el que más interesa para una aplicación de simulación de una cuenta bancaria seria el modelo centrado en la persona. En este modelo cuando se recibe un dato biométrico o bien se añade (si no existe) o reemplaza el anterior (si ya existe). Así, el sistema almacenaría unos datos biométricos iniciales que se recogen del sujeto tras el registro. Posteriormente cuando el usuario intente acceder al sistema o se reciban nuevos datos biográficos, los datos iniciales serán remplazados, de manera que el sistema siempre contenga la muestra más reciente del individuo. Este tipo de modelo es utilizado principalmente en sistemas de control de acceso, debido principalmente a que no necesita un gran espacio para almacenar los datos, ya que solo conserva una muestra por usuario. No obstante como se comentará más adelante en el apartado que trata el estándar de BIAS en profundidad, la aplicación ha sido diseñada de modo que pueda funcionar tanto con ese modelo como con el centrado en el número de visita (se explica en el citado punto). Por último se añadirá que un trabajo como el realizado en este documento es una fuente de posibles líneas de trabajo futuro, tanto en la mejora de la aplicación, como en el servidor, incluyendo mejoras de rendimiento conjunto.Along this document a Bachelor Thesis will be described, in which a client-server application is developed with the objective to control the access of individuals into different applications. In particular, the scenario emulated has been the access to a bank account. The access to the application will be controlled by the verification of a fingerprint. The process to differentiate among fingerprints is based on the analysis of the fingerprint ridges. Fingerprint ridges are the parts of the skin that are elevated under the lower zones called valleys. The separation between ridges is about 0,2 – 0,5 mm. The performance of the application is based in the BIAS standard (under final stages of development to generate ISO/IEC 30108), particularly in the 4th level, through which a secure exchange of information between the client and the server can be established. Therefore, the biometric and biographic data collected can be sent and saved in the server for later comparisons. The principal functionality consists of obtaining implementations of the functions for the operations of registering, verification and identification. In addition to the implementation of BIAS, in order to illustrate the functionality, the design of a bank account, has been done, simulating the incoming and withdrawals of money that the client can make, as well as the petitions or changes of information in the account that the client may require. According to BIAS standard, applications can be developed for two or more different scopes. In this case, the one used was the person centric model, that it has been considered as the most interest for the simulated application. In this model, biometric data can be received, added, removed or replaced. In this way the system would save the initial biometric data that are taken from the subject after the enrollment. After this, when the user tries to access the system the new verified data will replaced the older one, so that the system always holds the last valid information. This kind of model is mainly used in access system control due to the fact that it is not necessary a large memory to save data, because it only keeps one sample per user. However as this project will show,, the application has been designed in order to not only work in the person-centric model but also in the encounter –centric model. The work developed in this Bachelor Thesis is part of a research line that provides future works lines, including improvement of the application and the server to optimize performance.Ingeniería de Sistemas de Comunicacione

    Standardization of biometric products and services

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    Biometrija je znanost koja se bavi istraživanjem mogućnosti prepoznavanja osoba na temelju njihovih fizičkih i/ili psiholoških značajki. Mnogi znanstvenici ostavili su značajan trag u povijesti i dali su glavne temelje da bi se biometrija razvila u znanost kakva je nama poznata danas. Brz razvoj i napredak tehnologije doveo je do razvijanja internacionalnih standarda u svim područjima, pa tako i biometriji. Tema ovog rada je Standardizacija biometrijskih proizvoda i usluga. U radu je ukratko prikazan sam pojam biometrije, postojeće karakteristike i njen povijesni razvoj. Veći dio rada predstavlja analiza postojećih standarda u biometriji, a kao praktični dio prikazano je par primjera za korištenje biometrije u Republici Hrvatskoj

    Standardization of biometric products and services

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    Biometrija je znanost koja se bavi istraživanjem mogućnosti prepoznavanja osoba na temelju njihovih fizičkih i/ili psiholoških značajki. Mnogi znanstvenici ostavili su značajan trag u povijesti i dali su glavne temelje da bi se biometrija razvila u znanost kakva je nama poznata danas. Brz razvoj i napredak tehnologije doveo je do razvijanja internacionalnih standarda u svim područjima, pa tako i biometriji. Tema ovog rada je Standardizacija biometrijskih proizvoda i usluga. U radu je ukratko prikazan sam pojam biometrije, postojeće karakteristike i njen povijesni razvoj. Veći dio rada predstavlja analiza postojećih standarda u biometriji, a kao praktični dio prikazano je par primjera za korištenje biometrije u Republici Hrvatskoj


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    Дисертація на здобуття наукового степеня кандидата технічних наук за спеціальностю 05.13.21– системи захисту інформації – Національний авіаційний університет, Київ 2017. Дисертаційна робота присвячена вирішенню важливої науково–технічної задачі розробці методів обробки даних для систем біометричної ідентифікації по біометричним характеристикам ока. Проведено аналіз сучасних підходів, методів, моделей попередньої обробки даних для біометричних систем ідентифікації і аутентифікації по райдужній оболонці ока. Вперше запропоновано підхід в ідентифікації для біометричної системи по райдужн оболонці ока без еталон зображення. Розроблено інтегрально–деференціальний метод локалізації, який дає можливість зменшити обчислювальні витрати при збереженні високої точності методу. Розроблено метод кодування зображення райдужної оболонки ока, який дає можливість кодувати один піксель зображення одним бітом інформації. Запропоновано систему ідентифікації і аутентифікації без еталонного зображення райдужної оболонки ока, використовуючи код райдужки і статистичні критерії з використанням нормованої відстані Хеммінга як міри схожості двох кодів

    Framework for evaluation of multimodal biometric systems

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    Primena biometrijskih tehnologija danas u ljudskom društvu postaje sve češća, gotovo da možemo konstatovati da je ona deo naše svakodnevnice. Prilikom implementacije biometrijske autentikacije, svaki sistem ima svoje zahteve i ograničenja, u zavisnosti od konkretnog scenarija u kojem se sistem koristi. Za odabir odgovarajućeg biometrijskog modaliteta, kao i algoritama za rad sa biometrijskim modalitetom, neophodno je sprovesti odgovarajuću evaluaciju performansi rada biometrijskog sistema. Ipak, ovu evaluaciju nije uvek lako sprovesti, kako za unimodalne, tako i za multimodalne biometrijske sisteme. Čak i kada su dostupne javne baze biometrijskih podataka za evaluaciju algoritama određenog biometrijskog modaliteta, potrebno je prilagoditi rad sistema protokolu testiranja koji konkretna baza definiše. U slučaju multimodalnog pristupa, evaluacija se dodatno komplikuje usled upotrebe različitih algoritama za fuziju informacija. Kako u dostupnoj relevantnoj literaturi nije pronađen detaljan prikaz modela evaluacije multimodalnih biometrijskih sistema, a radi prevazilaženja ovih teškoća, u okviru ovog doktorata definisan je objedinjeni model evaluacije multimodalnih biometrijskih sistema. Za definisanje ovog modela primenjena je MDA (Model Driven Architecture) paradigma. U okviru objedinjenog modela dat je metamodel evaluacije multimodalnih biometrijskih sistema, koji predstavlja svojevrsnu ontologiju pojmova značajnih za ovu oblast. Primenom ovog metamodela, moguće je kreirati modele evaluacije različitih biometrijskih sistema. Na osnovu modela evaluacije multimodalnih biometrijskih sistema kreiran je prototip okvira za evaluaciju multimodalnih biometrijskih sistema. Pomoću predloženog okvira moguća je evaluacija performansi multimodalnog biometrijskog sistema u različitim slučajevima korišćenja. Eksperimentalni rezultati evaluacije nad konkretnom bazom i algoritmima pokazuju da primena okvira skraćuje za četiri puta vreme potrebno za evaluaciju. Razvijena je i nova metoda za analitičko određivanje praga osetljivosti u skladu sa postavljenim parametrima željenog ponašanja sistema. Na kraju, na primeru alata koji je koristio neke od funkcionalnosti okvira, prikazano je kako primena okvira može učiniti efikasnijim proces obrazovanja inženjera u oblasti biometrije.Application of biometric technologies in our contemporary human society is getting more frequent, so we can almost state that biometric technologies are part of our everyday life. When implementing biometric authentication, each system has specific requirements and constraints, which depend on the actual scenario in which the system is being used. In order to choose the adequate biometric modality, and also a fitting algorithm for the chosen modality, it is necessary to perform an evaluation of the biometric system performance. However, this evaluation is not always easy to conduct. This fact is true for both the unimodal and multimodal biometric systems. Even when open biometrics databases are available for evaluation, it is necessary to adapt system to work with testing protocol of the chosen open database. Moreover, if the biometric system uses multiple biometric modalities, evaluation gets even more complicated because of different available fusion algorithms. In order to overcome these difficulties, as there is not a detailed model of multimodal biometric systems available in relevant literature, this thesis presents a unified multimodal biometric systems evaluation model. Presented model is based on MDA (Model Driven Architecture) paradigm. A part of the unified multimodal biometric systems evaluation model is the metamodel of multimodal biometric system evaluation, which represents an ontology of terms used in this domain. Based on unified multimodal biometric systems evaluation model, a prototype framework for multimodal biometrics systems evaluation has been created. By using proposed framework it is possible to evaluate performance of multimodal biometric system in different use cases. Experimental evaluation results based on used database and algorithms show that the use of framework shortens time necessary for evaluation to a quarter of previously required time. Also, a new analytical method for biometric system threshold optimization, based on the predefined desired system behavior was developed. As final, a learning tool based on some of the framework functionalities is used to show how the use of framework can make the process of educating engineers in the field of biometrics more efficient

    Форензички методи у криминалистици : тематски зборник радова

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    Trusted BWI: Privacy and trust enhanced biometric web identities

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    Trusted web identities, which strongly associate a person with a digital identifier or certificate, are an area where biometrics should play a critical role. Balancing usability, security, and privacy is an important issue for any system that captures/stores users ’ information, especially for any biometric-based technology. To support biometric web ser-vices, the Biometric Identity Assurance Services (BIAS) stan-dard was developed and recently approved. BIAS aims to establish standard biometric web services in order to im-prove interoperability and platform independence. Because they involve biometric data, the deployment of BIAS (and biometric web services in general) faces many challenges in terms of privacy, trust and security. They also face com-patibility issues with widely-deployed systems that combine biometric sensors and Trusted Platform Modules (TPM). In order to address these obstacles, we propose an enhanced design of the recently introduced Biocryptographic Key In-frastructure (BKI). The original BKI enhanced the privacy and trust of remote biometric transactions, but, like most ex-isting biometric systems, ignores the trust issues associated with remote enrollment. Our enhanced BKI design addresses this problem of trusted remote biometric enrollment. In ad-dition, the enhanced design also extends the BKI to support biometric sensors with cryptographically secured on-chip biometric matching. Leveraging the new enhanced version of BKI, we propose the Trusted Biometric Web Identities (Trusted-BWI), as privacy and trust-enhanced biometric web services